Space queues have the most players while ground is mere empty. I see ground for people that can't figure they way out in space. It's too easy to just spam buffs with a rifle.
I dare ground PvPers to consider themselves skilled... try going against ships :rolleyes:
In OPVP there are times we do 10vs10 private and many more matches, not everyone is fast enough to join. Try adding +20 to queues then, who has more?
And space PvPers are 22+10, they are in different kind of arenas. So your statement is wrong.
I see ground for people that can't figure they way out in space. It's too easy to just spam buffs with a rifle.
If you think Ground is "just spamming buffs with a rifle", then you need to give it another long hard look. It is actually the other way around, you have FAW + Aux2bat ships flying around in a circle tapping spacebar. In Ground, you have to think fast or you will be dead in under two seconds. Additionally, spamming every ability on your tray will get you KILLED. Ground is actually much more difficult to master than space.
I dare ground PvPers to consider themselves skilled... try going against ships :rolleyes:
Every player that Ground PvPs also Space PvPs. The reverse is not true, many spacers make dumb comments about Ground that aren't even close to accurate.
Uhh........nah this has been talked about sooooo many times. Play ground if you like ground, play space if you like space or if you're like me, play both. They are both fun and I certainly wouldn't dismiss one or the other, but as with everything it's all about what's fun to you. Calling ground players failed space players is ridiculous and unnecessary trolling though.
Space queues have the most players while ground is mere empty. I see ground for people that can't figure they way out in space. It's too easy to just spam buffs with a rifle.
I dare ground PvPers to consider themselves skilled... try going against ships :rolleyes:
In OPVP there are times we do 10vs10 private and many more matches, not everyone is fast enough to join. Try adding +20 to queues then, who has more?
And space PvPers are 22+10, they are in different kind of arenas. So your statement is wrong.
Yea so much skill needed for space lately with all clicky consoles and faw,dem spacebar mashing
Space queues have the most players while ground is mere empty. I see ground for people that can't figure they way out in space. It's too easy to just spam buffs with a rifle.
I dare ground PvPers to consider themselves skilled... try going against ships :rolleyes:
Lol.. I was only a Space player, and now I play more ground due to all the Kirks with A2B pressing space bar and feeling that they were king or even worst, the Romulan Vapers that belive they were god playing an overpower race with overpower ships with overpower items.
Ground balance is bad, and even more since S9, but Space balance is gone beyond repiar.
Please. How is ground more difficult than space? Get a rifle, a shield, an armor and a kit and you're ready to go. In space you need to pick a ship based on its perks and your playstyle, sometimes people even come out with innovative ideas that make them do wonders. You have a build, your own build while other people counter it, and you counter their counters.
Space is Romulans online? You clearly haven't spent so much time having a look at the endless ship list. Of course Romulans are powerful, but their ships aren't an I win button.
FAW + AtB has a sense. If YOU can't use such build without binding everything to spacebar it's your problem. I, for one, have an Excelsior for my tac. Uses double AtB, FAW and Omega but I don't bind everything to spacebar and start destroying keyboard. FAW is on manual, using it to clear from pets, photonic fleet an destructibles; obviously not when there are AAs nearby or I want to focus on a single target.
If you think on what you're doing then AtB isn't stupid anymore.
Cruisers can only use beams effectively, do you really think everyone should ditch FAW because it's multi-target?
Heck, complexity of space is reflected on skill tree, it's way more extensive than ground.
Please. How is ground more difficult than space? Get a rifle, a shield, an armor and a kit and you're ready to go. In space you need to pick a ship based on its perks and your playstyle, sometimes people even come out with innovative ideas that make them do wonders. You have a build, your own build while other people counter it, and you counter their counters.
It's the same for ground, just with different dynamics, being more fast-paced than space. You can't just pick *any* gear and call yourself "ready to go". There are traits, doffs, consumables/devices, even settings into play. Just like space. For things ground-only, there's aim, crouch, roll, jump. Then you pick an armor or set, and tools to go along, based on your playstyle. Just like space. If you are a shield tanker, you go with MACO. If you want dodge and a little boost to offense, you go with Omega. Weapon and damage type also counts. Just like space. Some gear and sets are better for teams, others for solo. And then people will have their own tools and ways to counter all of those. Just like space.
I am a mostly exclusive ground player and I don't go around trolling space players because I've been there, acquired experience, and know how difficult space combat can be. I don't play space because it doesn't suit my personal tastes, not because it's "more" difficult than ground. IMO, you can't really compare the two. I recommend you try some serious ground play so you can have a better opinion of it. Protip: you don't need to be a Caitian.
Bottom line: space and ground each have its perks and can be equally difficult to master.
It's the same for ground, just with different dynamics, being more fast-paced than space. You can't just pick *any* gear and call yourself "ready to go". There are traits, doffs, consumables/devices, even settings into play. Just like space. For things ground-only, there's aim, crouch, roll, jump. Then you pick an armor or set, and tools to go along, based on your playstyle. Just like space. If you are a shield tanker, you go with MACO. If you want dodge and a little boost to offense, you go with Omega. Weapon and damage type also counts. Just like space. Some gear and sets are better for teams, others for solo. And then people will have their own tools and ways to counter all of those. Just like space.
I am a mostly exclusive ground player and I don't go around trolling space players because I've been there, acquired experience, and know how difficult space combat can be. I don't play space because it doesn't suit my personal tastes, not because it's "more" difficult than ground. IMO, you can't really compare the two. I recommend you try some serious ground play so you can have a better opinion of it. Protip: you don't need to be a Caitian.
