Hi all,
We all know about Tom Paris and his passion for building ships and flying with them. Never the less sometimes Paris has obsession with his projects like we do with grinding stuff for gear.
I was watching Series yesterday from star Trek Voyager and crossed on episode named ALICE
In this episode Tom Paris has his hands on a ship which he was building from scratch. Every system, paint job, every Energy cell he put it all together by himself.
Watching this episode i came to an idea about personal special reputations for each player within the game.
Ill now what you will all say it is again grind , and yes it is but a sweet one.
Imagine that we can build in our rep system ships, and shuttles from scratch from some XX factions.
Every part of the ship would be a project in which every player personal can donate his EC, MARKS, dilithium, parts to build it. After completing all the projects player will get some T5 ship on which he had previous choose.
What players could get from it?
Epic ship, Rep system where the prize is not gear but the ship..and we all know we like ships.
All of our overindulged marks could go somewhere, so we cant only store them and watching how their count rise to ridiculous level. An selling them for dilithium.
Players would be excited to see what next project would be?
What do you think guys?