As you have all probably seen my videos already....Here's another link any way.
STO - Will PvP For Food
This channel is not limited to 1 Fleets PvP action.... it has - Pug Game's, OPVP-mades, Premades....everything else in between.
Request's and Idea's are all taken on board!
STOWillPvPForFood Discussion: Current Videos in progress: Updated Will PvP For Food Intro Movie / Darth Karrecks Revenge - Return of the Klingons (A KDF Tale), Please Rate, Like, Comment and Share!
Tell me what you think!
Also use this space to talk about whatever items powers etc... and the general game play you see in the footage!
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp CoachSTO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Please Subscribe and support the Unofficial Channel for OPVP and PVP in general, make it official!
Thanks Guys
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
House of Beautiful Orions
Those Fleets who have youtube channels related to PvP, please send me the link info and I'll Subscribe and add the link in my Channel description!
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Here is the link of our official "frapser" :
And the related official thread here in pvp forum:
There are no new recent videos, but we'll upload some we recorded in these days asap
Unfortunately YouTube Limits the amount I can Add in the Description and Links sections, though I will endeavor to find other means of listing the currently active and recruiting PvP Fleets, Keep up the Support guys!
Check out the current Lists here: STO - Will PvP For Food About Page
Also, any mods that are able (and willing) to make this a sticky thread? help support our PvP community, also your idea's for videos and the channel are welcome also!
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
House of Beautiful Orions
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
so please, View, Like, Comment and SUBSCRIBE!!! xD
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Just for clarity's sake, approval from whom?
I just don't want people thinking that PWE has blessed this particular YouTube channel as being an Official Organized PvP channel if they haven't done that.
If you mean this is the official YouTube channel for the player-run OPVP channel in-game, that's different.
Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
Wondering myself though how it is an official anything either. Last I checked the people that "own" Organized PvP are all off either stomping robots, Flying fighter planes or swinging magic swords and stuffz.
Opvp is player made channel.He asked for approval .Opvp is not PWE offcial pvp channel...even arene or pvp queue is not PWE official thing if you ask me ..those are from Atari era
If it is a Cryptic/PWE channel feel free to Derail this thread and Channel, after all I'm only trying to get more people active and involved with PvP, show the lighter side and show the Serious Fleet against Fleet matches.
Sorry for confusion, Though as you clearly didn't read my request earlier Moderator and are only now paying attention I should of done this earlier xD.
I've had no correspondence with any community managers, Devs or the like, this is a non profit/community run channel trying to promote PvP and the many active fleets involved.
I'm not in game to correctly the spell the channel name, I'm pretty sure it has a Z in it though I would spell it "Organised".... I will Clear this up tonight, though many of whom read these particular forums know which Chat Channel I'm referring to.
And just for "Legality's" sake, I did keep this as Unofficial until I was given permission to Make it so. Besides, all I have to do is an an "Un" back and there, problem solved.
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
lol cryptic to own a pvp channel would need to own/have pvp first.
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
To be honest, I think a PvP channel that was blessed by cryptic would be avoided like the plague.
Also, MOAR KDF vids Parker!!!! Right meow. :P
House of Beautiful Orions
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Please keep making them
Use this thread or the discussion page on the YouTube channel itself and tell em what music you want to hear! (other than classical...I'm sorry, artistic license and all xD).
Ohh and Gorn, I've already got a Gorn of the Dead intro I've been working on...don't worry, you'll be famous too...well like 200 views famous at the moment
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
Footage is there, how ever all of what I've got so far is me in my healer...waiting for you klinks to show up, I'm going to get some more, (when I get a chance, though not likely to be soon...), from my Tac's point of view! add a little change into the video etc... and I'm also sorry to report your First Vape didn't make the cut in quality, I must of had some Lag issues...
Lag Industries Executive - Fleet Project Management
PvP Boot Camp Coach
STO - Will PvP For Food - Official OPVP Channel <-Click Me
/channel_join OrganizedPvP
No argument there
You should cut all the kill floaters into a montage at the end of the vid since you cant capture everything at once on your healer :P
House of Beautiful Orions
I used Classical for about a year. Even Bach.
One of my favorites
I got a few views.
JUST before they added free classical music to the YouTube creation tool I used music I purchased to remaster all my original videos.
Darn. There were a few that I would have really liked to keep the classical stuff on.