Please use this thread to post all feedback and bugs found while playign through our new content: Dyson Sphere Undine Battlezone.
Dyson Sphere Undine Battlezone:
The Space Battlezone can be accessed from the edge of the Contested Zone, or from the first area where you arrive in the Allied Zone.
This is a persistent space battlezone for level 50 Captains.
The Undine have arrived in the Dyson Sphere and are beginning to open rifts to lay waste to all in the area and tear apart and take control of this region of the Dyson Sphere.
Reports from various intelligence officers indicate the Undine assaulted the Voth who previously occupied the area with a massive fleet and three large planet killers. There are barely any signs left of the Voth, and now the Undine seek to tear apart the Dyson Sphere.
Players must regain control of the area from the Undine and bring down the planet killers that were used to assault the Voth fleet.
The Federation, Klingons, and Romulans have all created methods to close Undine rifts. It's up to captains to use these methods to close the Rifts.
This is still a work in progress.
Art, text, and rewards are not final.
Introduction cutscene is not hooked up.
Progress bars have the words, "Progress..." instead of their actual text.
Untargetable Undine ships will be floating around Romulan points.
You can not get back into the contested zone from the battlezone.
Undine Assault Federation Strategy - Seems to be impossible for one person to complete (not a criticism). If Undine manage to get close to the point, it resets it to zero progress. Sometimes, but not always, it'll revert to the progress level you were at prior to the Undine NPCs reaching the point.
Rewards seems a little underwhelming. I understand space is generally faster, but it's not that much faster. Still, wait and see I suppose. Probably better test it when it's busier.
Undine Assault Portal Perils - I assume the -1 of 4 is deliberate and these zones still have some work to be done.
The Romulan Offensive - Like the idea, but it seems to be a might bit too easy. Might need more NPC mobs.
Do these zones have mobs that increase in size and difficulty depending on number of players?
Good catch on the Federation point! That is happening because the state it goes into when the Undine are there is displaying a deprecated value; when the Undine are cleared, it goes back to whatever it was. This will be fixed soon, but in the meantime, you can look at the bar located under "Battlezone Ally Control" for the point.
Each of the points are designed to smartly scale in size based on the number of players in the area. Our goal is that a point can be enjoyable solo or with five people, and anywhere in between (or upward).
I will be keeping a close eye on this thread, so please feel free to keep your feedback coming, and I will do my best to keep in communication with everyone.
Ok, spent some time in the zone now. I have to say, I have a real problem with this new Fluidic Space bubble these Undine use. It insta-kill my Gal-X's fighters and I really think that hurts anything with hangar bay. In addition, the near Grav-well like effect of it, is really REALLY annoying. This might be the only object in the universe that can make a heavy cruiser stop on a dime. I understand its supposed to be an annoyance... but a bit too far guys.
Ok, spent some time in the zone now. I have to say, I have a real problem with this new Fluidic Space bubble these Undine use. It insta-kill my Gal-X's fighters and I really think that hurts anything with hangar bay. In addition, the near Grav-well like effect of it, is really REALLY annoying. This might be the only object in the universe that can make a heavy cruiser stop on a dime. I understand its supposed to be an annoyance... but a bit too far guys.
Yeah ever since they nerfed carrier pets after season 4 the bops and frigates only pets worth using. Especially with the failed leveling of carrier pets just made the whole thing worse.
Had a couple moments to hop on and test it out with my KDF Engineer in his Mirror Neghvar that can solo Contested Zone points indefinitely and tank entire Voth city ship escort fleets for extended periods(for reference).
Outer 8 o'clock capture point:
-Ran most of it with another player in an AP Avenger, a Wild Mobius appeared towards the end of it.
-About halfway through the second relay point, the HUD Indicators broke for the point(this might be tied to the non-targettable ships that appeared?). The mechanical progression of the point still continued normally, however.
