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Fleet Mogai build help

ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
edited May 2014 in Romulan Discussion
Hello. I just bought Mogai heavy retrofit and fleet version and now i try to fit it for pve (i'm planning to buy valdore for console too). I saw some builds on the forum but i wasn't to convinced of them, like why put beams on aft slots? From what i heard, i'm inclined to use dual beam banks on fore and i think maybe turrets + cutting beam on aft.
I would like some advice or some builds you use to help me determine how to fit my ship.
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    Hello. I just bought Mogai heavy retrofit and fleet version and now i try to fit it for pve (i'm planning to buy valdore for console too). I saw some builds on the forum but i wasn't to convinced of them, like why put beams on aft slots? From what i heard, i'm inclined to use dual beam banks on fore and i think maybe turrets + cutting beam on aft.
    I would like some advice or some builds you use to help me determine how to fit my ship.

    Mogai is a vaper first and foremost.

    You need the Valdore and retrofit consoles, and speccing to max out the beam weapon from the set bonus is a must. After that, set up for stealth and forward DPS. You have the turn rate for DHCs; get 2 fleet eng consoles (mk 12 enhanced neutroniums with turn rate boosts should be good), fill the tac slots with spire consoles. You want forward dual cannons or DHCs, rear turrets. Your alpha damage will top 50k if you have a good build and crit.

    Cloak, alpha, recloak and repeat. That's how to fly a Mogai.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm a little rusty with STO.
    Hmm, i'm not sure i understand. I should spec toward beams but use dhc? You mean spec in skills?
    Also in my other thread about choosing type of ship you suggested dual beam bank build with beam overload.
    Should all forward be 4dhc and rear 2turrets+cutting beam? Or should i throw there somewhere a torpedoes/mines to ease some power drain?
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    I'm a little rusty with STO.
    Hmm, i'm not sure i understand. I should spec toward beams but use dhc? You mean spec in skills?
    Also in my other thread about choosing type of ship you suggested dual beam bank build with beam overload.
    Should all forward be 4dhc and rear 2turrets+cutting beam? Or should i throw there somewhere a torpedoes/mines to ease some power drain?

    No, the superbeam is exotic damage or something.

    Get someone who actually flies a Mogai, rather than someone like me (all I know about it I learned from a fleetmate who can do Scimitar-killing alphas). They should be able to remember the exact skill spec that works.

    DBB with beam overload works wonders IF you spend most of your time uncloaked and going for sustained DPS. The Mogai CAN tank enough to pull this off, but it's much better used as a vaper.

    EPTW is actually a very valuable skill on a ship like this. Cloak, blast, EPTW, blast, cloak...could be worse.

    Note that I don't fly a Mogai, I just have fleetmates who do and who do it VERY well.
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    variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Here's my build:


    It's more of the "uncloaked, sustained DPS" model that worffan mentions above as opposed to a cloaking vaper. The captain is an engineer so between that, the Valdore console and the ship's inherent toughness (for a Warbird), it's easy to keep alive and can even tank things like tactical cubes if need be.

    The beam array on the back is the experimental one, and it's mainly there to take advantage of the set bonus in concert with the zero point conduit. The Dyson singularity core will be switched out for a Fleet AMP one when I have the FC for one.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    What do you want to do with your Fleet Mogai?

    Here is my fleet Valdore build, its good pve.

    I would suggest choosing the Accurate and Romulan Operative traits.

    Front : 3 Fleet AP dual heavy cannons, 1 grav torp from dyson rep.
    Aft: 3 Fleet AP turrets

    Sets: Fleet elite Mine core, W->S, Fleet Elite shields ResB (good against voth and borg and undine) and engines and deflector from adapted maco/honor guard

    Eng: 3 XII turnrate fleet neutroniums, 1 plasmonic leech
    Sci: 1 Valdore console, 1 Dyson rep proton console for the 2 piece set with the torp.
    Tac: 4 Locators with AP

    BO abilities:
    Eng: EPTW1 EPTS2 Aux to Sif 2
    Sci: Hazard emitters 1
    Tac: Rapid fire 3, High Yield 3, Scatter volley 1, spread volley 1, 2X tac team 1, AP Delta 1 and AP Beta 1

