I have a problem to choose elite fleet shield, w-core, defl and engines.
for a shield someone told me res B is the best. but what about other stuff, there are so many combinations and i am very confused right now. A->S, E->A SSS bla bla...man i cannot think right now
I am flying with full elite equipped Avenger and tac Vesta.
I need someone to help me choose best for my elite phaser build firstly attack focused.
what elite fleet core, engine, shield and defl?
a lot of that would really depend on your build and spec.
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Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus
and I have 1 fleet photon torpedo at front not all beams
you seem light on heals so I would suggest you find equipment that can cover this.
A deuterium stabilized core may help with your energy drain and can be found in fleet versions from the spire.
for fleet shields the res a or b would mostly depend on who you intend to fight most often.
There is also a version with an extra [reg] mod you could use if you don't want to specialize
For your warp core I would look for one that has a [shbat] mod and maybe a ?->a modifier of some kind to boost your hanger recharge and sci powers.
An [amp] mod is also nice for boosting damage.
I have never been impressed with fleet elite deflectors. The dyson rep deflector may be useful to you as it hardens both shield and hull and will boost graviton gens.
Common wisdom holds thet hyper-impulse engines are some of the best and again the dyson ones are pretty good allowing you a 2 piece bonus should you also get the deflector.
Many of these things are conjecture so you could go on tribble to test the rep system stuff before buying. the fleet stuff you may be able to get if you can find a tribble fleet with the appropriate access.
But test what you can.
Not everything you see on the internet is true - Abraham Lincoln
Occidere populo et effercio confractus