Hey guys. I've been away for a while and I'm hoping to be back soon. So I'm trying to familiarize myself with the current state of pvp right now so I can adapt a little faster coming back this time around. I've heard some rumors for Season 9 but haven't seen any posts or blogs specifically relating to pvp and have some questions about the current state of our favorite piece of the game:
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
7) Whats yourREDACTEDsize?
8) What does REDACTED mean? :P
-Captain Tripwire-
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
Come to IC teamspeak, all your questions shall be answered
I went to the IC teamspeak. Much smaller than I remember and rather.... empty. :P
Maybe I have the wrong address? if you have enjin you can mail me the address at "nova-coregaming.enjin.com". "Captain Tripwire". Thnx bud. Always appreciate your insight and our brain storming runs.
-Captain Tripwire-
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
I went to the IC teamspeak. Much smaller than I remember and rather.... empty. :P
Maybe I have the wrong address? if you have enjin you can mail me the address at "nova-coregaming.enjin.com". "Captain Tripwire". Thnx bud. Always appreciate your insight and our brain storming runs.
Hey guys. I've been away for a while and I'm hoping to be back soon. So I'm trying to familiarize myself with the current state of pvp right now so I can adapt a little faster coming back this time around. I've heard some rumors for Season 9 but haven't seen any posts or blogs specifically relating to pvp and have some questions about the current state of our favorite piece of the game:
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
7) Whats yourREDACTEDsize?
8) What does REDACTED mean? :P
-Captain Tripwire-
(1)'s a bit hard to say. The new Hirogen escort is a quite the poor man's JHAS. Sci vessels are still dominated by Wells, Palisade and Vesta. Cruisers are all over the place.
On (5a) I didn't bother watching, but I already bought in long ago. On (5b) not a clue either. We'll have to see how the rights issues and all get solved - and whether any new ST game can defy the ST curse.
(6) Probably a yes.
(7) and (8)? Well, I might have an answer, but then again I might not. It's all bound up in the *sizzle* of the *squeak* and the *crashbangboom* and *hiss*. It could also be a bit of *vlabadaboom* mixed in with a *crackle* of a *pop*. But I would have to say *fizzle* *foom* *frumple*.
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
Wells, vesta and voth for sci. Tvaro, jhas then the a2b/d escorts hirogen vette etc. Cruisers I would say avenger/mogh, galor, monbosh. Didn't include scimitar but its up there some where!
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
Black poo console maybe.Though nothing really bothers me except tiff and ss doff.
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
A2b got more survivabilty. Games seem to last longer.
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
Gut feel is sci ships will rule. Overall I think its positive.
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
Yeah looks good.
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
The common definition is ~anything that isnt negated by my build. My personal definition is anything that has multiple effects and cannot be countered with one or two Lt-grade BOFF abilities.
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
Depends on which side you are on. The ability to clear annoying combos makes group PVP much less irritating. But its not so great when somebody pops ST right in the middle of your BO/HY combo, or clears the scramble that you sank skillpoints and boff slots into. Overall it makes PVP easier for defender, and harder for the aggressor.
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
Assuming it ends up like every other Roberts title, SC will be very much like a FPS in 3D space, dependent on skill and trained reflexes. STO is the opposite of a skill game, it doesnt even have aiming, its a dress-up game with pokemon combat engine. People that want twitch space combat will go to SC, people that want Star Trek dress-up will stay here I guess. No idea what might come next.
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
If including lockboxes:-
Cruiser: Monbosh, Avenger/Mogh
Escort: JHAS, Hirogen escort
Science: Voth Pallisade, Wells
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
TIF, Valdore console and the old old faves. I don't know if you could consider them "no no" consoles, since practically everyone uses them who can.
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
It's certainly good for pug ship builds. It also means ensign engineer slots have more purpose now.
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
Good, it limits the power creep.
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
Yup, both the Pax event and the gameplay recorded at their booth (which was frankly better than the Pax demo, minus the picture quality of course)
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
I seriously doubt we'll ever see an SC style Star Trek game, no matter how successful SC is. Star Wars perhaps if there's a large bump in it's popularity from the new movie releases, but not Star Trek.
