Are undine weapons affected by antiproton tactical consols, or plasma, or some wierd dmg type like proton?
Are fleets going to get upgraded consols to address the new dmg types?
What changes have been made to the New Romulan and Reman sets? how have they been improved? Is it enough to off set the Borg sets?
Are their Any "secrets" anyone would like to voice (might be common knowledge in your circle)
An example being that the suliban Ship Can transwarp basically everywhere, Has access to Nearly All the missions no matter its location, And it has its own private mission sets which take 5 days and reward Amazing Duty officers (they can be any race, and any stat as far as I know)
Is their a "rate of fire" in the game mechanics? IE Higher fire rate = less damage per bolt or beam, and more attacks per second, or Lower fire rate = High damage per bolt or beam, and Less attacks per second.
I've ran into some purple doff abilities that weren't even for sale in the exchange, is their a comprehensive list of abilities listed anywhere thats up to date?
Is their anything disadventagous for using same weapon types and different procs? like Elachi, regular disruptor, nanite disruptor, and a polarized disruptor, etc Speaking of which, why do we Not rainbow beam? or cannon for that matter?
Any new dps meters out there? UI mods we won't get the ban stick for, Maybe an auctioneer for the exchange (old mod for wow)?
Best Proc chances? on crit 25% chance to inflict x, or 2.5% to inflict x? And for that matter whats everyones favorite proc?
whats your favorite Gear set ups? mine so far is 2 pieces Honor gaurd set, Romulan engines, (shields don't matter to a romulan with high damage and and a valadores consol-No elite shield reasoning) What universal consols? what do u sacrefice to pump up x?
Are undine weapons affected by antiproton tactical consols, or plasma, or some wierd dmg type like proton?
I could be wrong, but I think the Undines weapons will be phaser or disruptor, since the set is giving a damage boost for this kind of damage.
Are fleets going to get upgraded consols to address the new dmg types?
If you speak about proton damage, then probably no. Proton is a proc damage, and not the main damage, unless for the unique sci destroyer front gun. And it is boosted by the rep console, which also increase the main damage of the weapon (polaron).
What changes have been made to the New Romulan and Reman sets? how have they been improved? Is it enough to off set the Borg sets?
Don't really know. And I don't think so. Then, they are not similar in design. The borg set is tank heavy, the Romulan set is not.
Are their Any "secrets" anyone would like to voice (might be common knowledge in your circle)
An example being that the suliban Ship Can transwarp basically everywhere, Has access to Nearly All the missions no matter its location, And it has its own private mission sets which take 5 days and reward Amazing Duty officers (they can be any race, and any stat as far as I know)
Well, if it's common secret for us, we will not know if it's a secret for you
Oh secrets :
ACC overflow (when you have more than necessary to hit the target) is converted into CTRH and CTRD.
[DMG] mod is (usually) considered as "bad". However, anything crit related is very good. Or accuracy related for PVP.
Dual cannons are useless. Dual heavy cannons are better in almost every way.
Is their a "rate of fire" in the game mechanics? IE Higher fire rate = less damage per bolt or beam, and more attacks per second, or Lower fire rate = High damage per bolt or beam, and Less attacks per second.
There is. But you can't change it. Basically, for energy weapons, some fire faster than others. For example, the dual cannons fire faster than dual heavy cannons. The torp and mines ROF is related to the damage type, and also vary with some unique weapons (rom plasma torp launcher for example).
I've ran into some purple doff abilities that weren't even for sale in the exchange, is their a comprehensive list of abilities listed anywhere thats up to date?
STO wiki have a lot of abilities listed, but not all. For the past 2 lockbox, a dev made a post listing the new abilities, but you'll have to google it, I'm afraid.
Is their anything disadventagous for using same weapon types and different procs? like Elachi, regular disruptor, nanite disruptor, and a polarized disruptor, etc Speaking of which, why do we Not rainbow beam? or cannon for that matter?