-After the point was captured the blue HUD arrow indicator appeared as a 'hostile' contact whenever it went off-screen. It was not targettable, but it did cause some confusion.(Seeing as it was a KDF character, I presume it's an alignment issue/it not being hidden properly.)
-The ships didn't even dent my shields, but then it is a ship built to take brutal amounts of punishment(as mentioned in opening - Also running aggro 9 on the ship/captain, so I was the focus at all times). It was DEFINITELY soloable. The only thing that brought a single shield facing to half-way was the final wave after the friendly Mobius showed up.
-The Bio-blobs of immobilization were interesting, but I'm still not entirely clear about their creation and behavior yet. If there is a way to anticipate their appearance and movement direction, I think they are a great addition. If they're just insta-summoned on people with no chance of reaction, I see them causing a lot of frustration.
-As a side note, I did like the scale/spacing of the relays. They seemed to be roughly an Evasive Maneuvers away and allowed for good interception response time whenever we noticed a ship warp in.
I'll hop on later with some other characters to compare, contrast and check each capture point.
Flew around some more in the same ship.
Overall, I like the feeling and flow of the Federation 'capture and hold' points. It can be a little cheesy if you get rifted inside the actual point, but it was otherwise quite engaging and felt manageable with 3 people.
Managed to get popped on a Romulan singularity relay when I got stuck next to 4 exploding ships inside a rift - wasn't really much I could do about that and it was partially my fault(inverted tractors + warp plasma).
It did showcase the issue of Rift spamming when there are multiple Heavy Bio-ships though. I don't mind the current incarnation of the Fluidic Space Rift, but it does seem like more of a Dreadnought-class ability. My alternative solutions would be to either reduce the pull radius/range by about 60% and leave it as an inescapable sink-hole - or leave its long range pull, but soften the strength of the pull at close range so players can actually escape/dodge bubbles and exploding ships if they make a concentrated effort.
I ran into an issue on the 2'o'clock Klingon Point Beta(I didn't get to test the other two sites yet). One of the cannons failed to give proper credit and it was stuck at 3/4 cannons. Reactivating the cannons when they were almost depleted didn't refresh the credit. I didn't get a chance to let them go offline and restart them.
Also, I saw a number of smaller frigate ships(not the iconic cruisers) that were named Nicor. Is that a typo, or do the Undine have some sort of naming convention I'm not aware of?
I'm not a fan of getting jostled around soo much by the charge-up beams(my Neghvar ate about 3 of them in a row like a champ), but that's probably more of a personal complaint.
There is a bug with all of the Klingon Sections in the Space Battlezone. One of the weapons is not counting towrards closing the portal. As a result, there are 4 active weapons, but the game thinks only 3 are active and all KDF points, and by extension completion of the battlezone, is not possible. Other areas besides the problems mentioned here in post #2 are fine.
One thing I noticed I really liked and didn't like at same time when your in battlezone and those undine have that triangle-ish looking thing on them. The one thing hard to see even more flanking but in terms of reticles I did have a suggestion in terms of art on that. It would feel more Star Trek if the target reticle wasn't a square but somewhat uniform to what you would have seen in Star Trek for example in Undiscovered country how chang had those Klingon looking reticles on the enterprise and excelsior. A similar federation and romulan one would be nice for those factions.
It might just be me though it seems more and more difficult to notice the white arrow once in awhile on tribble I'd notice it but when you are dealing with a lot of objects around you it seems to not be noticeable.
Only other thing I would like to add is my long request that more maps like command center on new romulus and maybe somewhere in the dyson sphere to have a security officer for contraband and prisoner turn ins. Just been one of my itching frustrations to always have to park my romulans on qo'nos for that purpose. This was a good surprise though because I remember Geko in an interview talking about how much work went into the voth battlezone that they wouldn't be doing any more territory control but this is cool so you can do it for space and ground and more simplified than the contested zone for the players who don't understand the game that well to be able to jump into it and still be fun for long time veterans.
