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Want to sell large Amounts of rare Consoles...

samt296samt296 Member Posts: 157 Arc User
I have somewhere around 20-30 Subspace Integration Circuits... they are currently selling for about 1.4 Mil EC which is low, they have gone as high as 4 mil in the past.

I will sell them to anyone who wants them at 1.4 Mil each... I have to return my invested money to continue my marketing in the game.

I need an item and i don't have the time to offload them on the exchange which takes time and patience to make a profit.

Still, there is a huge profit to be made here for any patient investors... PM me at Samuel@Kronos1996 in-game and reply to this post to let me know your interested.
"When people ask stupid questions I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers."

Keltoi Class... fan design. You KNOW you want one In-game!

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