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Pimp my Vector

captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Federation Discussion
Hello forum users!

So i've been a proud captain of a fleet multivector for about a year now, and have flown the advanced escort for about 2 years. in that time i've built an antiproton build, and modified it hundreds of times, merging one build or another into it without sacrificing much of my current one (example: added mine launcher instead of turret.) occasionally i'd throw something in that was more for my own persona fun then to improve my build (multivector console for example, it sucks and i know it.) and things such as my aegis is my way of saying "i havent forgotten you!" *pats aegis*

with the addition of the loadout system however, i have a nice opportunity here. i can save my current build that i use for fun and messing around, but i can also have another build for when i'm competing with tactical characters. generally i come pretty close to matching the DPS of other players, and the only reason i dont is usually cause my ship is slow (intended that way, its all guns and armor) and therefore my DPS drops when i'm having to fly for longer then the other ships.

in an effort to boost my damage i have decided to come here and ask other experienced ship builders for advice on improving my ship's damage. i am dedicated to antiproton, and for the moment i refuse to change my skill tree. aside from that, i'm willing to try any good suggestions that people post. i'm especially interested in any number comparisons, or other facts that can be brought forward to say why one thing is better then another.

http://www.stoacademy.com/tools/skillplanner/?build=elitenightfire_5923 there's my current build for use as a reference.

currently i have:
T5 all reps
all MK12 sets including that fleet shield everyone likes.
i'm leader of a T4 fleet with enough progress in all holdings for me to get any space gear
most of the cross faction and special consoles released through the locked boxes (aka subspace jumper, isometric, etc.)

any suggestions welcome :) just please be professional, and nothing stupid like "multivector sucks, get a bugship". even if it was free, i wouldnt fly it, so shut up.
[SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
Post edited by captainpirko on


  • caasicamcaasicam Member Posts: 228 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Looks to me like you've got a fairly solid build going here, I suppose if you wanted to go for more damage, there are a few things you could try. Now, I'm certainly no expert, so take everything here with a grain of salt.

    You could try changing out one of your EPtS for EPtW, preferably the Ensign level because unless you're really minimaxing, the difference between EPtW1 and 2 isn't really that big. You could then switch out your science abilities PH1 and HE2 for TSS and HE to make up for the lost heals, while the Gravity Well is great for crowd control.

    Console-wise, you could switch out one for the Romulan Rep console, seeing as the added critical chance could only serve to help out how you've stacked on the critical hit.

    Alternatively, you could simply go for an entirely energy damage build, freeing up BOFF abilities for more attack patterns or cannon upgrades. Perhaps something like...


    Not exactly sure how the cooldowns would work with that, but it's a general idea.

    And while it seems like you want to keep the Aegis set, it's really not the best when comes to damage dealing, more so for tanking. Straight Fleet gear might be a better bet, or the Adapted Maco with it's extra torpedo damage for your Gravity-Well-Spamming-Torpedo.

    In the end, though, it really depends on how you want to dish your damage out. A DBB with BO3 is great at spike damage, especially with Antiproton. CSV can lay waste to a whole group of targets, especially in the MVAE with it's ability to use GW.
  • captaindecker12captaindecker12 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Sustained DPS-wise, I'd say that you're pretty much hitting the ceiling on how much your ship can do, and short of swapping your Engineering Alloys for a Zero-Point Console and a Tachyokinetic Converter (which add critical chance and severity increases), which I wouldn't realistically recommend, I don't know what more you can do. Though, you might wanna consider swapping Cannon Rapid Fire 3 and Cannon Scatter Volley 1, but YMMV.

    If your looking for Burst Damage (i.e. PvP), then you might benefit from swapping the Torpedo and the Spread 3 for a Chroniton Dual Beam Array (deals AP damage) and Beam Overload 3, simply because Beam Overload 3 is useful every time it hits, while Torpedo Spread has to hit hull to hit hard. But this will not help at all in PvE; for STFs, NWS and Fleet Actions, sustained damage is king, and sustained AoE is God.

    As for your skills. Tactical Systems look good, though obviously if you swap away from the Torpedo, you should probably cut back on your projectile skills (and probably kill the mines, too, they're useful utility items, but they're too unreliable to really help your DPS). Engineering Systems, I might have sunk a couple more points into Subsystem repair and Warp Core Potential, but those are survivability choices, not damage increasing ones.

    That leaves Science and Operations Systems. There are two problems here, one you're running Gravity Well 1 without any points in Starship Graviton Generators or Starship Particle Generators or any Graviton Generator or Particle Generator Consoles. This means you're running that skill unbuffed, and unbuffed Gravity Well 1 is not very impressive or useful. The other problem with your Science and Operations Skills is that you've sunk 7500 points into Starship Sensors, without getting that much of a benefit from it. Starship Sensors boost your resistance to Confuse and Placate abilities, abilities that very few PvE enemies use, the only faction I can think of that uses Placates (e.g. Jam Sensors) is the Voth, and I can't think of the last time I saw an NPC use a Confuse ability (e.g. Scramble Sensors). It might be better for you to shift those points into Graviton Generators (increases AoE of Grav Well).

