I have an Orion Sci, Gorn Tac, and a Reman Eng who's KDF aligned. Only the Sci is level 50. The Tac is level 30 and the Eng is 26.
I'm tempted to buy Warbirds, but that leaves out my KDF characters. I think it's time I started giving my KDF more ship love, and I want universal consoles that all three can make use of. But I really want to stick to Klingon designs.
I already have access to the B'Rotlh [Enhanced Induction Coils], the Phalanx [Barrier Field], and the SuQob [BioNeural Warhead]
What C-Store KDF ships would you recommend, and why?
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I have all of the Klingon design ships unlocked and I used them in the past but not anymore. fleet ships all the way now. only advantages to some of the zen version anymore is the cost reduction via fleet modules and they are account wide ship unlocks. and the zen consoles I don't even use them much anymore these days .
so all I can say is if one looks good to you for your style of play get it if you want it.
but that's just how I feel about it. probably plenty of fanboys to one thing or another that will say this or that. But your a PvE player primarily so it really don't matter much. get what you like.
Trophies for killing FEDS ahh those were the days.
you eventually want the destroyer that gives a plasma leech console. I think its a 1k zen buy.
All aound ship for sci and tac?
B'rel retrofit would support an escort-style sci ship or a tactical ship. Flexible officers and balanced consoles, battle cloak, its a fine ship. 9 consoles make it weakish, though, and it is a delicate ship that should probably not be used to tank. You will die sometimes as a BOP pilot against elites, they are very susceptible to wtxBBQpwn crits from bosses etc.
the karfi carrier has strong firepower and strong science, with pets. Both characters could use it, but do you like slower carrier type ships? Its a little soft for a carrier, but its enough to stay alive if you play smart.
Do you have the veteren PQ destroyer? It can be a solid tactical ship and can slot a ltcmdr sci (its universal) for a damage oriented science captain.
A couple of the big cruisers have "enough" science (ltcmdr or better) and solid tac (enough to slot FAW at the least) --- the bortqwhatever family have a universal officer and could do well for you in a slow, rugged ship. I like the karfi better but these would be more durable.
Vandal Destroyer for the Plasmonic Leech is top of the list, probably the best single console in the game. Its great not just for the drain but also the boost; 6 points of Flow Caps (for all of 6000 skill points) means +14.4 to each subsystem when in combat, from just one console.
Draguas Support Vessel might be my second choice, for the Aceton Assimilator. The drain is nice and the radiation pulse can be really handy in certain missions where the NPCs do lots of AOE energy attacks and rip themselves up (its murder against Elachi and in No Win). Plus unlike most console toys, the cooldown is only a minute and you can have two out at a time, so its a lot easier to work into your regular strategy than the stuff thats one shot per 3 minutes.
Those are my top two anyways. The Vor'kang's Isometric Charge and the Puy'jaw's Graviton Pulse Generator can be pretty situationaly handy as well, but they're more for spiking the heck out of single or small groups or targets every few minutes, rather than the large numbers you generally find in PVE.
I'll join the crowd and say: Plasmonic Leech console from the Vandal Destroyer.
Every KDF character I have specs Flow Caps - Cheap spec (T1) - to double the effect of the Plasmonic Leech. It's the single console I'll always make space for, unless it's a vaper or torp build.
If you do PvE, and can spare the console slot, Aceton Assimilator is a good 'point defense system' against mob-launched destructable torpedo's. It's ready every 45 seconds. You can drop it right under a cube in CSE and, while it's alive, not worry about those sometimes nasty plasma torpedo's.
Isometric Charge can be quite the killer, when the forth charge hits. It's damage takes particle generators in consideration, so spec that, if you can. It's useful in PvP, but less-so in PvE. Of course, you can always fire it and then switch it out for another console.
Theta Vents used to be quite overpowering in PvP - it stacked multiple times, killing shields and movement quite effectively - but now, not so much. Consider it a 3 minute cooldown 'Eject Warp Plasma', without it decloaking enemy ships. Can be handy in a pinch. One of those 'fire and slot something else' consoles.
Onto ships!
I'm a sucker for the B'rel. I love that thing so much, I made two chars to fly it. It's weak(er than most), but I consider it one of the best designs in Star Trek, and aesthetic pleasure counts for something. Also, because of the uni slots, just about every char can fly it. Maybe, the Eng less-so, but yeah. Be sure to get the account unlock, for the Fleet version discount.
