The Klingon High Council has come to the decision that the fleet needs to be upgraded to deal with the current threats arrayed against the Empire. Following in line with this decision, a subset of the Empire's best engineers have been tasked with taking the existing D7 and K'Tinga model cruiser designs and upgrading them to a more streamlined and efficient model that emphasizes, in the tradition of the Klingon Empire's best ships, firepower, speed and protection. The original crew compliment will be reduced from 800 down to 575 in order to eliminate unnecessary hull material as well as make room for heavier gauge armor plating, more robust power conduits and more numerous and more powerful weaponry. This new ships shielding capacity will also be enhanced to deal with the increased firepower experienced from a broad range of Empire enemies. This new model will be designated the Koro'tinga. The overall silhouette of the vessel will be similar in appearance to it's D7 and K'tinga predecessors, although slightly more streamlined, which will deceive some enemies into an overconfidence that will benefit the Koro'tinga's commander and crew in battle. It is important to note that any wary enemy will easily detect a noticeable increase in this new designs power signature if thoroughly scanned. The Koro'tinga will be fitted, as was it's D7 and K'tinga predecessors, with the standard Empire cloaking system to enable its presence to remain undetected. All D7 and K'tinga vessel commanders should check in with Empire engineering authorities at Q'onos spacedock to have their vessel scheduled to undergo the necessary refits for this upgrade. K'plah!