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Designation's in STO

carbongripcarbongrip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
edited April 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hey all wanted to see if the devs. or others could shed some light on why the starship registry numbers can only range from 91002 to 999999. I understand why ship names can be disallowed and I totally agree with that as I dont want every ship in earth space dock with the enterprise name but the numbers on a ship? Really? Why not make it limited to a min on 9000 instead as I dont ever recall seeing a starship with a reg. above 8000. I dont know it may just be me but why would cryptic even restrict so oddly as its only visable when looking closly at a ship. Please lets get this changed for everyone to my sugjestion of a min of 9000! :(
Post edited by carbongrip on


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    carbongripcarbongrip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Is this not interesting to the people of STO?
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    carbongrip wrote: »
    Why not make it limited to a min on 9000 instead as I dont ever recall seeing a starship with a reg. above 8000.

    There are plenty of ships depicted onscreen in the TV shows with registry numbers prominently shown and much greater than 9000:

    USS Brattain, NCC-21166 (Crew murdered each other whilst under the influence of a Tyken's Rift)

    USS Voyager, NCC-74656 (The eponymous starship from Star Trek: Voyager)

    USS Defiant, NX-74205 (Experimental escort vessel featured heavily in Deep Space Nine)

    USS Odyssey, NCC-71832 (Destroyed by Jem'hadar in a Deep Space Nine episode)

    USS Challenger, NCC-71099 (Geordi La Forge captained this ship in one alternate future)

    The full list on Memory Alpha
    carbongrip wrote: »
    Is this not interesting to the people of STO?

    CBS, the company that holds the Trek IP and also oversees what Cryptic Studios puts into the game, wants to make sure that if they do plan on making a new late 24th Century prime-universe TV show, that they have the option of using registry numbers below 90000.

    Also, your erroneous claim that *no* ship had registries above 8000 (when there is irrefutable evidence to the contrary) makes it hard for people take your request seriously.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    carbongripcarbongrip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Ok sure but does a reg. number really hurt cbs or anyone in anyway? Its not even seen when clicking on a ship, only when looking at hull... plenty of other Star Trek games openly used much lower reg. numbers.
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    sumghaisumghai Member Posts: 1,072 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    carbongrip wrote: »
    Ok sure but does a reg. number really hurt cbs or anyone in anyway?

    It does, if they announce a new TV show and have to retroactively prohibit certain numbers that players already have and reserve said numbers for the new canon ships. Player outrage will ensue (e.g. "I spent two whole months picking NCC-7654! CBS is being a big meanie by not letting me use it anymore!")
    carbongrip wrote: »
    Its not even seen when clicking on a ship, only when looking at hull...

    Opening up a fellow player's ship's info box shows the ship name and registry number.
    carbongrip wrote: »
    plenty of other Star Trek games openly used much lower reg. numbers.

    Those games were intended to be set within the TNG/DS9/VOY continuity, and so would have TBG/DS9 ranged registry numbers. STO is decades after TNG in the 25th Century, and ships commissioned in that era will have 90000+ registries.
    Laws of thermodynamics as applied to life: 0 - You must play the game. 1 - You can't win. 2 - You can't break even. 3 - You can't quit.
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    carbongripcarbongrip Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    lol I give up, just wanted to see if maybe we could get a little bit less restrictive for a few more options in the game. I suppose I will stick with jamming a 9 in front of every reg. I want. :mad:
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    rylanadionysisrylanadionysis Member Posts: 3,359 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Admit it, you just want to make a ship called....

    USS Power Level

    NCC 9001
    Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
    Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
    Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Technically, that would still work within the existing range.
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    gurugeorgegurugeorge Member Posts: 421 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Small grammar TRIBBLE point - plurals don't have apostrophes.
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    revandarklighterrevandarklighter Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Well that limitation was another one of CBSs intervention.

    They wanted - for some reason - that all new Ships have such high registries in that century because they are "newer" and onscreen we had them up to 70000 or even 80000 already.. I think thats dump. Especially since every ship can now have the A B C D ect on the registry which was exclusive the the Yamato and Enterprise on screen.
    But so is excluding the Connie because of her age but allowing the D'Kyr. CBS does stupid things.
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    kadamskadams Member Posts: 204 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    carbongrip wrote: »
    Ok sure but does a reg. number really hurt cbs or anyone in anyway? Its not even seen when clicking on a ship, only when looking at hull... plenty of other Star Trek games openly used much lower reg. numbers.


    How does not having access to ship registries below 910002 hurt you?
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    jlebeckjlebeck Member Posts: 83 Arc User
    edited April 2014
    With all these older ships flying around, I think that trying to say that the game is set in the 25th Century and therefore all the ships in this time period would have 91000 and above is a bit mute.
    I play my character in the late TNG period and many of my ships are canon from the series or games so it slightly niggles me that I have to put a 9 instead of a 7, it niggles me more that I have to try and totally ignore the 9 in front of the 4 digit registry on my TOS characters ship.
    Good job CBS can't veto our imaginations eh?
    The Continuing Voyages of Bridge Commander
    Captain Lee Drake - USS Sovereign
    Captain Draxon - IKS RanKuf
    Commander Torenn - IRW Soryak
    Captain Gregory MacCray - USS Geronimo
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