the tears from the pvpers will flood sto looks like noah better get another ark ready
Hrmm, not sure anybody will notice any tears from the PvP folks - with the PvE folks crying that they absolutely need something like this cause the NPCs are just too hard otherwise! Omgherd, the game's so hard - we need more power - we can't get it done with everything we've got!
With all the Tykens, Grav Well, Singularity TRIBBLE, Black Poo stuff and all, PVP in this game already has the visual appeal of a krayon doodle done by some ungifted 3-year-old.
Whoever is responsible for the visuals department, dear dude, less is sometimes more... please find a way to tone the s*hit down.
If I wanted to experience unresponsivness in conjunction with shrill neon colours, I'd eat some mushrooms...
Hey, us Sci players have to have something to compensate for our abilities all having been nerfed into oblivion. Shiney will do.
Hrmm, not sure anybody will notice any tears from the PvP folks - with the PvE folks crying that they absolutely need something like this cause the NPCs are just too hard otherwise! Omgherd, the game's so hard - we need more power - we can't get it done with everything we've got!
Exactly when I can face down the undine in the FE with 20% health and killed the 2nd and 3rd waves without losing more is laughable.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
With all the Tykens, Grav Well, Singularity TRIBBLE, Black Poo stuff and all, PVP in this game already has the visual appeal of a krayon doodle done by some ungifted 3-year-old.
Lol, sorry for all that spam, but it was necessary. The other day someone with massive aftershocking grav wells teamed up and I was also aftershocking Tykens. The result was a mess of color. There might have been some black poo also involved.
With all the Tykens, Grav Well, Singularity TRIBBLE, Black Poo stuff and all, PVP in this game already has the visual appeal of a krayon doodle done by some ungifted 3-year-old.
Whoever is responsible for the visuals department, dear dude, less is sometimes more... please find a way to tone the s*hit down.
If I wanted to experience unresponsivness in conjunction with shrill neon colours, I'd eat some mushrooms...
This is now my new favourite reply. lol
The sad part being - it's completely true. It's one hell of a hot mess, it's like they're trolling the playerbase on purpose.
Meh, not to buy into a possible late April Fool's thing or not...but I posted over in the Tribble forums asking if they were going to update the system requirements for the game based on the Fluidic Rifts/Puddles. Over on Holo, outside of Elite Scorps - you could have a houseful of cats eat boxes of crayons and puke them on the screen and I'll be fine...the Fluidic stuff, doesn't take long to turn the game into a slideshow...meh. Anybody else notice the hit to performance from the Fludic stuff over on Tribble?
That was my first reaction when I saw the fluidic 'puddle' stuff thingy. I'm not suprised by what you say, I instantly knew that those effects will turn the game into a slideshow once I saw them.
Playing STO as a PPT presentation....ain't that fun? :rolleyes:
Buy a new more powerful graphic card...then add up to 16 GB Ram...and maybe an octacore CPU...ehm...:P
The sad part is, I've got a pretty good PC and it runs many other (some newer, more demanding and complex) games besides STO and I don't have this happening. I'm pretty sure it's an engine thing or whatever it is that causes this, it's on their side.
But sometimes all the color blitz is just too much on my eyes as well. The preformance may be ok, but I just lose myself in all the neon light TRIBBLE. Many effects are a complete overkill and need to be toned down.
For those who haven't played against the Undine on Tribble yet, if the player version of this power is anything like the NPC one, we're all doomed.
First, the pull is like grav well 3, but worse. You can't slingshot out of it, it grabs out where you are, and pulls you in, no bungee like thing you sometimes get with grav well. At least that part doesn't do any damage (that I have noticed).
Second, the stuff it spawns, little blobs of jello, acts like plasma (slow) and theta radiation (hull damage) in one. If you get caught in one of these, even evasive maneuvers works hard to get you out. If you're caught in both, hit ramming speed and pray. What's that, you haven't lost enough health to use ramming speed? Don't worry, you will.
Some uses this with grav well or tyken's rift, or worse one of the other lockbox snares, hah, kiss your ship goodby.
If it is as powerful as the NPC stuff - a Fleet B'rel with a Sci Captain - A Sci Cmdr Boff - a Lt Cmdr sci boff + the subspace integration circuit + this new console + aceton = massive spam while cloaked.
Some FAW Scimitars could be in a world of Hurt and easy prey for a wing man Vaper. Heck Any Fed ship would be in big trouble if you teamed a Vaper up with the Spamming B'rel.
