Finally i got enough zen to buy a T5 ship for my rommie. I was between the mogai / valdore and the Ark'if. Finally decided for the last one. I am doing some testing but i am a little confused about the special console.
How does it work exactly in pair with the Singularity Beam??
I mean, i know it drains shield power, but i noticed that, when i use the singularity beam, my shields will go off and i will not have shields for a long time.. !!. Is this intended?
Im loving the ship, but if this is how it works (the special console), i think equiping the console is worthless (again).
I have the ark'if also and I think it is a glitch in the UI showing the shields off line. it has happened to me but I don't take damage as if I have no shields and when I hit transfer shield strength they show up full again.
as for the use of the console itself I keep finding myself not finding a time to use it. I pop from cloak and mobs are dead before I have time to use it. thinking of using rep console in its place see if there is any difference other than me missing the fins on my ride :cool:
this is my build for the moment still working for rep gear
I have the ark'if also and I think it is a glitch in the UI showing the shields off line. it has happened to me but I don't take damage as if I have no shields and when I hit transfer shield strength they show up full again.
as for the use of the console itself I keep finding myself not finding a time to use it. I pop from cloak and mobs are dead before I have time to use it. thinking of using rep console in its place see if there is any difference other than me missing the fins on my ride :cool:
this is my build for the moment still working for rep gear
The problem of the beam, is , by the time it is effective, as you say, the target is almost dead or you are so close to the target that you cant use it anymore. But i am not surprised, since 75% of the abilities from c-store ships are useless. I dunno why. They are broken or just useless. At first i thought it was like a super weapon, but it only purpose is to lower the defense of the target. But it is not effective enough, and its not needed most of the times. I wonder why cryptic keep providing useless abilities to c-store ships. The ship itself is great, but now i regret "a little" buying it instead the mogai / valdore
About the shield issue, i dunno, what i know is, when i use the singularity beam and my shields go down, i really take more damage to the point i need to go away and heal myself, or sometimes i am nearly to die.
I agree the beam is atrociously difficult to use in PvP against escorts. However, its great in stfs or CCE. Also you can power up your sing core really fast with annihilation mode and unlike the Dhelan singularity absorbing console you can keep it on all the time. The quad cannons are more of an issue with me. I truly hate that weapon but the bonus to plasma dmge is insane so I keep em on anyway. Seriously, Cryptic a ship weapon as a console should at least be competitive with fleet weapons and not be completely outclassed by em.
The beam is atrociously hard to use whenever due to it cutting off due to latency. Frequent power usage - or keybinding - usually results on the game mistakenly toggling the beam off after 3 to 5 second of firing even if it would've had, in normal circumstances, fired up to 20 seconds.
I very much liked the Annihilation Beam, but this latency-related bug has come to be extremely offputting. Enough so that while I loved it, I stopped using the console. I dearly wish the Annihilation Beam would've been a uninteruptable power such as the Tachyon Beam or the Vesta's Quantum-Focus-Beam.
So far, they've yet to make that quality-of-life adjustment. The reticence seems to come from them feeling that we should have the ability to toggle it off to preserve singularity power. In my eyes, if a player wanted to stop the beam, he'd just need to move out-of-arc, or drop target with the ESC key. >_>
Ironically , my problem is not that the beam drops off due to latency or something else, i can maintain it for about 8-10 seconds with no problem. The issue is, in that time i am taking so much damage that i need to go away , cloak and wait to hull heals. And the beam is no effective enough, since it needs to be active for too many seconds. I really think something weird is goin on. I even tried rising my defense power levels with the same result.
Besides, i also have the singularity specialist trait, and i can even fill the singularity power fast enough without the annihilation mode. In fact, i think it takes almost the same time to fill.. So, in the end, it will be another useless console parked in my bank.
I mean, besides the hangar bay, what else have this ship?? i dont think it is worthy only because the hangar bay.. or is it?? take away the hangar bay.. and it will be one of the worst c-store ships out there.. sigh.
Ironically , my problem is not that the beam drops off due to latency or something else, i can maintain it for about 8-10 seconds with no problem. The issue is, in that time i am taking so much damage that i need to go away , cloak and wait to hull heals. And the beam is no effective enough, since it needs to be active for too many seconds. I really think something weird is goin on. I even tried rising my defense power levels with the same result.
Besides, i also have the singularity specialist trait, and i can even fill the singularity power fast enough without the annihilation mode. In fact, i think it takes almost the same time to fill.. So, in the end, it will be another useless console parked in my bank.
I mean, besides the hangar bay, what else have this ship?? i dont think it is worthy only because the hangar bay.. or is it?? take away the hangar bay.. and it will be one of the worst c-store ships out there.. sigh.
I make sure to pop RSP before I use it. The ar'kif set + the romulan weapon set can give a nice boost to plasma weapon damage. The ship, however works fine with or without the console set and plasma weapons. Do what you like. I only find the singularity beam nice to use against stationary boss ships like donatra (while she's charging). It even works great against the CE.
