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Fleet Mogai, Ar'kif or dyson reconnaissance destroyer

ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Romulan Discussion
I'm romulan Tactical captain and i'm wondering what ship to buy.
I want sth agile with lot of firepower but a little sturdier than usuall escorts. So i figured a destroyer class ship will be best for me. I quite enjoyed flying normal Mogai version during leveling so first i thought about fleet/zen version of tier5 of this ship, but then i looked up that there are 2 other interesting choices (i dont want dreadnought because it's to slow, and only warbirds interest me so i can utilize that this char is a romulan)
So i would like to ask You what do you think wchich of this ships would be best?
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    damix4damix4 Member Posts: 608 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Fleet Ar'Kif has 5 tac console slots which will increase your damage and critical ch./dmg. if you equip fleet tac.console. It also comes with 1 hangar slot. That's why I decided to switch from Mogai.
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    gerudongerudon Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    That doesn't sound like the Dyson Destroyer would be the ship, you are looking for.

    The Ar'Kif and the Mogai are pretty similar, so it is basically up to your taste. What ship do you like personally better? Do you want a hangar?
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Mogai is a slowish, tough escort that can tank. Ar'kif retro has a set bonus that can vape 99% of the opposition on an alpha strike.

    Dyson ship is a sci ship first and foremost, best against groups of weak baddies. Tac mode lets it imitate an escort in a pinch, but it is a sci ship for the most part.

    I advise the Mogai retrofit. Scimis are more powerful and generally better in every way, but the Mogai is a sweet, nimble little bird that can tank in a pinch.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Mogai is a slowish, tough escort that can tank. Ar'kif retro has a set bonus that can vape 99% of the opposition on an alpha strike.

    Dyson ship is a sci ship first and foremost, best against groups of weak baddies. Tac mode lets it imitate an escort in a pinch, but it is a sci ship for the most part.

    I advise the Mogai retrofit. Scimis are more powerful and generally better in every way, but the Mogai is a sweet, nimble little bird that can tank in a pinch.

    Though the Mogai has that LtCdr ENG, I don't tend to view the Mogai as "tanky" though it certainly can be. I maximize the usage of cloaks and the benefits that brings to a Warbird, so tanking is not a preference. "Cloak & Poke" is the name of the game for me. The ENG station can be used to have whatever EPT_X you want as well as other useful abilities like ASIF, ET, A2D, etc. I tend to use EPTW3 to put tremendous Weapons Power and a hefty damage bonus. For PVP, I'd lean more towards EPTE with DOFF'ed A2D. On top of this, the 2 piece console bonus of the Mogai grants MOAR Weapons Power and a very nice 25 Weapons Power drain resist. This means that even Beam Overloads don't drain your power as heavily and can recover more quickly. On top of this, with good Particle Generators Skill and popping an Aux Battery, the Ionized Particle Beam Console hits really hard. If the "Expose-like" effect is on the target when you fire, you can reach insane levels of damage. I've had the IPB crit for over 230k damage. It's a glorious weapon.

    The Mogai may not have 5 TAC Consoles, but is built to have alot of inherent firepower, short of the overpowered Scimitar.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Thank you for your answers, i think i will choose Mogai.
    For the looks and manuverability i would probably choose Dhelan retrofit, but i think it would be to squishy for me, i'm currently flying basic Ha'feh and i would really prefer sth tankier, so the Mogai sems best.
    Although warmaker001b you mentioned beam overloads, does tha mean it should be fited with beams? I thought dual heavy cannons are the way to go with escorts/destroyers? And if i want to buy fleet retrofit, are the consoles worthwile to buy the previous versions with dil/zen only for them?
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    Thank you for your answers, i think i will choose Mogai.
    For the looks and manuverability i would probably choose Dhelan retrofit, but i think it would be to squishy for me, i'm currently flying basic Ha'feh and i would really prefer sth tankier, so the Mogai sems best.
    Although warmaker001b you mentioned beam overloads, does tha mean it should be fited with beams? I thought dual heavy cannons are the way to go with escorts/destroyers? And if i want to buy fleet retrofit, are the consoles worthwile to buy the previous versions with dil/zen only for them?

    Dhelan's squishier than the Mogai, but better than most escorts.

    Basic ha'feh isn't bad, but it's slightly underpowered even compared to its mirror version. You can get terrifying DPS on a fleet ha'feh, but it's still a tad squishy, it's expensive as hell, and the thing's ugly as sin.