The Mogh: You can't go wrong with the Mogh. It works fine as a beam and as a DHC Battle Cruiser. More Tac and Eng than sci friendly, but who needs much sci in PvE?
Kar'fi: Tac, Eng and Sci friendly. Consider it a slow Battle Cruiser with pets. A well-built one will wreck PvE easily. Account unlock for the Fleet Version.
Isaac the Adequate - Level 70 Oath of Devotion Paladin
I love the B'rel. It's great for Sci and Tac. I think it's the best Sci ship ever, especially with the T'varo for KDF Rom.
I'm a Sci captain, and I slot a Science BOFF in the Commander slot, and I still grab aggro on the Tac Cube? LOL.
As much as they've tried to weaken torpedos (now I'm 100% Transphasic, damn them), and as much as other (Romulan) ships outclass the B'rel, there is no better ship in the game for me. The B'rel Retrofit is the ultimate ship in the game. Not even the T'varo beats it for me because it is so flexible.
It also turns much faster than the T'varo. The T'varo feels slower on the turn, although somehow faster in a straight line than my B'rel. Never paid attention to the numbers, though.
Now, I really like the T'varo. With Rom Op traits, it crits like crazy (haha Breen Cluster crit for way over 100K damage) & recloaks fast if I get knocked out of cloak... but if I want anything else except DPS, the B'rel is the best.
Vandal Destroyer for the leech as others have stated. The Mogh is a great ship great for any class, not a lot of science though so if you want to traditional science build you're kind of stuck as the KDF has always been sorely lacking with decent science. The top line Gorn science ship is really just a clone of the free DSSV that the Federation get at hitting Rear Admiral.
There is always that horrible Dyson ship, but it's as ugly as hell and feels about as Klingon as a Galaxy class.
But yes the Mogh is good for a tactical but it's console is pretty much rubbish. Not bad for some fun in Mirror or some other PvE queue but doesn't do much in the way of damage. Terran Miranda's have survived it. But the ship is the complete opposite. It's an awesome ship for engineering and tactical.
Support the Game by Supporting the KDF, equality and uniqueness for all factions!
The Plasmonic Leech from the Vandal Destroyer is a very nice compensator for the lower power level of Romulan Warbirds, and helps enhance Klingon and other A-M vessels quite a bit too. I bought it originally for for my Romulan, but took to using it on all my KDF ships as well (and plunking down the now cheap prices of 5-8 Mil EC each for my Fed chars too). I'm going to respec one of my Tacs for Flow Caps to take advantage of it better. The only single console that'd I'd rate as highly is the Romulan Warbird-only console from the Valdore (T3 Mogai refit) that has a proc on energy weapon fire to give a shield heal of two times that hit, with no proc limit or cooldown.
For the Isometric Charge, Theta Radiation Vents and Graviton Pulse Generator, they're situational, and I'd recommend buying the cross-faction packs(fairly cheap for those on the Exchange, last I checked) on a Fed to give them a whirl before plunking down the Zen to get them KDF side.
Thanks for all of the advice! I guess we'll see what happens when the next sale comes around... or I get impatient.
I really didn't want to consider a non-Klingon ship, but I can't really ignore strong arguments in favor of the Plasmonic Leech. Might not be a must-have, but very useful compared to other consoles.
So given that, what else would you fly as a second choice?
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
There's no need to actually fly the Vandal, although it's a fine ship to use for levelling. Just buy it and steal the leech console off it. Your KDF-aligned Reman will thank you for it.
As far as KDF C-store ships go, I'd recommend the Mogh for your Gorn Tac and the Dyson science ship for your Orion sci. Or a Korath if you can get your hands on one.
Kar'fi: Tac, Eng and Sci friendly. Consider it a slow Battle Cruiser with pets. A well-built one will wreck PvE easily. Account unlock for the Fleet Version.
Not to mention that since the Fleet version is 5 modules, the cost is ultimately the same...with an IMPORTANT CATCH: Buying the Fleet version DOES NOT UNLOCK THE PETS. A carrier without pets is...very meh. So if you buy the Fleet version, you get a carrier without pets, and you end up paying the same for it.
Consider the BOPs. They have universal bridge officer stations. With A2B, you can make a BOP into a healer, a crowd control/ holder with web mines/ tractor mines, EWP, GW, etc., all torp damage, etc. The BOPs are flexible, but they have less weapon slots and some other unique issues too. When nothing else seems to fit a particular function you have in mind, you might be able to make a BOP into exactly what you were looking for.