Things to note: DEM, Tetryon Glider, and any reputation trait works with the beam.
I mean, besides the hangar bay, what else have this ship?? i dont think it is worthy only because the hangar bay.. or is it?? take away the hangar bay.. and it will be one of the worst c-store ships out there.. sigh.
I don't get how you can take that stance.
The lack of attractiveness in the Ar'kif when it came out was mostly due to a lack of power creep in it. Its retrofit version was as valid a ship as any other to pick up at level 50 - it had looks and it had high performance on its side. But many people already had max level romulan characters and had already commited to endgame warbirds (or had bought the Starter/Legacy packs and couldn't justify spending again when the Ar'kif was not obviously better than what they had).
Enter the hangar slot, which was power creep, and you get the Ar'kif tactical carrier warbird today. It's endgame distinctions? That hangar, and being one of three endgame warbirds capable of slotting 5 tactical consoles on its fleet version (four if you include the Z-Store Scimitar).
Take the Dreadnought warbirds aside, and the Ar'kif really had only 3 competitors above it: the Daeinos, the Mogai and the Dhelan. (the Fleet Ha'feh gets honorable mention as very servicable, but stat-wise it lags slightly behind)
The Dhelan has slightly higher shields and hull values. Its LtC science station kind of forces you into science, but otherwise its well balanced in general, giving some nice leeway for that universal Lt seat. Its console layout is about the same as the Ar'kif and it has the same agility.
The Mogai is somewhat tankier than the Dhelan, with slightly stronger hull and shields. It loses out in agility, and focuses more on engineering with its LtC seat. It boasts much better engineering console support at the price of more science or tactical consoles, but those are generally not missed because the Mogai actually mixes in a lot of good synergy for a brawler (people could argue the lack of turn rate can be compensated with turn rate consoles). The Mogai's universal LT seat is not as universal as it seems, as it likely will end up supplementing its weak science seating.
The Daeinos has stronger hull than the Mogai, and similar turn rate, but loses out on shields; those are weaker than the Ar'kif's. It compensates with excellent Boff seating, starting out with balanced fixed seats, and the universal seats allow you to do pretty much anything without being left lacking. The Daeinos console layout is the same as the Mogai.
Now, the Ar'kif.
The Ar'kif has the same agility as the Dhelan, despite its size. It has weaker hull and shield values, but the hangar largely compensates for those minor statistical drops. The Ar'kif universal LtC console is sort of forced into engineering due to its natively weak eng seating. While its 5 tactical slots are excellent, it could be argued that its 3 science slots and 2 engineering slots detract from it. I don't agree: I think the greater turn rate makes up for it, and you're always kind of stuck trying to find a good place for universal consoles anyways at endgame so I believe the disadvantage is negligible.
Even if forced into an engineering seating for the universal LtC seat, what you end up with can boast just as much sustaining power as the Mogai. You suffer minor disadvantages, kind of get the Mogai Boff seating, get 5 tactical consoles to play with... and you get an hangar and cool console support (when it doesn't bug). Perhaps it may look like you don't need the console if you have the singularity specialist trait, but the reverse can also be true: you might not need the trait if you have the console, leaving possibilities for other traits to pick from.
Personally, I swear by it. Not to mention I really like its visual flair as a warbird more than I do the very widely swooping Mogai. This said, all the warbirds mentioned in this post are very powerful and surely can feel ideal in the hands of people whom favor them with their playstyle or by simple preference - my objection lies in the Ar'Kif being handwaved as 'not worthy'. It is perhaps not ideal depending on player bias, but it is definitely competitive.
As far as the beam goes I actually find it rather useful as a powerful attack for boss type enemies. I agree that it can feel like a waste of a console slot but I never really felt justified in getting rid of it as I've managed to put a pretty serious dent in the health of whatever comes at the end of a STF. While I personally prefer to science destroyer to the ark'if I think my preference is mainly the versatility between being sci focused to switching to being a bit more tact focused. If you're looking to spend some money on a ROM escort type ship then the ark'if is hardly a bad investment. Just don't expect that the beam attack is going to be useful against anything that isn't going to require some serious damage to take down.
as for the use of the console itself I keep finding myself not finding a time to use it. I pop from cloak and mobs are dead before I have time to use it. thinking of using rep console in its place see if there is any difference other than me missing the fins on my ride :cool:
this is my build for the moment still working for rep gear
hope it helps
The problem of the beam, is , by the time it is effective, as you say, the target is almost dead or you are so close to the target that you cant use it anymore. But i am not surprised, since 75% of the abilities from c-store ships are useless. I dunno why. They are broken or just useless. At first i thought it was like a super weapon, but it only purpose is to lower the defense of the target. But it is not effective enough, and its not needed most of the times. I wonder why cryptic keep providing useless abilities to c-store ships. The ship itself is great, but now i regret "a little" buying it instead the mogai / valdore
About the shield issue, i dunno, what i know is, when i use the singularity beam and my shields go down, i really take more damage to the point i need to go away and heal myself, or sometimes i am nearly to die.
