You conveniently ignored the rest of my post. Maintaining shield resist levels contributes more to survival than reactive "heals." A resist that's never active is no good. The value of EPTS is not the heal, it's the resist. The idea that you think the way to survive a spike is to heal after it is telling.
Stop with the rolleyes emotes. You are Pakled in the room. "Shields need healing in an emergency. We are strong. We use Emergency Power to Shields."
Sci Team does not need to be saved for a cleanse because with 2 by 2 EPTx the doff is going to roll for a cleanse every 15 seconds.
Let me take something I said a step further: Maintaining shield resist levels contributes more to survival than any other single factor.
So if you use epts when you actually get aggro, as opposed to on full shields when nothing's hitting you, you don't benefit from the resist buff?:rolleyes:
Epts is used for both heal and resist. When used properly, it provides both. The extra resists side benefit makes it the most used heal in sto.
Btw, "roll for a cleanse" is a tried and failed concept, especially when there's a 15 sec gap between the rolls that fail. The subnuc/drain/whatever science debuff hitting you, would already ran through its course and done its damage by then. Worst of all, when you get hit by that subnuc, you won't be doing the rolling.:D
Like I said, some people need to try out their genius ideas in practice before making fools out of themselves.
Oh, and there seems to be someone babbling about how you don't actually need heals. That will be one of these things that you get embarrassed about when reading later. I should quote it to save for posterity.:D
Um... haven't I said this a number of times over a number of posts over a number of pages? XD
Yeah. And you said all the stuff from my post before that one already too. I'm starting to think this guy is a sock puppet for uhmari or sprinkles. Next he's going to explain tech doffs to me.
One angle we haven't tried is explaining effective shield points. I doubt it will work though. This guy is high on the smell of his own flatulence.
Calling the resists from EPTS a "side benefit." Kind of like the side benefit of my car is that I don't have to walk to work, but the primary purpose is a place to sit.
Yeah. And you said all the stuff from my post before that one already too. I'm starting to think this guy is a sock puppet for uhmari or sprinkles. Next he's going to explain tech doffs to me.
One angle we haven't tried is explaining effective shield points. I doubt it will work though. This guy is high on the smell of his own flatulence.
Calling the resists from EPTS a "side benefit." Kind of like the side benefit of my car is that I don't have to walk to work, but the primary purpose is a place to sit.
...and one EPtS isn't going to save you (EPtS1 on average only heals at most 2k shields, which your regular not even heavily kitted out cannonscort will blast away in less than a second). ...
There. Effective shield points. I know them more or less by heart. EPtS1 restores ~1500 to each shield facing once. EPtS2 restores ~3k to each shield facing. EPtS3 restores ~4500 to each shield facing. So on EPtS1, that's a total of ~6k . Your typical cannonscort will blast that away in two hits of it's salvo. EPtS2 is ~12k. A tad stronger, but still gone in four hits of the salvo. The only one of any real consequence is EPtS3 with it's 18k in total, but that's still gone in ~6 hits of the salvo. And a single 4 DHC salvo on CRF1 is 8 hits. Which means all the shields he just healed are already gone in less than one salvo regardless of which EPtS level he uses.
I give up. Have fun trying to make the jester see the politics behind being king.
It is said the best weapon is one that is never fired. I disagree. The best weapon is one you only have to fire... once.
There. Effective shield points. I know them more or less by heart. EPtS1 restores ~1500 to each shield facing once. EPtS2 restores ~3k to each shield facing. EPtS3 restores ~4500 to each shield facing. So on EPtS1, that's a total of ~6k . Your typical cannonscort will blast that away in two hits of it's salvo. EPtS2 is ~12k. A tad stronger, but still gone in four hits of the salvo. The only one of any real consequence is EPtS3 with it's 18k in total, but that's still gone in ~6 hits of the salvo. And a single 4 DHC salvo on CRF1 is 8 hits. Which means all the shields he just healed are already gone in less than one salvo regardless of which EPtS level he uses.
I give up. Have fun trying to make the jester see the politics behind being king.
Nah, I think I'm out too. All feeding this troll is gonna do is get me a new forum handle.
Okay so fore I have retrofit phaser, Antiproton, poloran, and the rapid-reload transphasic, aft i have the retrofit phaser, omin antiproton, and poloran, consoles sci: biofunctionx3, eng: RCS, nuetrouim chevron seperation, tac: I think i got a enegy weapen beam damage so how is my build?
Proud Trekkie Favorite episode from TOS is The Doomsday Machine TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise VOY: Endgame part 1 and 2 DS9: Emissary ENT: Assmilation
Okay so fore I have retrofit phaser, Antiproton, poloran, and the rapid-reload transphasic, aft i have the retrofit phaser, omin antiproton, and poloran, consoles sci: biofunctionx3, eng: RCS, nuetrouim chevron seperation, tac: I think i got a enegy weapen beam damage so how is my build?
