A post on this was done here
I wanted to revisit this topic with my own thoughts on it.
I have 2 kdf characters that I really would play more if they were in the fed fleet I manage. Yes I could start a "sister" fleet on the kdf side, but I think there are already to many fleets and two it takes way to much time to level these fleets up, when you are not at max members. Like the original poster here[] I have thought it would be a nice thing to have in game to do. I would take a different approach to the actual defection and make it a mini-game, using a series of space and ground based missions that must be performed as a part of the defection.
I use the following terms below
- Loyalist Faction: The faction your are going from, and the current faction that you belong to.
- Target Faction: The faction you are wanting to defect to.
defection features
1) You can only select 1 ship to perform the defection in.
2) All of your other ships will be confiscated, as well as; EC, Fleet marks/credit, dylithium, your bank assets. You can only take what is in your characters inventory.
3) Not all of your crew will be going with you, so your defection is done with a limited crew size, reduces ship performance. This does not include bridge officers.
4) You become marked, at some point your ship and character gain a marker of a defector, visible to all. Once per day (the 20 hour cycle) your ship/character can get pulled into a PVP match by any in the faction you are defecting from. This makes the defection a hybrid PVE-PVP action.
5) each combat can cause systems to be damaged. Using the same system of damage as STF when you die, Just without the dying. This damage should persist unless you brought your own repairs
6) If caught your character is killed/imprisoned. yes the character is deleted. this must be made very clear to the player considering defection. The player that capture/kills you collects a bounty.
7) perhaps a chance of losing a bridge officer.
8) For Fed and KDF only. Rom characters would not need this as they could "Under orders from the Romulan Republic", switch sides...and honestly would this really surprise any kdf/fed people?
I would split the story arc for defection into various missions, I would also take some inspiration from "The Hunt for Red October".
1) Identification of co-conspirators - You will need a crew to perform the defection, which mean you have to weed out the undesirables. Ground mission to identify defection sympathizers. - Ground mission with a crew evaluation to determine how many you can keep. This would be a percentage of course, you don't really want to interview 3000 crew members. but for each
2) separation, once you know of who the sympathizers are you need to get rid of those that are not. I would start the mission at any of the cross faction starbases, or even vacation planets like Risa. This makes it easy to schedule shore leave and will get rid of them. this is when you gain your defector mark and is the point of no return.
3) Clean up, some of those loyalist will still be on your ship and will sabotage it and your defection. This would be another ground mission, but repeatable, searching the ship for the saboteur. If you do not find out who it is within a timer then they stay onboard during the rest of your missions
4) Escape 1, space combat. You need to contact the faction you are going to. A derelict deep space communication array can be found in the border of Klingon/Federation space. get to it and make contact. this would require a repair of the coms
5) Escape 2, ground combat - The coms array is more damage than you realized and you need to make repairs in person. The array is occupied by [random race]. fight them while making repairs.
6) Escape 3, space combat, You just finish make repairs and you have sent a signal. But a patrol of loyal faction ships have found you first. Fight them and escape.
7) Contact 1, space combat - A cryptic message has sent you to [random system, with movement impairment like the Briarpatch], upon arrival you fight a patrol of loyalist ships. A timer should start and for each X min a new patrol will arrive. Locate the message and escape.
8) Contact 2, ground mission, The message told you of a contact to meet at this location [random neutral system with a colony]. Get past the bounty hunters and make contact.
9) Contact 3, space combat, Meet your new target faction contact [different than the first one] at a [random system]. fight the loyalist patrol and speak with the contact. He will state he need more proof of your intent and will give you a test to prove your sincerity.
10) Test 1, space combat - You have been sent to [random system with colony] to recover/destroy - a contraband supply depot. Upon arrival fight Orion syndicate ships and make your way to the colony.
11) Test 2, ground combat - Fight past the Orions and tag/destroy the contraband. An optional may include capture of Orion leadership.
12) Test 3, space combat - Loyalist Faction ships warp in to stop you. Fight them and then get to the extraction point and warp away. Meet contact and complete test arc.
13) Making Friends, space combat - warp to the final system and wait for the target faction to arrive and escort you back. You will fight waves of loyalist ships until they show. clean-up any loyalist ships left and warp away with escorts. Meet [FED Admiral/KDF General] and give your oath to serve. Character is now a part of the new faction. Ship gains a USS/IKS marker, crew can now be fully restored. Say good bye to bridge officers that died during this.
I don't see anything like this ever even being on the drawing board, much less implemented.
Besides, why? Your ship basically IS your faction, as by endgame, the factions are basically homogenized anyway.
You are most likely correct, but I will still ask the question.
I do not see how this is convoluted or unrealistic.
What this really is, is a hard core play style for the player to enter the character into a series of related missions with a very high risk to the players character and possessions. They then take a gamble on whether they can run a gauntlet.
Implementation is the real issue I see as I do not know the back end code to the game. But most of the pieces are there already and should need only a little change to assemble the whole. again, I do not know there code but I can see the pieces in the game already.
The biggest changes I see are 3:
1) a mechanic is needed to set the crew size to a lower level than what you can have.
2) setting a pvp system to allow another player to attack another player (challenge) and they can not refuse, limit this to 20 hours per event.
3) allowing a faction ship into an opposing faction.
not at all, you would only be able to force pvp someone while they are in the mission, once the mission is done the flag goes off.
To me I see it as a risk a play would take with their character, ship and bridge crew.
Switching factions should NOT be an easy thing to do.
and as far as the "I want a way to delete another players character", I would bet both my kdf characters on it, so this would be my characters, both level 50, that would run the quest line to gain the defection. If I lost, then I have 2 character slots to relevel and try again.
But as far as implementation of this as an actual thing, it would never happen.
