Looking at the release notes for the patch, you guys seem to be under a narrow view of what's wrong with the game since Season 9 release. (See Bugs) Highly disappointing as either this means you really are blind to what's seriously wrong or this will be one day at a time, one patch at a time, huge chunks of time taken up by each patch.
You are aware that in computer programming code, bugs can be caused by countless factors and code errors and that it takes time to find them and then patch them? There is no magic wand for bug fixing in computer software, some take longer than others.
or this will be one day at a time, one patch at a time, huge chunks of time taken up by each patch.
That's exactly how it works and thats how they have done it for years. what other solution to do realistically propose?
they cant fix everything in the first day. so they can either fix it over a number of days as quickly as they can, or wait and leave everything buggy until one big patch much later.
neither is ideal but its better to fix as much as they can for the sake of losing a couple of hours each day than leave everything a mess.
Well, the new Battlezone is badly bugged for starters, making zones utterly uncompleteable.
Not to mention that Undine Assault Elite is also nigh-impossible post Trait Nerf.
Are you surprised at all? Its the same old story with cryptic. Dozens of bugs have been reported since some of the content went live on tribble yet nothing has been looked at in detail. It's cryptic all over, "push things through and we'll sort some issues out later". Their QA and beta testing is nothing more than a joke. The people they hand the testing too are not those that will pull everything apart and test it properly but those that spend most of their time with their lips locked to a Dev's back side!
But I disagree with your comment on the Undine Assault Elite. I've gotten through it quiet a few times without issue.
Not to mention that Undine Assault Elite is also nigh-impossible post Trait Nerf.
Ah, that one I played yesterday. We did beat it, but it was quite the chore. Though I assumed that it was due to everyone doing it for the first time. We all did one lane with 5 people and then it took 10 minutes for everyone to get that they had to start over the other lanes from the start, which were by that point swarmed with 50 Undine ships. So that was a real sludge. And the endboss was also pretty ridiculous.
So yeah, I think I can definitely agree that that mission needs a look at. Didn't try the battlezone yet, after reading your post, maybe I should wait a bit until I do...
Wasn't this stuff on Tribble for a while? It's indeed sad if those bugs are as bad as everyone is saying.
Are you surprised at all? Its the same old story with cryptic. Dozens of bugs have been reported since some of the content went live on tribble yet nothing has been looked at in detail. It's cryptic all over, "push things through and we'll sort some issues out later". Their QA and beta testing is nothing more than a joke. The people they hand the testing too are not those that will pull everything apart and test it properly but those that spend most of their time with their lips locked to a Dev's back side!
But I disagree with your comment on the Undine Assault Elite. I've gotten through it quiet a few times without issue.
Of course you have. You are the all-singing-all-dancing mister I-don't-need-no-stinkin-ATB, two man STF extraordinaire. You can do anything.
Looking at the release notes for the patch, you guys seem to be under a narrow view of what's wrong with the game since Season 9 release. (See Bugs) Highly disappointing as either this means you really are blind to what's seriously wrong or this will be one day at a time, one patch at a time, huge chunks of time taken up by each patch.
Good luck with that.
This is weak, I've seen better trollposts from 1st time posters on reddit. Work on yourself mate.
Traits didn't exist before season 7 introducing omega rep, if you need to rely on them now then your build needs to be revisited(I am sick of hearing a balance change that actually buffed most of the traits function a nerf)
In regards to the actual season launch, this is the smoothest i've seen from them, anyone remember season 5's weekly server outages? or the logon queues from 6 and 7 that took hours on launch day? no, it's not perfect, it'd have been better had their been a tribble test weekend and then the launch, but they've done a lot worse so give them a point or two for improvement?
love how some people forget most of these new things have been live on tribble for some time and bugs were reported. yet its released buggy anyways. so to you fanbois its not just been one day. they have had some time.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
love how some people forget most of these new things have been live on tribble for some time and bugs were reported. yet its released buggy anyways. so to you fanbois its not just been one day. they have had some time.
How many of the bugged seasons will it take to get through the thick skull o' yours ? Has Cryptic ever released anything that wasn't utterly broken despite the bugs being tested and reported on Tribble?
Chill out, take few days off sooner or later most stuff will work. As someone who never put a dime in the hands of the chinese owners I can say I'm content the game functions as much as I've paid for it.
I disagree that all of their features are broken; I'd estimate about 80-90% of it works. It's just glaring when it doesn't. For example, they heavily played up the new Undine Battlezone, and that's a stalled mess.
I'm pretty sure their QA is of the 'works on my system, not sure what your problem is' variety, though. Look at how long it took to fix the false Red Alerts...about a year after launch! They only had ONE Tholian Red Alert, and released how many patches before getting around to it?
Not trying to be sarcastic. I haven't played since season 8 and just played a few hours yesterday and didn't notice any major problems.
Live Long And Suck It. - Wil Weaton
Well, the new Battlezone is badly bugged for starters, making zones utterly uncompleteable.
Not to mention that Undine Assault Elite is also nigh-impossible post Trait Nerf.
That's exactly how it works and thats how they have done it for years. what other solution to do realistically propose?
they cant fix everything in the first day. so they can either fix it over a number of days as quickly as they can, or wait and leave everything buggy until one big patch much later.
neither is ideal but its better to fix as much as they can for the sake of losing a couple of hours each day than leave everything a mess.
Are you surprised at all? Its the same old story with cryptic. Dozens of bugs have been reported since some of the content went live on tribble yet nothing has been looked at in detail. It's cryptic all over, "push things through and we'll sort some issues out later". Their QA and beta testing is nothing more than a joke. The people they hand the testing too are not those that will pull everything apart and test it properly but those that spend most of their time with their lips locked to a Dev's back side!
But I disagree with your comment on the Undine Assault Elite. I've gotten through it quiet a few times without issue.
Ah, that one I played yesterday. We did beat it, but it was quite the chore. Though I assumed that it was due to everyone doing it for the first time. We all did one lane with 5 people and then it took 10 minutes for everyone to get that they had to start over the other lanes from the start, which were by that point swarmed with 50 Undine ships. So that was a real sludge. And the endboss was also pretty ridiculous.
So yeah, I think I can definitely agree that that mission needs a look at. Didn't try the battlezone yet, after reading your post, maybe I should wait a bit until I do...
Wasn't this stuff on Tribble for a while? It's indeed sad if those bugs are as bad as everyone is saying.
Of course you have. You are the all-singing-all-dancing mister I-don't-need-no-stinkin-ATB, two man STF extraordinaire. You can do anything.
Valdus | Charn | Costello | Typhus | Thyran
In regards to the actual season launch, this is the smoothest i've seen from them, anyone remember season 5's weekly server outages? or the logon queues from 6 and 7 that took hours on launch day? no, it's not perfect, it'd have been better had their been a tribble test weekend and then the launch, but they've done a lot worse so give them a point or two for improvement?
How many of the bugged seasons will it take to get through the thick skull o' yours ? Has Cryptic ever released anything that wasn't utterly broken despite the bugs being tested and reported on Tribble?
Chill out, take few days off sooner or later most stuff will work. As someone who never put a dime in the hands of the chinese owners I can say I'm content the game functions as much as I've paid for it.
I'm pretty sure their QA is of the 'works on my system, not sure what your problem is' variety, though. Look at how long it took to fix the false Red Alerts...about a year after launch! They only had ONE Tholian Red Alert, and released how many patches before getting around to it?