I thought we were still adding hangar bays to underpowered things?
2, maybe 3, should do the trick, no? Maybe that 5th front weapon slot, finally, while we're at it?
Heh, the JHEC and JHDC have the hangars - that's why I gave the JHAS the pair of JFighters (Wing Cannons).
It could probably do with Sensor Analysis though...hrmm, c'mon the Tal Shiar Destroyer and Battle Cruiser have it, the Sci Ody and Com Bort have it...why not the JHAS?
How about we take the fleet defiant and make its Lt. Tac and Ens Tac universals? Then you could build an aux2bat vaper or fit that extra ep2x in. After that, they can remove the console requirement for its cloak and make it a built in battle cloak. Oh, and make up some nifty clicky console for it to replace the cloak. Maybe a phased cloak that gives you all the characteristics of EBC and causes your torps to ignore shields. Install the hot tub, give it a nice coat of wax and bring it back into the 25th century.
edit: oh and since you're out of phase, you'd have to be immune to all damage while this console is active, this would prevent you from losing your cloak even if detected and fired on. It's only fair.
It needs another forward weapon slot and a built-in beam overload mechanism since we always saw them firing beams in the shows. Also since it can't cloak it needs to be faster and turn sharper and have a flanking bonus built in to it no matter which faction you are, but if you're KDF you get double flanking bonus.
we need to add a Hangar to that beeotch. lol and also an innate cloak sensing ability that can sense any cloaked ship and some special polaron beam arrays with 100% shield bypass. Its canon.
Hey DDIS, i wonder why you would choose only one A2B with the hirogen escort. I always get the feeling thati don't have specific powers ready when i want them ready if i use the A2B/A2D variant. TT, ST, ET, EPtS and EPtE can't be held at global without double A2B. Welp, this feeling might be a consequence of me spacebar-binding all those abilities, well except ST and ET.
And on the topic of bugships: It will stay the same price it has always been and that's 500 million or above and anything else doesn't matter to me. I'm sure enogh players speculate on that and keep the price for the ship artificially inflated. So buffing the bug wouldn't make any sense from cryptics perspective of perceived sales of the new doff pack, because enoguh people will open packs/buy the ship, just to resell it later anyways. It's basically its own high value currency right now ... like gold/latinum bars.
i touched on it a bit. since its an extra quick escort destroyer thing, that zips in and out of combat, the up time on tac skills being as close to global as possible isnt as big a deal, at least with that play style. on cruisers id still run 2 AtB, though mogh and avenger dont turn well enough to use DHC near as well as some other battle cruisers, so id consider an AtB+ AtD build on those too
give the bug ship bug ship frigate hangers! only they are npc wingmen, its not launching them. its true to canon, bugs never operated in groups smaller then 3!
the only change that makes much sense for the defiant is a 5/2 weapons setup
5 Cmdr universal stations instead of it's current BOFF layout
5 tac, 5 eng, 5 sci consoles
5 universal console slots, which can fit ANY console you want
1.5 shield modifier
50,000 hull
25 base turn
5 active DOFF slots
95% crit chance bonus
950% crit severity bonus
500% resistance to weapons fire drain
5 hangars each equipped with elite bug pets to start with (but can equip ANY pet you want)
100% permanent cooldown reduction on all BOFF, captain, console, set, and rep powers (ignores global CDs)
+100 weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+100 max weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+500 to all skills
100% all damage (final modifier)
100% resistance to all damage on hull and shields
100% defense
100% bonus to all healing, both to self and teammates you heal
Perfect Cloak (100,000 stealth, cannot be decloaked, +100% defense, can fire all weapons and abilities without becoming uncloaked)
I think that might be good...Oh! Wait!
Can equip cannons.
Almost forgot that, silly me. A bug that can't use cannons is just ridiculous.
I remain empathetic to the concerns of my community, but do me a favor and lay off the god damn name calling and petty remarks. It will get you nowhere.
I must admit, respect points to Trendy for laying down the law like that.
Sometimes you guys make threads that I just... cant find the root cause of. Did someone cry in OPvP or something? There has to be a reason for this thread, because there is no way the JHAS is lacking.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Sometimes you guys make threads that I just... cant find the root cause of. Did someone cry in OPvP or something? There has to be a reason for this thread, because there is no way the JHAS is lacking.
I know we should be careful... Cryptic seems to understand the buff bops was a joke and still wasn't a joke.. We are playing with fire swinging our humor one way and then the other. Buff Roms Buff Jem BUff bops... all funny and yet one isn't a joke. When the lockbox bump to Tier 6 comes and some of this stuff ends up on the bug... you will all have no cause to whine. lmao
This time it won't drop under 250 I don't think. They let the last supply dry up to a point that people where trading them for 750 mil. I would guess many many people will hold them if they pull one thinking they can strike it rich in as short a time as April 11. Those that choose to throw them up on the exchange will loose them very fast to people snapping them up planning to make money on them. I can't see the gold farmers that have honestly been selling them for real money not snapping up anything that hits the exchange under 400. This promo is still only till April 10... and after the first week the zen people had that where willing to throw at packs will have dried up.
Yeah I don't see them going as low as they have before, for the reasons above as well as the fact that there was no way to flood the market instantly by using leftover Rom. Survivor packs.
Sometimes you guys make threads that I just... cant find the root cause of. Did someone cry in OPvP or something? There has to be a reason for this thread, because there is no way the JHAS is lacking.
