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How Good is the JHDC?

timothyre99timothyre99 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Federation Discussion
I was just wondering how good the JHDC was. I have both it and the Bugship in their boxes, so if they aren't worth it, I was planning on selling them. Would you suggest selling the JHAS and just using the JHDC, use both, or sell both? If I do use it, what would be the best strategy to get it to do the most DPS? If you could answer these questions, it would be very helpful. Thanks, Timothy.
Post edited by timothyre99 on


  • emacsheadroomemacsheadroom Member Posts: 994 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Without the bug ship in your ship roster, the JHDC cannot use the bug ship frigate pets. Do not get rid of either of them. Commission them both, use them, love them.
  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    If its max dps your after go scim sell both. If you want to use the jem dread it can do quite well - i enjoy mine.

    The bug ship i would sell it. The jhas pets for the dread look nice maybe but they are not worth it dps wise. I opened mine and dont really regret it but thats more a thing about having all jh stuff on one char and less about it being such a great ship/pets.
  • ijimithyijimithy Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Eh if you want the best way to get dps and don't care about the BFAW/DEM hate lol then go all beams and run riot :D

    I have the Bug ship and the DC and cos of that I use Elite JHAS Pets and boy do they do damage :D on a elite pug with a standard BFAW/DEM set up on a Tactical Vulcan (18.4% Crit 80% Sev) I get 20-24K DPS.

    My advice run all beams, slot your particular damage console type in (preferably Crit Chance ones), and any other crit giving consoles (NB - Don't skimp on Defence lol). If you want I'll pop my build into a STO Academy thing and link it :)
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  • lan451lan451 Member Posts: 3,386 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Yeah, I use all beams on mine and it's a total murder machine. It's also very durable. I can just sit above a battle and BFAW everywhere while my cute little fighters (don't have bugships) spam torps all over the place. It's a glorious, glorious murder wagon.
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  • torvinecho25torvinecho25 Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    IF you have the Bugship, sell it; its not worth keeping. Don't get me wrong, its a solid ship, but nowhere near good enough to be worth passing up the money you can make selling it off.

    Keep the Dreadnought Carrier. All things said and done its one of the meanest, most up-front powerful ships in the game. I run beams and Ellite Jem'Hadar Fighters on my and it is the nastiest killing machine in my arsenal. Like the guy above me, I get off-the-wall DPS with it, ranging from 22k to as high as 28k. Its arguably one of the best ships in the game.
  • gojoredgojored Member Posts: 90 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    guys, are you hearing yourselves? "i have the JHDC and use the elite jhas pets...." and in the same breath telling him to sell the jhas will give away any chance he has of utilizing set pets! i hope that was a mistake on your part and not a ploy to sabotage his chance at using them, that was an expensive set, i dont care how you get them, even if they were handed to ya, i wouldn't do that to ya.

    Bud! hold on to both, commission both. that way you get to use the jhdc with the best of the pets out there...you sell that jhas, you can kiss that opportunity goodbye!
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  • johnstewardjohnsteward Member Posts: 1,073 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    The simple thing is BECAUSE i have the jhas pets i know they are not worth it dps wise. Looks are a subjective thing he has to decide for himself but if hes looking for the best pets its not the jhas ones not even the elite version.

    So its not sabotage its just informed knowledge. If you bear in mind how mich ec you get from selling it its by far the best idea to sell. You get like 4-5 lobi ships for what a jhas is worth or a good number of doffs/traits whatever. Thats why its best to sell the jhas and keep the jhdc and forget about the jhas pets.

    Dont know where you got the idea from that the jhas pets are the best pets ingame. They are not. And if you factor in the price for the jhas its really not worth it.
  • risingstar2009risingstar2009 Member Posts: 329 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I love my JHDC. Got it long before I got the JHAS and have more than gotten my use out of it.

    With the current group I have been running with (see my sig), I tend to be the tank in the group. The JHAS just made me better at it cause I finally have pets that can survive most of the Torp Spread Spam the Mirror Cruisers use. Only the Dreadnought is able to kill them that way.

    And I'm only using the Rare JHAS Frigates.

    Final decision rests with you. As you spent the money, either Lobi Crystals or EC, for the JHDC, I would recommend keeping and activating both. The JHAS is one of the best escorts in the game. The JHDC is just a beast of a ship.

    I would suggest trying to get the JHEC as well, but that is mainly for the special console for it.
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  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    1. I would like to start off by saying I do not own the JHAS so I can't use the pets (see my sig :mad: all I want is the pets)

    2. It's a great ship. For me, it's my flag ship, I called mine "The Widow maker". Arguably the best FULL carrier in the game (right next to the Recluse).

    3. I have a mix of turrets, cannons, beams and missles on mine. My pets are Advanced Delta flyers and Advanced Jem'Hadar fighters. Every once in a while I'll swap out the Jem'Hadar fighters for Tholian widow fighters (from the Nakura rep).

    4. Just remember do not have your JHDC's weapons the same as your fighters. So that way you can increase your chances of proc'ing and destroy targets.

    5. My JHDC is a TRIPLE hangar ship. I have the Scorpion fighters from the vault mission (the device slot ones). We all know how popular they are as carrier pets. I've done an entire side of the vortex by myself multiple times (sometime with all 13 of my pets sometimes with just 10).

    In closing it's a really good ship. Even without having the JHAS pets, I'm able to hold my own in this ship. If they would only give it a universal Lt.Commander slot (so I can use a Gravity Well + Tyken's Rift :D), I wouldn't have any complaints about the ship.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • dracounguisdracounguis Member Posts: 5,358 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I'd say keep the carrier and sell the bug. You can go get the fleet/elite Scorpion hangers and have, arguable, the best pets in the game and make 400M EC.
  • timothyre99timothyre99 Member Posts: 366 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thank you all so much. I have decided I will keep the DC and transfer my JHAS to my main to sell when the prices go back up. I would go the scim, but I am playing fed side, so I can't. I am also confused on what you meant by it is a triple hangar ship, as it only has two hangers, but I might have misread something.
  • atalossataloss Member Posts: 563 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Thank you all so much. I have decided I will keep the DC and transfer my JHAS to my main to sell when the prices go back up. I would go the scim, but I am playing fed side, so I can't. I am also confused on what you meant by it is a triple hangar ship, as it only has two hangers, but I might have misread something.

    (Insert evil villan laugh), I thought that might get your attention. Here's how you have a triple hangar ship.

    1. Go play this mission (The Vault) http://sto.gamepedia.com/Mission:_The_Vault, it's really long but the reward is worth it.

    2. Once you're done place the device slot Scorpion's in your Jem Dreadnoughts device slot.

    3. They have a 5 minute cooldown so try to keep them alive as long as possible so that they can earn the bonus damage of reaching 5 stars.

    4. Sadly you don't have carrier commands with the device slot Scorpion's. I believe they are set to Attack your target by default.

    5. Enjoy the carnage.
    One day Cryptic will be free from their Perfect World overlord. Until that day comes, they will continue to pamper the whales of this game, and ignore everyone that isn't a whale.
  • vetteguy904vetteguy904 Member Posts: 3,963 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    my five most used toons fly 2 JHDC a recluse a mobius and an adapted cruiser. the mobius and adapted don't get anywhere near the game play the carriers do.
  • humblesheephumblesheep Member Posts: 423 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I just got myself a JHAS and a JHDC, so I could run the pets, and I like them, they definitely have good survivability, but what I would like to know is has anyone measured their damage dealing ability compared to other pets?

    I'd love to know how good they really are.
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