Bottom line: space and ground each have its perks and can be equally difficult to master.
Well this is the most sensated post I've seen so far in this thread, other replies were full of hatred of people frustrated about space PvP and doom it as broken beyond repair.
I tried going ground PvP, acquired some knowledge before diving in, had a full MACO set and consumables equipped. I knew what crouch, aim and stuff did, but seeing caitians jumping on top of buildings and zapping around you was so frustrating I gave up and returned to space, where I'm much more happy and yields to greater satisfaction in my opinion.
Still, the OP can't say ground is more populated because it clearly isn't, OPVP is a confirmation and looking at queues you always find someone who's playing space.
He couldn't even sum 22+10 because that would have resulted in passing his 26. That was just lame.
Still, the OP can't say ground is more populated because it clearly isn't, OPVP is a confirmation and looking at queues you always find someone who's playing space.
He couldn't even sum 22+10 because that would have resulted in passing his 26. That was just lame.
Well when you put it that way i forgot that cryptic separated the que and i saw the 22 + 10 and didn't think nothing of it as i saw 26 for ground (i seriously thought the 2 space ques were joined )
Space queues have the most players while ground is mere empty. I see ground for people that can't figure they way out in space. It's too easy to just spam buffs with a rifle.
I dare ground PvPers to consider themselves skilled... try going against ships :rolleyes:
In OPVP there are times we do 10vs10 private and many more matches, not everyone is fast enough to join. Try adding +20 to queues then, who has more?
And space PvPers are 22+10, they are in different kind of arenas. So your statement is wrong.
If you think Ground is "just spamming buffs with a rifle", then you need to give it another long hard look. It is actually the other way around, you have FAW + Aux2bat ships flying around in a circle tapping spacebar. In Ground, you have to think fast or you will be dead in under two seconds. Additionally, spamming every ability on your tray will get you KILLED. Ground is actually much more difficult to master than space.
Every player that Ground PvPs also Space PvPs. The reverse is not true, many spacers make dumb comments about Ground that aren't even close to accurate.
--->Ground Combat General Bugs Directory
Real join date: March 2012 / PvP Veteran since May 2012 (Ground and Space)
Vanilla Ground PvP information
And space is Romulans Online.
Lol.. I was only a Space player, and now I play more ground due to all the Kirks with A2B pressing space bar and feeling that they were king or even worst, the Romulan Vapers that belive they were god playing an overpower race with overpower ships with overpower items.
Ground balance is bad, and even more since S9, but Space balance is gone beyond repiar.
Division Hispana
Space is Romulans online? You clearly haven't spent so much time having a look at the endless ship list. Of course Romulans are powerful, but their ships aren't an I win button.
FAW + AtB has a sense. If YOU can't use such build without binding everything to spacebar it's your problem. I, for one, have an Excelsior for my tac. Uses double AtB, FAW and Omega but I don't bind everything to spacebar and start destroying keyboard. FAW is on manual, using it to clear from pets, photonic fleet an destructibles; obviously not when there are AAs nearby or I want to focus on a single target.
If you think on what you're doing then AtB isn't stupid anymore.
Cruisers can only use beams effectively, do you really think everyone should ditch FAW because it's multi-target?
Heck, complexity of space is reflected on skill tree, it's way more extensive than ground.
It's the same for ground, just with different dynamics, being more fast-paced than space. You can't just pick *any* gear and call yourself "ready to go". There are traits, doffs, consumables/devices, even settings into play. Just like space. For things ground-only, there's aim, crouch, roll, jump. Then you pick an armor or set, and tools to go along, based on your playstyle. Just like space. If you are a shield tanker, you go with MACO. If you want dodge and a little boost to offense, you go with Omega. Weapon and damage type also counts. Just like space. Some gear and sets are better for teams, others for solo. And then people will have their own tools and ways to counter all of those. Just like space.
I am a mostly exclusive ground player and I don't go around trolling space players because I've been there, acquired experience, and know how difficult space combat can be. I don't play space because it doesn't suit my personal tastes, not because it's "more" difficult than ground. IMO, you can't really compare the two. I recommend you try some serious ground play so you can have a better opinion of it. Protip: you don't need to be a Caitian.
Bottom line: space and ground each have its perks and can be equally difficult to master.
STO Screenshot Archive
Well this is the most sensated post I've seen so far in this thread, other replies were full of hatred of people frustrated about space PvP and doom it as broken beyond repair.
I tried going ground PvP, acquired some knowledge before diving in, had a full MACO set and consumables equipped. I knew what crouch, aim and stuff did, but seeing caitians jumping on top of buildings and zapping around you was so frustrating I gave up and returned to space, where I'm much more happy and yields to greater satisfaction in my opinion.
Still, the OP can't say ground is more populated because it clearly isn't, OPVP is a confirmation and looking at queues you always find someone who's playing space.
He couldn't even sum 22+10 because that would have resulted in passing his 26. That was just lame.
''The most disgusting ship you can ever see in the universe. Yes. Truly.''
Someone random
Well when you put it that way i forgot that cryptic separated the que and i saw the 22 + 10 and didn't think nothing of it as i saw 26 for ground (i seriously thought the 2 space ques were joined
Only some people use FAW, mostly bad pugs.
None of the good teams in space use FAW. Consoles are on long cooldowns and can't be spammed.
Ground in this game is slow as **** compared to the ground I've played.