    Mogai is primarily an alpha striker. That means a DHC build with the best cannon rapid fire boff you can get. Keep weapon power high and decloak BEHIND enemies, hit them with the buffed volley, and then cloak again as soon as the buff wears off. You'll want as many Romulan boffs as you can, preferably with Subterfuge, Superior Infiltrator, and Superior Romulan operative (multiple copies if possible).

    The Mogai and Valdore consoles (the Valdore ESPECIALLY) are definitely worth the money. Also, you will probably want to get the basic Valdore and mogai retrofit; I know it seems expensive, but if you fall in love with the mogai retrofit you'll probably want one on all characters, and the fleet version gets a steep discount if you already own the C-store version.

    For PVE, you'll probably only be decloaking for alphas, which will be much more rare. I recommend a dual beam bank build with 360 beams and maybe mines aft (your choice if you want mines, but DPS pushers all use 360 beams of various sorts). Decloak with Beam Overload 3, you can take half the health of a Borg generator in ISE in one shot with a decent build. Switch to FAW spam and set your healing buff going for sphere cleanup. Your alphas won't be as good as with DHCs, but the DPS is said to be slightly higher with a good beam build.

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    sphinxlolsphinxlol Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Dhelan's squishier than the Mogai, but better than most escorts.

    Basic ha'feh isn't bad, but it's slightly underpowered even compared to its mirror version. You can get terrifying DPS on a fleet ha'feh, but it's still a tad squishy, it's expensive as hell, and the thing's ugly as sin.

    Mogai is primarily an alpha striker. That means a DHC build with the best cannon rapid fire boff you can get. Keep weapon power high and decloak BEHIND enemies, hit them with the buffed volley, and then cloak again as soon as the buff wears off. You'll want as many Romulan boffs as you can, preferably with Subterfuge, Superior Infiltrator, and Superior Romulan operative (multiple copies if possible).

    The Mogai and Valdore consoles (the Valdore ESPECIALLY) are definitely worth the money. Also, you will probably want to get the basic Valdore and mogai retrofit; I know it seems expensive, but if you fall in love with the mogai retrofit you'll probably want one on all characters, and the fleet version gets a steep discount if you already own the C-store version.

    For PVE, you'll probably only be decloaking for alphas, which will be much more rare. I recommend a dual beam bank build with 360 beams and maybe mines aft (your choice if you want mines, but DPS pushers all use 360 beams of various sorts). Decloak with Beam Overload 3, you can take half the health of a Borg generator in ISE in one shot with a decent build. Switch to FAW spam and set your healing buff going for sphere cleanup. Your alphas won't be as good as with DHCs, but the DPS is said to be slightly higher with a good beam build.


    Only Reman Boffs can get Superior Infiltrator, and the effect doesn't stack, meaning a single purple Reman with 4 Romulan with Superior Romulan Operative and Subterfuge is the ideal configuration for PvE, for PvP I'd be more inclined to run 5 SRO boffs, you lose 10s of Ambush, but the extra crtH for an alpha strike stacked with APA and APO means bigger hits, but only for 5s, meaning you really need to time your buffs for decloaking.
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    warmaker001bwarmaker001b Member Posts: 9,205 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    sphinxlol wrote: »
    Only Reman Boffs can get Superior Infiltrator, and the effect doesn't stack, meaning a single purple Reman with 4 Romulan with Superior Romulan Operative and Subterfuge is the ideal configuration for PvE, for PvP I'd be more inclined to run 5 SRO boffs, you lose 10s of Ambush, but the extra crtH for an alpha strike stacked with APA and APO means bigger hits, but only for 5s, meaning you really need to time your buffs for decloaking.

    Kind of, sort of in regards to Superior Infiltrator not stacking.

    Absolutely true that multiple copies of Superior Infiltrator does not stack.

    HOWEVER... Superior Infiltrator & regular Infiltrator DO stack.

    I tested this out with my Reman SCI and a Reman BOFF. Reman captains have basic Infiltrator. With her and a Reman BOFF with Superior Infiltrator, the Ambush buff skyrocketed to 23 seconds. Adding another Superior Infiltrator Reman BOFF yielded no additional time to Ambush and stayed at 23 seconds.
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    shadokittyshadokitty Member Posts: 131 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I'm a Subadmiral 1, and I plan to get a Fleet Mogai when I make lvl 50 myself, as I enjoyed flying the Mogai while leveling.
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    umaekoumaeko Member Posts: 748 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ...I consider the Fleet Ar'kif to pretty much be the best Republic ship in the game after the Scimitar, especially if you're not into being unwieldly.

