My paint job of all white is gone ..not even in my saved skins
I cant get rid of all of this black trim its in all of the oprions ?...there basically are no options but more black trim
this isnt starfleet.....does not look anything like starfleet
Anyone know whats going on here ?? where did our options go ?
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Go to the ship customization officer on ESD. Once you're in the customization view, load one of the preset templates, which will "activate" the colour customization (it's stuck on black unless you load a template, usually). Then, you can change the colours by clicking on the two squares below the material selection. If you don't want any colours, expand the pattern pane by clicking the Advanced button, and change all the "Pattern" options to "None". This will also remove the colours if the Ambassador has no templates to load to "unlock" the colours.
If this fails, try opening your Status window and checking through your installed ship components. Some shields and item sets have visual overlays, which you can disable by right-clicking on the item and selecting Disable Visuals, although I don't know any that cause a black trim effect.
I am NikkoJT, Foundry author and terrible player. Follow me!
There used to be a picture here, but they changed signatures and I can't be bothered to replace it.
If this fails, try opening your Status window and checking through your installed ship components. Some shields and item sets have visual overlays, which you can disable by right-clicking on the item and selecting Disable Visuals, although I don't know any that cause a black trim effect.
There used to be a picture here, but they changed signatures and I can't be bothered to replace it.