SC looks to be insanely complicated to program and I'm not sure they'll be able to pull it off it sounds that complex. There's the single pilot dogfighting, which is pretty basic for a space sim. However, there's then the multiple-player crewed large capital ships (with the interior and exterior existing together on the same map), which seem to be a whole new game in and of themselves. Do a search for "Star Citizen announcement GDC 2012 panel", skip to 24 mins and watch as the character walks from the bridge, down to the hanger and out of the ship. Then you have the boarding party mechanic, first person shooter mechanics (you know, for boarding), mining, exploration, trading.
If they can deliver on their promises, the game really does look like a sci-fi nerds wet dream (whether he's a pew pewer or an explorer at heart). However, no matter how successful it is, I can't see a publisher wanting to spend the money on something that seems so niche.
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
Hey Trip. Good to hear you're coming back. The Wells now has a challenger as top sci ship with the Palisade. The Scimitar is the best "cruiser."
As for consoles, nowadays it seems to be a no holds barred attitude. People will complain about stuff, but when it comes down to it they're using the same thing or something equivalent so meh.
The shared team cd removal means faster spike heals, but still not fast enough to save someone from an insta-vape.
The Pax event for SC was pretty sad. It seems that they still have a long ways to go, but hopefully they'll get there before too long. I feel they will be fixing bugs for a very long time with this game and I could it see the full roll out being delayed for over a year.
As far as seeing another sci-fi game with the scope of SC, I'd say that depends on how well SC does. I don't know if it would be a Star Trek game, but whatever the game, it would probably have to have a big name publisher behind it with a ton of resources and multiple studios to work on it.
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
bug is still the best dueling escort, the andorian 5 forward weapons is just going to have the highest sustained firepower, but the new comer hirogen escort is really the best overall now, as long as you dont swear off AtB. think fleet vet ship without a subpar turn rate holding it back.
for cruisers, the mogh and avenger pretty much own the battlecruiser dps game, but its harder to use DHCs on it then it is on lesser battlecruisers. if your not flying ether of those, there's the monbosh, basically a galor +.5. only thing keeping it from being best cruiser is the 4/4 weapons, but that don't mater much with beams. its super easy to use cannons well on it though
the c store dyson ships make great sci heavy destroyer/escort things, or the most tac heavy sci ships to date. on the oposite end, you cant beat the paliside's defensive station setup. then there's the good old vesta and wells filling in any build gaps ether of those ships could have
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
spike healing is off the scale, for everyone. also, any skill that can be cleared be any of these 3 skills is pretty much harmless. including SNB, other then the strip. i tend to run my hirogen escort with EPtE1, EPtS3, 2 AtB, ET1, HE1, TSS1, ST2. you cant debuff it, its damn near unkillable. its made AtB builds finally just to silly.
i still dont know what they were thinking. i guess they data mined and saw that TT was used 1000% more often then the other 2? and decided that this could not stand! surely ET and ST BTFO the use numbers for acetone beam, boarding party, dispersal paters, AB and TR combined. i guess the game wasn't casual enough, or they felt there was to much damage and clicky damage console stacking, so there needed to be more spikey heal stacking in response. not that any of that can hard counter during a proper 1.5 second vap.
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
yay! they are finally doing something about out of control power creep, in a sustainable way! oh look, all the crazy unidine rep gear and god knows whats gonna be in the lock box. :rolleyes:
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
ya. i didn't bother mentioning any with question 1, because there's warbirds and rom captains and then there's everything else, still. if you use them right of course.
The Pax event for SC was pretty sad. It seems that they still have a long ways to go, but hopefully they'll get there before too long. I feel they will be fixing bugs for a very long time with this game and I could it see the full roll out being delayed for over a year.
As far as seeing another sci-fi game with the scope of SC, I'd say that depends on how well SC does. I don't know if it would be a Star Trek game, but whatever the game, it would probably have to have a big name publisher behind it with a ton of resources and multiple studios to work on it.
That live stream bugged cause of the computers land server they used, they should have patch the land server with their patch insted of trust the thing they used . after the live stream they got it fixed and it worked good, so the fans that was here was happy , so ya this week they are suposed to give us some more good footage of the pax event, but for now we have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0RhHr4Jsk0
That live stream bugged cause of the computers land server they used, they should have patch the land server with their patch insted of trust the thing they used . after the live stream they got it fixed and it worked good, so the fans that was here was happy , so ya this week they are suposed to give us some more good footage of the pax event, but for now we have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0RhHr4Jsk0
Cool. Hopefully they get it all figured out by the time they release the PvP module. It looks like it has promise and I'm especially curious about the battleship battles with a full crew. Are they going to release that with this PvP module or is it just dog fighting?