    The Dhelan's squisher and perhaps too science-oriented. The Mogai's turn rate is lower and its LtC Engineer really doesn't place it ahead of the Ar'kif. The T'varo is cute, but it doesn't compete with the Fleet Ar'kifs raw firepower and sustainability, its agility is greater but not at a significant margin, and its enhanced battle cloak isn't enough of an advantage for it by comparison since it just slates it to a hit-and-run role that's usually more trouble than it is really worth. All don't have hangars.

    All of the named in the above paragraph are good ships, but the Fleet Ar'kif is simply superior. It dishes out major hurt, it has sustainability, it has hangar support and it has a very iconic Romulan warbird look with agility that puts most Federation escorts to shame.

    For me, it's a no brainer choice, really.
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    marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have both the Fleet Arkif and Fleet Mogai, I would take the Mogai over the Arkif especially if you are getting the Valdore for the console also. Arkif does a little more DPS but the Fleet Mogai is close and much tankier, and can do a nice burst with the ion beam console.
    Dyson destroyer is more of just a novelty really I wouldn't get it over the other 2 ships, just if you like the look or something.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
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    worffan101worffan101 Member Posts: 9,518 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    marc8219 wrote: »
    I have both the Fleet Arkif and Fleet Mogai, I would take the Mogai over the Arkif especially if you are getting the Valdore for the console also. Arkif does a little more DPS but the Fleet Mogai is close and much tankier, and can do a nice burst with the ion beam console.
    Dyson destroyer is more of just a novelty really I wouldn't get it over the other 2 ships, just if you like the look or something.

    Ion beam console is a biggie. You want to spec to maximize its damage, then use it with your cannons on alpha strikes.

    Mogai doesn't have the instakill potential of an ar'kif specced for plasma, but it's got much better survivability and the lack of hangar pets is actually a boon in PVP, where literally everyone has t5 Tholian rep and knows how to use it.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    worffan101 wrote: »
    Ion beam console is a biggie. You want to spec to maximize its damage, then use it with your cannons on alpha strikes.

    Mogai doesn't have the instakill potential of an ar'kif specced for plasma, but it's got much better survivability and the lack of hangar pets is actually a boon in PVP, where literally everyone has t5 Tholian rep and knows how to use it.

    Yeah hitting with a rom plasma 3pc beam, followed by the ar'kif console beam and a nasty plasma BO3 speaks nasty vape capacity. :eek::D:P

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    but to get the plasma set bonus not the arkif you have to use the "horrible is pvp" quad cannons.... no quads, no set bonus. Also, the out arkif console RARELY ever fires for the entire time. it is usually cut off midway through. after a while both are taken off if youre going to pvp and removing the two, in addition to removing said plasma bonus, means youre in a weaker hulled mogai with a hanger. sure you hit harder if in the fleet version, but you die faster too. i will trade fire power for surviving..... cant kill if youre dead.
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    vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I have both the Ar'kif and dyson , I'm surprised to say the dyson reconnaissance destroyer is better.
    The annihilation beam of the Ar'kif is too easily disrupted and never finishes while the dyson proton destabilizer console can bypass shields which actually makes up for the missing tac slot. Plus if you add the dyson experimental proton weapon you can enhance it with the same rep tactical consoles that buff your main gun.
    Oh and another nice thing about the Dyson is you can use all the science vessel abilities which makes the Dyson a very adaptable ship.
    The main problem with the dyson is that the proton cannons are locked in so they can't be removed so you're pigeonholed into getting the dyson rep tactical consoles other wise you can't buff all your weapons.

    The Ar'kif does have some good features you can take out the quad plasmas , annihilation mode makes powering your weapons easy and it has a hangar which help give a little extra fire power on your weaker armed rear. Unfortunately fighters tend to die way too fast so good luck getting max performance out of them.

    The Mogai can be deadly if you get what ever the reverse movement console is called but other than that it's horrible turn rate will end up hurting you in the long run.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i find it strange that you say the mogai has a horrible turn rate while you talk so highly of the dyson, which has a worst turnrate. In truth, NONE of these ships has a bad turn rate. I have ALL THREE and fleet versions of the Arkif and the mogai. I have even respeced my toon to use the mogai at its most powerful, coming out of a Dyson. Now, i will tell you MY experiances with ALL three ships which i have used in both PVP and PvE.

    The Dyson:

    She is a wonderful ship. the science powers allow her to shutdown or have wonderful CC ability. the Sheild mod makes her able to take a pounding so long as you KEEP THE SHIELDS UP. that isnt hard with the science heals out there. As others have said this ship is VERY adaptable. She can be ready to survive nearly ANYTHING. i didnt even use the inculded consoles. THEY arent needed and honestly are that good but they can be fun in pve. pvp i found them to be KINDA useless. I say "kinda" because the proton lightning thing is ok as it gets around shields. This is a "finesse" ship and thats what it takes to kill other players in it. PvE will be fine with this ship. Her tac mode allows for enough firepower to rip through anything. My setup found HIVE to be easy....