Lol, silly noob, learn to fly. It means you have to wait 15 sec to heal your shields. You'll be dead 14 seconds ago. In a different situation, you'll be running with low weapon power for 14 seconds. Again, these aren't the a2b that you just need to cycle. "Cycling" emergency abilities with no margin for error means expending your heals when shield is full and being in cd when you need it to live. Giving that science/eng teams are recently separated from tt, this is just TRIBBLE.:rolleyes:
I agree with your mechanic's...15 seconds without eps is a eternity when you are under sustined fired from something like a Tac cube...pretty much a death sentance or a run for the hills thing
defeating holding agro and protecting your group as a tank.
If you retreat the agro goes to your escort buddy who now has the agro and is poped..... a Aux to batt build allows your epts to cycle at 15 seconds keeping your tank on station
The new aux to Damp builds can manage it too in a differnt way now
However name calling trolling attempting to demean someone else is uncalled for imho and you should edit your post accordingly
Jellico....Engineer ground.....Da'val Romulan space Sci
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
The interesting thing, is that you used to be able to run 2x EPTS AND 2x EPTW, with one of each running everytime. Some time in the past, this was changed such that running 1 EPTx (EPTS, EPTW, EPTA) were all linked. Now, when you start EPTS, even EPTW will go into a cooldown before it can be used. You simply cannot use both at the same time anymore. Noblet, that's where Heretic is 100% correct and you are not.
Bit later to this party, but I've been using variations on plain EPTX builds and Aux2Bat builds for years.
You can use two copies at the same time.
By this, I mean you can have EPTW and EPTS active simultaneously, constantly.
In order to do this, you either need 2x EPTW and 2x EPTS, or 1x EPTS and 1x EPTW and at least one copy of Aux2Bat.
There's a Shared Cooldown of 15 seconds between all EPTX systems, and a 30 second system cooldown for each system. This means that after using EPTS, you need to wait 15 seconds before you can use EPTW and 30 seconds before using EPTS again.
What you CAN do is wait 15 seconds, then use EPTW, then wait another 15 seconds, then use EPTS, and repeat that indefinitely. Because the lowest you can get one copy of EPTX's recharge time down to is 60 seconds, you'll need either another copy of it or a reliable way of reducing that to 30s (Aux2Bat).
The "two of each ability" setup is called the Dragon Build and dates back years.
The "at least one copy of Aux2Bat" setup is also fairly well known.
The Aux2Bat variant revolves around the fact that due to DOFFs every time you activate Aux2Bat you'll reduce the cooldown time of all recharging abilities... including Aux2Bat itself. Two Purple Technicians and one copy of Aux2Bat1 will make Aux2Bat kick in nearly every 30s and get you VERY close to 100% uptime on two copies of EPTX. Three of those Technicians will guarantee it. If you take two copies of Aux2Bat then you get the buff more often - technically you can get to the point where it's activating every 15 seconds and all your abilities will be at their global cooldown... meaning you only need to take one copy of any type of Buff, including Tac Team, etc. The trade-off for this is that you will usually end up with very low Aux power, so you will get low healing numbers from skills such as Hazard Emitters, TSS or Aux2SIF... although Engineering Team and Science Team are unaffected.
You can also use multiple Damage Control Engineers in order to have a chance to reduce your EPTX cooldown time - but these are unreliable, since if you're unlucky you might miss the proc.
Personally, I usually try to run the Aux2Bat variant on most ships with only one Engineering Bridge Officer; and use Science Team instead of TSS and Engineering Team instead of Aux2SIF on those ships (Hazard Emitters is still useful as a Cleanse, and it'll be up twice as often!) - as previously mentioned in this thread, 'Science Team' and 'Engineering Team' and 'Tactical Team' no longer share cooldowns; so this build is VERY viable
What energy type would you recommend because of what I run what should I use also should I use quantum or the rapid reload transhaisc?
It depends if you're wanting to Broadside or not.
The Odyssey is probably one of the most survivable ships in the game (at least from a Hull Tanking point of view) due to the BOFF layout and Worker Bees (plus potentially a second set of bees from the Chevron); and it can't mount Dual Cannons, so it can make sense to set it up as a Broadsiding build in order to effectively pull aggro and Tank.
There are only a few Torps that lend themselves to Broadsiding because of the difference in Arcs - the Wide Angle Quantum is the obvious choice and will let you park at right-angles to the enemy and continually fire everything you have at them... but the Romulan Hyper-Plasma is another option due to the enemy only needing to be in the forward arc for the First of its three shots. If you use the Hyper-Plasma, it can make sense to go with Plasma Beams along with the rest of the Romulan Singularity Harness set.
