Due to the films coming out soon, the EU range of books are being made non canon from the sound of it with it being cherry picked to fit now.
Where does it leave books like Heir to the Empire trilogy, X-Wing Rogue/Wraith squadron as they no longer fit into the scheme of things.
Sad sad days ahead
I have kind if a malicious pleasure with that.
After all... I can't count how many Star Wars fan, especially extended universe fans were like " why do you complain about the jar jar films, they are so great. Look at our Star Wars canon that can handle that much better"
Now they get their franchise ruined by the very same idio... person...
It's going to be hard enough for them to make good sequels to the original trilogy. It would be even harder, probably impossible, to make good sequels to the original trilogy which are also consisted with the EU stuff, which 90% of the moviegoers haven't read.
Among the many, many problems the prequels had was the fact that they had to build towards a predetermined "ending" (the beginning of Episode IV). The whole thing became an exercise in connecting the dots, rather than an exercise in telling a story which wasn't excruciatingly awful.
If you love the EU stuff, it's not going anywhere. You can still revisit it any time.
But it's better this way.
The prequels to me were a disaster of epic proportions led by a man who's only thoughts were of money and making Jar JaARGHHHHHHHHHH MUST RAGE!!!!!!, Gungans, really bad droids wooden characters and movies with more plot holes than a sieve
Yes but he also had no one that would tell him no.
Has there been any reliable info on the plots/characters? All I've seen are rumours.
Lucasfilm may have kept a stranglehold on the EU and created a whole cascading ruleset for resolving conflicts and plotholes, but they didn't actually own many rights to characters and locations in the EU and weren't about to go through the huge process and massive expense of licensing it for that purpose, when they're within their legal rights to obliterate any or all of it with additions to what they do own.
JJ Abrams has literally nothing to do with this, and the Disney sale only means it's actually happening and not just getting talked about for years like Lucas did.
And yes, the prequels were constrained by the fact that they were prequels. The story couldn't be taken to anywhere interesting and new, because there was a predetermined conclusion toward which they were forced to strive. It was, IMO, one of the serious issues with ENT as well. Rendering the EU non-canon was perhaps the best decision that could have been made.
And it doesn't make the stories any less valid, any more than, say, John Ford's The Final Reflection was invalidated as a work when Roddenberry took the Klingons in a different direction, or than The Chase right here in these very forums is in any way diminished by taking place in a different STO canon than the official one.
The Prequel trilogy overturned quite a bit of the background lore of the EU. The books had made a number of inaccurate assumptions about the Clone Wars for example. The EU made an effort to try and retcon away some of the discrepancies; but it should simply have been understood at that point that the 'canon' of the EU was not going to be respected if it didn't suit the movie/TV franchise.
Don't get me wrong, I have quite a lot of Star Wars books (including the entire X-Wing series), but their importance relative to the on screen stuff has been greatly exaggerated by fans over the years.
I hope the new movies show Boba Fett as the incompetent punk he is, rather than the hyped up MarySue the EU turned him into... :cool:
You know what you've done, don't you? You've doomed us all.
— Sabaton, "Great War"
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George Lucas had said in interviews before, if he were to make any more Star Wars movies that he would not hold himself bound by the parameters of any books, stories, etc. out there, which implies that he didn't consider anything not done by him to be canon anyway.
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The EU stands for "Expanded Universe" a term that didn't exist until Lucas put out Episode 1, and stated that any story not written by him is non-canon. This means that all the books except those written based on his movies have been non-canon for over 15 years now, including the Thrawn Trilogy. (Though Lucas DID take the name for the central governing planet from that series.)Prior to Episode 1, all stories written supposedly had to be passed by Lucas to be published so as to keep within his supposed canon continuity.
The new sequels are supposedly stories he wrote when he first outlined the idea of Star Wars, (though the number of times his story has changed over the years, and how long it took to develop screenplays for the Prequels makes me disbelieve the hype). Star Wars has had Trek style continuity ever since the first Prequel. The new series will be new material that might steal some things from the expanded universe, but will not be based on any books previously published.
And the new prequels will have Even, More, Lensflare!
Honest Movie Trailer for Into Darkness:
And on the plus side, that means the stupid Yuzan Vong stuff would be gone.
I just hope it doesn't mean the books will also go out of print (and ebook) forever. I may have to get my hand on the Thrawn eBooks then, I never read them in the original English.
What I do hope is that someone recognizes the brilliance of a character like Thrawn and re-uses it in the movies. He's probably my favourite villain ever.
Horrible. Big name science Fiction franchises NEVER go through stuff like this usuall as the craetors all have it 100% pre-planned and take everything into account as they film/produce...oh, wait...
Seriously it was just a matter of time - EVERY long running 'franchise' gets to the point where with all the material produced over the years, they start to streamline/retcon, etc. going forward.
- Happens with superheroes like Superman, Batman, Spider-man, the al.
- Happens in Star Trek all the time (for over a decade the animated series was declared 'non-cannon'; but that edict has recently been reversed and over the years, new writers on the post era series (TNG, DS9, VOY, ENT) were taking elements from TAS and writing them into their scripts effectively 'canonizing' elements of TAS anyway.
So, the 'Star Wars' franchise has finally come to the point where they are doing it too because of new films being produced <--- Color me not surprised; and honestly, surprised it took as long as it did for something like this to occur.
From a Star Trek fan to Star Wars fans: Welcome to OUR world (regarding 'canon' that is.) :eek:;)
PWE ARC Drone says: "Your STO forum community as you have known it is ended...Display names are irrelevant...Any further sense of community is irrelevant...Resistance is futile...You will be assimilated..."
My character Tsin'xing
-Leonard Nimoy, RIP
Some "badass"...
Thank god. 6 films and 5 TV series are all you need, at the very least it might stop all that vastly inflated orders of magnitude TRIBBLE the EU comes out with all the time.
Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.
'...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
'...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
'...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek
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Outlines that actually resemble the future product? Not so much. I mean, Vader ended up being Luke's father in a last minute rewrite (depending on who's telling the story it was either just before filming, during filming but before any relevant events were filmed, or literally on set as they were doing the Cloud City duel).
As for Bobba Fett, yeah well cool character but not a bad TRIBBLE. Vader (not prequel) is the definition of a bad TRIBBLE.
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Oh for the love of god say it isn't so.
If this is more rumormongering from that Latin Review page, I'd take it with a large mountain of salt, because they've been full of bull**** scoops for years.
Josh Brolin should play Kyle Katarn.
I could see it.
Though I do agree about Thrawn, he is born from pure awesome-sauce.