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Is it worth it to get the new Dyson Destroyer 3 Pack?

induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
edited February 2014 in Federation Discussion
The full Dyson Science Destroyers will be released on the 20th of February and will come with enhanced Stats and Ability Consoles that will give us the power of the Dyson Destroyers that we flew in the Mission "A Step Between the Stars" they seem like fairly decent ships and had many new abilities yet I find myself undecided on whether or not to get the new Enhanced 3 Pack

I've seen threads both praising and condemning the Dyson Ships and I've been told that there are better ships to get and it seems to me that the Tactical and Science modes are really just nifty Toys and aren't much of an advantage over normal ships. One of the common worries about the Destroyer is the Solonae Dual Heavy Proton Cannons and how they cannot be effectively buffed like normal energy types meaning the ship looses out on DPS, but can the Destroyer still be effectively used by a Tactical Character?

So before I whip out my Credit Card I want to know, are the Dyson Destroyers worth 5000 Zen? Or are there better ships we can get? and will the console abilities actually be useful in PvE? or are they just useless Vanity Toys to play with like most other ship consoles?
Post edited by induperator on


  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The first thing to keep in mind is that Cryptic doesn't try and make "I Win" ships. Spending 5,000 Zen on something does not guarantee that you will win faster or be appreciably better. I have seen too many posts from people who bought the Odyssey, Kumari, and Vesta Packs and then wonder why things do not vaporize the moment you shoot them.

    If you like the Science Destroyer, and the play-style it represents, then getting a C-Store version with 10 Console Slots and slightly better stats will certainly be better then the free RA-Level version you got from the Event. But it is still not an "I Win" ship.

    It is also important to keep in mind that the C-Store Pack will end up having a total of 8 Consoles/Abilities to get all the bells and whistles: The Secondary Deflector and 3 Universal Consoles from the C-Store Pack and the 4 Equipment abilities from the Event and FE. Using all 8 of those Consoles/Abilities at once might actually decrease your ship's potential performance compared to other builds you might make from other Equipment.

    You are not going to get a perfect ship simply by buying the 3-Pack.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    The first thing to keep in mind is that Cryptic doesn't try and make "I Win" ships. Spending 5,000 Zen on something does not guarantee that you will win faster or be appreciably better. I have seen too many posts from people who bought the Odyssey, Kumari, and Vesta Packs and then wonder why things do not vaporize the moment you shoot them.

    If you like the Science Destroyer, and the play-style it represents, then getting a C-Store version with 10 Console Slots and slightly better stats will certainly be better then the free RA-Level version you got from the Event. But it is still not an "I Win" ship.

    It is also important to keep in mind that the C-Store Pack will end up having a total of 8 Consoles/Abilities to get all the bells and whistles: The Secondary Deflector and 3 Universal Consoles from the C-Store Pack and the 4 Equipment abilities from the Event and FE. Using all 8 of those Consoles/Abilities at once might actually decrease your ship's potential performance compared to other builds you might make from other Equipment.

    You are not going to get a perfect ship simply by buying the 3-Pack.
    You Misunderstood I never said the Dyson Destroyer was going to be an "I Win" Ship nor do I want an "I Win" ship I am concerned about it's effectiveness as a Ship and it's abilities, I want to know if they will be "Useful" not "I Win" buttons. In the past most of the Ship Consoles that came in Three Packs were inferior when compared to the Benefits of Fleet and Reputation equipment and I want to now if this will be the case with the new Dyson Consoles.
  • blitzy4blitzy4 Member Posts: 839 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    It depends on what you like, just as thecosmic1 said. I've been using the Dyson for awhile now, and like it's looks and the setup it offers. I may or may not use the consoles that come with it, but still would like the extra console. I'm curious about what the 'fleet' upgrades will be to the Z-store model, but figure it'll be a little hull and a little shield modifier like always.
    "..and like children playing after sunset, we were surrounded by darkness." -Ruri Hoshino