Personally for Tank Builds I like Hybrid Arrays that either debuff or strip the shields from the enemy: so Nanite Disruptors, Dominion Polarons or Polarized Disruptors would be ideal... but Elachi, Romulan Plasma or even Polarized Tetryon or Plasma Disruptor would be passable.
So that'd be either 8x Beam Arrays (of the same type, or at least the same base type so you'd be buffing them all with the same Tac consoles: example: Plasma Disruptor and Polarized Disruptor) or 7x Beam Arrays of the same type, plus a Torp. If you decide to use Plasma weaponry, use the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array instead of one of your regular beams. And you can replace any of the Beams with a Kinetic Cutting Beam, due to the inherent +Dmg boost it gets.
The Odyssey is probably one of the most survivable ships in the game (at least from a Hull Tanking point of view) due to the BOFF layout and Worker Bees (plus potentially a second set of bees from the Chevron); and it can't mount Dual Cannons, so it can make sense to set it up as a Broadsiding build in order to effectively pull aggro and Tank.
There are only a few Torps that lend themselves to Broadsiding because of the difference in Arcs - the Wide Angle Quantum is the obvious choice and will let you park at right-angles to the enemy and continually fire everything you have at them... but the Romulan Hyper-Plasma is another option due to the enemy only needing to be in the forward arc for the First of its three shots. If you use the Hyper-Plasma, it can make sense to go with Plasma Beams along with the rest of the Romulan Singularity Harness set.
Personally for Tank Builds I like Hybrid Arrays that either debuff or strip the shields from the enemy: so Nanite Disruptors, Dominion Polarons or Polarized Disruptors would be ideal... but Elachi, Romulan Plasma or even Polarized Tetryon or Plasma Disruptor would be passable.
So that'd be either 8x Beam Arrays (of the same type, or at least the same base type so you'd be buffing them all with the same Tac consoles: example: Plasma Disruptor and Polarized Disruptor) or 7x Beam Arrays of the same type, plus a Torp. If you decide to use Plasma weaponry, use the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array instead of one of your regular beams. And you can replace any of the Beams with a Kinetic Cutting Beam, due to the inherent +Dmg boost it gets.
Thanks cause I like to broadside the Oddy is not great at turning but nothing fleet consoles won't fix so thanks.
Proud Trekkie Favorite episode from TOS is The Doomsday Machine TNG: Yesterday's Enterprise VOY: Endgame part 1 and 2 DS9: Emissary ENT: Assmilation
So if you use epts when you actually get aggro, as opposed to on full shields when nothing's hitting you, you don't benefit from the resist buff?:rolleyes:
Epts is used for both heal and resist. When used properly, it provides both. The extra resists side benefit makes it the most used heal in sto.
Btw, "roll for a cleanse" is a tried and failed concept, especially when there's a 15 sec gap between the rolls that fail. The subnuc/drain/whatever science debuff hitting you, would already ran through its course and done its damage by then. Worst of all, when you get hit by that subnuc, you won't be doing the rolling.:D
Like I said, some people need to try out their genius ideas in practice before making fools out of themselves.
Oh, and there seems to be someone babbling about how you don't actually need heals. That will be one of these things that you get embarrassed about when reading later. I should quote it to save for posterity.:D
Yeah. And you said all the stuff from my post before that one already too. I'm starting to think this guy is a sock puppet for uhmari or sprinkles. Next he's going to explain tech doffs to me.
One angle we haven't tried is explaining effective shield points. I doubt it will work though. This guy is high on the smell of his own flatulence.
Calling the resists from EPTS a "side benefit." Kind of like the side benefit of my car is that I don't have to walk to work, but the primary purpose is a place to sit.
There. Effective shield points. I know them more or less by heart. EPtS1 restores ~1500 to each shield facing once. EPtS2 restores ~3k to each shield facing. EPtS3 restores ~4500 to each shield facing. So on EPtS1, that's a total of ~6k . Your typical cannonscort will blast that away in two hits of it's salvo. EPtS2 is ~12k. A tad stronger, but still gone in four hits of the salvo. The only one of any real consequence is EPtS3 with it's 18k in total, but that's still gone in ~6 hits of the salvo. And a single 4 DHC salvo on CRF1 is 8 hits. Which means all the shields he just healed are already gone in less than one salvo regardless of which EPtS level he uses.
I give up. Have fun trying to make the jester see the politics behind being king.
Nah, I think I'm out too. All feeding this troll is gonna do is get me a new forum handle.
Bad... :-(
Any ideas to improve it?
Spend a lot of ec and get technicians with 2 aux2bat skills...
But mainly. stick to only one energy type and supplemented it with its specific tactical console
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
I agree with your mechanic's...15 seconds without eps is a eternity when you are under sustined fired from something like a Tac cube...pretty much a death sentance or a run for the hills thing
defeating holding agro and protecting your group as a tank.
