I think the title says everything. It is really really pathetic that cryptic enables players now to bypass cooldowns of certain abilities. Since this game exists cooldowns have ever been a part of this type of game.
A severe issue just occurred inside the game mechanics which definetely requires a hotfix!
It might have a severe impact on pvp since certain ships and playstyles can be extremely buffed and become very powerful causing an intensified imbalance of pvp and pve aswell.
If players are capable of bypassing cd's in pve missions like stf's; those assignments could be accomplished even easier and way faster than it is now the case while in pvp the other pvp players may be quite disadvantaged over a larger period of time during combat because they are going to have a shortage of available and usable bridge offcer abilities than those who keep resetting their cd's once and once again.
the result is that some of the players fighting against those resetting cd's permanently dont have a chance to defend themselves or scoring kills to the opponents anymore which can influence the pvp gameplay considerably in future.
Come on man don't ruin our PvE fun. I will pay top dollar for what ever they drop so I can get through that infected run in under 60s... come on man I need that record before I /uninstall.
Seriously though this is one thing they shouldn't be waiting to fix... and if I hear one dev post anything about this working as intended I really will just /uninstall. I can live with some greed even some mild stupidity... something about "we don't care, we needs to get paid" rubs me a bit harder lately.
Be careful talking about this. Cryptic considers it an exploit and posting about it will result in moderation. There have been several Nuked Threads on the subject over the last few days.
It is true I see more and more in PvP usually the Klingon ships or BoP due to their Battle cloak, they can re-cloak and once out of red alert can easily and safely do their dirty deeds and come out fresh as if time has fast forward and ready to attack again in no time flat.
The biggest offender is the antimatter spread which now seems to have a cooldown of less than 60sec, and here I thought it was 3min
its true hannibal, this multiple console is a big problem, especially in pvp
i continuously see a lot of people in arena just go out of combat and return after 30s with all their consoles...
since it's considered exploit by cryptic, im reporting them, but i dont know... pvp is becoming too full of trash...
I think the title says everything. It is really really pathetic that cryptic enables players now to bypass cooldowns of certain abilities. Since this game exists cooldowns have ever been a part of this type of game.
A severe issue just occurred inside the game mechanics which definetely requires a hotfix!
It might have a severe impact on pvp since certain ships and playstyles can be extremely buffed and become very powerful causing an intensified imbalance of pvp and pve aswell.
If players are capable of bypassing cd's in pve missions like stf's; those assignments could be accomplished even easier and way faster than it is now the case while in pvp the other pvp players may be quite disadvantaged over a larger period of time during combat because they are going to have a shortage of available and usable bridge offcer abilities than those who keep resetting their cd's once and once again.
the result is that some of the players fighting against those resetting cd's permanently dont have a chance to defend themselves or scoring kills to the opponents anymore which can influence the pvp gameplay considerably in future.
PvE might become even more unchallenging.
Good job bringing PvE into the discussion. It's pathetic that that's the only way Cryptic will change any of the broken or imbalanced TRIBBLE in this game. Although even that may not be enough nowadays considering the 3 minute FaW runs in Elite STFs.
But yeah, this needs to be fixed to bring back any semblance of balance.
when something a certain few have done the whole time becomes known to the masses, it becomes taboo.
when somethign only done easily via macros/ for cloakers became available for everyone (build swap) these people, who are mad to have spent so much time being special, cry the loudest.
they cry mostly becus they used to swap ams and other failtard stuff, and now they are getting stomped by people swapping 10 times better stuffs.
swapping ultimately is pretty lame, but i think cryptic kind of gave the underhanded greenlight to the idea with the latest build feature.
and you have to be OUT OF COMBAT to change your ships gear, and you can only do it once per minute.
and youll never get apa gdf or tac fleet faster no matter what u swap in ( since alpha deception field fix)
i say this and I REALLY MEAN THIS
the joke is on you.
or if u think that the fact that u can swap out consoles represents a bigger pvp problem than the overall console imbalances that exist otherwise, youre also bein funny.
and if u been swapping out iso every alpha and think no one noticed....... lolz
cant swap cheat rep specials, captain abilities, or batteries<< which represent 60%+ of the potential for dmg buff/ battle effect (snb)
i said my piece, further evidenced by the fact i have pretty much commited to the 2 minute fomm/sub jump cycle. shavign 30seconds off the cycle to attack without fomm/battery... just isnt worth it (dont even need iso anymore)
swapping ultimately is pretty lame, but i think cryptic kind of gave the underhanded greenlight to the idea with the latest build feature.