Thanks for all of the advice! I guess we'll see what happens when the next sale comes around... or I get impatient.
I really didn't want to consider a non-Klingon ship, but I can't really ignore strong arguments in favor of the Plasmonic Leech. Might not be a must-have, but very useful compared to other consoles.
So given that, what else would you fly as a second choice?
Don't fly it, steal the console on ALL your KDF characters.
We gave you a bunch of "what to fly" ideas already, any feedback on those?
Don't fly it, steal the console on ALL your KDF characters.
We gave you a bunch of "what to fly" ideas already, any feedback on those?
Some post after, i quetion to bluegeek about wich role he will play with his 3 char (he have 1 toon of each profession) then... is possible help him if we wil have more information
I'm looking for flexibility. I don't want to constrain myself to any particular role, beyond what the careers and ship classes already do.
I want bang-for-my-buck purchases that benefit these and future characters I may end up creating. If I buy Romulan, that only helps my Romulans. If I buy KDF, I can use on KDF and KDF-aligned Romulans alike.
And part of my goal is simply to support the KDF through purchases.
I like the idea of getting the Vandal for the Plasmonic Leech and the Draguas for the Aceton Assimilators. They seem to be the most useful across all of the roles and give me more ship options for leveling up.
If there's any particular theme I'd go for... My Orion Sci favors "Dirty Tricks" and being sneaky and I'd try to build toward that for that character.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I'm looking for flexibility. I don't want to constrain myself to any particular role, beyond what the careers and ship classes already do.
I want bang-for-my-buck purchases that benefit these and future characters I may end up creating. If I buy Romulan, that only helps my Romulans. If I buy KDF, I can use on KDF and KDF-aligned Romulans alike.
And part of my goal is simply to support the KDF through purchases.
I like the idea of getting the Vandal for the Plasmonic Leech and the Draguas for the Aceton Assimilators. They seem to be the most useful across all of the roles and give me more ship options for leveling up.
If there's any particular theme I'd go for... My Orion Sci favors "Dirty Tricks" and being sneaky and I'd try to build toward that for that character.
KDF aligned roms CANNOT use tier 5 KDF ships. Or mirror ships. So you are talking buying low level, inferior ships just to share them. This is not IMHO cost efficient.
A cost effective ship for roms is the haakona advanced. It can do anything except pure science, and it can do "useful" science just no cmdr seat. The D'dsomethingwithanx is also a cost effective generic ship good for any class. Most of the other rom ships are various flavors of tactical gunboats.
A cost effective ship for KDF is the norgh BOP, the karfi carrier, and certain cruisers that have a universal ltcmdr officer. Honestly the kdf ships are quite flexible so long as you do not want pure science.
I can take a look but I am not even going to mention low tier KDF ships that your rom can use --- unless you really, really want to use a low tier ship? IMHO again you would be better off to just use mirror ships, spending a few EC, or use the provided level 40 ships for each character, than to buy a zen ship that is cross faction. Use that zen to get your leech console -- which WILL be usable by the romulan.
Buy a mirror Vo'Quv on the exchange and have a play with it. Its a solid ship that's "klingon" and the mirror version has its own situational merits that mean its not strictly inferior to the fleet Vo'Quv. Your experience with it should inform you about how well you like/dislike the carrier playstyle which is one of the kdf "special themes" that they have the option of persuing.
Buy a mirror Vo'Quv on the exchange and have a play with it. Its a solid ship that's "klingon" and the mirror version has its own situational merits that mean its not strictly inferior to the fleet Vo'Quv. Your experience with it should inform you about how well you like/dislike the carrier playstyle which is one of the kdf "special themes" that they have the option of persuing.
I second this - I have the Mogh as well as a couple of lock box n lobi ships - its amazing how much fun Ive had with the Mirror Vo Quv . . . and for HELLA cheap too Ill add.
Use that zen to get your leech console -- which WILL be usable by the romulan.
Only somewhat true... You can't buy a KDF version of that console, except by buying the ship from the C-Store. To the best of my knowledge, the lockbox version of the console is Fed only and the KDF C-Store version is bound to character and can't be sold on the exchange. You can't buy the lockbox version with zen. You have to buy with EC at whatever the going rate is on the Exchange.
Aside from that, I appreciate your recommendations.
