For lack of finding a better place to put this I am posting it here.
Based on Intellectual Property (IP) outside of Star Trek Online (STO), and an obvious flaw in deployment of fighters, I believe the Recluse is flying backwards. From what I have been able to determine from originating IPs, Tholian ships travel in the direction of the narrow end of the ship. Not hard to figure out that the concept is a flying triangle. Obviously STO is allowed liberties in the reimagining of Star Trek and Star Trek ship design. With that in mind, I will toss out conforming to originating IP concepts and focus on the Recluse as is.
The individual who designed the Recluse put a lot of thought into the design. One of the best ideas is the ability to open and close. The Recluse does not due this in game. However, a quick examination will show that the ability to open and close is intended. In the aft interior of the ship there is a Scissor Jack to open and close the ship. Shown in the below image:
With the current direction of travel the Recluse would, and does, expose its interior to enemy fire while deploying fighters. A very obvious tactical mistake.
Reversing the direction of travel eliminates the Recluses fighter deployment flaw, and in my opinion look cooler.
Should not be hard to reverse the current color scheme to fit a reversal of travel. The engine trails might take a bit more work. The deflector dish effect would need to be moved as well. Also would be cool if the Recluse opened and closed like it is designed. Do I expect this to ever be done? Not in my lifetime. Just had to point this out because my heart dies a little every time I see a Recluse and think how bad TRIBBLE it could look. Imagining it opening to deploy fighters, and closing when recovering fighters. Sigh, I can only dream.
Interesting observation, but you're wrong.
Looking at them, the Recluse in particular makes you wonder, "gosh this creates a vulnerability".
Ignoring that structural integrity fields, deflector arrays, shielding and armour also play a huge role in viability of any design, simply looking at it and saying it's bad because it's open is a little daft. Who knows? Maybe the geometry of the opening is perfect for their shield arrays?
All speculation aside, the IP owners had approval over the design. They were likely a few designs along the way.
My two bits.
Admiral Thrax
It's hard to tell form the pictures. Imagine it is designed like an umbrella. Pushing the runner towards the top of the umbrella spreads it open. If you could do the same to the center of the Recluse, it would spread open. I will try to get an image that better shows the arm support rods like an umbrella has.
Ok this should show the arm supports better.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
what about the people who don't have a static water supply and drink from rivers and such?
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
The claaaw
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus