10. There is no one "best" thing in the game. Every playstyle/configuration/weapon loadout/power tray/bind could be identical between two people and the better player with it is going to use it better. A2B is not "king", beams are not "King" nothing is "king" seriously.
9. Pick a color and use it, yes this means damage types. Procs are stupid and you should never rely on them as the basis of your build.
8. Always use the same damage type for as many weapons slots/tactical console slots as possible. If youre gonna run 6 beams on a 4 console ship, then you need 6 beams of the same damage type + 4 consoles of that flavor. OR you can run 6 different beam types and use 4 generic spire beam damage consoles (youll lose about 2 percent overall damage)
7. Numbers on items lie. Do not expect a 31.9 percent damage output increase when you add a tactical console. Do not expect a 21.2 percent reduction in damage when you equip a neutronium. All things have diminishing returns or are calculated in a way that makes them MUCH MUCH LESS than advertised
6. Read the f-ing manual. Google, forum search, STO academy, RESEARCH. TEST. Read posts of those that have already done the work. Whatever youre going to try, someone has already done it, I guarantee it. Use their experience as a guide.
5. Do not use default gear and power settings unless you want to really TRIBBLE people off or look bad.
4. Everything is viable if you use it right. Nothing in the game is worthless if it is used right. (number 5 may be the only exception to this)
3. Vs threads will always be biased. Dont trust them. For all you know number 2 is occurring.
2. Forum users are usually idiots. In game users are usually worse. (especially on ESD)
1. And the number one thing to remember when building a ship - you are the primary factor in how that ship is going to perform. No amount of gear, money, traits, bridge officers, fleet stuff, hax, or consoles are going to make it work unless you can competently fly it. If you want to make a superfast escort be damn sure you can react and keep up with the speed youre going to wield. If you want to play sciency magic make sure you REALLY know what the skiills do and be prepared to use them in proper sequences and with proper addon buffs (like popping rom tier 5/aux battery prior to firing a gravity well, if you want to maximize its damage)
See ya.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
when you reach t5 rom rep, the 'perk' for it is a mega science power boost that also gives your ship a short duration battle cloak. Its awesome for a GW bomb, and on a GW bomb ship, its even more awesome.
i'll vouch for this i play the game as well as the eldest boy . He beats me for a pastime in pvp . even tried swapping ships beats me every time , but he understands the in and outs more then i do .
I enjoy it all the same for the fun .
when you reach t5 rom rep, the 'perk' for it is a mega science power boost that also gives your ship a short duration battle cloak. Its awesome for a GW bomb, and on a GW bomb ship, its even more awesome.
5 to me is important. Mainly for the weapon power and weapon power reserve. That all takes decent equipment which greatly effects your dps. And or Aux power for sci captains. Set piece bonuses are extremely beneficial as well.
10 is of primary importance. People shooting from 8-10km out is just terrible. Movement/positioning in this game if done right will double your dps and in some cases even more then that. Proper use of abilities and when to use them is another key. In all this can be a quadrupling of your dps. It's just that important and way way more important then anything else.
The last 3 pug ISE runs i did there was a Scimitar in each one of them. The scimitars achieved 33.8k dps, 3.3k dps, 14.6k dps. While i did 20k and 20.3k human eng and 27.8k rom tac flying a Daenos with 7 weapons and no hangar bay. Note the huge swings of scimitar values. The 1st one doing more then 10 times the dps of the 2nd one. The 1st doing more then double of the 3rd one. That's more then the quadrupling i said before.
I think the above is a little too specific. Lets cut away some of the unnecessary words:
2. People are Idiots.
This statement is always true, of all people, in all places at all times, up to and including any one making a post claiming it to be true.
If we accept this simple statement the majority of life's greatest mysteries can be explained.
It certainly explains why I put my glasses in the fridge once.
I worked in a Pub when I was 18, I once asked why people who I knew, to be quite clever people, were acting so stupid one day.
His answer was...
Take the person in the group with the highest I.Q., then divide that number by the number of people in the group. Then you end up with the I.Q. for the entire group.
I've worked with the public my whole life, and as cynical as that answer was - it seems to have remained true for the past 20 years.... that former employer was a wise man. A person can be quite smart, but "the public" are morons - never ask "the public" anything, ever!
Unless you're a troll, then ask the public lots of things lol
9. Pick a color and use it, yes this means damage types. Procs are stupid and you should never rely on them as the basis of your build.
You should always use faction weapons.
Actually, there are times where X weapon type is better for your build, particularly polaron for an energy drain build. Regardless, unless you're specializing into something, I'd suggest (or I will advise forever & ever) to use faction weapons. Phasers on Fed ships, disruptors on Klingon, polaron for Jem'hadar, etc etc.
Why? Because seeing anything but phasers on a federation ship is heresy.
Actually, there are times where X weapon type is better for your build, particularly polaron for an energy drain build. Regardless, unless you're specializing into something, I'd suggest (or I will advise forever & ever) to use faction weapons. Phasers on Fed ships, disruptors on Klingon, polaron for Jem'hadar, etc etc.
Why? Because seeing anything but phasers on a federation ship is heresy.
1. Using polarons in hope they will actually drain something is nothing more than relying on procs. Dream on.
2. Heresy remark is nothing more than a feeble attempt at trolling.
May 2013, automatic permanent ban for mentioning gold-seller sites pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should. moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
10. There is no one "best" thing in the game. Every playstyle/configuration/weapon loadout/power tray/bind could be identical between two people and the better player with it is going to use it better. A2B is not "king", beams are not "King" nothing is "king" seriously.
9. Pick a color and use it, yes this means damage types. Procs are stupid and you should never rely on them as the basis of your build.
8. Always use the same damage type for as many weapons slots/tactical console slots as possible. If youre gonna run 6 beams on a 4 console ship, then you need 6 beams of the same damage type + 4 consoles of that flavor. OR you can run 6 different beam types and use 4 generic spire beam damage consoles (youll lose about 2 percent overall damage)
7. Numbers on items lie. Do not expect a 31.9 percent damage output increase when you add a tactical console. Do not expect a 21.2 percent reduction in damage when you equip a neutronium. All things have diminishing returns or are calculated in a way that makes them MUCH MUCH LESS than advertised
6. Read the f-ing manual. Google, forum search, STO academy, RESEARCH. TEST. Read posts of those that have already done the work. Whatever youre going to try, someone has already done it, I guarantee it. Use their experience as a guide.
5. Do not use default gear and power settings unless you want to really TRIBBLE people off or look bad.
4. Everything is viable if you use it right. Nothing in the game is worthless if it is used right. (number 5 may be the only exception to this)
3. Vs threads will always be biased. Dont trust them. For all you know number 2 is occurring.
2. Forum users are usually idiots. In game users are usually worse. (especially on ESD)
1. And the number one thing to remember when building a ship - you are the primary factor in how that ship is going to perform. No amount of gear, money, traits, bridge officers, fleet stuff, hax, or consoles are going to make it work unless you can competently fly it. If you want to make a superfast escort be damn sure you can react and keep up with the speed youre going to wield. If you want to play sciency magic make sure you REALLY know what the skiills do and be prepared to use them in proper sequences and with proper addon buffs (like popping rom tier 5/aux battery prior to firing a gravity well, if you want to maximize its damage)
See ya.
I agree with most of this.
i'd like to see Rylana put his money where his mouth is and do something with an Oberth
9. Pick a color and use it, yes this means damage types. Procs are stupid and you should never rely on them as the basis of your build.
I'll point this out and say that's not entirely true.
Energy types are a good way to help emphasis your builds objectives/strengths.
If you're a drainer, polaron proccing weapons benefit you.
DPS, disruptor
CC, phaser
shield drainer, tetryon
etc etc
Use the energy type that synergies with your build and skills.
If you're referring to modifiers, [DMG] is worst with [CrtD] being best with locator consoles, [Acc] would be a close second or best without spire consoles.
The energy type isn't as important as people would think. I find Tetryon to be a traditionally helpful standby for the "Dude, I am not a bank." build. Have you seen the outlandish price tags on some of the other stuff?
LOL. I'd love to see ANYBODY do something with an Oberth.:P
Does anyone actually fly them? In all the time I've played STO I've never seen one.
Heh, Oberth was the first ship I bought. I still joke about wanting ashtray 'n cigar separation for them. Thing is, doesn't take long before a Shuttle is actually better - since the Shuttle scales and the Oberth does not.
10. There is no one "best" thing in the game. Every playstyle/configuration/weapon loadout/power tray/bind could be identical between two people and the better player with it is going to use it better.
A non-sequitur. Of course a better pilot will do better, ceteris paribus. And while indeed there is no 'best' in this game, there's no causal link between your 2 statements, In fact, they are entirely unrelated.
9. (...) Procs are stupid and you should never rely on them as the basis of your build.