    With that out of the way, let's address the elephant in the room; the AEGIS set. It has some neat set bonuses, but the bottom line is that it's still, at it's base, a MK X set. Plus, it's not like you're getting that much of a benefit from it, it's only really helping your shields and your Hazard Emitters, which are offset by the AEGIS' innate low shield regeneration and inferior capacity compared to MKII shields. It's just outclassed by modern MK XII Task Force Omega Sets. With your current setup, I'd lean towards the Adapted MACO set. As well as have higher shield capacity and regeneration rate, the Adapted MACO will give you a torpedo damage bonus, higher power settings, a boost to your skills that effect Gravity Well 1 and a placate chance when hit. All this for trading 10% Defense Bonus (which is miniscule when it comes to escorts) and the Reactive Shielding bonus.
    Actual Join Date: Dec 2009 (Yes, that's pre-launch)
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    If leaving the gear alone, I think I'd just tweak it as

    Cmdr Tac
    Spread 1, CSV1, APB2, APO3
    LtCmdr Tac
    TT1, Dispersal Pattern Beta 1
    Ens Tac
    Overload 1
    LtCmdr Sci
    PH1, HE2, GW1
    Lt Eng
    EPTE1, EPTS2

    2 Conn Officer, 2 Damage Control Engineer, Gravimetric Scientist

    With the DPB you get 4 mines instead of 2, and then the Overload you use with your beam array as a 'parting gift' at the end of an attack pass. With EPTE, they wanna hit you first they gotta catch you, and the Damage Control doffs let you keep both skills up constantly.

    If extra gear, maybe just add a Fleet Resilient or MACO shield, and maybe replace the Fleet Monotanium with the Proton Particle Stabilizer for the extra +3% CrtH bonus and extra energy.
  • captainpirkocaptainpirko Member Posts: 270 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Thanks for the suggestions guys, its been helpful so far to know where to go next =D

    okay so it seems alot of people suggest adding a universal console that boosts crit chance. i agree, however i'm not sure which option to go with. i have 3 as has been suggested.

    i can go with the romulan zero point

    +1.8 Power to all subsystems
    +19.7 Starship Power Insulators
    +1.8% Critical Chance

    2 piece protonic arsenal

    +3% Critical Chance

    or Tachyokinetic Converter

    +22.9% Flight Turn Rate
    +17.2 Starship Graviton Generators
    +0.76% Critical Chance
    +7.6% Critical Severity

    So those are my options, but i only have 1 universal i want to get rid of at this moment (multivector console, still useless *sadface*) so that means tachyokinetic converter seems like the best option at this time. being that i could increase both crit chance and hit, while giving my gravity well a buff.

    at the same time, it'd also give me an excuse to try the chroniton beam array. i wanted to get it when it first came out, but its an expensive toy to just "play with." though i'm positive the burst damage from BO3 on my ship would be ridiculous. while under the effects of tykens rift, i dont think my power levels have ever dropped below 100 while firing all weapons.

    i'm also curious about switching up Boff powers. if i switched my commander slot to being:
    tactical team, torpedo spread 2, attack pattern omega 1, cannon rapid fire 3
    would that be better then how it is currently of:
    tactical team, attack pattern beta, torpedo spread 3, cannon rapid fire 3?

    basically i'm asking if moving torpedo spread from level 3 to 2 to allow access to a better attack pattern would add to over all damage, or if the difference between beta and omega is not great enough to worry about this difference? note that i usually sit fairly still in PVE, going only 1/4 impulse towards moving targets like probes/spheres/frigates/etc. that way i still have a defense bonus from moving, but i'm not really going anywhere. therefore its hard for me to side by side compare these two skills for this situation. any thoughts?

    That leaves Science and Operations Systems. There are two problems here, one you're running Gravity Well 1 without any points in Starship Graviton Generators or Starship Particle Generators or any Graviton Generator or Particle Generator Consoles. This means you're running that skill unbuffed, and unbuffed Gravity Well 1 is not very impressive or useful. The other problem with your Science and Operations Skills is that you've sunk 7500 points into Starship Sensors, without getting that much of a benefit from it. Starship Sensors boost your resistance to Confuse and Placate abilities, abilities that very few PvE enemies use, the only faction I can think of that uses Placates (e.g. Jam Sensors) is the Voth, and I can't think of the last time I saw an NPC use a Confuse ability (e.g. Scramble Sensors). It might be better for you to shift those points into Graviton Generators (increases AoE of Grav Well).
    ahh yes, i wish i could change those points without using a whole new respec. i'll be honest, those points are from over a year ago when i did kerrat daily just for fun. there was always someone who would pester me with sensor jam or something. when i switched up my build about that time, i specifically wanted a defense against that. now they dont usually have enough time to be cloaked before the effect wears off. though since i've fallen out of PVP in the last year, i really do want to put those points literally anywhere but there.
    that said, inertial stabilizers are still amazingly useful for when i have tricobalt mines equipped on my other ship. i tend to hit myself alot D:
    [SIGPIC]Timelords Fleet [/SIGPIC]
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