    If you want to specialise more for groups of enemies rather than big single juicy targets, switch to Scatter volley 3, Torp spread 3, Rapid fire 1 and HY1, or any combination of these.
    Also, attack patterns Delta and Beta are pretty much to your tastes. Beta is better with spreads, delta better with rapid fire/HY.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    My very basic, entry level Mogai Retrofit build. Bare bones, Mk X Common quality stuff except for the 2 Mogai Consoles. I made a long "Desc & Notes" section on it. More than enough room for growth and easy to acquire the gear since they're cheap.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you all for your advices.
    When i asked around in game i got an advice to go full romulan sets + dual beams.
    Also i have some other questions:
    I noticed some builds combine both beams with cannons, i thought sticking to one type is better, because you can spec only toward one?
    I'll probably use locators someday but for now i'll just stick with plasma infusers.
    For a single science slot hazard emiters are the best, especially fighting borg, but for universal slot i'm not sure what to use. A lot of you seems to go with 2nd science with polarize hull and tss.
    Also wouldn't cutting beam be better than any turret i can put at aft slot?
    I remember last time i played most builds used borg/maco sets for shields, deflectors etc and now i think it shifts more towad solanae.
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    variant37variant37 Member Posts: 867 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    Thank you all for your advices.
    When i asked around in game i got an advice to go full romulan sets + dual beams.

    What was the reasoning given? Better cloaking? Other than that the only logic I can see behind using that set is if you're planning on running plasma torps, and even then it's still a lackluster set.
    Also i have some other questions:
    I noticed some builds combine both beams with cannons, i thought sticking to one type is better, because you can spec only toward one?

    Not sure what you mean here. Cannons and beams are both energy weapons so any energy weapon skill you spec on your captain will improve all of them. As far as your BOs go, you could (potentially) have a Cmdr and 2 LT Tac officers for your beam and cannon powers.
    For a single science slot hazard emiters are the best, especially fighting borg, but for universal slot i'm not sure what to use. A lot of you seems to go with 2nd science with polarize hull and tss.

    That's what I always go with. Since I don't have APO, PH is there to escape from tractor beams, and TSS is there for more survivability.
    Also wouldn't cutting beam be better than any turret i can put at aft slot?

    Always. Just remember you also want to have the assimilated console on your ship to take advantage of the omega amplifier proc.
    I remember last time i played most builds used borg/maco sets for shields, deflectors etc and now i think it shifts more towad solanae.

    I'm not sure why? The Solanae set is geared more towards science ships, with shield and especially aux power buffs. It's sort of wasted on the Mogai, which at best can have an Lt Sci. My go-to combo on almost every ship I build is the tried-and-true Borg deflector + Borg engine + elite fleet shield.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    Thank you all for your advices.
    When i asked around in game i got an advice to go full romulan sets + dual beams.
    Also i have some other questions:
    I noticed some builds combine both beams with cannons, i thought sticking to one type is better, because you can spec only toward one?
    I'll probably use locators someday but for now i'll just stick with plasma infusers.
    For a single science slot hazard emiters are the best, especially fighting borg, but for universal slot i'm not sure what to use. A lot of you seems to go with 2nd science with polarize hull and tss.
    Also wouldn't cutting beam be better than any turret i can put at aft slot?
    I remember last time i played most builds used borg/maco sets for shields, deflectors etc and now i think it shifts more towad solanae.

    Again, do you want to pve or pvp in it?

    My build for instance can pull an average 14k dpss in pve, but is pretty derp in pvp.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    tpalelena wrote: »
    Again, do you want to pve or pvp in it?
    I want to have first buuild for pve, maybe someday later i would think about getting to pvp.

    variant37 wrote: »
    The Solanae set is geared more towards science ships, with shield and especially aux power buffs. It's sort of wasted on the Mogai, which at best can have an Lt Sci. My go-to combo on almost every ship I build is the tried-and-true Borg deflector + Borg engine + elite fleet shield.
    I think the reason was maybe that Ionized Particle Beam uses aux power, but i think that maybe i would carry aux battery instead to boost it.

    OK, so itried to come up with something, based on various advices and for now i came up with this:
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    variant37 wrote: »
    I'm not sure why? The Solanae set is geared more towards science ships, with shield and especially aux power buffs. It's sort of wasted on the Mogai, which at best can have an Lt Sci. My go-to combo on almost every ship I build is the tried-and-true Borg deflector + Borg engine + elite fleet shield.

    Why Solanae? It's not just for Science Ships.

    * More accuracy.