Only advantages. To increase your DPS, you use tac console (amongst other things). Those consoles always give a larger bonus to damage type than to weapon type. So using full plasma (for example) will allow more damage bonus than using a rainbow beam boat.
Also, for every damage type, there is (or will be for phaser) a set that will boost the damage. Jem'hadar set for polaron, rom rep for plasma... And sometime, you also have a universal console that help (fleet embassy for plasma).
Any new dps meters out there? UI mods we won't get the ban stick for, Maybe an auctioneer for the exchange (old mod for wow)?
Yes, there is a dedicated STO parser that work very well. You can have it in german or english.
Download here.
Best Proc chances? on crit 25% chance to inflict x, or 2.5% to inflict x? And for that matter whats everyones favorite proc?
whats your favorite Gear set ups? mine so far is 2 pieces Honor gaurd set, Romulan engines, (shields don't matter to a romulan with high damage and and a valadores consol-No elite shield reasoning) What universal consols? what do u sacrefice to pump up x?
That's subject to a lot of debate. Basically use what you like. And make a set according to this choice. For example, you like plasma, so you take the embassy console and the rom rep weapon set to increase the damage.
In the end, the difference is not huge between a good proc and a bad one.
Basically : Tetryon : proc limited to shield, pretty weak, and quite useless against hull. But then, it's blue, and I like blue. Set : Nukara weapon set Disruptor : proc is effective, increasing everyone's DPS, KDF fleet disruptor also debuff the shield (I think), making them more deadly. Set : elachi (silent enemy), and soon, Undines (if it stay that way) Polaron : proc is used on some shutdown build, but other than that, it's limited. Jem'hadar ship + set have an additional bonus (proc for removing buffs). Jem'hadar set for DPS. Antiproton : not a proc, but a row increase in CTRD. Which mean more DPS. Voth AP doesn't have this bonus, but a proc to debuff enemy damage, which is more limited (DPS>tank). Works very well with a lot of CTRH (romulan space traits, fleet tac console...). Obelisk set for DPS. Phaser : proc is sometimes effective, mostly in PvP. In pve a lot of targets are simply immune to it. No set ATM, but the Undines set have a phaser bonus. If it stay that way. Plasma : proc is meh for pve, the overall DPS of the dot is usually low, even with a lot of boosts. Rom weapon set and embassy console increase the DPS, this double DPS increase, along with a no power drain beam (the rom rep experimental plasma beam) make it very interesting.
I thought undine weapons would be Anti-proton or plasma based since the npc versions Tickle the Elite fleet shield proc with plasma and Antiproton Resistance buffs.
Okay New question: what rewards from the story lines are still available...or are they at all? I mean I really want that omni beam. is it or other rewards still available
We will be bringing down the Tribble server for maintenance to apply a new update: ST.40.20140316a.11
[*]Reputation Equipment Improvements: The below changes have been made to help bring these items more in line with equipment found in other reputations.
[*]New Romulus
Pieces of both the Romulan and Reman Space Sets can now be used interchangably to obtain the same Set Bonuses!
Reman/Romulan Set Shield:
Removed all Regen bonus mods, replaced with Capacity. Capacity and Regen now match on both shields.
Added 20% Disruptor Resistance to Reman Shield, and 20% Phaser Resistance to Romulan Shield
Moved 3pc Set Bonus, Covariant Capacitance Cell, to both Shields as a passive triggered bonus.
This bonus is unchanged, other than how it is now obtained.
Reman/Romulan Set Impulse Engine:
Added a passive effect to both Engines: While at Full Impulse, your shields regenerate much faster
Reman/Romulan Set Deflector Dish:
No changes.
Reman/Romulan Space Set Bonuses:
New 3pc Bonus: "Capacitance Transfer"
CLICK to activate: For 15 seconds, you gain Shield Resistance and your energy weapons leech Shields from foes to heal your own.