A strawman. Nobody has ever made a proc the 'basis' of their build; however, with a build as basis, it makes sense to choose procs that support said build. Like a drain build will benefit from choosing weps that aid in draining power/shields. In fact, ironically, the only sensible reason to deviate from this rule would be... another proc!
7. Numbers on items lie. Do not expect a 31.9 percent damage output increase when you add a tactical console. Do not expect a 21.2 percent reduction in damage when you equip a neutronium. All things have diminishing returns or are calculated in a way that makes them MUCH MUCH LESS than advertised
Ignoratio elenchi (irrelevant conclusion). The numbers do not lie: they are simply often worded in a confusing manner, and thus open to misinterpretation. To wit, you really *do* get +31.9% damage output increase on use of a Mk XII Vulnerability Locater: it's just not 31.9% of what people tend to think.
6. Read the f-ing manual. Google, forum search, STO academy, RESEARCH. TEST. Read posts of those that have already done the work. Whatever youre going to try, someone has already done it, I guarantee it. Use their experience as a guide.
2. Forum users are usually idiots.
Contradictio in terminis. Either forum users are usually idiots, or their experiences can be used as a reliable guide.
I thought this was a given about humans in general.
I think labeling people as 'idiots' when all they are doing is essentially what the game teaches them to do is counterproductive.
The entire Romulan season 'teaches' the player not to close with enemy ships because closing with the enemy ship results in being tractored and 1-shot by the D'Deridex's plasma torpedo spam. In fact, after a few times of that happening the player has effectively learned to stay out in that 8-10 range if they don't want to die. If you look at the Conduit TF, it essentially teaches you the same lesson. If you stay out at the 8-10 range when bringing down one of the gateway, the gateway almost never targets you no matter how often you fire at it, but if you close in with it, you immediately taking all sorts of borg damage that can kill you almost immediately, especially if you are new to Borg Task Forces and are not geared for it yet.
Players want to survive. Even in an environment where the penalty for 'death' is minimal, almost every player overreacts to in-game death. Heck I am a tactical commander who almost always selects defensive options instead of offensive options. even though doing so reduces my dps because I loathe in-game death so much. So if the game effective 'trains' a player that doing something a certain way is going to increase his or her chance of surviving the encounter, no amount of badgering or posting of dps numbers to shame them or anything like that is going to affect the way they play.
The only thing that will affect the way they play is to show them that they will get better results by doing it a different way. But remember even if you have the patience and/or inclination to try to do that, you will still be battling against weeks or months or years of the game itself implicitly telling them that getting right on top of the enemy is not the thing they want to do if they want to survive.
What is "rom tier 5?"
when you reach t5 rom rep, the 'perk' for it is a mega science power boost that also gives your ship a short duration battle cloak. Its awesome for a GW bomb, and on a GW bomb ship, its even more awesome.
i'll vouch for this i play the game as well as the eldest boy . He beats me for a pastime in pvp . even tried swapping ships beats me every time , but he understands the in and outs more then i do .
I enjoy it all the same for the fun .
Ooooh....neat-o....I'm almost there!
10 is of primary importance. People shooting from 8-10km out is just terrible. Movement/positioning in this game if done right will double your dps and in some cases even more then that. Proper use of abilities and when to use them is another key. In all this can be a quadrupling of your dps. It's just that important and way way more important then anything else.
The last 3 pug ISE runs i did there was a Scimitar in each one of them. The scimitars achieved 33.8k dps, 3.3k dps, 14.6k dps. While i did 20k and 20.3k human eng and 27.8k rom tac flying a Daenos with 7 weapons and no hangar bay. Note the huge swings of scimitar values. The 1st one doing more then 10 times the dps of the 2nd one. The 1st doing more then double of the 3rd one. That's more then the quadrupling i said before.
It just amazes me how people still don't get it.
I think the above is a little too specific. Lets cut away some of the unnecessary words:
2. People are Idiots.
This statement is always true, of all people, in all places at all times, up to and including any one making a post claiming it to be true.
If we accept this simple statement the majority of life's greatest mysteries can be explained.
It certainly explains why I put my glasses in the fridge once.
Guilty as charged...
I worked in a Pub when I was 18, I once asked why people who I knew, to be quite clever people, were acting so stupid one day.
His answer was...
Take the person in the group with the highest I.Q., then divide that number by the number of people in the group. Then you end up with the I.Q. for the entire group.