My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Buy a mirror Vo'Quv on the exchange and have a play with it. Its a solid ship that's "klingon" and the mirror version has its own situational merits that mean its not strictly inferior to the fleet Vo'Quv. Your experience with it should inform you about how well you like/dislike the carrier playstyle which is one of the kdf "special themes" that they have the option of persuing.
I second this - I have the Mogh as well as a couple of lock box n lobi ships - its amazing how much fun Ive had with the Mirror Vo Quv . . . and for HELLA cheap too Ill add.
so all I can say is if one looks good to you for your style of play get it if you want it.
but that's just how I feel about it. probably plenty of fanboys to one thing or another that will say this or that. But your a PvE player primarily so it really don't matter much. get what you like.
All aound ship for sci and tac?
B'rel retrofit would support an escort-style sci ship or a tactical ship. Flexible officers and balanced consoles, battle cloak, its a fine ship. 9 consoles make it weakish, though, and it is a delicate ship that should probably not be used to tank. You will die sometimes as a BOP pilot against elites, they are very susceptible to wtxBBQpwn crits from bosses etc.
the karfi carrier has strong firepower and strong science, with pets. Both characters could use it, but do you like slower carrier type ships? Its a little soft for a carrier, but its enough to stay alive if you play smart.
Do you have the veteren PQ destroyer? It can be a solid tactical ship and can slot a ltcmdr sci (its universal) for a damage oriented science captain.
A couple of the big cruisers have "enough" science (ltcmdr or better) and solid tac (enough to slot FAW at the least) --- the bortqwhatever family have a universal officer and could do well for you in a slow, rugged ship. I like the karfi better but these would be more durable.
Surely something in there would do... ?
Draguas Support Vessel might be my second choice, for the Aceton Assimilator. The drain is nice and the radiation pulse can be really handy in certain missions where the NPCs do lots of AOE energy attacks and rip themselves up (its murder against Elachi and in No Win). Plus unlike most console toys, the cooldown is only a minute and you can have two out at a time, so its a lot easier to work into your regular strategy than the stuff thats one shot per 3 minutes.
Those are my top two anyways. The Vor'kang's Isometric Charge and the Puy'jaw's Graviton Pulse Generator can be pretty situationaly handy as well, but they're more for spiking the heck out of single or small groups or targets every few minutes, rather than the large numbers you generally find in PVE.
You dont specify which role with anyone of your characters... if you need a bundle... KDF ONLY HAVE 1 ... the Bortasqu bundle
If each character play his role, i recommend:
- sci -- Varanus support
- ing - Neghvar
- tact- B'rel
If don't interesting his role, and you will go for support-dps:
- Guramba, Karfi or Mogh
If you only go for fun maybe you interest:
- VoQuv, Marauder FDC
Remember, some ships of low level have good consoles
Every KDF character I have specs Flow Caps - Cheap spec (T1) - to double the effect of the Plasmonic Leech. It's the single console I'll always make space for, unless it's a vaper or torp build.
If you do PvE, and can spare the console slot, Aceton Assimilator is a good 'point defense system' against mob-launched destructable torpedo's. It's ready every 45 seconds. You can drop it right under a cube in CSE and, while it's alive, not worry about those sometimes nasty plasma torpedo's.
Isometric Charge can be quite the killer, when the forth charge hits. It's damage takes particle generators in consideration, so spec that, if you can. It's useful in PvP, but less-so in PvE. Of course, you can always fire it and then switch it out for another console.
Theta Vents used to be quite overpowering in PvP - it stacked multiple times, killing shields and movement quite effectively - but now, not so much. Consider it a 3 minute cooldown 'Eject Warp Plasma', without it decloaking enemy ships. Can be handy in a pinch. One of those 'fire and slot something else' consoles.
Onto ships!
I'm a sucker for the B'rel. I love that thing so much, I made two chars to fly it. It's weak(er than most), but I consider it one of the best designs in Star Trek, and aesthetic pleasure counts for something. Also, because of the uni slots, just about every char can fly it. Maybe, the Eng less-so, but yeah. Be sure to get the account unlock, for the Fleet version discount.
The Mogh: You can't go wrong with the Mogh. It works fine as a beam and as a DHC Battle Cruiser. More Tac and Eng than sci friendly, but who needs much sci in PvE?