Just delete the toon and start over.
That seems a whole lot easier to me.
Which, in a game slowly being tailored more and more to the Facebook gaming crowd, is incredibly convoluted and unrealistic.
And frankly, any forced deletions or taking of gear? You serious? Never in this game, dream on.
You'd think finding this idea in a dead, 4-year-old thread would have tipped you off about its chances of implementation.
If the facebook crowd is where this game is heading, then STO will have no place for me. To be frank, I would like to have more challenge, not less, in the games I play. I would imagine that defection is one of those things that will pop up from time to time. Whether it is unrealistic is for the devs to decide, I am simply asking the question.
As for convoluted, please, I suggested 12 related missions (outlines really) that cover the a story arc of defection. How did you get through the Romulan Mystery? Or did some one help you with that?
The only thing that is different is that I have suggested that switching to another faction not be a simple select a side button or paid for with zen. Instead I suggest that there be a story and the player makes a hard choice. Risk it all or stay put. No one forces another to defect, but that journey would be an epic one in a life. you do leave everything behind, your job, your friends, your family, your possessions. If you are caught you wind up in Prison or Dead. What do you think goes through a persons mind when weighing such choices? what drives a person to risk so much?
To model this in a game setting would be difficult at best. But if the chance for lose was more tangible, then the game takes on a very different tone and meaning. Before you decide to defect, you have to be willing to lay it all on the line, to gamble everything you have gained at level 50 just to change factions. To me that would make for an epic experience, even if I failed.
So back to the my reasoning for providing this idea. I simply ask the question and offer my idea as to an implementation. I do not expect to see it, but I would still ask because I think it would be a fun way to handle a defection in game. the fact that I referenced a 4 year old thread is not because it never got implemented, but because I have a similar idea to the original poster.
I understand it may not happen, but I will still ask because I think it would be a really fun experience.
then this what you do you make a new one and have a link to the old in the new one you do not raise the dead you are not god of the forums
system Lord Baal is dead
Having the shared account bank is something like rl offshore account then :rolleyes:
It seems that this is what they did and a moderator merged the two threads.
Anyway, why keep your ship if you defect? What's the point of defecting if you aren't going to use the other factions ships?
Why defect anyway when all endgame content now is cross faction? It will be much easier for the devs to end the war, which is what seems to be happening in Season Nine. That way we can just have cross faction teams and be one big happy family.
Those weren't the Romulan Republic, the romulan republic is the puppet of the Federation and Klingons so yeah
That would be easier, but the point is being able to have a kdf or fed character cross to the other side where the player may be a part of a fleet. This was what I stated at the start of my thread, which might be lost due to having my thread merged. So I will restate it again, I have a fed fleet I run and 2 kdf characters; 1 gorn, 1 orion... that I would play more if I had them in my fed fleet.
Due to game design and story line the gorn and the orion are not found on the fed side. So I came up with a concept to migrate these characters over to the fed side. I did not want to simply ask for a button to do it, or ask for a zen item to buy to do it. I asked for a challenge that is story driven, fits within the realm of sto and the games current storyline. I also understand that to develop this would be NON-trivial and that my suggestion may never be taken up as a project for sto.
The other part of this is the ships my gorn and orian have access to that I enjoy greatly. But to stay within the framework of the story, then you have to and I think should, give up something, else this all returns to a button to change faction, how boring.
You have a great point, except I do not own a shared account bank....but this would certainly be worth the money
Harsh isn't the word I'd use. Harsh would be "you start over from nothing, hurray you!" These mechanics seem a little "bad."
If the Captain defected "for reeeuhlz":
- the bridge crew would mostly or completely be lost (unless they're traitors too)
- the doffs would end up slaves/prisoners ground through fleet systems
- the ship? Confiscated for study, ransom, or "negotiation"
And the captain would be sent for "debriefing" which for the KDF means killed, Starfleet means "here, have this comfy top of the line Flag vessel" and the Romulan Republic - "HEY LET'S PLAY ON THIS ASUS OVER HERE, MANIC STYLE!"
Which means that Starfleet would get a new influx of characters and Rivera would spout off more nonsense about the KDF and metrics.
Great idea though, it would've helped put Old Yeller here down real quick if they went with it
sadly I can only see defection possible with fRactions and not the main 2 factions.
people say what about if a defector takes X y and z with them?!? well most stuff in game is pretty much used on both sides anyway these days. lockbox consoles certainly have helped remove the uniqueness on either side.
defector should be a min of lvl 50 so they will obviously only be able to fly only their factions ships. if they have an item like elite fed phasers then the player defects to the kdf then those items becomes a greyed out item that can only put in bank. or they could make them faction specific and account bound. there is ways to solve everything.
I've gone ahead and fixed this thread up a bit so the discussion can continue!
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
We don't need people from one faction jumping over to the other.
It was nice to have an option to make an Ogre paladin or a wood elf shadow knight.
I don't find this to be an absurd idea at all. As players, about the most we can do to shape the future of a game we enjoy is to make suggestions on changes or additions to content.
No ships come over.
No costume options.
No BOffs.
No reputation.
No titles.
Not even any rank. You get busted down to level 1. And you can only do this after you hit level 50.
It should be difficult, and you should gain no advantage from your prior faction
IKS Korrasami (Fleet B'rel Bird of Prey Retrofit T5-U)
As it's been stated probably in the upper thousands of times, Cryptic has NOTHING to do with the website or ARC. It only handles game development.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113
As far as I'm aware all ARC development and bug related issues are being handled by the PWE development team.
Former Community Moderator, Former SSR DJ, Now Full time father to two kids, Husband, Retail Worker.
Tiktok: @Askray Facebook: Askray113