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Dear Devs . . . I'm Sorry (RE:New Galaxy Dread)



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    bombassdmbbombassdmb Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I have to say that I am not one of the ones that was underwhelmed when I saw the stats for the Fleet X when they were posted and I have not been disappointed by the ship in using it the last couple of days. I think that the addition of a LtC tac station would make this ship ridiculously overpowered, and I am happy with it the way it is. I don't use cannons tho so take that as you will. I did a 3 on 3 Galaxy X battle with one of my fleet mates last night and that was epic fun. I had my X, not separated, flying circles around the other people's star drive sections. Granted I have a bunch of fleet and rep gear on it, but who doesn't? I was actually putting out decent damage (without spire tac consoles mind you) while not dropping below 70% hull the entire match. I haven't experienced the accuracy issues with the lance either. I am pleased as punch with it. Oh and Matt I would love to take on the infamous Sir Lancelot in glorious battle at some point. I officially challenge you to a duel. If I wore gloves, I'd take one off and smack you in the face with it all old-timey like. :D
    SRS Fleet Recruiter
    Please feel free to contact me in game (@BombAssDMB) for information on the
    SPECIAL RECONNAISSANCE SQUADRON or visit our website: http://www.srs-fleet.net/
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    nattycownattycow Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I, too, welcome our new Galaxy overlords!

    Fun little ship, I like mine.
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    rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jarfaru wrote: »
    What about your engine/deflector/shield and warp core?

    mk x maco shields, efficient impulse engine,some mk XII Positron deflector with +[SIF] and a Mk XI Deuterium warp core for the drain resistance.

    I'm saving up for fleet gear but it's hard to get fleet credits in my fleet because it's so big, but that's all besides the point. People did well in the standard Vorcha and standard Assault Cruiser for years so how can a ship with the same layout, +1 tac console, Lance, Seperation, and hanger bay be bad?

    I also don't use A2B, I use 3 DCE.

    Here's my build:

    TT1, FAW2,

    EPtS1, RSP1, EPtW3, DEM3
    ET1, Aux2SIF1, EWP1


    The warp core, comm array, and EPtW3 really helps my weapon drain stay low and the extra damage from the EPtW3 is a huge boost to damage.

    I don't parse because I could give a care most often and the lance won't figure into most parsings anyways because it's for spike damage.

    It's a good sturdy ship that can also put out the damage and I like flying it :)

    Thanks Cryptic :)
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    suavekssuaveks Member Posts: 1,736 Arc User
    edited March 2014

    Look at all teh balance!

    I don't care about Gal-X and it's "slap a hangar" policy. As "neat" ship as it may be it made Gal-R an even bigger joke than it was before.

    Dear devs, you should be sorry, you've got no idea about balance and your "pay for power" business model is seriously getting out of control as a result.
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    rustiswordzrustiswordz Member Posts: 824 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    jarfaru wrote: »
    Yeah if you have all fleet gear or grinded stf gear = a i win button on any ship. For the player that doesn't have any of that gear the ship update is still bad. I love reading how great this ship is for you guys. I bet non of you would say its great if you didn't have that gear.

    Yes I put in the grind and i got the desired result. I'm sorry that the ship doesn't come with an 'I win' button straight out of the box. Thats half the fun of this game, working to get the gear to make a good ship great.

    And also I had to start from somewhere, I never had that gear i had to work for it. The way you are talking was as if i was just given the gear on a plate. You want something you have to earn it. Thats the order of things. I had the Gal X as soon as i could get it. I had that ship for over a year before the upgrade. I loved it then and now. It doesn't suck, all the moaning minnies sucking lemons do. Maybe the Galaxy X isn't to your taste.
    Monkey see, Monkey do. Monkey flings Feathered Monkey poo... :D
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    doffingcomradedoffingcomrade Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    rmy1081 wrote: »
    It's a good sturdy ship that can also put out the damage and I like flying it :)
    I dunno, man. I wouldn't say the ability to fire your guns only half the time without an attack pattern qualifies as "putting out the damage". This sounds suspiciously like one of the many Fail-Xes that have been populating STFs this weekend.
    suaveks wrote: »
    I don't care about Gal-X and it's "slap a hangar" policy. As "neat" ship as it may be it made Gal-R an even bigger joke than it was before.
    So true, so true. The Gal-R is related to sideshow console-strip part of a 3-pack now. Then again, this is fairly canonical: By the time Riker made the Gal-X, the base Galaxy was rusting in a scrapyard, too.
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    rmy1081rmy1081 Member Posts: 2,840 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I dunno, man. I wouldn't say the ability to fire your guns only half the time without an attack pattern qualifies as "putting out the damage". This sounds suspiciously like one of the many Fail-Xes that have been populating STFs this weekend.

    says you...

    If you don't like the Gal-X don't fly it. The ship and my build works for me just fine. I could do the all beams with FAW1 and APB1 for more dps but that's mind-numbingly boring for me. In fact, just a little bit ago I did a pug ISE and everyone went for the 2 spheres instead of getting the transformer. I was able to solo kill the transformer just fine before any sphere got to it with that build but whatever...stay in your little box and be happy.
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    gpgtxgpgtx Member Posts: 1,579 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    my build for the ship did not change one bit only thing i did was add advance peregrine fighters (grinding for elites) as i like to stay canon(sp?) with it

    BFW1 APB1


    TSS1 HE2

    after i get 3 purple techs i will switch to an A2Bat build this is just what i been using for the last few years on the ship
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    solidshatnersolidshatner Member Posts: 390 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    So during the weekend I was able to try my Fleet Dread on Kerrat with a LOT of success. I'm a Kling B'Rel player usually (yes Im THAT guy) so this was quite a bit different for me as I was slower and chose not to equip my cloak. I was kicking the faces off of other B'Rels that thought they were coming in for a fast kill (tractor/breentorp/short range lance or Beam OverloadI - depending on the cooldown = Done Like Dinner) and more than a few Scimi's. It could have been the mix of players, but my kill/death average was 6/1 for my first run. Again - NO FLEET WEAPONS/GEAR EQUIPPED.

    VERY HAPPY with the Fleet Dread. Was able to take out at least one of every class, but focused on Dreads whenever I could in light of most of the forum complaints. Going to look into vid capture software next as Im a fan of 'Seeing Is Believing'.
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