Thought I'd poke my head in here after Zorbane suggested I do so in his reply to a thread I started elsewhere!
Basically, I have the story-skeleton laid out for a Foundry storyline in my head, and would love to see it brought to life, but am rather intimidated by the Foundry itself...; it reminds me of how long it took me to figure out the Architect Entertainment system in City of Heroes, but once I got the general idea of it, I made out allright, heh....
I'd really like some VERY basic suggestions on how to make things work there, so I can, at least, get the opening part of the story underway and see how they project from my mind to the small screen, as it were.
Also, would this be the proper forum to actually pitch the story idea itself? I just wanna see what others think....
Thanks in advance!
When in doubt...Gravity Well TO THE FACE!!
You should check out They have a ton of guides there.
You can also join the starbaseugc chat here. There is usually someone online to assist.
For in-game purposes, join the Foundrytalk channel. We have a great community of authors and players helping each other out every day.
Type Foundrytalk into the channel join option and you will be set.
Yep, bookmarking that site!
Will have to see about joining that channel later today!
KirkFat made a series of really great tutorial videos, I have them in a playlist here:
Foundry Mission Database
Check out my Foundry missions:
Standalone - The Great Escape - The Galaxy's Fair - Purity I: Of Denial - Return to Oblivion
Untitled Series - Duritanium Man - The Improbable Bulk - Commander Rihan