    Her ONLY downside it PVP is her fire power. the Proton cannon makes it so one or more weapons arent putting forth the firepower to vape targets if you are running cannons. While i know this ship isnt meant to vape, with the game's pvp go the way it is, vaping is the only real way to kill fast and usually the only way to kill at all if youre using cannons. Beams on this ship are funny in the you will still have a cannon and thus all your weapon STILL arent pulling their weight. If you always find yourself on a good team however this ship is golden. Set up your enemies for the kills your teams can get and that is VERY easy to do in this ship. She has the worst turn of all three but a turn rate of 12 is far from "bad"

    The Arkif:

    Think romulan defiant with a hanger bay. SHe has good firepower and if you can get the fleet version her vaping power is very good with five tac consoles. she moves and turns the best of the three and with the right fighters can even have a bit of control. Sadly, she needs it. I have found tanking in this ship to be hard due to her lower shield mod. even the fleet one is best suited to hit and run tactics which she is VERY GOOD at. decloak and vape, if the vape failed re cloak and run, waiting to attack again from the shadows. This ship is the ninja of the group, the scout, the thief that hits HARD, steals lives and vanishes. In this ship, speed is your ally. if you want to live run and stay running whether is running out of the fight, running into the fight, or running while fighting. RUN. The arkif too, is a wonderful ship.

    The Mogai:

    It has been said this is a better vaper than even the arkif because of this ships Ion pulse. One of the few ships whos consoles are actually useful in both pve and pvp. Some have said their ion pulse has crited for over 200k. Think of it as a beam overload that cant be resisted. The valdore console allows this, and many other warbirds to be tanky but this ship can use the two piece bonus and NO other ship can. This means with the right gear, your weapon power nearly NEVER drops. I have noticed during my alphas that my weapon power is almost static during sustained fired. i was quite disturbed by this. but in a good way. :D Where the Dyson has Finesse and the Arkif is a ninja, the mogai is the Workhorse. She can vape, be fast, use hit and run tactics, fight her way out if she has to, and take a pounding, and live to tell the tell. she has good hull and if you find yourself in the fleet version, good shields too. The fleet version is also easier to get, needing a teir4 starbase while the fleet arkif needs a teir3 spire. She hits hard, and can tank well enough to get out of a fight. In pve, there isnt much that she cant take alone. Even Tac cubes havent been a worry for me. Currently this is the ship i am using and honestly, i find myself always coming back to this ship. Sure she turns at 14 and if ANYONE thinks this ship has a bad turnrate they should feel bad.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    but to get the plasma set bonus not the arkif you have to use the "horrible is pvp" quad cannons.... no quads, no set bonus. Also, the out arkif console RARELY ever fires for the entire time. it is usually cut off midway through. after a while both are taken off if youre going to pvp and removing the two, in addition to removing said plasma bonus, means youre in a weaker hulled mogai with a hanger. sure you hit harder if in the fleet version, but you die faster too. i will trade fire power for surviving..... cant kill if youre dead.

    You don't need the quads to get an advantage, the simple matter of using the ar'kif beam causes a massive plasma punishment along with the romulan 3pc. beam giving a huge DR debuff against your assault, pop off some good old fashion BO3 for a finisher or opener, either way you cannot go wrong.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Perhaps, but i prefer the extra crit from AP. I figure with my 25% crit change and over 100% serverity BEFORE the weapon's mods come into play, i am getting that extra DMG and then some.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Perhaps, but i prefer the extra crit from AP. I figure with my 25% crit change and over 100% serverity BEFORE the weapon's mods come into play, i am getting that extra DMG and then some.

    Yeah but I highly enjoy quite literally watching their hull melt away, while all that plasma is burning a gaping hole in them.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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    vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    i find it strange that you say the mogai has a horrible turn rate while you talk so highly of the dyson, which has a worst turnrate.

    True but something about the ship always felt like it wasn't turning fast enough for my liking. Maybe it's my play style or those massive wings that make targeting awkward I don't know but each ship handles differently and requires different strategies so I judge them differently.
    That said it has been a while since I flew one so maybe I just need to refresh my memory.:)
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    honestly, NONE of these ships has a bad turn rate...... If you are still trying to decide, see my wall of text.
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    vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I've probably not been explaining myself very well so I'll try to clarify.

