Anyone else having Chat is offline messages come up, your friends list is not showing any of your friends, or general heavy lag on the servers tonight?
If so, how long before STO comes down for evening maintenance? Cryptic, any word on when we should expect STO down and for how long?
Thanks for the reports about the Chat server, we are investigating this issue and will update this thread as things they are resolved.
The bad thing is that all of the signs that it was heading downhill were present today after the maintenance was complete. 7 hours later and it has only gotten worse.
The bad thing is that all of the signs that it was heading downhill were present today after the maintenance was complete. 7 hours later and it has only gotten worse.
Typical patch day. Move along, nothing to see here. :P
would those mature and thoughtful zone conversations be perhaps inducing bouts of headdesking or face palming or other gestures of supreme irritation?
Murphy's laws:
1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
Been working mostly OK for me all evening on New Romulus, until about 1 hour ago. CaptainSmirk showed up in zone chat then about 15 minutes later it booted me- tried going back in a few times, but either doesn't connect to logon server, or lets me in for a few minutes with some weirdness (unable to collect rewards on doffing, etc), then kicks me out. Oh well, similar lag last bonus weekend, then it calmed down on Friday, suspect the same...
and probably very soon
Emergency maintenance incoming!
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I think I should try throwing more Zen at STO and see if that works.
Executive Officer of Alpha Squadron
The bad thing is that all of the signs that it was heading downhill were present today after the maintenance was complete. 7 hours later and it has only gotten worse.
Fed/Vulcan: T'jar Voltek Fleet: Section 31
Fed/Andorian: Lissan Ek'Noor sh'Aqabaa Fleet: Section 31
KDF/Cardi: K'Im Qah da Sian Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
KDF/Reman: R'Chras Jonzor Fleet: Klingon Intelligence
Apparently the chat server is affecting the community manager's ability to english.
I see what you did there.
if it aint broken why fix it? I like much nicer in zone...without the bull TRIBBLE...opps here we go again:D:D:D
Sat there all impotent and sad.
you know thinking about it. ive never been happier chat is offline lol
Executive Officer of Alpha Squadron
This is another thing why we should get hourly back instead of weekend.. cause it's going to flood the server like mad..
Typical patch day. Move along, nothing to see here. :P
1- Murphy’s Law tells us that anything that can go wrong will go wrong.
2- And anything that does go wrong will get progressively worse.
3- And if you survive the first two laws it’s time to panic.
Glad to see it is back up and running and that you are all back in-game chattin' each other up
Have a great weekend everyone!