You can't possibly be serious about this...to me this confirms, the only thing you care about is finding ways to use exploits and cheats in game for your one-shot wonders. Yet, you have the audacity to call TDF and I quote : "Haxconsole". :rolleyes:
You can't possibly be serious about this...to me this confirms, the only thing you care about is finding ways to use exploits and cheats in game for your one-shot wonders. Yet, you have the audacity to call TDF and I quote : "Haxconsole". :rolleyes:
ofc i can. they know the big money scimiturds been doing it manual for ages. u sure i never seen u swap tdf? lol it is pure hax console one single item beats all other for stealth detection, no way to be seen unless u have that. yup tdf being op is way mroe of a big deal than console swappers. u do both.
ofc i can. they know the big money scimiturds been doing it manual for ages. u sure i never seen u swap tdf? lol it is pure hax console one single item beats all other for stealth detection, no way to be seen unless u have that. yup tdf being op is way mroe of a big deal than console swappers. u do both.
I can see you with EPTA... its not the console its the fact you can no longer stack stealth bonuses... which has been around since the Rom embassy.
They changed the stealth mechanic so that it wasn't perma invisible any longer... I don't really see the issue with that.
As for the console... its no more haxy then any other BS uni console.
Lets all talk turkey if your build fails completely the second it is detected... its a bad build. OR at least it has a counter... not sure how that is any more broken then using Proton Barage Ion beam ISO AMS rocket console or any of the other silly uni consoles in the game.
I guess what I am saying is what is good for the goose so to speak. You can't uncloak with multiple set and console skills and be upset that someone runs a console that counters that as you are relying 100% on stealth. (A mechanic that no other sane developer would have ever allowed in a perma state out of combat.)
The sheer number of players have to crutch on stealth to be "good" is probably a bigger problem, just saying.
Seems overly general considering you have two factions based on stealth. Couldn't Sci/eng/tac also be substituted for stealth. Lets not forget spam or just using all the poweres that lag out the game in general
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Was this problem already noticed on Tribble and reported? I could easily see devs missing this problem. And fixing it taking more time.
It's actually been around since the very first universal console with an activatable ability. It has been reported and re-reported since then. You know what else? It isn't just consoles that are affected by this bug. Probably shouldn't go into more details publicly though, even though it seems to be common knowledge already at this point.
when something a certain few have done the whole time becomes known to the masses, it becomes taboo.
when somethign only done easily via macros/ for cloakers became available for everyone (build swap) these people, who are mad to have spent so much time being special, cry the loudest.
they cry mostly becus they used to swap ams and other failtard stuff, and now they are getting stomped by people swapping 10 times better stuffs.
swapping ultimately is pretty lame, but i think cryptic kind of gave the underhanded greenlight to the idea with the latest build feature.
and you have to be OUT OF COMBAT to change your ships gear, and you can only do it once per minute.
and youll never get apa gdf or tac fleet faster no matter what u swap in ( since alpha deception field fix)
i say this and I REALLY MEAN THIS
the joke is on you.
or if u think that the fact that u can swap out consoles represents a bigger pvp problem than the overall console imbalances that exist otherwise, youre also bein funny.
and if u been swapping out iso every alpha and think no one noticed....... lolz
cant swap cheat rep specials, captain abilities, or batteries<< which represent 60%+ of the potential for dmg buff/ battle effect (snb)
i said my piece, further evidenced by the fact i have pretty much commited to the 2 minute fomm/sub jump cycle. shavign 30 seconds off the cycle to attack without fomm/battery... just isnt worth it (dont even need iso anymore)
/rant off
I have been knowing about this issue for some weeks now before the "masses" were informed about this topic and no I have never swapped consoles to get rid of my cd's because it is too lame simply. It is not difficult to detect the reset of cd timers on the opponent's clickable abilities from universal consoles for instance. Someone having the capability of reading and memorizing buff cycles accurately and running act's during the matches then you are able realize that a bunch of abilities dont run as intended.
I am honest with you mini, if u feel cool giving you an edge towards other players just by using issues in order to keep executing your alphastrikes even more easily then i can only feel sorry for you . It is not about which player is capable of utilizing this problem handier, it deals with the fact why Cryptic enables player to make use of it after all.
Players calling themselves as "Veterans" dont have a need to use such kind of issues to remain efficient in PvP. They find different and fair ways in order to adapt to new conditions. And such kind of an issue cannot absolutely be tolerated since most of the multiplayer games are based on "cooldowns"by any account. If there is a possibility to bypass these built-in game mechanics then the complete gameplay could be altered as a result.
