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Interiors Reboot?

crowangel666crowangel666 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
I figured this would be the best place for this post and i know many have posted regarding ship interior, but i feel if enough post and comment that perhaps Cryptic will advance any plans to re-vamp the way we enjoy ships. After all we are told ''Be the captain of your own ship'' Ok well i want to use my Captains benefits to the max. So here is my list of what i feel aint right with the ship interiors and how i feel could be better. Of course please comment and add on this related topic.

1. Some are way too big. - Scale down.
2. Unrealistic LCARS - Scale it down and add relevent displays, Tac station, System Status, Science Station ete ete. And when choosing your HUD LCARS scheme, it also can be applied to your ship interior.
3. BOFFS can't sit - BOFFS tend to either sit on the edge of the seat or in the floor, so i suggest give them better animation.
4. Unrealistic bridge styles - More orignal bridges regarding the ship, for example the Miranda Vessel's default style is so not fitting. Add Voyager, Enterprise, ete ete if you can do the Belfast one you can do the others.
5. Same o Same ready room. - I like the ready room, but i would like various styles including original ready rooms depending on ship.
6. The viewscreen - Maybe add some random animations and wherever i am say ESD, it can be seen on the view screen. Also maybe a control where i can choose what is displayed. Galactic map, use your com code to contact SS Azure.
7. Duty Officer Console why? - When in your ready you can actually call your department of head to your ready room and organise your DOFFS, yes i know you could just use the DOFF tab, but it adds a more captain of the ship feel. When given there orders, they salute and leave.

Crew Deck:
1. Corridors again way to big! Am on a starship not a football stadium - Scale down and add more realism depending on ship used.
2. The crew are boring with their random walking around not doing much. - Add more animation, give them a job to do like repairs, carrying kit ete ete.
3. LCARS unrealistic - Same as the above!
4. Ten Forward - Again too big so scale it down and add variations depending on ship and add more life. Also give the ships counselor a room and do something with that kitchen. And maybe a Talaxian cook and a Dabo table. lol
5. Captains Quarters - Same as ready room, with variations on size and style depending on ship. Also the windows are fit for a station not a starship.
6. BOFFS get there own quarters to add more realism and style of quarters vary depending on ship and race, which also could be applied to style depending on race of your toon. Imagine your borg BOFF havng an alcove and borg tech.
7. Holodeck - One that actually can be used to run small sims and for added realism you can access completed episodes seeing as there called ''Mission Simulator'' once re-visited. Maybe add mini missions or rep where you collect holodeck data to explore unique areas.
8. Sickbay - More realistic and original sickbays.

Engineering Deck :

1. Corridors - Same as above, though the small set is spot on.
2. Engineering - More variations and size depending on ship.
3. Crew - Again give them more to do rather than just walking around.
4. LCARS - Same as above more realism and scale down.
5. Transpoter room - why o why do i need to access my shuttles from there. Ill discuss more further down. Add more realistic transporter room, even a fun mini game where you can random play transporter chief. And when requesting DOFFS/BOFFS you can beam them up just for added fun. Even when sending DOFFS on a mission they do actually go.

Misc/To Be Added :

1. Shuttle Bay - A shuttle bay that also displays the small craft you own and how many is shown depends on ship used. Not to mention different versions and animations. Also a DOFF control sending them on a mission.
2. Observation Lounge with various versions.
3. Astrometrics - This room will display the whole map with ways access to trivia from the complete star trek universe.
4. Cargo Deck - This room could be used to access bank which displays what you have stored.
And of course why not a borg version.
5. More ways to really add an unique style to you ship interior to really make it your own.
6. Armoury displaying your fave weapons you have unlocked.
7. More ways to access the STO universe through your ship interior, for example - Say your in the Captains chair, you access the STF option, you select Infected, your toons tells the helmsman to set course, on your view screen you see a warp animation while the timer is counting, once all players are ready the view screen shows the cube and two spheres, your toon screams RED ALERT SHIELDS UP!!! and your are set to tactical view. Or how about this?......say your want to transwarp to ESD, you access the transwarp option, select ESD, your toon gives the order, a transwarp animation is displayed, ESD is there in front of you, you are then presented with the option to return to tactical view or dock. If you dock on the view screen there is a docking feature.

I have so many other ideas on ship interior alone, but i don't want to get too far ahead of myself and i realise that the Devs already have some action plan for the future updates and i know that its making the time to do things like this. Yet if i was to be making any point on this, is that its been real cool on the recent seasons updates and the Devs have done a great job. But i believe at some point it would be a good idea to start adding more on the not so used areas like the ship interior and provide the die hard trekkie fans a more realistic feel of being the Captian of your starship. To be able to invite your buddies round for either some earl grey or prime Gagh and say 'this is my ship check it out'' and to feel not only privlaged to play such a cool game, but to be also be proud of the toon you created and to be proud to say ''this ship is all me, this is what ot feels to be captian''.

Of course please add and comment on what you think would make your starship.......your starship. Also sorry for any spelling mistakes, not one of my strongest subjects.

Thank you STOers for reading.

Starbase Aura Fleet Admiral
Post edited by crowangel666 on


  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    Fleet Scimitars are going to be after the Interiors Reboot.
    I would love to visit this star in-game...or maybe this one!
    Won't SOMEONE please think of the CHILDREN?!
  • hawku001xhawku001x Member Posts: 10,764 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    the bridges are huuuuuge.... would be awesome if there were options to have the sizes from the shows

    but im guessing they're big so the user can have zoom-out room
  • herbiehdykemanherbiehdykeman Member Posts: 210 Arc User
    edited March 2014
    I support this and would add have your BOFF Department Heads be the go to persons for DOFF assignments onboard ship: First Officer would be on the Bridge, Chief Engineer and Operations Officers would be in Main Engineering, The Chief Science Officer would be in the Science Lab, The Chief Medical Officer would be in Sick Bay, and Tactical and Security Chiefs would be on the Bridge. You could also assign BOFFs as Ship's Counselor, Cook, and Bartender.
  • artan42artan42 Member Posts: 10,450 Bug Hunter
    edited March 2014
    hawku001x wrote: »
    but im guessing they're big so the user can have zoom-out room

    That was their excuse, however the Belfast and TOS interior and the newer bridges disprove that, as (I assume) the upcoming VOY bridge from season 9.
    Norway and Yeager dammit... I still want my Typhoon and Jupiter though.
    JJ Trek The Kelvin Timeline is just Trek and it's fully canon... get over it. But I still prefer TAR.


    '...I can tell you that we're not in the military and that we intend no harm to the whales.' Kirk: The Voyage Home
    'Starfleet is not a military organisation. Its purpose is exploration.' Picard: Peak Performance
    'This is clearly a military operation. Is that what we are now? Because I thought we were explorers!' Scotty: Into Darkness
    '...The Federation. Starfleet. We're not a military agency.' Scotty: Beyond
    'I'm not a soldier anymore. I'm an engineer.' Miles O'Brien: Empok Nor
    '...Starfleet could use you... It's a peacekeeping and humanitarian armada...' Admiral Pike: Star Trek

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