I created this thread after this from the Wow thread...
The situation is dire? Bring back the JHAS in doff packs! And hope nobody notices that it can't cloak!
...and no, I don't believe that Hilbert was asking for a buff for it in the least - I believe he was just pointing out what this thread's kind of joking about, moaning about, and just well - trying to laugh about the state of the game instead of punching the monitor.
5 Cmdr universal stations instead of it's current BOFF layout
5 tac, 5 eng, 5 sci consoles
5 universal console slots, which can fit ANY console you want
1.5 shield modifier
50,000 hull
25 base turn
5 active DOFF slots
95% crit chance bonus
950% crit severity bonus
500% resistance to weapons fire drain
5 hangars each equipped with elite bug pets to start with (but can equip ANY pet you want)
100% permanent cooldown reduction on all BOFF, captain, console, set, and rep powers (ignores global CDs)
+100 weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+100 max weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+500 to all skills
100% all damage (final modifier)
100% resistance to all damage on hull and shields
100% defense
100% bonus to all healing, both to self and teammates you heal
Perfect Cloak (100,000 stealth, cannot be decloaked, +100% defense, can fire all weapons and abilities without becoming uncloaked)
I think that might be good...Oh! Wait!
Can equip cannons.
Almost forgot that, silly me. A bug that can't use cannons is just ridiculous.
lol, dont forget that the bug also needs a built-in proton barrage, iso, and tetryon lattice in order to execute 100% lethal alpha strikes and to avoid the waste of the console slots and space sets which u need to equip ur universal crit consoles and neutroniums. Furthermore the JHAS requires an integrated TIF and ams so that it is capable of defending itself, in critical situations, properly. If cryptic doesnt fix this soon the bug remains inferior to the other ships ^^
anyone who buys a bug over a hirogin hunter is a sucker.
I agree
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
2, maybe 3, should do the trick, no? Maybe that 5th front weapon slot, finally, while we're at it?
Heh, the JHEC and JHDC have the hangars - that's why I gave the JHAS the pair of JFighters (Wing Cannons).
It could probably do with Sensor Analysis though...hrmm, c'mon the Tal Shiar Destroyer and Battle Cruiser have it, the Sci Ody and Com Bort have it...why not the JHAS?
edit: oh and since you're out of phase, you'd have to be immune to all damage while this console is active, this would prevent you from losing your cloak even if detected and fired on. It's only fair.
The Evil Queen - Tac - Hobo
John May Lives - Sci - Hobo
4.3 shield mod, 100k base hull, 2 hangar bays, 6 fore, 2 aft weapons, 4 comm arrays. sensor analasys, 7 tac consoles. 4 eng, 4 sci consoles.
com universal, ltc unviersal, lt engineering , lt universal, ensign universal stations ( all universals would be op. )
i touched on it a bit. since its an extra quick escort destroyer thing, that zips in and out of combat, the up time on tac skills being as close to global as possible isnt as big a deal, at least with that play style. on cruisers id still run 2 AtB, though mogh and avenger dont turn well enough to use DHC near as well as some other battle cruisers, so id consider an AtB+ AtD build on those too
give the bug ship bug ship frigate hangers! only they are npc wingmen, its not launching them. its true to canon, bugs never operated in groups smaller then 3!
the only change that makes much sense for the defiant is a 5/2 weapons setup
5 Cmdr universal stations instead of it's current BOFF layout
5 tac, 5 eng, 5 sci consoles
5 universal console slots, which can fit ANY console you want
1.5 shield modifier
50,000 hull
25 base turn
5 active DOFF slots
95% crit chance bonus
950% crit severity bonus
500% resistance to weapons fire drain
5 hangars each equipped with elite bug pets to start with (but can equip ANY pet you want)
100% permanent cooldown reduction on all BOFF, captain, console, set, and rep powers (ignores global CDs)
+100 weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+100 max weapons/engines/aux/shield power
+500 to all skills
100% all damage (final modifier)
100% resistance to all damage on hull and shields
100% defense
100% bonus to all healing, both to self and teammates you heal
Perfect Cloak (100,000 stealth, cannot be decloaked, +100% defense, can fire all weapons and abilities without becoming uncloaked)
I think that might be good...Oh! Wait!
Can equip cannons.
Almost forgot that, silly me. A bug that can't use cannons is just ridiculous.
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
I know we should be careful... Cryptic seems to understand the buff bops was a joke and still wasn't a joke.. We are playing with fire swinging our humor one way and then the other. Buff Roms Buff Jem BUff bops... all funny and yet one isn't a joke. When the lockbox bump to Tier 6 comes and some of this stuff ends up on the bug... you will all have no cause to whine. lmao
I created this thread after this from the Wow thread...
...and no, I don't believe that Hilbert was asking for a buff for it in the least - I believe he was just pointing out what this thread's kind of joking about, moaning about, and just well - trying to laugh about the state of the game instead of punching the monitor.
lol, dont forget that the bug also needs a built-in proton barrage, iso, and tetryon lattice in order to execute 100% lethal alpha strikes and to avoid the waste of the console slots and space sets which u need to equip ur universal crit consoles and neutroniums. Furthermore the JHAS requires an integrated TIF and ams so that it is capable of defending itself, in critical situations, properly. If cryptic doesnt fix this soon the bug remains inferior to the other ships
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
I agree
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse