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Mogh, Guramba, Bortasqu

ibreakbonesibreakbones Member Posts: 55 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Klingon Discussion
I am always looking for that "next great ship". I also like people's opinion (providing it is mature).

First the c-store claims that the Bortasqu Tactical's autocannon is the most powerful weapon in the fleet. Is this true? I have yet to see anyone actually use it.

I saw a youtube vid on the Guramba and I really want to know if it is worth the $25.00 USD it cost. That siege weapon looks awesome. So is it awesome? It really looks fun to fly and LOOKS like it would out DPS an escort. If someone has a meter I would like to know what kind of number are you seeing. Yes I know it depends on build and all that. I am just wanting to hear from people with a Guramba before I spend the money. Also I would love to hear from some one that has a Mogh and a Guramba so I can make an informed decision.

I have a Fleet Mogh and I love it. Great DPS and great ship. It handles great. Nice turn, and 5 forward weapons and 4 tactical consoles means massive DPS.

Finally that claim about the autocannon being the most powerful weapon in the KDF is a huge claim. :eek: But I also know that marketing and sales people will say pretty much anything to get you to buy an expensive ship.

Cheers :cool:

Post edited by ibreakbones on


  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Hmm, already posted to this thread elsewhere. lol

    I'll let someone DPS oriented do details. But, there is one thing I LOVED about the Garumba and this topic makes me want to hop back into it with my Klink.

    It's what?....The only ship in game that Does a Transformation you see over and over and over in battle. All others, like Saucer Seperation etc. You want to click it and stay that way.

    The Garumba you will transform over and over again during a match, and is by far the best Transformation Animation in the game ship wise.
    I just have a ship Obsession. Once I tweak it until Im happy, Im buying another and doing it over again. So my One Klink has too many ships. lol

    Tweaked the Bortasqu until I was happy, Then now I have the Fleet Karfi to play with. If they only made a fleet version of the Garumba I'd hop right back into it. I miss it.
    But, in the end its better to just broadside and set up the Bort that way, Toss the AutoCannon and put in a better Uni Console in that spot.

    To your Question. The Autocannon, with your buffs up tears through ships. Looks badass, Sounds good. Then goes on a Long Timer. it's like a Minigun mounted ont he front. Shoots a huge amount of rounds really fast, then its over.
    And you realize having to turn to face is hurting your DPS, better to replace that Autocannon with a better uni console and go full broadside. 5 Tac consoles makes for a good beamboatbroadside.
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Wont let me edit posts.

    Wanted to add, Once the fun wears off, You realize that Autocannon is hurting your DPS by having to turn and face the enemy, Was better to take it off, put in a better UniConsole. And go full Boradside with 5 tac consoles, its a hell of a beam boat.
  • bitemepwebitemepwe Member Posts: 6,760 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I will post them in order of how I like them.
    Mogh, Garumba, Bortasqu.
    I have no idea if the Bort Autocannon is "the deadliest". Frankly I found it lacklusterm
    Leonard Nimoy, Spock.....:(

  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Disruptor Autocannon is really quite a heavy hitter, esp. coming out of cloaks with an alpha strike. Keep in mind that the console has a long, 3 minute cooldown. If you equip the full Bortasqu' 3 consoles, the CD is reduced to about 2.5 minutes.

    Another issue to consider is that the Bortasqu' is a very slow turning ship, which brings the issue of easily positioning the ship to use the attack. If you are familiar with making slow turning ships move around better, then have at it. The Bortasqu' turn rate is the single most dividing thing in regards to KDF ships and its playerbase. Alot of KDF players are used to the BOP & Battlecruiser handling. The Bortasqu' does not have that common KDF characteristic, and it leads many, many KDF players to hate this ship with a passion. However, there are some die hard fans of the ship. Again, if you know how to make slow turning ships perform better, you may like it.

    Guramba - It's the only endgame C-Store KDF Escort/Destroyer. It's also only a 9 console ship. BOFF station wise, it's well balanced as far as Escorts go. Console setup is favorable, but again, only a 9 console ship with no Fleet equivalent to get a discount on. It's a dead end purchase.