If you retreat the agro goes to your escort buddy who now has the agro and is poped..... a Aux to batt build allows your epts to cycle at 15 seconds keeping your tank on station
The new aux to Damp builds can manage it too in a differnt way now
However name calling trolling attempting to demean someone else is uncalled for imho and you should edit your post accordingly
Saphire.. Science ground......Ko'el Romulan space Tac
Leva........Tactical ground.....Koj Romulan space Eng
JJ-Verse will never be Canon or considered Lore...It will always be JJ-Verse
Bit later to this party, but I've been using variations on plain EPTX builds and Aux2Bat builds for years.
You can use two copies at the same time.
By this, I mean you can have EPTW and EPTS active simultaneously, constantly.
In order to do this, you either need 2x EPTW and 2x EPTS, or 1x EPTS and 1x EPTW and at least one copy of Aux2Bat.
There's a Shared Cooldown of 15 seconds between all EPTX systems, and a 30 second system cooldown for each system. This means that after using EPTS, you need to wait 15 seconds before you can use EPTW and 30 seconds before using EPTS again.
What you CAN do is wait 15 seconds, then use EPTW, then wait another 15 seconds, then use EPTS, and repeat that indefinitely. Because the lowest you can get one copy of EPTX's recharge time down to is 60 seconds, you'll need either another copy of it or a reliable way of reducing that to 30s (Aux2Bat).
The "two of each ability" setup is called the Dragon Build and dates back years.
The "at least one copy of Aux2Bat" setup is also fairly well known.
The Aux2Bat variant revolves around the fact that due to DOFFs every time you activate Aux2Bat you'll reduce the cooldown time of all recharging abilities... including Aux2Bat itself. Two Purple Technicians and one copy of Aux2Bat1 will make Aux2Bat kick in nearly every 30s and get you VERY close to 100% uptime on two copies of EPTX. Three of those Technicians will guarantee it. If you take two copies of Aux2Bat then you get the buff more often - technically you can get to the point where it's activating every 15 seconds and all your abilities will be at their global cooldown... meaning you only need to take one copy of any type of Buff, including Tac Team, etc. The trade-off for this is that you will usually end up with very low Aux power, so you will get low healing numbers from skills such as Hazard Emitters, TSS or Aux2SIF... although Engineering Team and Science Team are unaffected.
You can also use multiple Damage Control Engineers in order to have a chance to reduce your EPTX cooldown time - but these are unreliable, since if you're unlucky you might miss the proc.
Personally, I usually try to run the Aux2Bat variant on most ships with only one Engineering Bridge Officer; and use Science Team instead of TSS and Engineering Team instead of Aux2SIF on those ships (Hazard Emitters is still useful as a Cleanse, and it'll be up twice as often!) - as previously mentioned in this thread, 'Science Team' and 'Engineering Team' and 'Tactical Team' no longer share cooldowns; so this build is VERY viable
Get the Nukara Console and get the Dyson Uni Console with Gravimetric Torpedo.
Nukara is 10% accuracy to all beam weapons and the 2 piece protonic arsenal is 3% crit chance increase.
I'd go with one of the above...i just realized I have to swap all my cannons to
(elachi lockout has been removed)
My PvE/PvP hybrid skill tree
It depends if you're wanting to Broadside or not.
The Odyssey is probably one of the most survivable ships in the game (at least from a Hull Tanking point of view) due to the BOFF layout and Worker Bees (plus potentially a second set of bees from the Chevron); and it can't mount Dual Cannons, so it can make sense to set it up as a Broadsiding build in order to effectively pull aggro and Tank.
There are only a few Torps that lend themselves to Broadsiding because of the difference in Arcs - the Wide Angle Quantum is the obvious choice and will let you park at right-angles to the enemy and continually fire everything you have at them... but the Romulan Hyper-Plasma is another option due to the enemy only needing to be in the forward arc for the First of its three shots. If you use the Hyper-Plasma, it can make sense to go with Plasma Beams along with the rest of the Romulan Singularity Harness set.
Personally for Tank Builds I like Hybrid Arrays that either debuff or strip the shields from the enemy: so Nanite Disruptors, Dominion Polarons or Polarized Disruptors would be ideal... but Elachi, Romulan Plasma or even Polarized Tetryon or Plasma Disruptor would be passable.
So that'd be either 8x Beam Arrays (of the same type, or at least the same base type so you'd be buffing them all with the same Tac consoles: example: Plasma Disruptor and Polarized Disruptor) or 7x Beam Arrays of the same type, plus a Torp. If you decide to use Plasma weaponry, use the Experimental Romulan Plasma Beam Array instead of one of your regular beams. And you can replace any of the Beams with a Kinetic Cutting Beam, due to the inherent +Dmg boost it gets.