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Question about reputation armour unlock

turbionturbion Member Posts: 85 Arc User
edited April 2014 in The Academy
Hello all,

I've got the MACO and KHG MK XI sets on two characters and I was wondering if it's worth getting the MK XII ones. I'm mostly interested in the visuals, so would I get more customization options if I go with the MK XII sets? I know you get the helmet and the KHG set also has access to a cape, right? Other than that, do I get anything else?

Thanks in advance.
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  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The only thing is "worthy" are the visuals of the sets. Only that. There is not really a "BIG" difference between mk XI and mk XII. I mean, there is a difference but not to high to waste so many time and efforst on it. Now if you want the visuals of the armor, you need to work for em, doing stfs to gather neural processors or watever. But honeslty, i gathered the maco XII shield and the engines and i just stoped there. Because i didnt want the visuals of the armor (i prefer by far the dyson ones), and i realized it was not sense to keep doing stfs just to gather the best equipment.. lol, its stupid.

    Pd: I dunno what "cape" yo u talking about, as far as i know you only get the helmet, the upper part and the lower part of the armor. I guess the "cape" you are talking about is the klingon version, the honor guard set. But of course you didnt say if your character is fed or klingon... and i never got to gather the klingon version of the maco visuals, so i cant be sure about that. I also thing the "cape" is a veteran reward...
  • turbionturbion Member Posts: 85 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thanks for the reply; I had a feeling there's not much difference between the sets, so I'll probably save the dilithium for the Undine reputation armour.
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