  • induperatorinduperator Member Posts: 806 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Well, what are your parameters for the word "Useful"? The way I see it, all ships are useful to some degree. Even the T1 light cruiser. You can't leave ESD without a ship. Apparently, I misinterpreted you also. It sounds like the real question you're asking is "Are these ships more powerful than anything in the game so far?".
    I mean "Useful" as in will they be worth equipping? many other console sets such as the Kumari Console Set were inferior when compared to Fleet and Reputation Equipment so will they provide enough of an advantage to equip them or are they once again just inferior Vanity toys?
  • temporalhavoctemporalhavoc Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    ... Apparently, I misinterpreted you also. It sounds like the real question you're asking is "Are these ships more powerful than anything in the game so far?".

    I think the term the OP was really looking for is 'viable'. His question, as I read it, could be more correctly stated as; "Are these ships viable compared to other end-game vessels?"
    Nick - Human Tactical Officer - FED [INACTIVE]
    Tenix - Romulan Science Officer - KDF Ally [INACTIVE]
    M'ossa - Ferasan Science Officer - KDF [MAIN]

    Formerly known on the forums as Remissus
  • malkarrismalkarris Member Posts: 797 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Well, if you really want to figure it out, go re-run A Step Between Stars. That ship has the full console set with all of the powers, so you should be able to get some idea of it.

    Personally, I'm not going to be going for it, at least not right now. I have other goals I'm saving up dilithium for, and nothing about the ship is screaming at me to get it that I can't get from the free ship. My personal list of things to look for is, does it look cool, does it kick some tail, and do I have fun with it.

    Does it look cool? Personally I think the Romulan one does, but the looks are pretty much the same on both the free one and the C-store, so no real decider there. Though if I ever have the free money and nothing better to spend it on, I'll probably get the Rom three pack because of the looks. I have zero interest in getting three almost identical ships with different styling.

    Does it kick tail? Again, for me, this boils down to can it run ISE without blowing up that much, and I can get a 9 console ship to do that most times, so I don't need the extra console slot.

    Do I have fun with it? Again, the most I ever do these days is run ISE and whatever the latest hoop Cryptic holds up, so yeah, free or c-store, its going to work for me.

    Again, this is what I personally will go for, your warp drive may very.
    Joined September 2011
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  • ursusmorologusursusmorologus Member Posts: 5,328 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    The c-store ship(s) without the console(s) are useful for what they offer. The consoles arent available for public testing yet (only in a fixed loadout against a fixed enemy), so nobody can say how well they will work for anything, but they appear to be useful. Nobody knows any more than that yet.
  • thecosmic1thecosmic1 Member Posts: 9,365 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    You Misunderstood I never said the Dyson Destroyer was going to be an "I Win" Ship nor do I want an "I Win" ship I am concerned about it's effectiveness as a Ship and it's abilities, I want to know if they will be "Useful" not "I Win" buttons. In the past most of the Ship Consoles that came in Three Packs were inferior when compared to the Benefits of Fleet and Reputation equipment and I want to now if this will be the case with the new Dyson Consoles.
    The point I was attempting to get across is that if you enjoy using the current Science Destroyer then you will enjoy using the C-Store version, as it will be more powerful in every way over the free version: better stats, more Consoles, etc. But if you are simply wanting to buy the 3-Pack because you think it will be an immensely superior ship to others in the game due to gear then you are only fooling yourself.

    How useful the Consoles and additional Set Bonus are will entirely depend on your play-style, but you should not expect them to be superior to what is already available. As I said above, it will not be an "I Win" ship. It is simply another ship with its own unique abilities. You might love using the Science Destroyer but have no use for the existing Set Pieces: free or C-Store, and decide to outfit the ship with Reputation gear instead.