    However, this ship before the Fleet Ship System was implemented, was a mainstay KDF ship in PVE & PVP, but it's been overtaken by Power Creep. Still, the ship will perform well enough if you can accept the fact that there is no Fleet version to upgrade to and you are forever stuck with 9 console slots and no fleet ship statistical upgrades.

    The Guramba's Javelin is still very hard hitting and far more useful than the Failaxy-X's failure of a weapon called the Phaser Lance. For one, the cooldown on the Javelin is practically half of the Phaser Lance. You will not have an AOE mode, but who gives a ****? In combat, give a little bit of time and it seems the Javelin mode is always ready when you really need it. And that's far more useful than the failure of a feature that passes as the Phaser Lance with its 3 minute cooldown and tendency to miss.

    As for your Fleet Mogh, it's widely considered the best Battlecruiser the KDF can access, surpassing the Fleet Vor'Cha. There's issues with the Mogh, but overall it's a well rounded, hard hitting ship. Cannot fault anyone going with the Mogh.
  • ibreakbonesibreakbones Member Posts: 55 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you very much. I thought it would have been posted somewhere but I was not able to find it. But what you say about the auto cannon makes perfect sense with the slow turn rate of this ship. I think I will get a Guramba because it seems to be very fun and can fill the role of a escort and a destroyer.

    I had looked at a Jem'Hadar carrier but they are pretty expensive and do not seem to be as fun as the Guramba.

    A Fleet Guramba would be awesome. Fortunately I am in a great fleet and they would not mind me buying one.

    Again thanks for your replies. $25.00 for a Guramba is a bargain compared to buying expensive keys to sell or take a chance on lock boxes. I just bought a Mirror Vo'quv and it seems just find when I want to do the carrier thing. The Guramba will be for fun. When I am doing missions with my fleet I will use my Morgh because it hits so hard.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The JHDC is something special with some massive Pro's & Con's.

    + Commander TAC Station for a Carrier is a rarity. Sure, you can make the Recluse Cmdr Universal as TAC, but it's Console Slots are not favorable to the full spectrum of TAC BOFF abilities. The JHDC is the only Carrier in the game with Cmdr TAC BOFF station with 4 hefty TAC Console Slots

    + Like most carriers, rugged as hell. The JHDC has the firepower and staying power to make a difference, and the fact it has 2 hangars as full-fledged Carrier, it's a powerful combination in battle.

    + Access to the JHDC unique JHAS hangar units. Among the best in the game. But...

    - To get the JHAS hangar units for the JHDC, you MUST own on that character both the playable JHDC and JHAS. If you don't have those ships already, you are not getting the JHAS hangar units, which I think is a huge loss to not have on the JHDC.

    - Like almost all Carriers, very poor turn rate.
  • senatorvreenaksenatorvreenak Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Autocannon of the Bortasqu is very lethal if combined with Beam Overload.

    BO3 - Autocannon - BO3, can pretty much decimate anything, and most of the time you don't even need to chain a second Beam Overload. :D
  • rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Mogh will probably give you the best DPS if you're a DPS person. It's fun to fly but really similar to the fed avenger.

    The Guramba, for me, is amazing. I love that little ship. It fly's like an escort, so if you like escorts, you may like the Guramba. With the lance I've gotten over 100k hits in pve and pve. You are, however, stuck with disruptors if you plan on using the lance. It has the same boff seating as the mirror raptor. I would use mine more if there was a fleet version.

    If you don't mind big slow ships then the Bortasqu may be for you. I like mine. The auto cannon can do some serious damage and the science version has sensor analysis which will be awesome in season 9. (can't wait to 1v1 some people in mine when season 9 comes out)
  • jmaster29jmaster29 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I am always looking for that "next great ship". I also like people's opinion (providing it is mature).

    First the c-store claims that the Bortasqu Tactical's autocannon is the most powerful weapon in the fleet. Is this true? I have yet to see anyone actually use it.