Hey guys. I've been away for a while and I'm hoping to be back soon. So I'm trying to familiarize myself with the current state of pvp right now so I can adapt a little faster coming back this time around. I've heard some rumors for Season 9 but haven't seen any posts or blogs specifically relating to pvp and have some questions about the current state of our favorite piece of the game:
1) Whats the first and second most powerful science, escort, and cruiser class starship right now?
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
7) Whats yourREDACTEDsize?
8) What does REDACTED mean? :P
-Captain Tripwire-
1. Sci -
1.a Mirror Hanom so long as Cloak detecting Tavaro isn't around. (Well it's my favorite anyway).
1.b It's a BCing Sci ship you can run Aux2batt w/to vomit sci stuff in a hit and run fashion if needed.
1. Cruisers
1.c Haven't tried it and it's technically a destroyer, but the Rommy varients of the transformer destroyer is probably 2nd. Can swap from Tac to debuff orientation.
1.d Scimmy for cruisers imo. (Though I've never had one, they're pretty much of the box better still). I never liked Cruisers and BCs were usually just tolerable. So, a 2nd varient of Scimmy.
1. Escort
1.e - T'varo for vapor imo. Haven't seen/dog fighting in ages.
1.f meh
2. Power creep has kinda made me numb to this stuff. Lots of people seem to complain about Tac Proton Barrage I guess.
3. Idk, don't do that. But, gcd wasn't why I stopped using them in builds I use to run w/2-3. So, I haven't run w/anything other than TT in awhile.
4. I take all changes for this game to be crappy for all PvP, then pleasantly surprised if it's not so bad.
5. a. I need a new PC before I try to play the Alpha for Star Citizen.
b. lol, no Greco et al are still here.
6. Idk, for grinding reasons I stopped using all but 1 toon. But, Rommy Boffs still have built in damage advantage. But, I play Sci mostly anyway.
7-8. ???
[Zone] Dack@****: cowards can't take a fed 1 on 1 crinckley cowards Hahahaha you smell like flowers
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
-Captain Tripwire-
Saw it. Was not impressed/don't care.
You think that your beta test was bad?
Think about this: American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
Thanks for the feedback guys. Been a little longer than I anticipated. I've got a crappy connection tonight but i'm gonna try patching and logging in. I'll probably just run some pve and then see how outdated everything i have is in a couple cap and holds. Hope to chat with a few of you then.
I don't have a romulan but I'm still considering putting my tac captain in a new fleet escort.... my sci captain in a dyson ship and my engineer in an avenger. Are my current choices still a little behind for season nine? I've opened the patch notes and dev blogs as I'm finishing writing this in an attempt to get caught up to speed a bit.
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
Awesome you are coming back
Come to IC teamspeak, all your questions shall be answered
I went to the IC teamspeak. Much smaller than I remember and rather.... empty. :P
Maybe I have the wrong address? if you have enjin you can mail me the address at "nova-coregaming.enjin.com". "Captain Tripwire". Thnx bud. Always appreciate your insight and our brain storming runs.
-Captain Tripwire-
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.
Um yeah, we moved hehe
I'm gonna mail you the new adress
Yeah we only on one day in the week online.. Sundays from 8-9 MESZ.
Than we play STF's for one hour and finish. Hank is now a PvE Pro.
*** R.I.P. ***
(1)'s a bit hard to say. The new Hirogen escort is a quite the poor man's JHAS. Sci vessels are still dominated by Wells, Palisade and Vesta. Cruisers are all over the place.
For (2) I have the survey I did not too long ago here: http://sto-forum.perfectworld.com/showpost.php?p=16225631&postcount=39
No clue about (3) or (4).
On (5a) I didn't bother watching, but I already bought in long ago. On (5b) not a clue either. We'll have to see how the rights issues and all get solved - and whether any new ST game can defy the ST curse.
(6) Probably a yes.
(7) and (8)? Well, I might have an answer, but then again I might not. It's all bound up in the *sizzle* of the *squeak* and the *crashbangboom* and *hiss*. It could also be a bit of *vlabadaboom* mixed in with a *crackle* of a *pop*. But I would have to say *fizzle* *foom* *frumple*.