I've worked with the public my whole life, and as cynical as that answer was - it seems to have remained true for the past 20 years.... that former employer was a wise man. A person can be quite smart, but "the public" are morons - never ask "the public" anything, ever!
Unless you're a troll, then ask the public lots of things lol
You should always use faction weapons.
Actually, there are times where X weapon type is better for your build, particularly polaron for an energy drain build. Regardless, unless you're specializing into something, I'd suggest (or I will advise forever & ever) to use faction weapons. Phasers on Fed ships, disruptors on Klingon, polaron for Jem'hadar, etc etc.
Why? Because seeing anything but phasers on a federation ship is heresy.
1. Using polarons in hope they will actually drain something is nothing more than relying on procs. Dream on.
2. Heresy remark is nothing more than a feeble attempt at trolling.
pwebranflakes: this system is currently in place and working the way it should.
moradum: I got banned for saying "I started my day with cutting off 3 MM off of the bottom of my cabinet"
VR Mk XII Generic +20%
VR Mk XII Specific +30%
There was a 10% base difference per console.
4x Specifics gave you +40% base compared to Generics.
UR Mk XII ATVx Generic +27.9%
UR Mk XII ATVx Specific +31.9%
There is a 4% base difference per console.
4x Specifics now only give you +16% base compared to Generics.
So you know... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLmcGkvJ-e0
I agree with most of this.
i'd like to see Rylana put his money where his mouth is and do something with an Oberth
I'll point this out and say that's not entirely true.
Energy types are a good way to help emphasis your builds objectives/strengths.
If you're a drainer, polaron proccing weapons benefit you.
DPS, disruptor
CC, phaser
shield drainer, tetryon
etc etc
Use the energy type that synergies with your build and skills.
If you're referring to modifiers, [DMG] is worst with [CrtD] being best with locator consoles, [Acc] would be a close second or best without spire consoles.
LOL. I'd love to see ANYBODY do something with an Oberth.:P
Does anyone actually fly them? In all the time I've played STO I've never seen one.
Heh, Oberth was the first ship I bought. I still joke about wanting ashtray 'n cigar separation for them. Thing is, doesn't take long before a Shuttle is actually better - since the Shuttle scales and the Oberth does not.
A non-sequitur. Of course a better pilot will do better, ceteris paribus. And while indeed there is no 'best' in this game, there's no causal link between your 2 statements, In fact, they are entirely unrelated.
A strawman. Nobody has ever made a proc the 'basis' of their build; however, with a build as basis, it makes sense to choose procs that support said build. Like a drain build will benefit from choosing weps that aid in draining power/shields. In fact, ironically, the only sensible reason to deviate from this rule would be... another proc!
Ignoratio elenchi (irrelevant conclusion). The numbers do not lie: they are simply often worded in a confusing manner, and thus open to misinterpretation. To wit, you really *do* get +31.9% damage output increase on use of a Mk XII Vulnerability Locater: it's just not 31.9% of what people tend to think.
Contradictio in terminis. Either forum users are usually idiots, or their experiences can be used as a reliable guide.
I thought this was a given about humans in general.
I think labeling people as 'idiots' when all they are doing is essentially what the game teaches them to do is counterproductive.
The entire Romulan season 'teaches' the player not to close with enemy ships because closing with the enemy ship results in being tractored and 1-shot by the D'Deridex's plasma torpedo spam. In fact, after a few times of that happening the player has effectively learned to stay out in that 8-10 range if they don't want to die. If you look at the Conduit TF, it essentially teaches you the same lesson. If you stay out at the 8-10 range when bringing down one of the gateway, the gateway almost never targets you no matter how often you fire at it, but if you close in with it, you immediately taking all sorts of borg damage that can kill you almost immediately, especially if you are new to Borg Task Forces and are not geared for it yet.
Players want to survive. Even in an environment where the penalty for 'death' is minimal, almost every player overreacts to in-game death. Heck I am a tactical commander who almost always selects defensive options instead of offensive options. even though doing so reduces my dps because I loathe in-game death so much. So if the game effective 'trains' a player that doing something a certain way is going to increase his or her chance of surviving the encounter, no amount of badgering or posting of dps numbers to shame them or anything like that is going to affect the way they play.
The only thing that will affect the way they play is to show them that they will get better results by doing it a different way. But remember even if you have the patience and/or inclination to try to do that, you will still be battling against weeks or months or years of the game itself implicitly telling them that getting right on top of the enemy is not the thing they want to do if they want to survive.