DISCLAIMER: This comment will be redacted only upon enough involvement by foundry authors. I am asking Priority 1, Foundry Talk, Stoked Radio and Bazag Stabs and any other podcasts I may not be able to remember(forgive me) right now to consider interest in this duel to help foster the challenge)
Hello everyone and welcome to the Foundry's first ever..
This challenge is
friendly. It is designed to
challenge you and as we all know we are left to our own devices after finding out that the foundry will not be receiving any priority attention to greater servicing for the year of 2014. In the wake of what some may perceive as daunting info, it's time for us to ratchet our belts and to put on our thinking caps! This will be a competition between two opponents to prove that the creativity we bestow ourselves is not limited to the machinations of assets or technology but rather the intuitive drive which stems far beyond the ink and quills of times forgotten.
How it works:
Ever play the telephone game when you were younger? Starts off by one person writing down a sentence and then whispering into another's ear. That person whispers to the next and so on until the message is relayed back to the initiating party. Well there is no loss in translation here but 1 story is written by two authors who will form a "pod." In the preliminary stage, these authors will decide on 4 crucial elements that cannot waiver upon production. They are as follows:
1. A beginning
2. A handoff/pickup
3. An ending
4. An agreement of main characters that must remain throughout each half
When a pod is formed, the authors will choose a story/idea on how it begins and how it ends and must meet a mutual agreement on a handoff. At this stage the authors are free to pitch ideas and agree upon the flow of the story. From there each author will go seperate ways to enter production.
Oh.. but there's a catch.. To avoid the collusion of authors who wish to subvert the challenge entirely by going with trusted parties, this thread is designed for full disclosures.
Step one:
Announce the inent for a challenge
Step two:
Your challenge is met by an author
Step three:
You will discuss your story beginning/handoff-pickup/ending *in limited detail* within this channel so that all eyes that befall this thread will have a firm understanding of who is who and why is why before the pod is formed.
To allow the daily lives of others to continue without stressing too much over the challenge it will end on
May 1. The Foundry Duel's mayday! The only winners of this challenge will bubble to the top of the top 50 listing and should it glimmer enough, perhaps the spotlight itself.
May your authoring sear in creative magnitude and may the best story win $20 worth of zen from yours truly! Who decides who wins? YOU DO! The winner will be voted upon by consensus (hopefully with the help of an enabled voting widget on this thread on May the 1)
To start things off.. I will challenge any of you to be within the first pod. So step right up and show me what ya got.