Only other thing I would like to add is my long request that more maps like command center on new romulus and maybe somewhere in the dyson sphere to have a security officer for contraband and prisoner turn ins. Just been one of my itching frustrations to always have to park my romulans on qo'nos for that purpose. This was a good surprise though because I remember Geko in an interview talking about how much work went into the voth battlezone that they wouldn't be doing any more territory control but this is cool so you can do it for space and ground and more simplified than the contested zone for the players who don't understand the game that well to be able to jump into it and still be fun for long time veterans.
If you've noticed, all of the Contraband turn-in/Changling turn-in/Prisoner Exchange locations use the same npc contact for your faction. It's the way missions work. The same thing happens for the data sample turn-in DOff assignment questgivers. If you notice, the mission giver in the communication window is the same NPC whether you pick up the assignment from your ship interior or from your fleet starbase, even if the actual in-world NPCs have different models.
In order to put in one of these DOff assignment things on New Romulus Command, they would need one NPC from each faction, just like DS9. And in order to make the NPC match the faction, they would have to be a Klingon NPC and a Federation NPC, not Romulan.
There is a bug with all of the Klingon Sections in the Space Battlezone. One of the weapons is not counting towrards closing the portal. As a result, there are 4 active weapons, but the game thinks only 3 are active and all KDF points, and by extension completion of the battlezone, is not possible. Other areas besides the problems mentioned here in post #2 are fine.
I did the mission in my Hirogen Hunter (at 1 o'clock on the mini-map) and didn't have too much touble with the Undine but I also encountered the bug of not being able to finish the KDF points. When I let the weapons reset it gave me a progress of (-1/4)
I cleared 3 other areas and loved it although the Undine didn't seem like much a threat. The background Art was great same as the ambient sound. Over all it was a fun experience and can't wait to do some more.
If you've noticed, all of the Contraband turn-in/Changling turn-in/Prisoner Exchange locations use the same npc contact for your faction. It's the way missions work. The same thing happens for the data sample turn-in DOff assignment questgivers. If you notice, the mission giver in the communication window is the same NPC whether you pick up the assignment from your ship interior or from your fleet starbase, even if the actual in-world NPCs have different models.
In order to put in one of these DOff assignment things on New Romulus Command, they would need one NPC from each faction, just like DS9. And in order to make the NPC match the faction, they would have to be a Klingon NPC and a Federation NPC, not Romulan.
They can pull a foundry job and just give them romulan costumes For me its mostly to have a change of scenery when switching characters without going to DS9 or the other KDF one. Main reason I don't ever do anything on new romulus it would take too much time for me with the amount of characters I turn in to jump more hoops than usual.
Unless they can be attacked and pull out their phaser or disruptor no ones gonna know if they do it foundry style
Ok, spent some time in the zone now. I have to say, I have a real problem with this new Fluidic Space bubble these Undine use. It insta-kill my Gal-X's fighters and I really think that hurts anything with hangar bay. In addition, the near Grav-well like effect of it, is really REALLY annoying. This might be the only object in the universe that can make a heavy cruiser stop on a dime. I understand its supposed to be an annoyance... but a bit too far guys.
Yeah, a bubble that instagibs your entire fighter wing is sucky.
Did you guys give subspace jump to the Undine? I really REALLY hate NPCs that have that ability and I think it's lazy design to just slap it on everything. Give them a souped-up version of emergency to engines if you must but I'm sick and tired of enemies just disappearing and instantly reappearing elsewhere.
-edit- I redact this statement. They received an art and fx pass and now they actually dive into a rift with a delay before they reappear. This is now cool. So remember: Instant jump = lame, fluidic space dive = cool.
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
They can pull a foundry job and just give them romulan costumes For me its mostly to have a change of scenery when switching characters without going to DS9 or the other KDF one. Main reason I don't ever do anything on new romulus it would take too much time for me with the amount of characters I turn in to jump more hoops than usual.
