It used to be that NADORC had a chance to give the best consoles in the game. Given the rarity of the NADORC mission, the cooldown time of it, the effort it takes to do the chain, and the expense some of us have invested in the DOFFs to maximize our chances with it, it kind of stinks that the best consoles you can hope to get now are has-beens.
At present the best consoles in the game are those you can get through the Fleet vendors, but I'm not here to spout conspiracy theories about why this is the case. Rather I just want to say, I think that NADORC should have the chance to create items that are on-par with even the Fleet consoles. After all it is supposed to create "Prototype" consoles.
So here is what I would propose. Create a new category of ultra-rare consoles called the "Prototype" variety. They would be randomly generated consoles that can only be gotten through NADORC. They would have stats equivalent to the Ultra-Rare Fleet Mk XII and MK XI gear. On a critical of the Fabricate Prototype Console you would have a reasonable chance to get an Ultra-Rare Prototype Console instead of just a Very-Rare (something equivalent to what the current chance of getting the Mk XII is).
My feeling is that the original intention of the NADORC mission was to give a way for people who DOFF a lot to have a chance at getting the highest-end consoles in the game, for use, or for profit. Now you can still luck out on certain consoles for which there are no Fleet versions yet, but by and large the max payout is not nearly what it used to be (due to "power creep" decreasing the value of Very Rare Mk XII gear).
Now for those who are thinking there is no way the Devs would update NADORC in such a way as this, due to them wanting to keep the time investment from players by requiring dilithium and FC for those, I would suggest that Devs could address this by making the Ultra-Rare consoles you get from NADORC to always be "bound to account" to avoid this change from making the best consoles be available on the Exchange (which it seems that they do, at present, given that they are not).
Alternatively they could simply make it where instead of dropping some kind of "Prototype" console that is equivalent to Fleet ones, the mission instead drops a special sort of "Prototype" console that can be traded to a black-market dealer (along with some other currency perhaps) to obtain a "illegally acquired" Fleet variety. So you would still have to lay out some GPL or dilithium, but just not any FC. Which would alone make the NADORC time investment worthwhile since getting FC is such a pain for those in a big fleet.
I just hate to see the best DOFFing mission become lame-ified by power-creep. The change I am proposing would not have to affect anyone who doesn't DOFF but I think they should at least make it so that the loot you get on those super-rare occasions from a mission like this not be "second-best" when it used to be "best".
IMHO, they should make the best items to come from NADORC be tradeable Ultra-Rare consoles with random bonus stats that are essentially equivalent to the Fleet ones, but I think we all know they won't do that. I'd be happy with a chance to get a Prototype console that gives me get the best Fleet consoles on the black market as suggested above.
I'm sure people will find a lot of problems with this suggestion, but I would ask you to honestly suggest what YOU would do to make NADORC still give rewards that are on-par with the best items in the game so that it doesn't get added to the list of things in this game that have been lame-ified by power-creep?
And let me say in advance that arguing that since it gives the same rewards it always did, it's still just as valid as it ever was, because lets face it, the value of things like a Neutronium MK XII purple has gone down on the exchange as a result of the Fleet gear, making the NADORC payoff lower; and the enemies are getting harder, and PVP now basically requires you to have the Fleet gear.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
Im kinda partially agreing and partially disagreing with OP.
I think the main reason behind NADORC was to proliferate mk xii purple consoles. If you look at it: you get reasonably op and unbound purple mk xii console as a reward for some gambling like activity. Also nowhere in the process it required a dil cost.
All the latest op consoles/weapons are bound on pickup and have considerable dil, fleetcredits or rep marks cost associated with them.
If memory serves me latest crafting doff mission was for the warp cores. It didn't have any input cost, but it could only create purple mk xi cores. Correct me if im wrong but the loot tables for that weren't updated with plasma-integrated (spire) cores.
So, the current party line seems to be that you cannot get anything useful with just money, you also have to grind, and spend more money on additional resources.
Not sure, really. Jk got that theory that "happy customers" do not buy stuffz, and im finding it difficult to agree with. But so far this is the only good explanation of what's going on.
Doff are becoming just expensive collectors cards. There are less and less assignments with useful reward. Good doffs are being added only into LOCK BOXES and ZEN STORE. They are just selling cards for $ with gambling element.
Negotiate Additional Delivery of Rare Commodities.
Ah. Yes, I tend to skip this one. IF I do any Doffing, it's usually the ones with 50 DIL on success (like Diffuse Orbital Minefield or Demolitions for DIL mining. I got tire of Doffing many moons ago and I'm not gonna complain about the bugs anymore. None of it is getting fixed. All I can do is profit on those rare occasions I still send my DOfs out.
My Old Blog about things that could and should have been added when I wrote it. Not sure what I want to do with it now. I'll just keep it available now that most of it is outdated.
NADORC is out of date now that the fleet holdings have everything a player needs (except for the science field generators). But before when crafted consoles were the most powerful, the complaint was they were too expensive. Those who didn't craft didn't understand the odds of criting a VR energy weapons console and complained about the high price of those consoles on the exchange.
The OPs suggestion is good, but i think the NADORC crafters are gone now that fleet holdings have the same thing for way less time and effort.
Negotiate Additional Delivery of Rare Commodities.
I think the main reason behind NADORC was to proliferate mk xii purple consoles. If you look at it: you get reasonably op and unbound purple mk xii console as a reward for some gambling like activity. Also nowhere in the process it required a dil cost.
All the latest op consoles/weapons are bound on pickup and have considerable dil, fleetcredits or rep marks cost associated with them.
If memory serves me latest crafting doff mission was for the warp cores. It didn't have any input cost, but it could only create purple mk xi cores. Correct me if im wrong but the loot tables for that weren't updated with plasma-integrated (spire) cores.
So, the current party line seems to be that you cannot get anything useful with just money, you also have to grind, and spend more money on additional resources.
Not sure, really. Jk got that theory that "happy customers" do not buy stuffz, and im finding it difficult to agree with. But so far this is the only good explanation of what's going on.
X is good.
Y gets added later.
Y is better thus X gets ignored.
It's not that the Devs hate X it's just that they felt the need to give people an extra incentive to get Y.... simply because Y is the new hotness.
My character Tsin'xing
Ah. Yes, I tend to skip this one. IF I do any Doffing, it's usually the ones with 50 DIL on success (like Diffuse Orbital Minefield or Demolitions for DIL mining. I got tire of Doffing many moons ago and I'm not gonna complain about the bugs anymore. None of it is getting fixed. All I can do is profit on those rare occasions I still send my DOfs out.
The OPs suggestion is good, but i think the NADORC crafters are gone now that fleet holdings have the same thing for way less time and effort.