Ask yourself the question: What would happen if each of us get rid of all the cooldown timers in PvP aswell as in PvE ?
I think the consequences will be wide-ranging. StFs can be completed by single players in a couple of minutes you probably wont need a team anymore for instance and this is real non-sense. The PvP gameplay would be also completely different than it is now and really some of the clickable abilities of universal consoles are quite powerful and even more powerful without a cooldown.
Furthermore it is not difficult to remain out of combat if u own a vessel with a built-in cloaking device like the major part of all the ships in STO have atm right ? So it is absolutely no obstacle to execute the swapping of your lovely consoles out of combat, it was rather an excuse with the purpose to protect your new benefit with respect to some other players not more^^
All-in-all i can only plead Cryptic to make this issue the HIGHEST priority in the coming patches and since you mostly focus on PvE i can only say that console swapping will affect the entire PvE-content aswell by facilitating the diffculties in story or group-based missions if u activate some abilities in a loop.
It's actually been around since the very first universal console with an activatable ability. It has been reported and re-reported since then. You know what else? It isn't just consoles that are affected by this bug. Probably shouldn't go into more details publicly though, even though it seems to be common knowledge already at this point.
I'll add that the root issues are probably the same or extremely similar to kit switching, I think this is likely engine level stuff.
Which I know at least 1 Dev has mentioned is not intended functionality.
So they are, and have been, aware of this to at least some extent.
And as brandon mentioned it's been around for ages, bug reported, posted about.
There just comes a time as a player and a customer that you give up and stop caring.
We're not here to fix their game, be their quality control, or their living memory banks of disasters past - at some point the onus is on them to actually sort some of this out.
We're not here to fix their game, be their quality control, or their living memory banks of disasters past - at some point the onus is on them to actually sort some of this out.
Yep, at a certain point - it's hard not to give up on trying to do certain things. You shift from a testing mentality, perhaps - where you ask to be removed from certain groups and no longer involved in testing, you delete any additional accounts you ran for the purposes of testing, etc, etc, etc.
You put aside any delusions you had of working with the company to make the game better...
You realize that as you're there trying to put out the raging inferno with a juice box, that the company is there tossing balloons filled with accelerants into the flames. You realize that as you're there trying to stick your old piece of gum into the crack forming in the damn, that the company is there with jackhammers creating more cracks.
You get tired of feeling like you're the younger brother in a game of stop hitting yourself...
Yep, at a certain point - it's hard not to give up on trying to do certain things. You shift from a testing mentality, perhaps - where you ask to be removed from certain groups and no longer involved in testing, you delete any additional accounts you ran for the purposes of testing, etc, etc, etc.
You put aside any delusions you had of working with the company to make the game better...
You realize that as you're there trying to put out the raging inferno with a juice box, that the company is there tossing balloons filled with accelerants into the flames. You realize that as you're there trying to stick your old piece of gum into the crack forming in the damn, that the company is there with jackhammers creating more cracks.
You get tired of feeling like you're the younger brother in a game of stop hitting yourself...
It's a political move VD. People usually feel better if they feel like they've got some input in the process. However, one day you wake up and realize it was all smoke and mirrors designed to keep you on their side.
It's a political move VD. People usually feel better if they feel like they've got some input in the process. However, one day you wake up and realize it was all smoke and mirrors designed to keep you on their side.
Think it goes beyond that...even a little bit of Dr. Evil evil going on.
Testers: 'Dis stuff iz OP!
Cryptic#1: Oh really? Thank you for the feedback.
Cryptic#1: So they say it's OP.
Cryptic#2: Good, good...exactly what we wanted.
Cryptic#3: Exactly!
Cryptic#1: Haha...
Cryptic#2: Haha...haha...
Cryptic#3: Haha...haha...haha.
Sometimes I wonder if I have more enjoyment now or back in Season 1 when I was happy flying solo just doing episode missions and enemy encounters.
While I have loads of fun in PvP, chatting on TS and improving with the current state of PvP and Cryptic's attitude towards it I have to wonder if it was all worth it.
I will say this. If it weren't for PvP I wouldn't have sunk a fraction of what I have spent in the past 4 years
I feel all of you and that is why once I get my two toons ahead above water after 6 month layoff I may take another couple months off. I only get about 2-3 hours a day and the grinds have me licked. Being behind the 8-ball in rep and dil I am barely competitive in PvP against PvE heros.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
Think it goes beyond that...even a little bit of Dr. Evil evil going on.