Wells, vesta and voth for sci. Tvaro, jhas then the a2b/d escorts hirogen vette etc. Cruisers I would say avenger/mogh, galor, monbosh. Didn't include scimitar but its up there some where!
2) What are the "no no" consoles considered to be cheese, noob, hax, etc.?
Black poo console maybe.Though nothing really bothers me except tiff and ss doff.
3) How has no gcd for teams (i.e. engineering team, science team, tactical team) affected premade 5v5's or ship builds in general?
A2b got more survivabilty. Games seem to last longer.
4) Do you think the new trait changes will be good or bad for premade pvp?
Gut feel is sci ships will rule. Overall I think its positive.
5) a. Did you see the Pax demo for Star Citizen?
Yeah looks good.
b. If Star Citizen is successful do you think that the success of that franchise will foreshadow one of the best Star Trek games in the history of Star Trek games to be the next in line for production after STO?
6) Do I still have to be a romulan to have uber dps?
It helps!
Depends on which side you are on. The ability to clear annoying combos makes group PVP much less irritating. But its not so great when somebody pops ST right in the middle of your BO/HY combo, or clears the scramble that you sank skillpoints and boff slots into. Overall it makes PVP easier for defender, and harder for the aggressor.
Assuming it ends up like every other Roberts title, SC will be very much like a FPS in 3D space, dependent on skill and trained reflexes. STO is the opposite of a skill game, it doesnt even have aiming, its a dress-up game with pokemon combat engine. People that want twitch space combat will go to SC, people that want Star Trek dress-up will stay here I guess. No idea what might come next.
No but it helps
Temporal Inversion Field
If including lockboxes:-
Cruiser: Monbosh, Avenger/Mogh
Escort: JHAS, Hirogen escort
Science: Voth Pallisade, Wells
TIF, Valdore console and the old old faves. I don't know if you could consider them "no no" consoles, since practically everyone uses them who can.
It's certainly good for pug ship builds. It also means ensign engineer slots have more purpose now.
Good, it limits the power creep.
Yup, both the Pax event and the gameplay recorded at their booth (which was frankly better than the Pax demo, minus the picture quality of course)
I seriously doubt we'll ever see an SC style Star Trek game, no matter how successful SC is. Star Wars perhaps if there's a large bump in it's popularity from the new movie releases, but not Star Trek.
SC looks to be insanely complicated to program and I'm not sure they'll be able to pull it off it sounds that complex. There's the single pilot dogfighting, which is pretty basic for a space sim. However, there's then the multiple-player crewed large capital ships (with the interior and exterior existing together on the same map), which seem to be a whole new game in and of themselves. Do a search for "Star Citizen announcement GDC 2012 panel", skip to 24 mins and watch as the character walks from the bridge, down to the hanger and out of the ship. Then you have the boarding party mechanic, first person shooter mechanics (you know, for boarding), mining, exploration, trading.
If they can deliver on their promises, the game really does look like a sci-fi nerds wet dream (whether he's a pew pewer or an explorer at heart). However, no matter how successful it is, I can't see a publisher wanting to spend the money on something that seems so niche.
Of course.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
As for consoles, nowadays it seems to be a no holds barred attitude. People will complain about stuff, but when it comes down to it they're using the same thing or something equivalent so meh.
The shared team cd removal means faster spike heals, but still not fast enough to save someone from an insta-vape.
The Pax event for SC was pretty sad. It seems that they still have a long ways to go, but hopefully they'll get there before too long. I feel they will be fixing bugs for a very long time with this game and I could it see the full roll out being delayed for over a year.
As far as seeing another sci-fi game with the scope of SC, I'd say that depends on how well SC does. I don't know if it would be a Star Trek game, but whatever the game, it would probably have to have a big name publisher behind it with a ton of resources and multiple studios to work on it.
bug is still the best dueling escort, the andorian 5 forward weapons is just going to have the highest sustained firepower, but the new comer hirogen escort is really the best overall now, as long as you dont swear off AtB. think fleet vet ship without a subpar turn rate holding it back.