I very much liked the Annihilation Beam, but this latency-related bug has come to be extremely offputting. Enough so that while I loved it, I stopped using the console. I dearly wish the Annihilation Beam would've been a uninteruptable power such as the Tachyon Beam or the Vesta's Quantum-Focus-Beam.
So far, they've yet to make that quality-of-life adjustment. The reticence seems to come from them feeling that we should have the ability to toggle it off to preserve singularity power. In my eyes, if a player wanted to stop the beam, he'd just need to move out-of-arc, or drop target with the ESC key. >_>
Besides, i also have the singularity specialist trait, and i can even fill the singularity power fast enough without the annihilation mode. In fact, i think it takes almost the same time to fill..
I mean, besides the hangar bay, what else have this ship?? i dont think it is worthy only because the hangar bay.. or is it?? take away the hangar bay.. and it will be one of the worst c-store ships out there.. sigh.
I make sure to pop RSP before I use it. The ar'kif set + the romulan weapon set can give a nice boost to plasma weapon damage. The ship, however works fine with or without the console set and plasma weapons. Do what you like. I only find the singularity beam nice to use against stationary boss ships like donatra (while she's charging). It even works great against the CE.
Things to note: DEM, Tetryon Glider, and any reputation trait works with the beam.
I don't get how you can take that stance.
The lack of attractiveness in the Ar'kif when it came out was mostly due to a lack of power creep in it. Its retrofit version was as valid a ship as any other to pick up at level 50 - it had looks and it had high performance on its side. But many people already had max level romulan characters and had already commited to endgame warbirds (or had bought the Starter/Legacy packs and couldn't justify spending again when the Ar'kif was not obviously better than what they had).
Enter the hangar slot, which was power creep, and you get the Ar'kif tactical carrier warbird today. It's endgame distinctions? That hangar, and being one of three endgame warbirds capable of slotting 5 tactical consoles on its fleet version (four if you include the Z-Store Scimitar).
Take the Dreadnought warbirds aside, and the Ar'kif really had only 3 competitors above it: the Daeinos, the Mogai and the Dhelan. (the Fleet Ha'feh gets honorable mention as very servicable, but stat-wise it lags slightly behind)
The Dhelan has slightly higher shields and hull values. Its LtC science station kind of forces you into science, but otherwise its well balanced in general, giving some nice leeway for that universal Lt seat. Its console layout is about the same as the Ar'kif and it has the same agility.
The Mogai is somewhat tankier than the Dhelan, with slightly stronger hull and shields. It loses out in agility, and focuses more on engineering with its LtC seat. It boasts much better engineering console support at the price of more science or tactical consoles, but those are generally not missed because the Mogai actually mixes in a lot of good synergy for a brawler (people could argue the lack of turn rate can be compensated with turn rate consoles). The Mogai's universal LT seat is not as universal as it seems, as it likely will end up supplementing its weak science seating.
The Daeinos has stronger hull than the Mogai, and similar turn rate, but loses out on shields; those are weaker than the Ar'kif's. It compensates with excellent Boff seating, starting out with balanced fixed seats, and the universal seats allow you to do pretty much anything without being left lacking. The Daeinos console layout is the same as the Mogai.
Now, the Ar'kif.
The Ar'kif has the same agility as the Dhelan, despite its size. It has weaker hull and shield values, but the hangar largely compensates for those minor statistical drops. The Ar'kif universal LtC console is sort of forced into engineering due to its natively weak eng seating. While its 5 tactical slots are excellent, it could be argued that its 3 science slots and 2 engineering slots detract from it. I don't agree: I think the greater turn rate makes up for it, and you're always kind of stuck trying to find a good place for universal consoles anyways at endgame so I believe the disadvantage is negligible.
Even if forced into an engineering seating for the universal LtC seat, what you end up with can boast just as much sustaining power as the Mogai. You suffer minor disadvantages, kind of get the Mogai Boff seating, get 5 tactical consoles to play with... and you get an hangar and cool console support (when it doesn't bug). Perhaps it may look like you don't need the console if you have the singularity specialist trait, but the reverse can also be true: you might not need the trait if you have the console, leaving possibilities for other traits to pick from.
Personally, I swear by it. Not to mention I really like its visual flair as a warbird more than I do the very widely swooping Mogai. This said, all the warbirds mentioned in this post are very powerful and surely can feel ideal in the hands of people whom favor them with their playstyle or by simple preference - my objection lies in the Ar'Kif being handwaved as 'not worthy'. It is perhaps not ideal depending on player bias, but it is definitely competitive.