Okay New question: what rewards from the story lines are still available...or are they at all? I mean I really want that omni beam. is it or other rewards still available
Should most all still be available. The Omni beam is definitely still available.
Are their Any "secrets" anyone would like to voice (might be common knowledge in your circle)
An example being that the suliban Ship Can transwarp basically everywhere, Has access to Nearly All the missions no matter its location, And it has its own private mission sets which take 5 days and reward Amazing Duty officers (they can be any race, and any stat as far as I know)
As I don't own one, I can't speak to transwarp abilities, but according to the wiki, it has exploration clusters as preset destinations, not "everywhere". While I don't own one, I have had many invites to get the 5-day (Tau Dewa Aid) missions, which do offer purple DOffs on crit, but they are always Suliban. As far as access to "every mission"? Not that I've noticed.
Everyone sacrifices y to pump up x. Biggest secret to the game (at least to the whiners who want x, y AND z): You can't have it all, there are choices you need to make.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
I thought undine weapons would be Anti-proton or plasma based since the npc versions Tickle the Elite fleet shield proc with plasma and Antiproton Resistance buffs.
The reputation coming is 8472 Counter-Command, so the rep weapons are phasers/disruptors to represent Starfleet/the Empire upgrading their standard weapons to fight the Undine.
However, there's an Undine lockbox coming, that's going to have Undine Antiproton weapons inside, I think.
As I don't own one, I can't speak to transwarp abilities, but according to the wiki, it has exploration clusters as preset destinations, not "everywhere". While I don't own one, I have had many invites to get the 5-day (Tau Dewa Aid) missions, which do offer purple DOffs on crit, but they are always Suliban. As far as access to "every mission"? Not that I've noticed.
Or were you just making up secrets as an example?
Everyone sacrifices y to pump up x. Biggest secret to the game (at least to the whiners who want x, y AND z): You can't have it all, there are choices you need to make.
thanks for your....helpful post?
Yeah I don't know much about the suliban cell ship, other then the handful of times I've been invited aboard them either. I was just relaying what I was told, and was basically wondering if there where any other "hidden" things out their I wouldn't ever think about doing or getting unless I had stumbled acrossed it like this ship. (its no good in a fight so why would I want it? well apprently their are "perks")lol
And I refuse to believe I can't have it all. I'm American.
And I own a Zelously over powered scimtar. I do have it all.
Yeah I don't know much about the suliban cell ship, other then the handful of times I've been invited aboard them either. I was just relaying what I was told...
...and was basically wondering if there where any other "hidden" things out their I wouldn't ever think about doing or getting unless I had stumbled acrossed it like this ship. (its no good in a fight so why would I want it? well apprently their are "perks")lol
Wouldn't you have been disappointed if you had bought the ship (which is going for ~75 mil ECs right now) and found out half the stuff you mentioned as a perk were only marginally true? Granted, it IS a convenient ship, and I will probably own one someday, but still...
And I refuse to believe I can't have it all. I'm American.
And I own a Zelously over powered scimtar. I do have it all.
Yeah? I'm American, too. North or South? I'm guessing North. Canada, U.S., or Mexico? Some give those of us from the U.S. a bad name because they think they can have it all, while most of us realize it isn't actually true. Maybe you're from Peru?
If you have to ask all this, I bet there are some who'd blow your Scimitar out of the sky with a t2 Connie refit. Just sayin'...
Before you ask, there are entire sections of the forums dedicated to how. I'd really recommend reading up. Come to think of it, since many players don't frequent the forums, I'd have to say that really IS the best secret in the game: the wealth of info available from the forums. Read around, don't expect all the answers delivered to your thread.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
What a creepily aggressive post to some stranger you've never met.
Reread it from another perspective, if you can. It's pretty creepy and your "points" amount to an utter waste of your time. Maybe next time just shrug and move on instead of feeling the need to nonsensically correct someone in a hostile manner?
What a creepily aggressive post to some stranger you've never met.