    You should be buying ships because you like using the ship. Not because you think you will be getting something extraordinary, IMO.
    STO is about my Liberated Borg Federation Captain with his Breen 1st Officer, Jem'Hadar Tactical Officer, Liberated Borg Engineering Officer, Android Ops Officer, Photonic Science Officer, Gorn Science Officer, and Reman Medical Officer jumping into their Jem'Hadar Carrier and flying off to do missions for the new Romulan Empire. But for some players allowing a T5 Connie to be used breaks the canon in the game.
  • varthelmvarthelm Member Posts: 265 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    My two cents would be to run the aniversary ship and if you come up with a build that is working for you...make the investment. Will need the aniversary ship even if you buy only one rather than the three pack. Two set bonus gives more proton damage....a key on this ship.

    I have been using the ship with protonic arsenal and found it very potent for my playstyle.
  • wr3knar21wr3knar21 Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    varthelm wrote: »
    My two cents would be to run the aniversary ship and if you come up with a build that is working for you...make the investment. Will need the aniversary ship even if you buy only one rather than the three pack. Two set bonus gives more proton damage....a key on this ship.

    I have been using the ship with protonic arsenal and found it very potent for my playstyle.

    I would agree with this keeping in mind that the CStore version gives you a Uni LT in place of the Sci LT. Normally a subtle difference like this really can make ships that were seemingly hard to setup, easy again.
  • reginamala78reginamala78 Member Posts: 4,593 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Did you find the consoles and corresponding set bonus useful during the FE? If yes, 3-pack, if no, single ship. Personally, I figure just get the tac one and call it good.
  • simeion1simeion1 Member Posts: 898 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    Did you find the consoles and corresponding set bonus useful during the FE? If yes, 3-pack, if no, single ship. Personally, I figure just get the tac one and call it good.

    I would have to agree with this idea. High DPS players are going to remove the consoles sets. Look ate the scimitar and other ships. But I still enjoy playing with the set at times, I love the gimmick play. But if I was trying to accomplish something like a NWS win, the gimmick consoles come off and I build a ship for the win.
  • k9younitk9younit Member Posts: 0 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    simeion1 wrote: »
    I would have to agree with this idea. High DPS players are going to remove the consoles sets. Look ate the scimitar and other ships. But I still enjoy playing with the set at times, I love the gimmick play. But if I was trying to accomplish something like a NWS win, the gimmick consoles come off and I build a ship for the win.

    The way I see it is if you aren't having fun do things differently. If you want to heal then heal as most likely you will have some one to carry the team any way and if they say you are useless well they are lying and ignore them as you are having fun. People will always want faster loot. It is in human nature. If you want to tank cryptic made it easier with the delta doff, or if you want to troll somebody. At the very least you are making the run easier to do even if it is slightly longer. Notice the word slightly.
  • thegalaxy31thegalaxy31 Member Posts: 1,211 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    capnkirk4 wrote: »
    Well, what are your parameters for the word "Useful"? The way I see it, all ships are useful to some degree. Even the T1 light cruiser. You can't leave ESD without a ship. Apparently, I misinterpreted you also. It sounds like the real question you're asking is "Are these ships more powerful than anything in the game so far?".

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  • aeonthehermitaeonthehermit Member Posts: 218 Arc User
    edited February 2014
    thecosmic1 wrote: »
    You should be buying ships because you like using the ship. Not because you think you will be getting something extraordinary, IMO.

    This is a damn good philosophy behind ship buying, that I agree with.

    My current ship of choice at the moment is a Fleet Defiant. I am a huge fan of DS9, I love that little ship, and so I bought the admiral-level one with the cloak instead of switching over to a different escort. I have not regretted it once.

    Now, take someone who has no connection to a ship and just sees a c-store ship an an "I Win" Button and buys it for that, then gets steamrollered by someone with a boatload of Fleet Equipment, or gets wrecked thinking they can carry an elite PvE mission with the special gimmicks and normal gear.....

    Betcha they're gonna ***** about how their shiny new toy got its TRIBBLE handed to it. ;)

    You should buy shinies because you like them in some way more concrete than "it'll give me a bigger stick".
    STO in a shellnut.
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