I could be wrong but I have a feeling the UI which displays the CritH and CritH for my ship is not entirely pulling through and totalling up all my bonuses. I have a feeling its out by a little when I do my own math. Does the UI also capture the bonuses from stuff like the Romulan and Dyson reputations? I have a feeling its not adding in something.
Or is what its showing totally accurate and always spot on and drawing from everything I have - base starting figures, consoles, BOFF's, skill tree and reptutation bonuses?
it definately isn't, because weapon mods are not included...what you see is boffs, skills, consoles, reputation, ... but not weapon mods which are a huge portion of your overall crtH/crtD value.
with the way things are figured it is an average. With my ACT parser I have had encounters where I crit 30% of the time and others where I crit about 17% of the time but on average I am right at what my ship screen shows which is 20.5%. My acc is about 99% on average though my acc is 25%.
Also in PvP your numbers will be lower than in PvE.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
what he said...
but that means you have at least as much as is shown.
Oh fair enough then, my numbers must be wrong then if the UI calculations are correct. I could have sworn I had 5% more CritD it hadn't taken off somewhere.
Oh fair enough then, my numbers must be wrong then if the UI calculations are correct. I could have sworn I had 5% more CritD it hadn't taken off somewhere.
CritD is funny calculation you can have a crit hit of 10 and lets say your critH is 50% you would then have a crit hit of 15.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
As far as I know, everything is included except for weapon modifiers, Starship Energy Weapon Specialization, Starship Projectile Weapon Specialization, and accuracy overflow. The "Attack" tab shows only one critical chance number and one critical severity number, so it can't take into account the differences between your weapons or the difference between energy weapons and projectiles. And accuracy overflow cannot be computed before knowing the defense value of your target.
Energy and Projectile weapon specializations are not global
Weapon bonuses are not global
So wait, it IS missing something off then? I've maxed out my Energy Weapon Specalization skill. I need to add these bonuses from this onto my UI readout then?
So wait, it IS missing something off then? I've maxed out my Energy Weapon Specalization skill. I need to add these bonuses from this onto my UI readout then?
Yes. The "Attack" tab just shows just one crit chance number and one crit severity number. It doesn't show different numbers for energy weapons and projectiles. So obviously, it can't be taking skills into account.
Yes. The "Attack" tab just shows just one crit chance number and one crit severity number. It doesn't show different numbers for energy weapons and projectiles. So obviously, it can't be taking skills into account.
And that's the only thing it misses out? Barring mods on weapons (which you don't add on anyway as unlike a skill tree bonus, a weapon could come and go so its not 'set').
And that's the only thing it misses out? Barring mods on weapons (which you don't add on anyway as unlike a skill tree bonus, a weapon could come and go so its not 'set').
Accuracy overflow isn't included, since you can't know your target's defense value ahead of time. Other than that, everything else is included, as far as I know.
Just FYI I had to look at my ship's attack twice because the first time it was 5% lower than it should have been. I looked again and it jumped up to what it should be.
Carlos, that sounds right. The only numbers that show on the ui are the ones that apply to all attacks. Any other crth and crtd modifiers you may have will not show on the ui if they only apply to some and not all attacks. For example, the protonic arsenal set has 2-piece power called arsenal synergy that gives a +3% crth bonus to all attacks and this will be added to the ui displayed number. The 3-piece power from the same set is called partical stabilizer, and it gives +10% crth to photon projectiles as well as +10% crtd to all attacks. In this case the crtd bonus will show in the ui, but the +10% crth bonus to photons will not. Hope that clears it up for you.
Brilliant, thanks. I think Crit Chance 16.9% / Crit Severity 115.1% for a Fed is quite plausible. I've got the Romulan BOFF, Borg console, Romulan device, spire consoles, etc.....
Brilliant, thanks. I think Crit Chance 16.9% / Crit Severity 115.1% for a Fed is quite plausible. I've got the Romulan BOFF, Borg console, Romulan device, spire consoles, etc.....
If you get 3 Embassy Rom Tacs, plus passives, consoles you should be able to hit 20.5 crtH and with consoles/rep and Spire consoles you should beable to hit 120 CrtD on 4 tac console ship.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Just FYI I had to look at my ship's attack twice because the first time it was 5% lower than it should have been. I looked again and it jumped up to what it should be.
There are "calc/recalc" issues - numbers may change after a period of time once you login, they may change if you switch gear out and back in again, if you zone, if you die...etc, etc, etc.
If you get 3 Embassy Rom Tacs, plus passives, consoles you should be able to hit 20.5 crtH and with consoles/rep and Spire consoles you should beable to hit 120 CrtD on 4 tac console ship.
I was thinking about this. I have one Rom Rare BOFF already but (and I'm going to sound daft), I really don't want to load my Fed ship up with all Rom characters I can't even tailor. I've literally designed all my crew, given them backstory bio's and am quite into that roleplay element.
also not included is the ACC overflow, naturaly.
but that means you have at least as much as is shown.
Also in PvP your numbers will be lower than in PvE.
Oh fair enough then, my numbers must be wrong then if the UI calculations are correct. I could have sworn I had 5% more CritD it hadn't taken off somewhere.
True but that should never be a factor in calculating your base CritD/CritH.
CritD is funny calculation you can have a crit hit of 10 and lets say your critH is 50% you would then have a crit hit of 15.
Energy and Projectile weapon specializations are not global
Weapon bonuses are not global
So wait, it IS missing something off then? I've maxed out my Energy Weapon Specalization skill. I need to add these bonuses from this onto my UI readout then?
Yes. The "Attack" tab just shows just one crit chance number and one crit severity number. It doesn't show different numbers for energy weapons and projectiles. So obviously, it can't be taking skills into account.
And that's the only thing it misses out? Barring mods on weapons (which you don't add on anyway as unlike a skill tree bonus, a weapon could come and go so its not 'set').
Accuracy overflow isn't included, since you can't know your target's defense value ahead of time. Other than that, everything else is included, as far as I know.
Accuracy 25.0%
Crit Chance 14.9%
Crit Severity 90.1%
If its not taking into account Energy Weapon Specalization with the above figure, the stats would then be -
Accuracy 25.0%
Crit Chance 16.9%
Crit Severity 115.1%
Is that too high? I'm a Federation tactical officer.
Brilliant, thanks. I think Crit Chance 16.9% / Crit Severity 115.1% for a Fed is quite plausible. I've got the Romulan BOFF, Borg console, Romulan device, spire consoles, etc.....
If you get 3 Embassy Rom Tacs, plus passives, consoles you should be able to hit 20.5 crtH and with consoles/rep and Spire consoles you should beable to hit 120 CrtD on 4 tac console ship.
There are "calc/recalc" issues - numbers may change after a period of time once you login, they may change if you switch gear out and back in again, if you zone, if you die...etc, etc, etc.
I was thinking about this. I have one Rom Rare BOFF already but (and I'm going to sound daft), I really don't want to load my Fed ship up with all Rom characters I can't even tailor. I've literally designed all my crew, given them backstory bio's and am quite into that roleplay element.
One Rom BOFF I can handle. Just! lol