    I saw a youtube vid on the Guramba and I really want to know if it is worth the $25.00 USD it cost. That siege weapon looks awesome. So is it awesome? It really looks fun to fly and LOOKS like it would out DPS an escort. If someone has a meter I would like to know what kind of number are you seeing. Yes I know it depends on build and all that. I am just wanting to hear from people with a Guramba before I spend the money. Also I would love to hear from some one that has a Mogh and a Guramba so I can make an informed decision.

    I have a Fleet Mogh and I love it. Great DPS and great ship. It handles great. Nice turn, and 5 forward weapons and 4 tactical consoles means massive DPS.

    Finally that claim about the autocannon being the most powerful weapon in the KDF is a huge claim. :eek: But I also know that marketing and sales people will say pretty much anything to get you to buy an expensive ship.

    Cheers :cool:


    Why,exactly, did you double post this thred? Spam much?
  • rmxiiirmxiii Member Posts: 221 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have the Mogh and its a great ship. The Mogh to me is a very well done tactical battlecruiser. I flew the Bortas durring the Day of Honor mission and I found it to be a decent ship Sure the one you fly there needs a lot of tweaking but I can see it being a very good ship. Haven't flown the Gruamba but I do know it BOFF and Console layout is the same as the Mirror Qin which I did fly before. Even has the same turn rate. SO basically probably flys similar but with more shields, no cloak and the siege mode/javelin. Defentaly looks good.
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Gurumba is a sweet ship but 9 consoles for 25 bucks... and its a little delicate. I really like its extra power in siege mode and the lance is huge damage, but the mogh is probably a better ship, more dps, more durable.
  • synthiasuicidesynthiasuicide Member Posts: 458 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Speaking of the JHDC, just got one for my Fed, Because it's like a better version of the Amazing Kar'Fi. Even has a suicidal pet?, Also both have 2 hangers, 4 Tac console slots(Fleet Version), both heavy Tac boff seating.

    But, anyways, My klink after playing with the Fleet Kar'fi will probably end up back in the Bortasqu, With 2 Fleet Neuts+turn, have no problem broadsiding and keeping targets in line. And my Klink is an engineer, Havent found a cruiser Klink side yet where I get the kinda DPS the Bortasqu gives Broadsiding, 5 Tac consoles is huge. And with the Universal Boff, can go as heavy tac as you want.
    I love Broadsiding so it fits me. And also I shoulda added, so far one of the only ships in the game that make me think, or get me to imagine theres people aboard. I dunno, but it feels like a BIG Ship. lol

    What im saying is as I keep buying new ships for my klink, after they get old, my klink ALWAYS goes back to the Bortasqu. It's a beast. I don't use any of the Bortas consoles. I do wish the BOP was built in and not a console. Since its RIGHT there. Waiting to be launched. lol
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Speaking of the JHDC, just got one for my Fed, Because it's like a better version of the Amazing Kar'Fi. Even has a suicidal pet?, Also both have 2 hangers, 4 Tac console slots(Fleet Version), both heavy Tac boff seating.

    But, anyways, My klink after playing with the Fleet Kar'fi will probably end up back in the Bortasqu, With 2 Fleet Neuts+turn, have no problem broadsiding and keeping targets in line. And my Klink is an engineer, Havent found a cruiser Klink side yet where I get the kinda DPS the Bortasqu gives Broadsiding, 5 Tac consoles is huge. And with the Universal Boff, can go as heavy tac as you want.
    I love Broadsiding so it fits me. And also I shoulda added, so far one of the only ships in the game that make me think, or get me to imagine theres people aboard. I dunno, but it feels like a BIG Ship. lol

    What im saying is as I keep buying new ships for my klink, after they get old, my klink ALWAYS goes back to the Bortasqu. It's a beast. I don't use any of the Bortas consoles. I do wish the BOP was built in and not a console. Since its RIGHT there. Waiting to be launched. lol

    If you have the Bortasqu' bundle, try the Command version that has Sensor Analysis. It may come off quite good over time if you tend to focus on one target and not switch between different targets.
  • annemarie30annemarie30 Member Posts: 2,711 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    seems to me if you had the autocannon and the subspace jump console you could rally hurt someone every 3 minutes
    We Want Vic Fontaine
  • shpoksshpoks Member Posts: 6,967 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    seems to me if you had the autocannon and the subspace jump console you could rally hurt someone every 3 minutes

    Damn straight! :cool:

    Seriosuly though, the Bortasqu' is a ship of great patience and strategic planning. You need to know what you're going to do up front. But if you get the feel for the ship, it's an untamed beast.