If it is as powerful as the NPC stuff - a Fleet B'rel with a Sci Captain - A Sci Cmdr Boff - a Lt Cmdr sci boff + the subspace integration circuit + this new console + aceton = massive spam while cloaked.
Some FAW Scimitars could be in a world of Hurt and easy prey for a wing man Vaper. Heck Any Fed ship would be in big trouble if you teamed a Vaper up with the Spamming B'rel.
I hope it isn't too bad when I am playing other characters, but my sci troll b'rel is going to have fun with this, it uses all that stuff you mentioned plus more lol. Its still easy to counter if the Feds have a snooper with TDF though.
in the process of assembling a new computer, $1000 spent on everything inside the case. so bring on the spam, this thing should take it in stride at 60 fps. unlike this comp, that gets 5 FPS when someone launches fighters
in the process of assembling a new computer, $1000 spent on everything inside the case. so bring on the spam, this thing should take it in stride at 60 fps. unlike this comp, that gets 5 FPS when someone launches fighters
Believe me drunk, no matter how fast your pc is, when there is a good amount of spam, you won't be able to maintain 60 fps
It helps somewhat to switch to low graphics details.
Believe me drunk, no matter how fast your pc is, when there is a good amount of spam, you won't be able to maintain 60 fps
It helps somewhat to switch to low graphics details.
You can bet the first 2 weeks of the box will be a full on spamfest - how severe will be determined with how broken the console is when it hits holodeck.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Believe me drunk, no matter how fast your pc is, when there is a good amount of spam, you won't be able to maintain 60 fps
It helps somewhat to switch to low graphics details.
I play on a pretty up to date PC that can run most stuff on max settings, but its a slideshow for me too in cheese heavy matches especially mini's 10v10. I usually do ok with lowered settings but sometimes that isn't enough if the spam is really bad. The half resolution used to help but that doesnt work for me anymore, cant select it.
Derrick - Fed Eng
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Hrmm, not sure anybody will notice any tears from the PvP folks - with the PvE folks crying that they absolutely need something like this cause the NPCs are just too hard otherwise! Omgherd, the game's so hard - we need more power - we can't get it done with everything we've got!
Hey, us Sci players have to have something to compensate for our abilities all having been nerfed into oblivion. Shiney will do.
In that sense Virals are clean, Shockwave fx are over in a second etc.
Exactly when I can face down the undine in the FE with 20% health and killed the 2nd and 3rd waves without losing more is laughable.
Lol, sorry for all that spam, but it was necessary. The other day someone with massive aftershocking grav wells teamed up and I was also aftershocking Tykens. The result was a mess of color. There might have been some black poo also involved.
This is now my new favourite reply. lol
The sad part being - it's completely true. It's one hell of a hot mess, it's like they're trolling the playerbase on purpose.
That was my first reaction when I saw the fluidic 'puddle' stuff thingy. I'm not suprised by what you say, I instantly knew that those effects will turn the game into a slideshow once I saw them.
Playing STO as a PPT presentation....ain't that fun? :rolleyes:
The sad part is, I've got a pretty good PC and it runs many other (some newer, more demanding and complex) games besides STO and I don't have this happening. I'm pretty sure it's an engine thing or whatever it is that causes this, it's on their side.
But sometimes all the color blitz is just too much on my eyes as well. The preformance may be ok, but I just lose myself in all the neon light TRIBBLE. Many effects are a complete overkill and need to be toned down.
If it is as powerful as the NPC stuff - a Fleet B'rel with a Sci Captain - A Sci Cmdr Boff - a Lt Cmdr sci boff + the subspace integration circuit + this new console + aceton = massive spam while cloaked.
Some FAW Scimitars could be in a world of Hurt and easy prey for a wing man Vaper. Heck Any Fed ship would be in big trouble if you teamed a Vaper up with the Spamming B'rel.
I hope it isn't too bad when I am playing other characters, but my sci troll b'rel is going to have fun with this, it uses all that stuff you mentioned plus more lol. Its still easy to counter if the Feds have a snooper with TDF though.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
Believe me drunk, no matter how fast your pc is, when there is a good amount of spam, you won't be able to maintain 60 fps
It helps somewhat to switch to low graphics details.
You can bet the first 2 weeks of the box will be a full on spamfest - how severe will be determined with how broken the console is when it hits holodeck.
SubD consoles confirmed for Season 9. :P
I play on a pretty up to date PC that can run most stuff on max settings, but its a slideshow for me too in cheese heavy matches especially mini's 10v10. I usually do ok with lowered settings but sometimes that isn't enough if the spam is really bad. The half resolution used to help but that doesnt work for me anymore, cant select it.
Wait, what?!?!?