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Additionally I would love to make a few missions in the foundry but the neglect to this system and poky updates to it break what few missions I have been able to make despite the unfriendliness of the system every time I turn around. This systemneeds some major attention and new features, would love to be able to voice-over some of my npcs in my foundry missions and make cut scenes to a lesser extent of the developers but don't see that happening with the red headed stepchild mindset pwe/cryptic has over the foundry in sto.
It's really time we got new stfs. It's time that they created content that was more of a challenge to players. Cryptic seems afraid to challenge it's players and they really should. Player created stfs could help with this if they were given the tools to do so with the foundry.
Hey Kraft4406,
I have this vague recollection of your team getting in-game content which the rest of us pay for as part of their deal to do "hard hitting reviews on STO".
I want to follow in your footsteps, who do I have to schill for to get paid around here?
Right now, 3 year old Borg content isn't cutting it as endgame for me. I'm popping out, be back in a few months. No you can't have my stuff.
EDIT: Sorry can't help this one. "complete rundown on Dyson Science Destroyers"? Lol? 3 ships reskinned into 9? When i say 3 ships i mean that loosely. Its 3 ships with identical stats and boff layouts, the only difference is they have a different extra console slot. Wow. Whats to rundown? The fact you are trying to get people to buy it in a shameless cashgrab for a set bonus? Or that we can use these ships to totally zerg any content the game can offer in about 5 minutes, just like we can in the other ships we paid good money for and still have to use on stale content?
its hard to kiss sto's butt if your asking them the questions they don't want asked.. and stirring the pot.. most pod casts do this since cryptic has made it clear they will not interview and give anything to pod casts who ruffle the feathers.. (I know, I used to be apart of a pod cast that started asking tougher questions and ruffling the feathers a little, and boom, no cryptic anything our way)..
being friends with a lot of podcasters, when I ask them why they don't bring certain things up, they simply state, cause we don't want to lose interviews and exclusives and blah blah blah.. its a shame...
im not saying a podcast needs to go all doom, or beat up on cryptic, but one thing I found very suprising, is the grindaversary. had one of the biggest outcries from the community. and not one podcast pressed any cryptic employees about it. sure it was brought up casually, but not one actually tried to get real answers.. all we got was the same old cryptic non answers..
podcasts were good up until the end of season3. now, they have all morphed into what cryptic wants them to be...
further more, when was the last time we saw and article or review from a gaming website that wasn't in cryptic pocket (ie, someone who worked for said website now works for cryptic, so ofcourse they are gonna blow rainbows up cryptics butt.) the world cryptic shows the player base is a very sheltered, protected world, cause the review from other sites, while not spelling doom, usually are far from spelling superbness..
I understand that having a shared infrastructure across all of their games/sites should theoretically make the jobs of their web team simpler, but it's perfectly possible to have a shared infrastructure and allow individual game sites and forums to retain individuality. They should take a hint from battle.net's shared architecture but individual themes.
*Although I did the grind on 5 characters to get each of them the freebie DSD, I likely won't even unbox them on all but my Reman Science captain (the other 4 were more "just in case"). Before I found out that there were 3 c-store versions per faction for a total of 9 I had thought to myself "Well if I think the freebie Romulan version has potential I'll probably spring for the c-store version" (my Reman is only level 39; I made her just for the DSD, and my first Romulan-faction character) but now, wow what a money grab. A 3 pack for each faction, and set bonus gear that only comes on the 9-console DSD which will soon cost 600 lobi, the most expensive currency in the game? Add to that the fact that you can't apply faction materials to them for customization and I'm seriously rethinking whether I want to buy any of them at all. It boggles my mind.
*I have a detailed bio for my main character and light bios for my others. Occasionally I do some walk-up RP with my main in the social zones for a few hours and it's generally enjoyable. I don't do ship RP or have set times to partake in an ongoing complicated story thread like the more dedicated RPers in the game. I prefer singular encounters without long-term strings attached like long ongoing stories. Sometimes I also feel inspired to write a few pages of fiction about my character--backstory, events that don't take place in any of the game's environments or time period--but that's a reallllllly slow process for me due to the way I write (but I like to think my final results are usually high quality :P ).
Joined January 2009
Great work with ur blog hope to see a lot more
I'm still on the fence about picking up one or the bundle for my KDF Alien. I've been enjoying the "free" version quite a bit on them, and the tactical material is very beautiful, but I really don't see myself 'wasting' that many console slots for the set bonus. The difference between the "free" and C-Store version(s) is hard to justify the cost.
I was really hopeful this would finally be the ship I've been looking for on my Federation Science character, but the Federation versions are too far away from Starfleet designs for me to feel comfortable with the ship. (That, and I don't want to run Protonic Polarons with the character - which the locked-in Proton Cannon essentially forces you into.)