    As to the topic:


    Mogh 10/10
    Guramba 10/10
    Bortasqu' 10/10

    Hmmmmmm.....tough chocie.....no wonder I got all 3 of them! lol :P

    They're all amazing ships, pick it by the role you want to play.
    Guramba is a fast destroyer with solid survavibility, but can't really tank. Can deal a lot of pain though. Javelin for extra fun.
    The Mogh is awesome, it can fly fast, it can turn, it can deal punishment on massive scale and interestingly enough - tanks very very well. It's not as fast as Guramba though.
    The Bortasqu' is a slow heavy battleship. In the right hands it's the most destructive weapon in STO. Can hull tank heavily and can melt everything around it. 5 tac.consoles anyone? Not to mention the punishment the Command Bortasqu' can inflict now with the changes to the 'sensor analysis'. A tank with 4 tac.consoles + the enhanced sensor analysis anyone?
  • jnohdjnohd Member Posts: 5 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I do not personally recommend the C-Store Mogh, BUT the Fleet Mogh is an apex ship right now. Hold off on the Guramba for a few (9?) months, as there are rumors of a Fleet version that just surfaced, though it isnt clear if that will be worked in before the Expansion in the Fall. This again may be superior to the C-Store version, and if like the Mogh, its cheaper to skip the C-Store and go straight for a Fleet ship.

    Mogh is a fantastic ship, however, no matter which version you get. And if you are not in a Fleet or a Fleet with access to it, there are groups who offer access to their provisions. (We are not one to offer invites just for store purchases.)
    Wampaq@Jnoh, Fleet Leader: ..Bloodbath and Beyond [SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] 'Iw HaH je Hoch!
    ALL HOLDINGS FINISHED! - Starbase 5-5-5-5 || Embassy 3-3-3 || Mine 3-3-3 || Spire 3-3-3
    A laid back KDF fleet welcoming independent, casual, & part-time players and groups. Roms & alts welcome.
    Send in-game mail to Wampaq@Jnoh, visit our recruitment thread and FB page for more info.
  • midntwolfmidntwolf Member Posts: 22 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I just bought the Guramba and I am loving it. I am a relative newbie so don't really know the mix/max (and don't really card either) equations but for sheer fun factor the Guramba is amazing.

    As mentioned it is a little lacking in traditional tank but I have found it to feel alot more durable than my Falchion which has around 10k more hull and 3k more shields. Can't explain it but the Guramba just shrugs of situations my Falchion struggles with. Might be due to size I guess.

    Additionally it can really lay out some hurt and it has to be about the sexiest thing flying. I mean how can you not like a Giant Space Spider!!!

    Also the Javelin is very good in its own right. It charges very fast and fires quickly once engaged making it easy to use right when needed. Additionally it only has about a 1 min cool down before you can charge it up and fire it again. Lastly it is easy as a Tac officer to buff the damage into the 50k area with average hits being around 30k after enemy resistances apply.

    Finally, I see alot of people commenting/complaining that it sucks because it is only a 9 console ship but that is really matter of perspective. For example, look at say a Nicor or S'golth. These are both 10 console ships BUT the both come with a Universal Console which functions roughly the equalivant of the build in Javelin the Guramba has. Therefore if you look at it this way, technically it really is a 10 console ship however 1 console, the Javelin, is built in and non-removable. Basically this is only a disadvantage IF you are someone who would strip out the Universal Console on traditional 10 console ships.

    The only real disadvantage to the Guramba that I see is that their is no fleet version which probably makes the Mogh a better long term option since you get the fleet module cost reduction for the Fleet Mogh if you buy the C-store version. If the Guramba gets a Fleet version though, I think it might end up being my favorite ship.
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