The shuttle mission attmosphere assault is very unbalanced and unfair.
With the very limited armament a shuttle has,it is seriously under-powered.
Those walkers are virtually impossible to destroy for a long time,and in the end i got fed up with it.
Cryptic,how about making some missions alot easier to do.
The shuttle mission attmosphere assault is very unbalanced and unfair.
With the very limited armament a shuttle has,it is seriously under-powered.
Those walkers are virtually impossible to destroy for a long time,and in the end i got fed up with it.
Cryptic,how about making some missions alot easier to do.
There are plenty of really easy missions, there is no shortage of them.
The mission itself is not hard to do, but getting the bonus optionals is; unless you got a really strong team, which happens very rarely. I only once played with a team that managed to get 4 of them. They should make those timers a bit more lenient. The same could be said of The Vault shuttle mission.
The payout for this mission is a joke too. Don't go there if you need to grind. lol
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
Tyr shall give me strength! For the glory of Tempus! I am the hands of Shar! Flames of Kossuth, protect me! Oghma, grant me knowledge! Lolth commands, and I obey!
The shuttle mission attmosphere assault is very unbalanced and unfair.
With the very limited armament a shuttle has,it is seriously under-powered.
Those walkers are virtually impossible to destroy for a long time,and in the end i got fed up with it.
Cryptic,how about making some missions alot easier to do.
It's not too hard with the right team and set up. I'm able to tank a walker and destroy it by myself in a delta flyer while the rest of the team works on fighters and other walkers. I don't have the ability to look up the full setup right now, but I believe I was using an antiproton beam-s and a photon torpedo with a reman prototype shield. I don't recall the rest, sorry. For BOffs, I had EPTS and HE.
I do remember being frustrated until I figured out a good build, so I know where you're coming from.
This mission made me tear my hair out the first time I did it during the regular chain of Romulan missions.
Turns out my mistake was not giving any thought to my shuttle. I dropped it and went with my runabout, gave it a full set of gear, came back and curbstomped the mission. Running it with the stock shuttle and its stock gear is asking to fail.
I'm pretty sure I ended up carrying FAW and a couple of beam arrays and just going death blossom on the waves of fighters, which troubled me much more than the walkers.
The artist formerly known as PlanetofHats.
Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
You are probably using a default shuttle, with the default loadout. Try a har'peng torpedo, turret devices, a point defense system maybe. If you are KDF, I highly recommend using the aceton assimilator console. If you have them, you could always try the temporal weapons from the lobi store.
Try using a craft other than the default shuttle, since the basic shuttles are not terribly fantastic. If you are fed, you could always use the Yellowstone runabout, which is a real good craft.
I keep hoping they'll make a shuttle event that's fun. I love flying my Galileo.
For once we agree.
More shuttle stuff would be most welcome.
I understand we have a shuttle weekend coming up, with small craft versions of NWS and fleet alerts.
i sincerely hope this is the first move in a bit of a revamp in this regard.
Hey hey now!
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one!
There are plenty of really easy missions, there is no shortage of them.
Indeed. To the OP:
Try this build. Or if you're a Fed, the Peregrine with phasers instead. The cannon rapid fire and point defense console combined obliterates everything.
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
The payout for this mission is a joke too. Don't go there if you need to grind. lol
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Copy that, Red Leader!
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
It's not too hard with the right team and set up. I'm able to tank a walker and destroy it by myself in a delta flyer while the rest of the team works on fighters and other walkers. I don't have the ability to look up the full setup right now, but I believe I was using an antiproton beam-s and a photon torpedo with a reman prototype shield. I don't recall the rest, sorry. For BOffs, I had EPTS and HE.
I do remember being frustrated until I figured out a good build, so I know where you're coming from.
Turns out my mistake was not giving any thought to my shuttle. I dropped it and went with my runabout, gave it a full set of gear, came back and curbstomped the mission. Running it with the stock shuttle and its stock gear is asking to fail.
I'm pretty sure I ended up carrying FAW and a couple of beam arrays and just going death blossom on the waves of fighters, which troubled me much more than the walkers.
Actual join date: Open beta, 2009ish.
As it is, it's long. Stressful instead of fun. And not a lot of reward for the time investment.
I keep hoping they'll make a shuttle event that's fun. I love flying my Galileo.
Try using a craft other than the default shuttle, since the basic shuttles are not terribly fantastic. If you are fed, you could always use the Yellowstone runabout, which is a real good craft.
For once we agree.
More shuttle stuff would be most welcome.
I understand we have a shuttle weekend coming up, with small craft versions of NWS and fleet alerts.
i sincerely hope this is the first move in a bit of a revamp in this regard.
Hey hey now!
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up
/Closed ~Askray