As for adding story, It's mostly head-canon for me these days. I did have some fun ideas for the Foundry, but became thoroughly discouraged by how limiting and linear the 'rules' for foundry missions are. I had wanted to make a semi-persistant mission where you would lead a colonization effort and get to decide what and where to settle, who to befriend/make enemies with, and generally create an environment where players could tell their own story and have a sense of ownership over the choices they made.
(Oh, also, just "Szeron", or even "Sze"/"Zee" is fine.)
I role-play on occasion but my character's story is mainly chronicled through the bio. I change it as things in the STOry (hehe) move along. As it has always been in Star Trek, the fans make the lore come to life.
My ultimate goal is to fill every character bio out, both captains and BOFFs. But since I have 32 captains, and I'm not the most creative person in the galaxy, it's pretty challenging. I do have a few halfway decent bios, like my Joined Trill with a mirror universe symbiote, or my non-greedy Ferengi who grew up on Earth.
I also would like to roleplay, but as I(or my characters for that matter) don't have a good foundation, I find it difficult to just jump in and RP. I've even visited Starbase 381 a few times, but it wasn't a pretty sight from my perspective.
Write my own fiction? Nah. But I definitely would like to participate in the fiction of others, if only just to get my character's faces out there.
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Oh right that reminds me that I have a couple of Bolians down in main engineering that are in love with each other and it's so cute.. you know.. in my head.. >_>;;
Joined January 2009
Now when it comes to RP I avoid all types of it why? Its just not me, some people thrive on it while I avoid it like the plague, that doesn't mean I hate RP'S.
Just want to add that this star citizen thing is so lame ( love ya tony )
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If someone's getting paid around here, I'd like to know who!
Not going to buy. Lately, it seems they are more interested in dishing our ships for us to buy, than actually creating long-term content that keeps us interested more than a few weeks. And these new ships are almost completely identical, which does not make it feel like it's worth an $50 or $100 investment.
I believe you.
The 'currency' involved here is getting Cryptic to talk to you.
That requires not being too controversial or asking particulary difficult questions.
Fair enough, not every interview needs to be Jeremy Paxman in the throes of 'roid rage.
Be nice if there was one or two though......
Nonetheless, great podcast overal!
I call it, the Stoutes paradox.
Wanted to buy the Romulan and KDF versions.
Given we are not allowed to customize the ships skins I will not buy the Romulan one
But I will probably end up buying only the KDF versions.
At least those one can be altered to look like Klingon ships thanks to the KHG shield.
And the reasons I will pick those up for my science are
a.) I will support my preferred faction
b.) the KDF gets, on average, about two ships per year that are not low level or retrofits of older ships
As a result I assume this is the only KDF-Klingon science-heavy ship we will see in years.
well good on you for supporting your faction. I bought the mogh for support mostly but actually is a good ship that I'm happy with. but at the same time it's a pretty sad state of the kdf ship production line when players feel they will be lucky to get 2 ships a year
on dyson ships in general I thought about getting the lot. then thought nahh just the romulan ships.
but on reflection these ship 'hybrids' look far too much like they kinda 'kitbashed' them from ships I already have. makes me wonder more what they have against the k'vort when they do it themselves. anyway you can't even change the skin on them to make them look more romulan in the case of the romulan ships. also the variation between 3 ships appearance in a bundle is so minor it annoys me.
oh and the animation while changing between modes. just seem weird and a waste of time at least on the romulan warbird version. it has a swivel animation that looks like it don't belong on a 2409 ship. i think the kdf ships had the smartest animation if I recall correctly. when seeing the lame swivel animation I'm left thinking what a waste of time these animations really are.
otherwise while I like the concept of how the bridge works, science/tactical mode. it did leave me thinking that science ships alone can't be good sellers at all for cryptic so they had to throw a bit of escort love at it.
so at the end of my personal ranty review these dyson hybrids will be the only ships I've never bought. one thing I do appreciate is that cryptic gave everyone the chance to try before you buy. I cannot thank them enough for that during the feature episode
Thanks for your feedback. As a matter of fact, the community concerns about the Qmendation method of attaining the new ship was something we discussed with Al Rivera prior to the launch of Season 8.5
To suggest that we don't address these sensitive issues during a Cryptic interview attention is inaccurate. What you will find is that we will not grind our guests on the topic expecting a different response. Nor do we attempt to exhaust the discussion hoping that we'll manage to change their minds about how they develop the game.
I encourage you to Trek Out our interview with Al Rivera...
I assure you, we don't shy away from asking "hard" questions.
We sometimes receive feedback like, "Why didn't you ask about this; or mention that?" Unfortunately, we have a finite amount of time with our guests. We wish we could talk STO all day long - or daily -- or weekly -- with our guests. Unfortunately, due to these time constraints, we need to pick and choose what we discuss.
You're welcome! {:0)
S.S. Doff Lundgren
The 9 pack really is a slap in the face on top of the grind. It should have been a multi faction 3 pack, rather than the 9 ships.
Unlocking each of them unlocks the boff seating and console for all factions on an account..