Reread it from another perspective, if you can. It's pretty creepy and your "points" amount to an utter waste of your time. Maybe next time just shrug and move on instead of feeling the need to nonsensically correct someone in a hostile manner?
Yeah, I picked up on the negative vibe, and the elitist protocol.
Now I'm not gonna lie, and say he didn't have a valid point about simply putting out a post and fishing for others to answer my question(s).
But then again im Not gonna read 1000's of posts, go thru out dated posts related to old patches and unchanged wiki's that havn't been even re-read in 2 seasons.
2 people above replied perfectly. I got my answers ... this guy's "advice" amounted to ... nothing really useful. Kinda reminded me of that wierd sound I get in my ear when my fiance has asked me to take out the garbage and the match at hand seems a lill bit more urgent :P *the sound is being $#%#'ed at*
Ok, I will admit I was having a rough morning when I posted the last post, I apologize for the hostility. I think my point on the cell ship not being what you were told it is is valid, you'd be pi$$ed if you got one thinking it was a magic DOff assignment finder, and all that...
As to being the wierd sound in your ear... I must say, my day has really only gotten worse, but I'm gonna try and stick to some of the advice dolled out in post #10, and simply say this: Really, trying to be helpful, I'd be disappointed if someone let me believe the wrong thing. Really. One more bit of advice: edit your post.
There'll be #*[[ to pay if you fiance reads that. You can say it to me, but you don't have to live with me.
"Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
If you speak about proton damage, then probably no. Proton is a proc damage, and not the main damage, unless for the unique sci destroyer front gun. And it is boosted by the rep console, which also increase the main damage of the weapon (polaron).
Don't really know. And I don't think so. Then, they are not similar in design. The borg set is tank heavy, the Romulan set is not.
Well, if it's common secret for us, we will not know if it's a secret for you
Oh secrets :
ACC overflow (when you have more than necessary to hit the target) is converted into CTRH and CTRD.
[DMG] mod is (usually) considered as "bad". However, anything crit related is very good. Or accuracy related for PVP.
Dual cannons are useless. Dual heavy cannons are better in almost every way.
There is. But you can't change it. Basically, for energy weapons, some fire faster than others. For example, the dual cannons fire faster than dual heavy cannons. The torp and mines ROF is related to the damage type, and also vary with some unique weapons (rom plasma torp launcher for example).
STO wiki have a lot of abilities listed, but not all. For the past 2 lockbox, a dev made a post listing the new abilities, but you'll have to google it, I'm afraid.
Only advantages. To increase your DPS, you use tac console (amongst other things). Those consoles always give a larger bonus to damage type than to weapon type. So using full plasma (for example) will allow more damage bonus than using a rainbow beam boat.
Also, for every damage type, there is (or will be for phaser) a set that will boost the damage. Jem'hadar set for polaron, rom rep for plasma... And sometime, you also have a universal console that help (fleet embassy for plasma).
Yes, there is a dedicated STO parser that work very well. You can have it in german or english.
Download here.
That's subject to a lot of debate. Basically use what you like. And make a set according to this choice. For example, you like plasma, so you take the embassy console and the rom rep weapon set to increase the damage.
In the end, the difference is not huge between a good proc and a bad one.
Basically :
Tetryon : proc limited to shield, pretty weak, and quite useless against hull. But then, it's blue, and I like blue. Set : Nukara weapon set
Disruptor : proc is effective, increasing everyone's DPS, KDF fleet disruptor also debuff the shield (I think), making them more deadly. Set : elachi (silent enemy), and soon, Undines (if it stay that way)
Polaron : proc is used on some shutdown build, but other than that, it's limited. Jem'hadar ship + set have an additional bonus (proc for removing buffs). Jem'hadar set for DPS.
Antiproton : not a proc, but a row increase in CTRD. Which mean more DPS. Voth AP doesn't have this bonus, but a proc to debuff enemy damage, which is more limited (DPS>tank). Works very well with a lot of CTRH (romulan space traits, fleet tac console...). Obelisk set for DPS.
