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Jem'Hadar Attack Ship or Undine Nicor Bio-Warship?



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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Hey guys I'm lucky enough to have both of these unopened and I'm wondering which one to keep and which one to sell on. I know the Bug is a little beast but I'm also keen to see what you guys think of the new Undine ship and how you think it stacks up with the Bug?

    The bug is probably better served being sold to someone who will use it with their carrier.

    a quick comparison shows that the JHAS handles better (turn, inertia, impulse are all better). The nicor has 1 more weapon, better officer seating, slightly better consoles (subjective but 2/3 vs 1/4 for sci engineering). Mostly I prefer the nicor because of the officers though, quite a variety of builds are possible with it, while the JH has one build, it can never carry a gw or a2b for example....

    also, from a pure greed standpoint, the JH is worth a lot more for, IMHO, inferior performance in every category except movement.
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,973 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    starswordc wrote: »
    Yes, but the least we can do is encourage Cryptic to do things that make ****ing sense.

    Have you not seen The Search For Spock? Or DS9 (Dukat spent a season flying a BOP)? There's a pretty good history of space piracy, aliances, and other uses of "non-faction ships" (see. the romulans and the D7 battlecruiser) throughout this franchise.

    Just make up little stories for each Nicor, Orb-Weaver, or other distressingly not-boring ship you see and you should feel a lot more comfortable with it all.

    Anyway, though the OP already seems to have made his choice I will throw one other ship out there: Fleet Patrol Escort Retrofit. If you pick it up through the C-store discount you'll have something which is almost entirely analogous to the nicor but for a fraction of the price. AND you'll snag a much more usable, more powerful, console out of it.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
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    norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    Les just say the Nicor market is being intentionally dismantled to disrupt the flippers.

    The market has gone from 200 m yesterday to the 150s today.

    I'd expect with my friends it should hit 100-120 by the weekend if not lower.

    The hirogen is a better ship for half the price.

    Must be all over the place. I got one a few weeks back for 120 or 130ish, I forget the exact price. I expect it would go up eventually as the supply dries a bit with a new box, but that really never seems to happen with most ships as the boxes dropped >>>>>>>>>> boxes opened so supply never really clears up before another "drop them all" week hits.
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Context is important, at no point did the Federation used the Klingon Bird-of-prey as a commissioned starship, Dukat Bird-of-Prey was never commissioned as a Cardassian Union ship.
    Well, you're no longer required to use the USS/IKS prefix on alien ships, so there. Also, commissioning captured ships has a longstanding naval tradition, anyway.
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    worgausworgaus Member Posts: 91 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    redz4tw wrote: »
    It's a game. And honestly, I don't see what the big deal is, emurshun was killed for me when i can't do barrel rolls and maneuver any way i want, when the max rank is VA instead of captain.
    Flying an undine ship is no different than flying an elachi ship....

    Captain is a position, like First Officer, Chief Engineer, helmsman, and Chief of Security, which is independent of rank. An admiral can be a captain and so can an ensign. It probably doesn't help the confusion that there is a rank of Captain as well. But the max rank in Starfleet is Admiral, so why would that bother you? Kirk was eventually promoted to Admiral in the movies, did you find that upsetting as well?
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    duncanidaho11duncanidaho11 Member Posts: 7,973 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Well apparently you have not since its the Enterprise on that movie, "Voyage Home" is the one that you are looking for BTW ...

    Both are appropriate but its in the third movie they capture the bloody thing. Personally I think that takes precidence in the citation (though of course you're free to split this hair however you like in your own posts.)

    Context is important, at no point did the Federation used the Klingon Bird-of-prey as a commissioned starship, Dukat Bird-of-Prey was never commissioned as a Cardassian Union ship.

    Sure the is a history of using captured ships, Sisko used a Jem Hadar Attack Ship as well but they were NEVER commissioned as part of the Fleet.

    The US even brought some MiG-29s, doesnt mean the US Air Force is one the MiG-29 users.

    The D-7 were brought by the Romulans and operated by the Romulans but that is a specific situation that was addressed.

    Can you even call these shipped commissioned beyond using the USS/IKS/RRW prefix (which seems to me to be much of an affectation than a command decision.) They are only available through special channels, not the main shipyards (which do incoprorate ships from other species that HAVE been officially commissioned), and without any clear backstory for why your captain might have been able to snag a Tholian carrier (besides that cute description about the lobi consortium) you're entirely free to project whatever you want. That's the magic of STO, if you want to be cute about that one too, and though that might not be the way you'd spec out your captain you can't find fault in those that would (since it is a personal decision, you don't factor into it except in so far as you live in the same world and lets not get into a basic civil rights discussoin about how that isn't enough for you to start imposing your point of view onto other players with anything like this argument that cyptic shouldn't provide more ships the fans want to fly for their video game.)
    The exception stops being the exception and became the rule when it becomes the rule, if everyone made their "little stories" to justify having a non-faction ship what we would have would be the lack of Faction identity, it would be a rag-tag of "not-uniques" flying around being Federation and Klingon ships, the only faction that would maintain its identity would be the Romulans.

    A lack of faction identity isn't even in question here. Sure, a lot of people use lockbox ships but faction ships are still a hell of a lot more accessible to the general population and some of the best ships in the game are still fleet versions of c-store ships (ex. Kumari, Tempest, Scimitar, ect.). It would be nice if cryptic released some stats but I think its safe to say that the fleet around ESD is still recongizably federation. Fixating on the exceptions might be your problem here.
    Bipedal mammal and senior Foundry author.
    Notable missions: Apex [AEI], Gemini [SSF], Trident [AEI], Evolution's Smile [SSF], Transcendence
    Looking for something new to play? I've started building Foundry missions again in visual novel form!
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    belidosbelidos Member Posts: 452 Arc User
    edited July 2014
    f2pdrakron wrote: »
    Well apparently you have not since its the Enterprise on that movie, "Voyage Home" is the one that you are looking for BTW ...

    So did I imagine the last 20 minutes of Search for Spock, you know that insignificant part where Kirk tricks Kruge into beaming the enterprise crew up to his ship and then kicks his TRIBBLE, steals the ship and heads off to Vulcan?

    No I didn't, as it shows in this clip here ...

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