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Can't Change Costumes?

wilsonfrontierwilsonfrontier Member Posts: 32 Arc User
edited March 2014 in Klingon Discussion
Anyone else have this problem? It only is on my Klingon. I can change/make new costumes on my Fed and my Romulan. But any changes I make to my two other costume slots on my Klingon do not save, and I can not switch from my default costume slot even if they did save. Really want to wear the new Khan outfit.
Post edited by wilsonfrontier on


  • m3g474rd69m3g474rd69 Member Posts: 2 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    You still can the option is just under the head section when you go into the tailor. It got messed up a couple patches ago and not a big priority to fix apparently lol
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