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KDF Science question....

tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Klingon Discussion
I hit level 50 maybe a month ago, and have stilll been flying my Vo'Quv, and while it does the job, I am super tired of taking an eon to turn it around. So my question here is, if I didn't get the Anniversary pieces of the Dyson set, is the KDF Dyson Science ship worth purchasing? I don't wanna fly a squishy BoP, and if I don't get the Dyson, I may get the Gorn ship. I have the Kar'Fi unlocked on my account, but I want something with a Commander science boff slot.
Any and all constructive input is welcomed.
I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
Post edited by tyranthraxisii on


  • tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    And also, which one would you fly? I'd get the whole set, but is a 5th science console worth taking over say 4 tac consoles?
    I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
  • nobletnoblet Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I hit level 50 maybe a month ago, and have stilll been flying my Vo'Quv, and while it does the job, I am super tired of taking an eon to turn it around. So my question here is, if I didn't get the Anniversary pieces of the Dyson set, is the KDF Dyson Science ship worth purchasing? I don't wanna fly a squishy BoP, and if I don't get the Dyson, I may get the Gorn ship. I have the Kar'Fi unlocked on my account, but I want something with a Commander science boff slot.
    Any and all constructive input is welcomed.

    Karfi does have a commander science boff. 2x grav wells for you. 5th science console is worthless, you'll just end up slotting universal consoles into it. 4th tac console, on the other hand, is always useful. You get tac/science boat, 4/3 weapon layout, and best frig pets in the game. Science + dps, what's not to like?

    Dyson is worthless by comparison.
  • engelenhartengelenhart Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    If you didn't do the grindaversary there's really no use in buying a C-store Dyson because the secondary deflector will cost you 600 lobi, which is arguably more than the 100 bucks they charge foor the megapack.
  • warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Dyson Science Destroyers are a very hit or miss thing when it comes to people liking them. I think they're okay, most esp. for the KDF & Romulans since they have very little Science focused ships to begin with.

    That said, Dyson Ship if you did not have all the pieces from the Anniversary Ship? If your intent is to maximize the Solanae Set to its fullest potential, no, it isn't. A fully decked out Solanae Set synergizes very well with the C-Store DSD consoles. But this is a massive cost for the full 9 pack. If your intent is to mount other sets that present useful Science Skill Bonuses like Borg, KHG, etc., then yes it's still okay.

    Just remember the DSD at best is a Cmdr and possibly Lt level Science BOFF slot ship. Also, the fixed Proton cannon as well as the nature of the DSD C-Store Consoles kind of forces your build in a certain direction (i.e. boosting Proton Dmg). But the ship DOES give you the option of going into Escort mode.

    If I were to fly one of those C-Store DSD ships, it would be the 4 TAC / 4 SCI version. This maximized the Science & Tactical nature of the DSD. If I were to go full on Proton, you can mount a crapload of Dyson TAC Consoles that all boost Proton Dmg.

    If you are looking for other Cmdr level Science ships from the KDF, the regular and C-Store options are:

    Bird of Prey (B'Rel being the best for it) due to Universal BOFF setup.

    Vo'Quv (yes, I know you have it)

    Kar'Fi: Best turning carrier in the game, 2 full hangars, good TAC & SCI orientation, access to Fer'Jai Frigates (among the best hangar units in the game). Very powerful combination offset by a Lt ENG BOFF seating. If you know how to live off Lt ENG BOFF seats, you will love the whole package the Kar'Fi brings.

    Veranus: The only true, full on Cmdr & LtCdr SCI BOFF seating ship the KDF has. Mediocre TAC & ENG capabilities. Wish it had 5 SCI Consoles for the Fleet version, though. But in terms of pure SCI, this is the best we have. Also, the C-Store version has the Repair Platform, which, IMO, is highly, HIGHLY underrated. You can drop alot of these things in an instance, and any teammates in the vicinity of them get hull repair drones. You literally can top off the hull of your whole team with clever Repair Platform placement without even throwing out something like Hazard Emitters or other hull repair abilities. Save the BOFF abilities for actual emergencies while the Repair Platform does basic hull upkeep for everyone. Due to this, and the Sci heavy nature of the Veranus, it's one of the best support ships you can possibly get between all the factions. You will not ever lead in DPS. But you WILL be tops in support and repairs at the same time.
  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Dyson ship is a good offensive science ship, with cloaking. Of the c-store varients that are available, the tactical version will mesh the best with STO's focus on DPS as the sole path to victory, and gives up little for it. Whether or not you get the Lobi store ship is up to you, the shield transfer feature on the deflector is not very powerful, but its absence will nag at you for sure.

    There is also the temporal science ship, but those are +200 million EC on the exchange currently, and its a clone of the Wells with no cloaking or anything.

    Varanus is a check-box ship. It works but its not really good. Limited limited tac stations and consoles for damage, kind of slow to turn for a mid-tier science ship, does not have a cloak, all told it is a me-too ship for control and some defensive support and not much good for offensive. I have it because I needed a ship in that category, but I rarely use it.
  • kimmymkimmym Member Posts: 1,317 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    The Kar'Fi is a dream come true.

    I can't recommend one enough.

    Damn you, now I have to fly mine again... I have an unhealthy obsession with her... My therapist is going to be so disappointed...
    I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
    Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
  • tyranthraxisiityranthraxisii Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thanks for all the helpful input everyone. I can't believe I forgot the Kar'Fi has a cmdr Sci boff placement, must have been too long since I flew it. I guess from what I'm seeing so far, I will just stick with what I've got because while the Veranus has called to me for years, I can't see spending the money on it since I already have the Kar'Fi, and the Dyson, while I'm sure would work, I think it would be annoying for me since I didn't do the grindfest anniversary(Thank God since I just finally completed the MUI on 8 characters and I managed to not blow my brain in.)
    I thought WoW's forums had angry elitist snobs, but I never could have imagined the level STO forums has.:confused:
  • norobladnoroblad Member Posts: 2,624 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I hit level 50 maybe a month ago, and have stilll been flying my Vo'Quv, and while it does the job, I am super tired of taking an eon to turn it around. So my question here is, if I didn't get the Anniversary pieces of the Dyson set, is the KDF Dyson Science ship worth purchasing? I don't wanna fly a squishy BoP, and if I don't get the Dyson, I may get the Gorn ship. I have the Kar'Fi unlocked on my account, but I want something with a Commander science boff slot.
    Any and all constructive input is welcomed.

    The dyson sounds like a good fit for you.

    My take on it is the dyson has no drawing qualities. Lower dps than bop or karfi. Not significantly tougher than bop due to lack of eng seats (its tougher, but not tons tougher -- the same cheeze will one shot both with the same gear, and if not one-shotted, the bop can outheal it with the right officers). Karfi of course has pets. Lower turn than bop.

    To me you are giving up better weapon layout and damage for insignificant amounts of durability, in other words.
  • edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I always read so good things about the Karf'hi, and is one of my future adquisitions for sure (but not now i must say). What i like the most about the Karf'hi (when i have one of em around) is the sound of the engines.. ^^
  • sardizasardiza Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Definitly dust-off your old Kar'fi; it was one of the few 9-console KDF C-store ships that held up well against the power creep. Nowadays, since you already have it on your account, I'd look into snagging the Fleet version; it gets the "I already own it" discount (which is rare on the KDF side), making it cost 1 Fleet Module.
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