JHAS isn't a option, else I'd be using them, natch. I have a T5 Yellowstone that I use on my Armitage, so I can pull that over, but what should the other one be? I've had some say T5 Jem Fighters, and some say T5 Swarmers, so, thoughts?
I have heard a lot of good things about swarmers and Scorpion fighters. PErsonally, i have had good luck with Danube runabouts, but maybe that is just me.
Right now, I have Delta Flyers on mine, but that's because that is the best I can get. Any actually PROPER pets are outside of the range of my ingame funds.
Weyland-Yutani Joint Space Venture - Always open to new members!
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
I know that scorpions are preferable for pve, but how inferior are the elite Jem'Hadar fighters to other damage dealing fighters? Does the lack of a torp make them a huge handicap? I'd love to do some testing myself, but don't really want to shell out the fleet marks for something that just looks pretty.
Has someone who has done the parsing weigh in?
I would recommend Scorpions in PVE unless you have really fast opponents. They are pretty handy in STFs.
I would recommend swarmers against faster opponents or PVP.
If you want, you could split the difference and get one swarmer and one Scorpion.
My name is Rage, and I too support a revised Galaxy family.
Has someone who has done the parsing weigh in?