    * Very high Structural Integrity bonus (more hull HP)

    * Highest Particle Generators Skill bonus in the game, higher than even the Dyson Deflector, 35 vs 26.2. Very few special Deflectors boost Particle Generators to a significant degree. Particle Generators Skill is a determining factor for DOT damage (EWP, Plasma DOTs), any Science dmg effecs, and for STO's special energy attacks (Electrical based, for example). The Mogai's Ionized Particle Beam effects are mostly determined by Particle Generators and Aux Power level, as well as if the target has the ground-like "Expose" effect on it. Done right, I've had my IPB crit for 230k damage before. Proper timing, use in a decloak alpha strike, good Particle Gen Skill, and popping an Aux Battery helped get that value.

    * Solanae Set 3 & 4 bonuses are useful defensively. Set 3 bonus is in effect, a "Valdore Console"-like ability, but for hullpoints. Hey... part of the Mogai Set *is* the Valdore Console. What if you have Solanae Set AND Valdore Console? Chance to proc Hull AND Shield heals just from attacking. Not to mention reaping the benefits of having the IPB equipped to have the Mogai Set bonus of + weapons power, +25% weapon system drain resist. And having the IPB is another devastating weapon to your arsenal. It's also benefited greatly from the previous point for high Particle Generators Skill bonus.

    Solanae Space Set is very offensive oriented. It feeds off you attacking more to help heal your hull every now and then, as well as greatly boosting any special attack damage effects you use. The Mogai's IPB feeds off this immensely, the Valdore Console syngergizes harmoniously with the Structural Integrity Leech with the Solanae Set.

    I'm not saying Solanae Set is the End-All-Be-All Set for Mogai Warbirds, but it is a set that meshes extremely well for what the Mogai has. For me, it is either the Dyson or Solanae Sets for the Mogai.
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Why Solanae? It's not just for Science Ships.

    * More accuracy.

    * Very high Structural Integrity bonus (more hull HP)

    * Highest Particle Generators Skill bonus in the game, higher than even the Dyson Deflector, 35 vs 26.2. Very few special Deflectors boost Particle Generators to a significant degree. Particle Generators Skill is a determining factor for DOT damage (EWP, Plasma DOTs), any Science dmg effecs, and for STO's special energy attacks (Electrical based, for example). The Mogai's Ionized Particle Beam effects are mostly determined by Particle Generators and Aux Power level, as well as if the target has the ground-like "Expose" effect on it. Done right, I've had my IPB crit for 230k damage before. Proper timing, use in a decloak alpha strike, good Particle Gen Skill, and popping an Aux Battery helped get that value.

    * Solanae Set 3 & 4 bonuses are useful defensively. Set 3 bonus is in effect, a "Valdore Console"-like ability, but for hullpoints. Hey... part of the Mogai Set *is* the Valdore Console. What if you have Solanae Set AND Valdore Console? Chance to proc Hull AND Shield heals just from attacking. Not to mention reaping the benefits of having the IPB equipped to have the Mogai Set bonus of + weapons power, +25% weapon system drain resist. And having the IPB is another devastating weapon to your arsenal. It's also benefited greatly from the previous point for high Particle Generators Skill bonus.

    Solanae Space Set is very offensive oriented. It feeds off you attacking more to help heal your hull every now and then, as well as greatly boosting any special attack damage effects you use. The Mogai's IPB feeds off this immensely, the Valdore Console syngergizes harmoniously with the Structural Integrity Leech with the Solanae Set.

    I'm not saying Solanae Set is the End-All-Be-All Set for Mogai Warbirds, but it is a set that meshes extremely well for what the Mogai has. For me, it is either the Dyson or Solanae Sets for the Mogai.

    That does makes sense and the Solanae set is easy to get.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    That's what i build up from what i red and what i'm currently flying in:

    I'm replacing one neutronium alloy for Hydrodynamics Compensator from Undine rep. Doffs are technicians to reduce cd on TT. Boffs are roms with operative and subterfuge.

    I would like some advice about this build. Especially:
    -What singularity core to use?
    -Should i buy better plasma infusers or go for fleet crit consoles?
    -Is my boffs skill setup good?

    I mainly do stf, borg and undine.
    Any advice is appreciated.
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    nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    I want to have first buuild for pve, maybe someday later i would think about getting to pvp.

    I think the reason was maybe that Ionized Particle Beam uses aux power, but i think that maybe i would carry aux battery instead to boost it.

    OK, so itried to come up with something, based on various advices and for now i came up with this:

    Here. I fixed your fit to be a2b. A2b makes everything better...:D
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    reximuzreximuz Member Posts: 1,172 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    -What singularity core to use?

    What Singularity power do you use most? Pick a core that compliments that. While the number of choices seem large, once you pick a Sing power, it scales them back quite a bit as most of the other traits on the cores are locked to a certain ability.
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