It's why on my Federation main I have a Defiant fleet, and a C-store Galaxy-X. I like their differing play styles and adjusting to each ship.
My other ships are the Steam Runner (I feel is one of the most underused and underrated ships in the game) and a C-store Avenger which bores me, Beams work, cannons work, Single, Dual heavy, Dual in all combinations, the ship almost fly's itself.
Almost every combination of Boffs work., it puts me to sleep.
I am currently flying a Marauder Flight deck cruiser, but I want something with a bit more hitting power, but I am happy with the FDC for now.
I know the Mogh is good, but I don't want to be board with what i fly, what is a challenge but won't break my bank to outfit?
The B'Rel is such a different play style to use the EBC, that it's got a steep learning curve. The issue is that it's 2000 zen or 5 fleet ship modules if you have a tier 5 fleet shipyard.
It's expensive to get one, but torpedoes are usually much cheaper than beam arrays. The tac consoles are usually cheaper too.
The B'Rel is often a hit and run ship, a totally different play style than other ships.
on my kdf engineer I use the Mirror voquv, Bortasqu (science version), Guramba, and kar'fi. They all play different and they are all fun, for me anyways. The Mirror Voquv you can get with EC and it lets you use B'rel pets. The Karfi is more of a sci/tac hybrid with 2 flight decks, but it's 2500 zen.
The B'Rel is often a hit and run ship, a totally different play style than other ships.
The B'Rel and any bird of prey.
But i agree, that they style of play of a bird of prey is totally different from a deck cruiser, marauder, big cruiser, carrier or watever.
It is a really faster play style, and you will not have time to be bored, since you will need to keep moving all the time, and going forward / backwards your enemy all the time.
I must say, bird of preys need a minimum skilled captain, since its not so easy to play with em. Its not only about the hit & run tactic, its about having enough nerves to keep flying at maximum speed in close range to your target, moving around and going in circles while you try to keep firing at the lowered shield of your target. With a bird of prey this is easy, since you have the best turn speed of the game, and you can use your afterward weapons almost at the same time as your forward ones, even if you need to turn around. Thats the reason i never use turrets in a bop, it is a waste. Turrets are useless no matter wat, but in a BoP, they dont make any sense.
About the Mogh, i love it as well. Its true i only have it since a few days ago, but it is a really versatile ship. And the dynamic warhead ability is really useful. The only problem with the Mogh is, you need to think very well what build do you want for it. Its really hard to mix torps with beams and / or cannons. Due to the weird stations configuration. This means, either you will need to decide for cannons / beams or cannons / torps, or torps / beams but you cant use the 3 types of weapons.You can, but its not recommended.
It's expensive to get one, but torpedoes are usually much cheaper than beam arrays. The tac consoles are usually cheaper too.
The B'Rel is often a hit and run ship, a totally different play style than other ships.
The B'Rel and any bird of prey.
But i agree, that they style of play of a bird of prey is totally different from a deck cruiser, marauder, big cruiser, carrier or watever.
It is a really faster play style, and you will not have time to be bored, since you will need to keep moving all the time, and going forward / backwards your enemy all the time.
I must say, bird of preys need a minimum skilled captain, since its not so easy to play with em. Its not only about the hit & run tactic, its about having enough nerves to keep flying at maximum speed in close range to your target, moving around and going in circles while you try to keep firing at the lowered shield of your target. With a bird of prey this is easy, since you have the best turn speed of the game, and you can use your afterward weapons almost at the same time as your forward ones, even if you need to turn around. Thats the reason i never use turrets in a bop, it is a waste. Turrets are useless no matter wat, but in a BoP, they dont make any sense.
About the Mogh, i love it as well. Its true i only have it since a few days ago, but it is a really versatile ship. And the dynamic warhead ability is really useful. The only problem with the Mogh is, you need to think very well what build do you want for it. Its really hard to mix torps with beams and / or cannons. Due to the weird stations configuration. This means, either you will need to decide for cannons / beams or cannons / torps, or torps / beams but you cant use the 3 types of weapons.You can, but its not recommended.