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An idea at 3 in the morning...

oewefreestaroewefreestar Member Posts: 4 Arc User
(Firstly, sorry for the terrible grammar, I'm too tired to fix it so when I get some sleep I will make it look pretty)

So I'm sitting here level grinding for the xp weekend, working on that tactical officer I swore I would finish last year :rolleyes: and a Thought came to me!
"It sucks I have to create an entire new character and start from 100% scratch..."
Well at the time, I was on skype with a friend I play sto with. I also played the old mmo SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) with him. Upon hearing my thought out loud idea, he agreed and we proceeded to build upon this idea I had.

So here are some basic concepts of what we were thinking:

When you reach level 50 with a character, you have the option to "respec" them. Let's say you are a science officer. But you want to try out Tactical or Engineer. But now you have to start completely over, new character, new everything, and that makes it hard to gear this "new character".
(YES, I know certain aspects have been put in place to alleviate the long process of gearing but hear me out here)
But instead of making a new character entirely, you can simply use the character you have put so much work into and start from level 1 again. So now you are no longer a lvl 50 science, but a lvl 1 tactical/engineer. you would be of course restricted to using level appropriate ships and gear, but oh well. you still have all your old items and money, you still have everything you worked so hard to get.

Now it would be stupid to make you start from level 1 again if you decided you wanted to be science again so instead if you go back to a spec you were before, you will be right where you left off. (lvl 50 science before respec? lvl 50 when you go back! lvl 24 tactical? lvl 24 tactical when you go back!)

Now of course, this feature wouldn't be free(not all the time anyways). It would cost dilithium. but not a flat rate all the time. every month you get ONE FREE RESPEC. which can stac up to 3 for the year. once you go through all 3 free ones (or your monthly free respec) you have to pay for it. the first one will be only 10,000 dilithium. however, any after that will increase in price. 10,000 -> 15,000, 15,000 -> 20,000, 20,000 -> 25,000, 25,000 -> 30,000. Maxing out the price at a reasonable 30,000.

Not only will this have game changing effects, but it will also impact the RP community (for what I believe will be a good way). you could have multiple accounts still for when you need to have a certain class for an stf group, or if you have it for rp reasons.

That's just the basics of the respec idea we had. it's not terribly complicated though. there could be new passive traits that give a bonus to certain skills or something for completing all 3 classes.
There is so much potential for this it's crazy. you just have to read between the lines and use your critical thinking to see the possibilities this could bring to the game.

Another idea we had to breathe new life into STO was adding 3 over all factions into the game. (there are so many factions in the star trek it's crazy so we limited it to 3 for now).
you would have your FED/KDF/ROM still as it is, but these new factions would be more like allegiances more than where you are from.
For example, we will say to keep it simple you have the FEDERATION, the KLINGONS, and finally a 3rd no loyalty group. This 3rd group could be like your civilians, your pirates, or even rebels of each faction.
Factions you pretty much determine pvp and that's about it. we could use it for other things too like rp, a human siding with the klingons because he thinks the federation is doomed to fail or perhaps a klingon captain thinks the kdf has become soft so he splits off and becomes a pirate and raids the federation trade routes.

There are endless possibilities for both of these ideas. Sadly, more than likely neither will come to be. But this was, after all, just an idea at 3 in the morning...
Post edited by oewefreestar on


  • vedauwoovedauwoo Member Posts: 215 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Totally different games......

    Leveling to 90 in SW:G took weeks or months.....

    Leveling to 50 in STO takes a couple of days......

    No need for respec....roll another.....

    The game could benefit from a "legacy" system like SWTOR has....where you can share goals among all your rolled toons....
  • monkeybone13monkeybone13 Member Posts: 4,640 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Career change tokens have been requested for a long time. So have species change tokens and gender change tokens. I think the answer we got was a big fat no. Too many technical problems to implement.
  • aloishammeraloishammer Member Posts: 3,294 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    There are endless possibilities for both of these ideas. Sadly, more than likely neither will come to be. But this was, after all, just an idea at 3 in the morning...

    And now that you're awake you should be able to see how the insanely fast so-called "leveling" process in this game makes it an obvious 3 AM idea since it's clearly a waste of dev time once reviewed in the light of day.
  • berginsbergins Member Posts: 3,453 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I frequently formulate an answer to a thread strictly based on the thread title.

    I usually refrain from sharing my answer, but in this case:
    An idea at 3 in the morning...
    ...is usually a bad idea by 8 am.
    "Logic is a little tweeting bird chirping in a meadow. Logic is a wreath of pretty flowers which smell BAD." - Spock
  • plummyg33gplummyg33g Member Posts: 82 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Go to sleep i say :rolleyes:
  • mewmaster101mewmaster101 Member Posts: 1,239 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Class-changing = NO....especially in a game where it takes a week to get to level 50.
  • mirrorchaosmirrorchaos Member Posts: 9,844 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    (Firstly, sorry for the terrible grammar, I'm too tired to fix it so when I get some sleep I will make it look pretty)

    So I'm sitting here level grinding for the xp weekend, working on that tactical officer I swore I would finish last year :rolleyes: and a Thought came to me!
    "It sucks I have to create an entire new character and start from 100% scratch..."
    Well at the time, I was on skype with a friend I play sto with. I also played the old mmo SWG (Star Wars Galaxies) with him. Upon hearing my thought out loud idea, he agreed and we proceeded to build upon this idea I had.