    The Mogai's turn rate isn't bad for a starship but compared to ships like the Jem'Hadar Attack Ship , Tarvo , birds of prey ,and Tactical Escorts it turns very slowly. Fast ships like those can easily park on a Mogai's rear and given it's rear is so much bigger than the other two ships it makes it considerably harder to shake those tailgaters.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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    chrisbrown12009chrisbrown12009 Member Posts: 790 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    but romulan ships are well suited for hit and fade tactics. If you find yourself fighting a super nimble enemy, you cloak. Then the wait and hit then when they dont see you coming. thays what i do. and all three ships do that well.
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    vonhellstingvonhellsting Member Posts: 543 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    Well I just found it harder to do with the Mogai but I'm just relaying my personal experience.
    The Lobi Crystals are Faaaakkkkee!
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    edgecrysgeredgecrysger Member Posts: 2,740 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    but to get the plasma set bonus not the arkif you have to use the "horrible is pvp" quad cannons.... no quads, no set bonus. Also, the out arkif console RARELY ever fires for the entire time. it is usually cut off midway through. after a while both are taken off if youre going to pvp and removing the two, in addition to removing said plasma bonus, means youre in a weaker hulled mogai with a hanger. sure you hit harder if in the fleet version, but you die faster too. i will trade fire power for surviving..... cant kill if youre dead.

    I recently bought the Arkif from the c-store, my 2 choices were the valdore and the arkif. I decided to buy the second one.

    First, i dont do PVP, i did on the past but i really realized there is no sense to play pvp in this game. But when i buy a ship, i buy it for pve, since i dont think pvp will be worthy to play ever in this game. So i dunno if this ship is better for pvp or this other one is.. watever. I really dont care, since only a few people on this game plays pvp.

    Actually i NEVER use the console. I am really sad to say this, but so many weird things happens when you use the arkif console.. i dont suffer the beam collapsing sooner like other people , i can maintain it for 8-10 seconds with no problem, the problem is, its effects are not so great and i will waste the same time just firing at my target and not using the beam. The Annhiliation mode is just fine, but the singularity beam, well.. its really stupid (as other c-store ship skills).

    But i dont use the beam, because for other reasons, graphic glitches appear (the shield indicators go off, for example) and i hate graphic glitches. And for some reason, when i use the beam, my ship structural integrity fails so much that i need to go away or im dead. Dunno why this happens.

    Only the hangar is what makes the Arkif different than other ships. It is useful, but without the hangar, the arkif is not a great ship, just another one.

    So if i could chose again, i will definitely choose the Valdore. :(
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    tpalelenatpalelena Member Posts: 1 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I can only say good about the Fleet Valdore I got.

    I only do pve, but for that its great. It is just the right combination between firepower and survivability that doesnt let you down , no matter what you do.

    Especially if you do pugs, than its a life safer, capable of tanking enemies and killing them both.

    Its basically a Patrol escort with the Armitage BO layout.
    Let us wear Swimsuits on Foundry maps or bridges please! I would pay zen for that.
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    ponquponqu Member Posts: 50 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    I finally farmed enough dil/zen to buy the ship.
    Hmm from everything i read here i think Fleet Mogai would suit my needs best.
    Ar'kif looks quite interesting too, and Dyson destroyer is certainly a good ship too, but definetly not sth i'm looking for now.
    Pure escort's always seemed too squishy for me (i can't imagine flying Charal without Miracle Worker skill) so i think my tac rom would fit Mogai well, since it's still quite fast and nimble, have lot firepower and also some more survivability.
    One other thing i want to ask is if playstale of Mogai destroyer is much different than playing fed assault cruiser? i never flew destroyers (except while lvling) but my other character is flying assault cruiser and i don't want sth too similar to it, for some diversity.
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    shadowwraith77shadowwraith77 Member Posts: 6,395 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    ponqu wrote: »
    I finally farmed enough dil/zen to buy the ship.
    Hmm from everything i read here i think Fleet Mogai would suit my needs best.
    Ar'kif looks quite interesting too, and Dyson destroyer is certainly a good ship too, but definetly not sth i'm looking for now.
    Pure escort's always seemed too squishy for me (i can't imagine flying Charal without Miracle Worker skill) so i think my tac rom would fit Mogai well, since it's still quite fast and nimble, have lot firepower and also some more survivability.
    One other thing i want to ask is if playstale of Mogai destroyer is much different than playing fed assault cruiser? i never flew destroyers (except while lvling) but my other character is flying assault cruiser and i don't want sth too similar to it, for some diversity.

    The mogai turns fine, it is only a tiny bit slower than say the ar'kif, but that isn't enough to say anything bad about it in any way.

    I have both ships, and I actually like both pretty much equally to be honest.

    Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!

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