Testers: 'Dis stuff iz OP!
Cryptic#1: Oh really? Thank you for the feedback.
Cryptic#1: So they say it's OP.
Cryptic#2: Good, good...exactly what we wanted.
Cryptic#3: Exactly!
Cryptic#1: Haha...
Cryptic#2: Haha...haha...
Cryptic#3: Haha...haha...haha.
I think they listen to feedback on a sliding scale. On one end are things they expect to bring in low-medium amounts of $... on the other end are things they expect to bring in dump loads of cash. On the low $ end of the scale they listen enough to let us think they are paying attention... on the dump loads side of things, its all just a show. If they believe its going to make them lots of $ that overrides any concern for there game. They stopped being artists along time ago.
For my part, I only became aware of this in the last few days or so after so many people started to talk about it all over the place. To be honest, it doesn't really bother me. Most PvPers I know will not intentionally abuse this. There is always going to be a few out there looking for every possible way to use cheats and exploits so if it's not this, it's going to be something else. Even things like logging out during combat, is this bug, no but people use it anyway.
So far, I can't say I have encountered any instances where I feel this console swapping has become an obvious issue. Then again, I don't do Arena queues because that thing is 1000 times more broken than all the bugs in STO combined. Maybe that's the real problem. In Kerrat, there are still teams and premades but unlike in queues where lots of premades are hell bent on using every single broken tactic and trick even when they claim they don't use them - in Kerrat, abuses like this are not as impactful or as obvious. You are not confined to a limited space and you can take your time to set up your attack and there is no endless cross-heals. Kerrat is less prone to this kind of TRIBBLE. In the Arena queues, any exploits or cheats - their impact will likely be amplified 1000 times with time pressure, limited space and forced interaction - and coordinated spamming.
As a side, I fly mostly a snooper for PvP, which means I love cracking down on battlecloakers. If there are 5 battlecloakers in front of me or nearby, I go Why? Battlecloakers = shieldless targets (except certain Scimis) = easy kills, often more than one kills per shot. They will not have the chance to do their console swapping, trust me, they may be cloaked but they will not be out of combat.
There are seriously greater issues for Cryptic to fix but I am not holding my breath.
For my part, I only became aware of this in the last few days or so after so many people started to talk about it all over the place. To be honest, it doesn't really bother me. Most PvPers I know will not intentionally abuse this. There is always going to be a few out there looking for every possible way to use cheats and exploits so if it's not this, it's going to be something else. Even things like logging out during combat, is this bug, no but people use it anyway.
So far, I can't say I have encountered any instances where I feel this console swapping has become an obvious issue. Then again, I don't do Arena queues because that thing is 1000 times more broken than all the bugs in STO combined. Maybe that's the real problem. In Kerrat, there are still teams and premades but unlike in queues where lots of premades are hell bent on using every single broken tactic and trick even when they claim they don't use them - in Kerrat, abuses like this are not as impactful or as obvious. You are not confined to a limited space and you can take your time to set up your attack and there is no endless cross-heals. Kerrat is less prone to this kind of TRIBBLE. In the Arena queues, any exploits or cheats - their impact will likely be amplified 1000 times with time pressure, limited space and forced interaction - and coordinated spamming.
As a side, I fly mostly a snooper for PvP, which means I love cracking down on battlecloakers. If there are 5 battlecloakers in front of me or nearby, I go Why? Battlecloakers = shieldless targets (except certain Scimis) = easy kills, often more than one kills per shot. They will not have the chance to do their console swapping, trust me, they may be cloaked but they will not be out of combat.
There are seriously greater issues for Cryptic to fix but I am not holding my breath.
While this is "new" to me whispers were around last year about this. While now most of the PvP fleets are consolidating into mega PvP fleets there are few around I am sure that abuse this tactic more than others because the folks in those fleets will use every crack in the game to their advantage because those fleets want to "win" at all costs.
Hey I Used to be Captain Data, well I guess I still am in game but the account link really screwed everything up :rolleyes:
any updates on this?
taking a break from pvp until its fixed, and i'm getting withdrawal symptoms, i'm literally dreaming of sub-nuking alphas lol :cool:
Come on man don't ruin our PvE fun. I will pay top dollar for what ever they drop so I can get through that infected run in under 60s... come on man I need that record before I /uninstall.
Seriously though this is one thing they shouldn't be waiting to fix... and if I hear one dev post anything about this working as intended I really will just /uninstall. I can live with some greed even some mild stupidity... something about "we don't care, we needs to get paid" rubs me a bit harder lately.