Unless they can be attacked and pull out their phaser or disruptor no ones gonna know if they do it foundry style
They could make different models for the NPCs that exist in the gameworld, but the faces in the communication dialogue would still be the Federation/KDF NPCs attached to that particular assignment and not match (like I described with the discrepancy between the ship interior/fleet starbase DOff assignment givers).
Yeah, a bubble that instagibs your entire fighter wing is sucky.
Did you guys give subspace jump to the Undine? I really REALLY hate NPCs that have that ability and I think it's lazy design to just slap it on everything. Give them a souped-up version of emergency to engines if you must but I'm sick and tired of enemies just disappearing and instantly reappearing elsewhere.
I don't think it's subspace jump. They retreat to fluidic space and reappear elsewhere several seconds later. It is really more like a perfect cloak, I think mechanically.
Yeah, a bubble that instagibs your entire fighter wing is sucky.
Yeah, that's why I stopped doing Dyson Space. I was running several characters with fighters and the Voth would just immediately vaporize them. Plus the fighters don't really seem to reliably obey Recall, so you can't even keep them indoors until the Voth waste that shockwave power. If the Undine Space zone is doing that as well I won't be sticking around longer than necessary.
My only little thing (apart from the klingon weapons which has been noted) is the accolade we get for flying through the 3 different arch towers, we have 2 from the previous two zones but in this zone the tower has been destroyed.
can the accolade be adjusted so we either dont need the third tower or that we still have to fly generally near it, otherwise we have an uncompleted accolade just sitting there.
Regarding those revolving blobs of goo that slow you down and deal DoT around Federation points... They seem to be harming the Undine as well as the players. I'm assuming this is a bug.
We're aware of the issue of not being able to easily get to the space battlezone. We're working on a fix and will update you all when it is being pushed to Tribble.
Planet Killer bosses:-
While it was pretty evident how to shoot the PK thanks to the target status in the HUD, the dialogue itself went by far too quickly.
Also there were some issues had activating the Klingon weapons due to fluidic rift being opened right above one. A minor issue though.
The fluidic bioplasma in my opinion is fine. They don't cover the map and there are enough counters to them, like attack pattern omega and hazard emitters.
We destroyed the three planet killers at the end, and it said the undine would come back in about 3 minutes or so.
we then got a warning that the voth were turning up. another timer started and we attacked them for a bit but once the undine returned the voth counter stopped at 3.20 and no more both showed up.
think its either broken, or the times should not be overlapping?
Also, the klingon point on 5 o'clock tends to change the map color to blue in the moment when player enters it, even though it's not captured. It then turns back and forth this way, even if the actual state does not change.
I'm really disappointed in the lack of Voth infrastructure in this zone. This was supposed to be their biggest stronghold in the sphere. Even if the Undine came in and wiped them out there should be floating Voth wreckage everywhere. As it stands, you would never ever suspect that the Voth had even been there if you didn't read the mission texts; there's no visual indication that they were ever there.
There should be smashed drydocks that were berthing city ships, there should be abandoned supply caches that were left behind when retreat was called, there should be remnant patrols of recon ships that are keeping tabs on the Undine, the Voth do have cloaks after all. There should be active skirmishes between the Voth and the Undine like in so many of the single player episodes where you come into the map in the middle of a fight between borg/undine, or jem'hadar/klingons, etc. etc. etc.
p.s. on the singularity points "Undine are moving back the singularity!" is grammatically incorrect. "Undine are moving the singularity back!"
