I might be able to aquire a wells here in a week or so, so I'm wondering, I've been looking at the stats, and I think i might be able to really use this in PvP. thing is, I don't know what play style to use it as, what science abilities to use, if i need to respec to use it or anything like that. Should I get a wells or just keep saving for a galor?
If you are a tactical Captain you should stick with an escort imho!
Only buy the Wells for the tipler cylinder used on a Moebius!
But it is too expensive imho...
Try a Moebius/Dhelan/Patrol Escort or things like that.
Personally, i prefer the Galor (even though i do not have one), but that is just me. you can use any ship, with any captain and do perfectly fine with it. Tac captains are useful especially for their ability to increase the damage they do using any ship.
I kicked my tact out of the escort... he was doing good DMG to the enemy AND himself, so i let him fly cruisers and sci vessels (love the sci vessel's manuvering almost like a escort, but tanks almost like a cruiser)
I kicked my tact out of the escort... he was doing good DMG to the enemy AND himself, so i let him fly cruisers and sci vessels (love the sci vessel's manuvering almost like a escort, but tanks almost like a cruiser)
If you are a tactical Captain you should stick with an escort imho!
Only buy the Wells for the tipler cylinder used on a Moebius!
But it is too expensive imho...
Try a Moebius/Dhelan/Patrol Escort or things like that.
Greetz Siegfried
-LindseyLohan - Under appreciated Rom Bug
-EmiliaClarke - Under construction engi recluse