    So here are some basic concepts of what we were thinking:

    When you reach level 50 with a character, you have the option to "respec" them. Let's say you are a science officer. But you want to try out Tactical or Engineer. But now you have to start completely over, new character, new everything, and that makes it hard to gear this "new character".
    (YES, I know certain aspects have been put in place to alleviate the long process of gearing but hear me out here)
    But instead of making a new character entirely, you can simply use the character you have put so much work into and start from level 1 again. So now you are no longer a lvl 50 science, but a lvl 1 tactical/engineer. you would be of course restricted to using level appropriate ships and gear, but oh well. you still have all your old items and money, you still have everything you worked so hard to get.


    p2w? no thanks.
    T6 Miranda Hero Ship FTW.
    Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
  • projectfrontierprojectfrontier Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    p2w? no thanks.

    You DO play STO right?

    Even the ships are gold ammo now.
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Totally different games......

    Leveling to 90 in SW:G took weeks or months.....

    Leveling to 50 in STO takes a couple of days......

    No need for respec....roll another.....

    The game could benefit from a "legacy" system like SWTOR has....where you can share goals among all your rolled toons....


    Oh - and "rerolling"? seriously? You are going to suggest that over buying character slots?

    The heresy.

    (and leveling, before they took out hourlies, took -hours-)
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Totally different games......

    Leveling to 90 in SW:G took weeks or months.....

    Leveling to 50 in STO takes a couple of days......

    No need for respec....roll another.....

    The game could benefit from a "legacy" system like SWTOR has....where you can share goals among all your rolled toons....

    Most savvy people in SWG could level a character to 90 in days as well.
  • eldarion79eldarion79 Member Posts: 1,679 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Not talking about people who dont leave the computers for days at a time, but rather normal people. When casual players can level to 50 in terms of days rather than weeks, that is a problem.
  • zipagatzipagat Member Posts: 1,204 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Totally different games......

    Leveling to 90 in SW:G took weeks or months.....

    Leveling to 50 in STO takes a couple of days......

    No need for respec....roll another.....

    The game could benefit from a "legacy" system like SWTOR has....where you can share goals among all your rolled toons....

    It was done afk usually thanks to the macro system in Galaxies and it was very widely used to the point that the devs had to adjust certain spawn times as people doing it were TRIBBLE with server stability.
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    "Multi-classing" won't work very well in this game for a lot of reasons.

    Some things to consider:
    • The only part of the skill tree that is strictly class-specific is Ground. But how you spec out the Space skills is usually loosely tied to career.
    • You're not limited to any particular ship class. But you may be more effective in some ships than in others.
    • Captain special abilities are definitely class-specific. Ditto for kits. And you can only train BOFFs in abilities that correspond to your class.
    • We now have career-based Traits.

    The reason to multi-class is to create a hybrid character that possesses some of the abilities of each class. But STO is not designed along these lines.

    Trying to spec your skills across multiple classes would likely limit your effectiveness in some ways, unless they lifted the skill cap. Which has implications for game balance.

    Mixing and matching Captain abilities and Career traits is another potential landmine for game balance. Plus, I think they would need to revise a lot of game systems to accomodate it.

    You could probably make a case for career-transfers in Star Trek, and it would be nice to see some of those attributes carry over somehow if you could. But I'd hesitate to throw open the gates to multi-career characters with no real limitations.
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
  • marc8219marc8219 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    vedauwoo wrote: »
    Totally different games......

    Leveling to 90 in SW:G took weeks or months.....

    Leveling to 50 in STO takes a couple of days......

    No need for respec....roll another.....

    The game could benefit from a "legacy" system like SWTOR has....where you can share goals among all your rolled toons....

    No it didn't, you could AFK grind on the ground before NGE in a few days using MACRO then after NGE you could AFK grind in space by putting a weight on the firing button and parking where transports spawn in the same spot like above the wookie planet.
    Tala -KDF Tac- House of Beautiful Orions
  • bluegeekbluegeek Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Giving it a little thought, here's one way I can think of to make a 'hybrid' character that isn't too uber in STO.

    First, it would require a 'career-respec' token. This would force a skill respec with the new career.

    Second, the career respec would NOT force a respec of Traits. Thus, you could keep any existing career traits as long as you did not do a 'trait-respec'. If you add traits to open slots, or if you respec your traits, you are limited to your current career.

    Uh, oh... BOOM!

    I just realized that certain career traits are dependent on career-based abilities that you wouldn't have access to in your new career. The Tac Trait based on GDF is one example. So that idea doesn't fly.

    Thus inadvertently demonstrating why adding multi-class characters in STO is frought with gotchas...
    My views may not represent those of Cryptic Studios or Perfect World Entertainment. You can file a "forums and website" support ticket here
    Link: How to PM - Twitter @STOMod_Bluegeek
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