Nitpicking is a time-honored tradition of science fiction. Asking your readers not to worry about the "little things" is like asking a dog not to sniff at people's crotches. If there's something that appears to violate natural laws, then you can expect someone's going to point it out. That's just the way things are.
just dropped onto tribble for a few minutes, i see one PK at beta, but for some reason there is no countdown and the klingon weapons seem to be bugged, one is firing the other two will not lock after firing, on top of this its saying that one has been activated and two left (even though one is shown as active already, it should of stated that two were activated). then the voth jump in and spoil the party :P.
edit: after a small killing spree and a disabled ship repaired, liked that it follows and stays with you and attacks as well.
anyways, it looks like the standard territory control is active and so are the PK, so clearly a broken trigger thats put the PK's before the territory control was complete. but thats made some of these territory controls very hairy to try get at with about 20 bioships to contend with and a massive computer frame rate drop in the process.
the territory control itself is a bit hit and miss at this point, when you captured a point it should remain capped for a few minutes, it feels a few minutes too short with a few other players floating around, with more players it goes quicker and players can defend, but i think it should be a little longer before the 8472 come back and try get the control points back.
the voth should provide a stronger distraction they are doing and taking part in the control effort as well, make it look like a real battlefield control.
T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW. Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
If there aren't currently plans for it, it would be nice if there was an equivalent of requesting reinforcements in the ground zone for this one. I was on with maybe at most four other players last night and we just couldn't make progress. We had over half the territory converted at one time, but then couldn't progress since we had to keep going back to old points and kicking Undine off them. As soon as we'd start on a new point, another one was falling again. Everyone else seemed to give up after a while and we lost everything except what I was holding onto, so I ended up leaving too.
I'm sure it's better balanced with higher player counts, which it'll definitely have in the live game, but it seems like it'll be unlikely to finish it with a low population.
Also the Undine themselves seemed pretty underwhelming, but my ship's built up with Mk. XII rep gear and fleet consoles, so maybe I shouldn't use myself as a test case. I'll probably give it a try in one of my old ships with Mk XI blue gear soonish.
Rewards seems a little underwhelming. I understand space is generally faster, but it's not that much faster. Still, wait and see I suppose. Probably better test it when it's busier.
Undine Assault Portal Perils - I assume the -1 of 4 is deliberate and these zones still have some work to be done.
The Romulan Offensive - Like the idea, but it seems to be a might bit too easy. Might need more NPC mobs.
Do these zones have mobs that increase in size and difficulty depending on number of players?
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Each of the points are designed to smartly scale in size based on the number of players in the area. Our goal is that a point can be enjoyable solo or with five people, and anywhere in between (or upward).
I will be keeping a close eye on this thread, so please feel free to keep your feedback coming, and I will do my best to keep in communication with everyone.
TRIBBLE Hydra! Hail Janeway!
Yeah ever since they nerfed carrier pets after season 4 the bops and frigates only pets worth using. Especially with the failed leveling of carrier pets just made the whole thing worse.
Outer 8 o'clock capture point:
-Ran most of it with another player in an AP Avenger, a Wild Mobius appeared towards the end of it.
-About halfway through the second relay point, the HUD Indicators broke for the point(this might be tied to the non-targettable ships that appeared?). The mechanical progression of the point still continued normally, however.
-After the point was captured the blue HUD arrow indicator appeared as a 'hostile' contact whenever it went off-screen. It was not targettable, but it did cause some confusion.(Seeing as it was a KDF character, I presume it's an alignment issue/it not being hidden properly.)
-The ships didn't even dent my shields, but then it is a ship built to take brutal amounts of punishment(as mentioned in opening - Also running aggro 9 on the ship/captain, so I was the focus at all times). It was DEFINITELY soloable. The only thing that brought a single shield facing to half-way was the final wave after the friendly Mobius showed up.
-The Bio-blobs of immobilization were interesting, but I'm still not entirely clear about their creation and behavior yet. If there is a way to anticipate their appearance and movement direction, I think they are a great addition. If they're just insta-summoned on people with no chance of reaction, I see them causing a lot of frustration.
-As a side note, I did like the scale/spacing of the relays. They seemed to be roughly an Evasive Maneuvers away and allowed for good interception response time whenever we noticed a ship warp in.
I'll hop on later with some other characters to compare, contrast and check each capture point.
Flew around some more in the same ship.
Overall, I like the feeling and flow of the Federation 'capture and hold' points. It can be a little cheesy if you get rifted inside the actual point, but it was otherwise quite engaging and felt manageable with 3 people.