The biggest offender is the antimatter spread which now seems to have a cooldown of less than 60sec, and here I thought it was 3min
i continuously see a lot of people in arena just go out of combat and return after 30s with all their consoles...
since it's considered exploit by cryptic, im reporting them, but i dont know... pvp is becoming too full of trash...
But yeah, this needs to be fixed to bring back any semblance of balance.
when something a certain few have done the whole time becomes known to the masses, it becomes taboo.
when somethign only done easily via macros/ for cloakers became available for everyone (build swap) these people, who are mad to have spent so much time being special, cry the loudest.
they cry mostly becus they used to swap ams and other failtard stuff, and now they are getting stomped by people swapping 10 times better stuffs.
swapping ultimately is pretty lame, but i think cryptic kind of gave the underhanded greenlight to the idea with the latest build feature.
and you have to be OUT OF COMBAT to change your ships gear, and you can only do it once per minute.
and youll never get apa gdf or tac fleet faster no matter what u swap in ( since alpha deception field fix)
i say this and I REALLY MEAN THIS
the joke is on you.
or if u think that the fact that u can swap out consoles represents a bigger pvp problem than the overall console imbalances that exist otherwise, youre also bein funny.
and if u been swapping out iso every alpha and think no one noticed....... lolz
cant swap cheat rep specials, captain abilities, or batteries<< which represent 60%+ of the potential for dmg buff/ battle effect (snb)
i said my piece, further evidenced by the fact i have pretty much commited to the 2 minute fomm/sub jump cycle. shavign 30seconds off the cycle to attack without fomm/battery... just isnt worth it (dont even need iso anymore)
/rant off
You can't possibly be serious about this...to me this confirms, the only thing you care about is finding ways to use exploits and cheats in game for your one-shot wonders. Yet, you have the audacity to call TDF and I quote : "Haxconsole". :rolleyes:
ofc i can. they know the big money scimiturds been doing it manual for ages. u sure i never seen u swap tdf? lol it is pure hax console one single item beats all other for stealth detection, no way to be seen unless u have that. yup tdf being op is way mroe of a big deal than console swappers. u do both.
I can see you with EPTA... its not the console its the fact you can no longer stack stealth bonuses... which has been around since the Rom embassy.
They changed the stealth mechanic so that it wasn't perma invisible any longer... I don't really see the issue with that.
As for the console... its no more haxy then any other BS uni console.
Lets all talk turkey if your build fails completely the second it is detected... its a bad build. OR at least it has a counter... not sure how that is any more broken then using Proton Barage Ion beam ISO AMS rocket console or any of the other silly uni consoles in the game.
I guess what I am saying is what is good for the goose so to speak. You can't uncloak with multiple set and console skills and be upset that someone runs a console that counters that as you are relying 100% on stealth. (A mechanic that no other sane developer would have ever allowed in a perma state out of combat.)
Please stay on-topic with your QQ (Topic: Game is bugged, needs fix).
Where is my belt!
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Seems overly general considering you have two factions based on stealth. Couldn't Sci/eng/tac also be substituted for stealth. Lets not forget spam or just using all the poweres that lag out the game in general
It's actually been around since the very first universal console with an activatable ability. It has been reported and re-reported since then. You know what else? It isn't just consoles that are affected by this bug. Probably shouldn't go into more details publicly though, even though it seems to be common knowledge already at this point.
I have been knowing about this issue for some weeks now before the "masses" were informed about this topic and no I have never swapped consoles to get rid of my cd's because it is too lame simply. It is not difficult to detect the reset of cd timers on the opponent's clickable abilities from universal consoles for instance. Someone having the capability of reading and memorizing buff cycles accurately and running act's during the matches then you are able realize that a bunch of abilities dont run as intended.
I am honest with you mini, if u feel cool giving you an edge towards other players just by using issues in order to keep executing your alphastrikes even more easily then i can only feel sorry for you
Players calling themselves as "Veterans" dont have a need to use such kind of issues to remain efficient in PvP. They find different and fair ways in order to adapt to new conditions. And such kind of an issue cannot absolutely be tolerated since most of the multiplayer games are based on "cooldowns"by any account. If there is a possibility to bypass these built-in game mechanics then the complete gameplay could be altered as a result.
Ask yourself the question: What would happen if each of us get rid of all the cooldown timers in PvP aswell as in PvE ?