Kar'fi: Tac, Eng and Sci friendly. Consider it a slow Battle Cruiser with pets. A well-built one will wreck PvE easily. Account unlock for the Fleet Version.
I'm a Sci captain, and I slot a Science BOFF in the Commander slot, and I still grab aggro on the Tac Cube? LOL.
As much as they've tried to weaken torpedos (now I'm 100% Transphasic, damn them), and as much as other (Romulan) ships outclass the B'rel, there is no better ship in the game for me. The B'rel Retrofit is the ultimate ship in the game. Not even the T'varo beats it for me because it is so flexible.
It also turns much faster than the T'varo. The T'varo feels slower on the turn, although somehow faster in a straight line than my B'rel. Never paid attention to the numbers, though.
Now, I really like the T'varo. With Rom Op traits, it crits like crazy (haha Breen Cluster crit for way over 100K damage) & recloaks fast if I get knocked out of cloak... but if I want anything else except DPS, the B'rel is the best.
IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
There is always that horrible Dyson ship, but it's as ugly as hell and feels about as Klingon as a Galaxy class.
But yes the Mogh is good for a tactical but it's console is pretty much rubbish. Not bad for some fun in Mirror or some other PvE queue but doesn't do much in the way of damage. Terran Miranda's have survived it. But the ship is the complete opposite. It's an awesome ship for engineering and tactical.
For the Isometric Charge, Theta Radiation Vents and Graviton Pulse Generator, they're situational, and I'd recommend buying the cross-faction packs(fairly cheap for those on the Exchange, last I checked) on a Fed to give them a whirl before plunking down the Zen to get them KDF side.
I really didn't want to consider a non-Klingon ship, but I can't really ignore strong arguments in favor of the Plasmonic Leech. Might not be a must-have, but very useful compared to other consoles.
So given that, what else would you fly as a second choice?
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
As far as KDF C-store ships go, I'd recommend the Mogh for your Gorn Tac and the Dyson science ship for your Orion sci. Or a Korath if you can get your hands on one.
Don't fly it, steal the console on ALL your KDF characters.
We gave you a bunch of "what to fly" ideas already, any feedback on those?
Some post after, i quetion to bluegeek about wich role he will play with his 3 char (he have 1 toon of each profession) then... is possible help him if we wil have more information
I want bang-for-my-buck purchases that benefit these and future characters I may end up creating. If I buy Romulan, that only helps my Romulans. If I buy KDF, I can use on KDF and KDF-aligned Romulans alike.
And part of my goal is simply to support the KDF through purchases.
I like the idea of getting the Vandal for the Plasmonic Leech and the Draguas for the Aceton Assimilators. They seem to be the most useful across all of the roles and give me more ship options for leveling up.
If there's any particular theme I'd go for... My Orion Sci favors "Dirty Tricks" and being sneaky and I'd try to build toward that for that character.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
KDF aligned roms CANNOT use tier 5 KDF ships. Or mirror ships. So you are talking buying low level, inferior ships just to share them. This is not IMHO cost efficient.
A cost effective ship for roms is the haakona advanced. It can do anything except pure science, and it can do "useful" science just no cmdr seat. The D'dsomethingwithanx is also a cost effective generic ship good for any class. Most of the other rom ships are various flavors of tactical gunboats.
A cost effective ship for KDF is the norgh BOP, the karfi carrier, and certain cruisers that have a universal ltcmdr officer. Honestly the kdf ships are quite flexible so long as you do not want pure science.
I can take a look but I am not even going to mention low tier KDF ships that your rom can use --- unless you really, really want to use a low tier ship? IMHO again you would be better off to just use mirror ships, spending a few EC, or use the provided level 40 ships for each character, than to buy a zen ship that is cross faction. Use that zen to get your leech console -- which WILL be usable by the romulan.
I second this - I have the Mogh as well as a couple of lock box n lobi ships - its amazing how much fun Ive had with the Mirror Vo Quv . . . and for HELLA cheap too Ill add.
Only somewhat true... You can't buy a KDF version of that console, except by buying the ship from the C-Store. To the best of my knowledge, the lockbox version of the console is Fed only and the KDF C-Store version is bound to character and can't be sold on the exchange. You can't buy the lockbox version with zen. You have to buy with EC at whatever the going rate is on the Exchange.
Aside from that, I appreciate your recommendations.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
I looking this: http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=mirrorvoquv_4130 some changes maybe you need but... if an eng can do this dps... well good luck!!!