Managed to get popped on a Romulan singularity relay when I got stuck next to 4 exploding ships inside a rift - wasn't really much I could do about that and it was partially my fault(inverted tractors + warp plasma).
It did showcase the issue of Rift spamming when there are multiple Heavy Bio-ships though. I don't mind the current incarnation of the Fluidic Space Rift, but it does seem like more of a Dreadnought-class ability. My alternative solutions would be to either reduce the pull radius/range by about 60% and leave it as an inescapable sink-hole - or leave its long range pull, but soften the strength of the pull at close range so players can actually escape/dodge bubbles and exploding ships if they make a concentrated effort.
I ran into an issue on the 2'o'clock Klingon Point Beta(I didn't get to test the other two sites yet). One of the cannons failed to give proper credit and it was stuck at 3/4 cannons. Reactivating the cannons when they were almost depleted didn't refresh the credit. I didn't get a chance to let them go offline and restart them.
Also, I saw a number of smaller frigate ships(not the iconic cruisers) that were named Nicor. Is that a typo, or do the Undine have some sort of naming convention I'm not aware of?
I'm not a fan of getting jostled around soo much by the charge-up beams(my Neghvar ate about 3 of them in a row like a champ), but that's probably more of a personal complaint.
It might just be me though it seems more and more difficult to notice the white arrow once in awhile on tribble I'd notice it but when you are dealing with a lot of objects around you it seems to not be noticeable.
Only other thing I would like to add is my long request that more maps like command center on new romulus and maybe somewhere in the dyson sphere to have a security officer for contraband and prisoner turn ins. Just been one of my itching frustrations to always have to park my romulans on qo'nos for that purpose. This was a good surprise though because I remember Geko in an interview talking about how much work went into the voth battlezone that they wouldn't be doing any more territory control but this is cool so you can do it for space and ground and more simplified than the contested zone for the players who don't understand the game that well to be able to jump into it and still be fun for long time veterans.
I'll be looking into the issue with the Klingon Points and will let you know when we'll be pushing out a solution to fix the issue.
If you've noticed, all of the Contraband turn-in/Changling turn-in/Prisoner Exchange locations use the same npc contact for your faction. It's the way missions work. The same thing happens for the data sample turn-in DOff assignment questgivers. If you notice, the mission giver in the communication window is the same NPC whether you pick up the assignment from your ship interior or from your fleet starbase, even if the actual in-world NPCs have different models.
In order to put in one of these DOff assignment things on New Romulus Command, they would need one NPC from each faction, just like DS9. And in order to make the NPC match the faction, they would have to be a Klingon NPC and a Federation NPC, not Romulan.
Raptr profile
I did the mission in my Hirogen Hunter (at 1 o'clock on the mini-map) and didn't have too much touble with the Undine but I also encountered the bug of not being able to finish the KDF points. When I let the weapons reset it gave me a progress of (-1/4)
I cleared 3 other areas and loved it although the Undine didn't seem like much a threat. The background Art was great same as the ambient sound. Over all it was a fun experience and can't wait to do some more.
They can pull a foundry job and just give them romulan costumes
Unless they can be attacked and pull out their phaser or disruptor no ones gonna know if they do it foundry style
Yeah, a bubble that instagibs your entire fighter wing is sucky.
Did you guys give subspace jump to the Undine? I really REALLY hate NPCs that have that ability and I think it's lazy design to just slap it on everything. Give them a souped-up version of emergency to engines if you must but I'm sick and tired of enemies just disappearing and instantly reappearing elsewhere.
-edit- I redact this statement. They received an art and fx pass and now they actually dive into a rift with a delay before they reappear. This is now cool. So remember: Instant jump = lame, fluidic space dive = cool.
Joined January 2009
They could make different models for the NPCs that exist in the gameworld, but the faces in the communication dialogue would still be the Federation/KDF NPCs attached to that particular assignment and not match (like I described with the discrepancy between the ship interior/fleet starbase DOff assignment givers).
