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A Tovan suggestion/option



  • borgus1122borgus1122 Member Posts: 243 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    Who's Tovan Khev? Never heard of him, never seen him. - Joke.
    I agree. He is too much. Give us ability to dismiss him. For me he is like the one member that want's to take your place on the bridge. And I think, there are few players that want to have same spieces boffs on the bridge (only romulans, or only remans). And if there is only remans, Tovan Khev is not part of that bunch of boffs. And on the other hand, there are few players that want to have the same sex of boffs on the bridge (male or female). So if there is only female boffs on the bridge - than Tovan Khev is not welcome. Or give him a wig, skirt and rename him to Tovana Khev? Hehe.
    I don't like him too. I have noticed that from the begining of season 9, I can beam to New Romulus only with Tovan Khev. No other options available. So what is he? Part of our bodies? They must do something for us to do with him. If we can dismiss Flores (with starfleet toon) and K'gan (with klingon toon), than why can't we do same with Tovan Khev? Why is he so special? I realy would like to dismiss him and put other boff on his place, with the name I can give him. And if storyline is around him, let us dismiss him after the missions he must be in.
  • mikoto8472mikoto8472 Member Posts: 607 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I don't really like Tovan Khev, he's a whiny little man-child that needs to sit down and shut the heck up when I'm busy doing important Captain stuff.

    I think the whole "Charva" part of the Romulan storyline was sodding awful, it made him the star of the show and not me. (Which, let's face it is why many of us play games.) I don't know what possessed the devs to have a whole storyline about Tovan's ex lover. It just seemed to go nowhere.

    I didn't like the infiltration of the Tal Shiar bit either-I mean the leader of the Tal Shiar itself is my mortal enemy so its a poor idea to choose me to infiltrate his faction. And to make matters worse Sela saw my face at Khitomer so she would recognise me too if our paths met. (Which it did. God knows how she didn't recognise me.)

    But yeah getting back to Tovan I simply don't like that he's a whiny little man-child who is pretty annoying and endlessly forcing himself onto my bridge and whining about his sister whilst questioning my orders. He gets a demotion to security chief as soon as the defence of New Romulus is over.

    However I also accept reality. He is on my bridge, he is part of the early storylines and I can't get rid of him. Therefore I put him in my secondary bridge slot and on my away team until after Defence of New Romulus then replace him with a better away team member. All he does is sit on my bridge in a minor tac slot.

    That way he serves a role and doesn't get in my way too much. Good enough I suppose.

    That all being said, I really think that while we probably shouldn't be able to dismiss him, we should have the ability to cut him off and shut him up during dialogue in all missions. Literally. "Sit down and shut up Tovan." And he does so.

    And I also thing Romulan Captains should get a totally free extra BOFF slot right from the tutorial mission onwards to accomadate this whiny man-child for us. Either that or be able to toggle him between a DOFF and BOFF as necessary.
  • kodachikunokodachikuno Member Posts: 6,020 Arc User1
    edited May 2014
    its an awesome statement of how epic fail his character and plot is that we all know cryptic wont let us kill him or even shut him up but we keep calling for his head. If nothing else we can all hope at least one dev has seen at least one or two of these threads and learned 'nope that was a mistake'

    gief 'eject out airlock' option pl0x
    tacofangs wrote: »
    STO isn't canon, and neither are any of the books.
  • gurluasgurluas Member Posts: 464 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    I just wish we could remove him from the bridge if he's not on the space/away team.

    He is the reason why I stopped using my R'mor temporal science vessel.
    Because on that bridge, my tactical officer is missing, instead Tovan is there.
  • maxvitormaxvitor Member Posts: 2,213 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    They're not going to change it. Some dev did the voiceover for him and is probably taking it as a matter of pride. Just like whoever did Kurland in Boldly they Rode. He doesn't really contribute anything that I can say would be game breaking if it wasn't there or at least minimized, but I think somebodies ego is involved and since it would take additional work to change things, they are going to use "game critical" as an excuse to leave things as they are. We're just pointlessly spinning our wheels every time we revive this topic.
    If something is not broken, don't fix it, if it is broken, don't leave it broken.
    Oh Hell NO to ARC
  • doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    maxvitor wrote: »
    Just like whoever did Kurland in Boldly they Rode.
    Borticus did Kurland, and yes, he's quite proud of it. His 5 seconds of fame, repeated over and over again for all eternity. It's even his sig now.
    mikoto8472 wrote: »
    I think the whole "Charva" part of the Romulan storyline was sodding awful, it made him the star of the show and not me. (Which, let's face it is why many of us play games.) I don't know what possessed the devs to have a whole storyline about Tovan's ex lover. It just seemed to go nowhere.
    Because that part of the storyline is known as The Adventures of Tovan Khev And His Mute Companion.
  • hfmuddhfmudd Member Posts: 881 Arc User
    edited May 2014
    My take on the character, quoted from the writeups of my Rom's bridge crew, on a fleet site:
    Taela did not get to choose her own XO; in fact, she loathes him and wishes she could get rid of him (by transfer, airlock, or feeding him to the singularity core). He's a swaggering, arrogant, lecherous boor who thinks he's the second coming of James T. Kirk (with pointed ears and eyebrows) and that the Vauthil is just another stepping stone in his glorious, heroic career. Unfortunately, his family is very well-connected in the Republic (the more things change) and he's politically untouchable; worse, he knows this. He's also almost as good in a fight as he thinks he is. He has, at least, finally gotten the hint that Taela is immune to his alleged charm.
    Join Date: January 2011
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