Phaser : proc is sometimes effective, mostly in PvP. In pve a lot of targets are simply immune to it. No set ATM, but the Undines set have a phaser bonus. If it stay that way.
Plasma : proc is meh for pve, the overall DPS of the dot is usually low, even with a lot of boosts. Rom weapon set and embassy console increase the DPS, this double DPS increase, along with a no power drain beam (the rom rep experimental plasma beam) make it very interesting.
I thought undine weapons would be Anti-proton or plasma based since the npc versions Tickle the Elite fleet shield proc with plasma and Antiproton Resistance buffs.
Okay New question: what rewards from the story lines are still available...or are they at all? I mean I really want that omni beam. is it or other rewards still available
Answer below since the last person that posted doesn't read enough. These will be the S9 changes to the Romulan/Reman sets.
Should most all still be available. The Omni beam is definitely still available.
Or were you just making up secrets as an example?
Everyone sacrifices y to pump up x. Biggest secret to the game (at least to the whiners who want x, y AND z): You can't have it all, there are choices you need to make.
The reputation coming is 8472 Counter-Command, so the rep weapons are phasers/disruptors to represent Starfleet/the Empire upgrading their standard weapons to fight the Undine.
However, there's an Undine lockbox coming, that's going to have Undine Antiproton weapons inside, I think.
thanks for your....helpful post?
Yeah I don't know much about the suliban cell ship, other then the handful of times I've been invited aboard them either. I was just relaying what I was told, and was basically wondering if there where any other "hidden" things out their I wouldn't ever think about doing or getting unless I had stumbled acrossed it like this ship. (its no good in a fight so why would I want it? well apprently their are "perks")lol
And I refuse to believe I can't have it all. I'm American.
And I own a Zelously over powered scimtar. I do have it all.
Honestly, I address the portion of the OP that nobody else touched, with actually helpful info and you sound...
Dubiously appreciative? Well, you were told wrong. Wouldn't you have been disappointed if you had bought the ship (which is going for ~75 mil ECs right now) and found out half the stuff you mentioned as a perk were only marginally true? Granted, it IS a convenient ship, and I will probably own one someday, but still...
So, you are welcome.
Yeah? I'm American, too. North or South? I'm guessing North. Canada, U.S., or Mexico? Some give those of us from the U.S. a bad name because they think they can have it all, while most of us realize it isn't actually true. Maybe you're from Peru?
If you have to ask all this, I bet there are some who'd blow your Scimitar out of the sky with a t2 Connie refit. Just sayin'...
Before you ask, there are entire sections of the forums dedicated to how. I'd really recommend reading up. Come to think of it, since many players don't frequent the forums, I'd have to say that really IS the best secret in the game: the wealth of info available from the forums. Read around, don't expect all the answers delivered to your thread.
Reread it from another perspective, if you can. It's pretty creepy and your "points" amount to an utter waste of your time. Maybe next time just shrug and move on instead of feeling the need to nonsensically correct someone in a hostile manner?
Now I'm not gonna lie, and say he didn't have a valid point about simply putting out a post and fishing for others to answer my question(s).
But then again im Not gonna read 1000's of posts, go thru out dated posts related to old patches and unchanged wiki's that havn't been even re-read in 2 seasons.
2 people above replied perfectly. I got my answers
Ok, I will admit I was having a rough morning when I posted the last post, I apologize for the hostility. I think my point on the cell ship not being what you were told it is is valid, you'd be pi$$ed if you got one thinking it was a magic DOff assignment finder, and all that...
As to being the wierd sound in your ear... I must say, my day has really only gotten worse, but I'm gonna try and stick to some of the advice dolled out in post #10, and simply say this: Really, trying to be helpful, I'd be disappointed if someone let me believe the wrong thing. Really. One more bit of advice: edit your post.
There'll be #*[[ to pay if you fiance reads that. You can say it to me, but you don't have to live with me.
its cool.