for cruisers, the mogh and avenger pretty much own the battlecruiser dps game, but its harder to use DHCs on it then it is on lesser battlecruisers. if your not flying ether of those, there's the monbosh, basically a galor +.5. only thing keeping it from being best cruiser is the 4/4 weapons, but that don't mater much with beams. its super easy to use cannons well on it though
the c store dyson ships make great sci heavy destroyer/escort things, or the most tac heavy sci ships to date. on the oposite end, you cant beat the paliside's defensive station setup. then there's the good old vesta and wells filling in any build gaps ether of those ships could have
i can clear anything and everything now, bring it on :rolleyes:
see answer 3
spike healing is off the scale, for everyone. also, any skill that can be cleared be any of these 3 skills is pretty much harmless. including SNB, other then the strip. i tend to run my hirogen escort with EPtE1, EPtS3, 2 AtB, ET1, HE1, TSS1, ST2. you cant debuff it, its damn near unkillable. its made AtB builds finally just to silly.
i still dont know what they were thinking. i guess they data mined and saw that TT was used 1000% more often then the other 2? and decided that this could not stand! surely ET and ST BTFO the use numbers for acetone beam, boarding party, dispersal paters, AB and TR combined. i guess the game wasn't casual enough, or they felt there was to much damage and clicky damage console stacking, so there needed to be more spikey heal stacking in response. not that any of that can hard counter during a proper 1.5 second vap.
yay! they are finally doing something about out of control power creep, in a sustainable way! oh look, all the crazy unidine rep gear and god knows whats gonna be in the lock box. :rolleyes:
ya. i didn't bother mentioning any with question 1, because there's warbirds and rom captains and then there's everything else, still. if you use them right of course.
That live stream bugged cause of the computers land server they used, they should have patch the land server with their patch insted of trust the thing they used . after the live stream they got it fixed and it worked good, so the fans that was here was happy , so ya this week they are suposed to give us some more good footage of the pax event, but for now we have this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G0RhHr4Jsk0
JOIN us in Star Citizen https://robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/INQ <
Cool. Hopefully they get it all figured out by the time they release the PvP module. It looks like it has promise and I'm especially curious about the battleship battles with a full crew. Are they going to release that with this PvP module or is it just dog fighting?
1. Sci -
1.a Mirror Hanom so long as Cloak detecting Tavaro isn't around. (Well it's my favorite anyway).
1.b It's a BCing Sci ship you can run Aux2batt w/to vomit sci stuff in a hit and run fashion if needed.
1. Cruisers
1.c Haven't tried it and it's technically a destroyer, but the Rommy varients of the transformer destroyer is probably 2nd. Can swap from Tac to debuff orientation.
1.d Scimmy for cruisers imo. (Though I've never had one, they're pretty much of the box better still). I never liked Cruisers and BCs were usually just tolerable. So, a 2nd varient of Scimmy.
1. Escort
1.e - T'varo for vapor imo. Haven't seen/dog fighting in ages.
1.f meh
2. Power creep has kinda made me numb to this stuff. Lots of people seem to complain about Tac Proton Barrage I guess.
3. Idk, don't do that. But, gcd wasn't why I stopped using them in builds I use to run w/2-3. So, I haven't run w/anything other than TT in awhile.
4. I take all changes for this game to be crappy for all PvP, then pleasantly surprised if it's not so bad.
5. a. I need a new PC before I try to play the Alpha for Star Citizen.
b. lol, no Greco et al are still here.
6. Idk, for grinding reasons I stopped using all but 1 toon. But, Rommy Boffs still have built in damage advantage. But, I play Sci mostly anyway.
7-8. ???
Random Quote from Kerrat
"Sumlobus@****: your mums eat Iced Targ Poo"
C&H Fed banter
@Zelda was that u in the crowd shouting Cryengine sucks cryengine sucks?
Saw it. Was not impressed/don't care.
Think about this:
American Football has been in open beta for 144 years. ~Kotaku
do you saw the right one ?
I must say that will be great if they finish with the Game and we can play it.
*** R.I.P. ***
I don't have a romulan but I'm still considering putting my tac captain in a new fleet escort.... my sci captain in a dyson ship and my engineer in an avenger. Are my current choices still a little behind for season nine? I've opened the patch notes and dev blogs as I'm finishing writing this in an attempt to get caught up to speed a bit.
Let no other Captain discourage you from what you believe you can achieve in PvP. Debuffs and Disables be damned! Charge up your Backstep and Forge your build out of Lock Boxes, Consoles, and Flash Sales feeding off of only your pure will to chain, spam, and hax your way forward. You will not be forgotten to history.