I have pretty simple question, how to get for example 5 Dyson Commendations same day ?
Last night i did Storming the Spire and got one, then i did The Breach and got none... Today done Storming the Spire and got none again. So i suppose Dyson Commendation has some cooldown? And you can get only one per day ?
I don't understand game busines logics about this. I tried to search on wiki information about
Dyson Commendation, but found nothing, i also tried to search on wiki information about for example about
Storming the spire PvE event, to understand better objectives, how to get for sure this commendation, but found no information too... No any description about this game logics... How it works... So I decided to write here...
Problem is that I am playing with few toons and want to pre-farm them for few days and to have some reserve if i unable to play some day, just to login and to run commendation project...
P.S. All reputations on all toons are maxed, it's just about dilithium
Yes i remember that was such project while i trained Dyson reputation, but currently i have maxed this reputation and unable to find this project.
I see just:
In upgrades:
Maybe it was removed after i finished Dyson reputation ? As commendations then can be used only for that first project which gives dil, but that project for me is important
Main this post theme is about how works this game mechanics, why completing few times same fleet event i just once getting Dyson commendation... As many players have few characters and it's logical to pre-farm some resources for them, as you're unable to play with all characters daily, eg. i have 6 characters, every day i play only with 1-3... But when i play with them i prefarm resources for few days...
P.S. But interesting math is here
I trying to make farming chain with Dyson commendations
The upgrade does disappear on toons that have maxed the rep. I just checked on one of mine.
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The universe has a wonderful sense of humor. The trick is learning how to take a joke.
To the OP: You can only get a commendation once every 20h (except through the marks -> commendations conversion) through a mission (space or ground).
Somehow, some people are still desperate for unrefined DIL, even though there's a ridiculous number of ways to go far beyond the 8000 refining cap every day. I have a lot stockpiled, but even so. It only took me a couple months of DIL grinding to get 1.5 mil. That's the most I've ever had. I'm still refining the stuff. Feet marks are harder to get than DIL. I'm surprised more n00bs don't complain about that instead (though a few have).
It's just about dilithium farming. Maxed reputation players still getting some Dyson Commendations and we got project where players with maxed reputation can get dilithium for this dyson commendation and it takes 20 hours and gives 820 dil.
So if you get in this way 820 dil, you need to grind less dill every day (8000 - 820 = 7180)
All this is about dilithium farming, yield per time and etc.
Just out of curiosity...
How are you refining far beyond the 8000 refining cap per day?
Is it a fleet project of some sort? I'm not part of fleet so I dunno...
There is a doff assigment on the fleet mine, it allows to refine 500 dilithium ore extra per day
Also, some gold players have an additional doff assigment, they can refine 1000 dilithium ore every two days
In every place,
The deeds of men remain the same..."
The process would be even more efficient if the marks to commendations conversion wasn't disabled after you hit T5 Dyson Rep.
Major missions are any accepted quests given by a contact, not a context.
You can only earn 1 per day normally. If you are in the area, its one of the fastest ways to get a little dil & it gives a few marks too if you still need any items. It also gives a box with a random item same as it did back when you were doing it for rep. So 5 min for 10 marks, 1 commendation, some dil, and a random item worth 10k or so at the vendor. Fairly efficient.