Raptr profile
I don't think it's subspace jump. They retreat to fluidic space and reappear elsewhere several seconds later. It is really more like a perfect cloak, I think mechanically.
Feed back pulse against smaller ships seems to be bad skill to use vs them.
Give Undine ships bonus to weapon power? +10? in space zone?
Romulan zone/area seemed good balance for solo player. Fed & KDF areas looked to encourage groups / team work. (which I felt was good)
Is it too easy?
give the smallest ships fire at will?
torp spread 1 to slightly larger ship... or does it have high yield wasn't sure if it was the actual torp or high yield version.
* I was solo. and was mostly just looking around.
Yeah, that's why I stopped doing Dyson Space. I was running several characters with fighters and the Voth would just immediately vaporize them. Plus the fighters don't really seem to reliably obey Recall, so you can't even keep them indoors until the Voth waste that shockwave power. If the Undine Space zone is doing that as well I won't be sticking around longer than necessary.
can the accolade be adjusted so we either dont need the third tower or that we still have to fly generally near it, otherwise we have an uncompleted accolade just sitting there.
We will be doing an update to Tribble today that includes several fixes to the Space Undine Battlezone.
At 4pm PST, I will be on and in the battlezone to play it for a while, so feel free to come down, play the zone and give me your feedback directly!
I don't even get the option anymore. The Fluidic Destruction mission that sends you there also points to the ground battlezone and can't be completed.
We're aware of the issue of not being able to easily get to the space battlezone. We're working on a fix and will update you all when it is being pushed to Tribble.
Work perfectly fine.
Federation zones:-
Again works fine.
Romulan zones:-
No issues.
Planet Killer bosses:-
While it was pretty evident how to shoot the PK thanks to the target status in the HUD, the dialogue itself went by far too quickly.
Also there were some issues had activating the Klingon weapons due to fluidic rift being opened right above one. A minor issue though.
The fluidic bioplasma in my opinion is fine. They don't cover the map and there are enough counters to them, like attack pattern omega and hazard emitters.
Daizen - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
Selia - Lvl 60 Tactical - Eclipse
we then got a warning that the voth were turning up. another timer started and we attacked them for a bit but once the undine returned the voth counter stopped at 3.20 and no more both showed up.
think its either broken, or the times should not be overlapping?
There should be smashed drydocks that were berthing city ships, there should be abandoned supply caches that were left behind when retreat was called, there should be remnant patrols of recon ships that are keeping tabs on the Undine, the Voth do have cloaks after all. There should be active skirmishes between the Voth and the Undine like in so many of the single player episodes where you come into the map in the middle of a fight between borg/undine, or jem'hadar/klingons, etc. etc. etc.
p.s. on the singularity points "Undine are moving back the singularity!" is grammatically incorrect. "Undine are moving the singularity back!"
Joined January 2009
edit: after a small killing spree and a disabled ship repaired, liked that it follows and stays with you and attacks as well.
anyways, it looks like the standard territory control is active and so are the PK, so clearly a broken trigger thats put the PK's before the territory control was complete. but thats made some of these territory controls very hairy to try get at with about 20 bioships to contend with and a massive computer frame rate drop in the process.
the territory control itself is a bit hit and miss at this point, when you captured a point it should remain capped for a few minutes, it feels a few minutes too short with a few other players floating around, with more players it goes quicker and players can defend, but i think it should be a little longer before the 8472 come back and try get the control points back.
the voth should provide a stronger distraction they are doing and taking part in the control effort as well, make it look like a real battlefield control.
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
I'm sure it's better balanced with higher player counts, which it'll definitely have in the live game, but it seems like it'll be unlikely to finish it with a low population.
Also the Undine themselves seemed pretty underwhelming, but my ship's built up with Mk. XII rep gear and fleet consoles, so maybe I shouldn't use myself as a test case. I'll probably give it a try in one of my old ships with Mk XI blue gear soonish.