I think the consequences will be wide-ranging. StFs can be completed by single players in a couple of minutes you probably wont need a team anymore for instance and this is real non-sense. The PvP gameplay would be also completely different than it is now and really some of the clickable abilities of universal consoles are quite powerful and even more powerful without a cooldown.
Furthermore it is not difficult to remain out of combat if u own a vessel with a built-in cloaking device like the major part of all the ships in STO have atm right ?
All-in-all i can only plead Cryptic to make this issue the HIGHEST priority in the coming patches and since you mostly focus on PvE i can only say that console swapping will affect the entire PvE-content aswell by facilitating the diffculties in story or group-based missions if u activate some abilities in a loop.
Hopefully it will get fixed very soon.
-=Hannibal - Inner Circle PvP-Department=-
Hannibal's YouTube PvP-channel (under construction)
More Inner Circle PvP-Action worth watching from: Hank, Mira Theng and Zimbilimbim
I'll add that the root issues are probably the same or extremely similar to kit switching, I think this is likely engine level stuff.
Which I know at least 1 Dev has mentioned is not intended functionality.
So they are, and have been, aware of this to at least some extent.
And as brandon mentioned it's been around for ages, bug reported, posted about.
There just comes a time as a player and a customer that you give up and stop caring.
We're not here to fix their game, be their quality control, or their living memory banks of disasters past - at some point the onus is on them to actually sort some of this out.
Yep, at a certain point - it's hard not to give up on trying to do certain things. You shift from a testing mentality, perhaps - where you ask to be removed from certain groups and no longer involved in testing, you delete any additional accounts you ran for the purposes of testing, etc, etc, etc.
You put aside any delusions you had of working with the company to make the game better...
You realize that as you're there trying to put out the raging inferno with a juice box, that the company is there tossing balloons filled with accelerants into the flames. You realize that as you're there trying to stick your old piece of gum into the crack forming in the damn, that the company is there with jackhammers creating more cracks.
You get tired of feeling like you're the younger brother in a game of stop hitting yourself...
It's a political move VD. People usually feel better if they feel like they've got some input in the process. However, one day you wake up and realize it was all smoke and mirrors designed to keep you on their side.
Or they have a voracious compulsion and sometimes just can't help themselves...
Not naming any names though. :P
Think it goes beyond that...even a little bit of Dr. Evil evil going on.
Testers: 'Dis stuff iz OP!
Cryptic#1: Oh really? Thank you for the feedback.
Cryptic#1: So they say it's OP.
Cryptic#2: Good, good...exactly what we wanted.
Cryptic#3: Exactly!
Cryptic#1: Haha...
Cryptic#2: Haha...haha...
Cryptic#3: Haha...haha...haha.
I feel all of you and that is why once I get my two toons ahead above water after 6 month layoff I may take another couple months off. I only get about 2-3 hours a day and the grinds have me licked. Being behind the 8-ball in rep and dil I am barely competitive in PvP against PvE heros.
I think they listen to feedback on a sliding scale. On one end are things they expect to bring in low-medium amounts of $... on the other end are things they expect to bring in dump loads of cash. On the low $ end of the scale they listen enough to let us think they are paying attention... on the dump loads side of things, its all just a show. If they believe its going to make them lots of $ that overrides any concern for there game. They stopped being artists along time ago.
So far, I can't say I have encountered any instances where I feel this console swapping has become an obvious issue. Then again, I don't do Arena queues because that thing is 1000 times more broken than all the bugs in STO combined. Maybe that's the real problem. In Kerrat, there are still teams and premades but unlike in queues where lots of premades are hell bent on using every single broken tactic and trick even when they claim they don't use them - in Kerrat, abuses like this are not as impactful or as obvious. You are not confined to a limited space and you can take your time to set up your attack and there is no endless cross-heals. Kerrat is less prone to this kind of TRIBBLE. In the Arena queues, any exploits or cheats - their impact will likely be amplified 1000 times with time pressure, limited space and forced interaction - and coordinated spamming.
As a side, I fly mostly a snooper for PvP, which means I love cracking down on battlecloakers. If there are 5 battlecloakers in front of me or nearby, I go
There are seriously greater issues for Cryptic to fix but I am not holding my breath.
While this is "new" to me whispers were around last year about this. While now most of the PvP fleets are consolidating into mega PvP fleets there are few around I am sure that abuse this tactic more than others because the folks in those fleets will use every crack in the game to their advantage because those fleets want to "win" at all costs.
taking a break from pvp until its fixed, and i'm getting withdrawal symptoms, i'm literally dreaming of sub-nuking alphas lol :cool: