So I hope this doesn't count as naming and shaming , because while I am naming this is far from shaming.
user Eradicator84 has made a new theme for firefox and chrome , the original info is in a post of theirs now buried and hidden by a thread merge.
It can be found here
This new theme essentially fixes many of the issues raised for a lot of users with this "new" supposedly improved forum look.
I have just installed the Chrome version and it improves the experience here in the forums more than you can imagine.
So this thread is to say THANK YOU to Eradicator84 for giving us a fix to the headache, and eye strain inducing new look of the forums.
You're an Empire Veteran, so I say to you "Qapla'"
You rock, Dude.
So a really big thank you. I encourage everyone who has trouble with the new fonts and color schemes to use this plugin. Just be careful not to be fooled by the ad at the bottom that says "download." Click the link on the right.
You have done a great service to the community and rest assured it's apreciated!
A sincere thank you from me, I can hang around the forums without going blind again.
Anyone know if eradicator has any foundry missions posted?
I mean, we just had a dilithium weekend and all.......
I can read your quote very easily. That's awesome.
Will this work for all the PWE forums?
If someone makes a style for them, it should, I'd imagine.
I've been trying out Chrome for the last 8 months, I haven't noticed any errors with this website, it looked identical on chrome and IE, so much so that IE is now gone.
glad to see something is fixed though, thats always good
... I CAN FIGHT!!!!
Support 90 degree arc limitation on BFaW! Save our ships from looking like flying disco balls of dumb!
Basically, if you have trouble with the fonts and style of the official forums, this plug in sort of changes it back to a style similar to 2013. It makes fonts a bit larger or at least shows more of a contrast between letters and backgrounds.
Looks like the Chrome version of this isn't changing the background for anything but the main index.
Ahh ok. Cool ty
Commanding Officer, Strategic Starfleet Operations
Well...the savior of we, the more bleary-eyed among the forumites anyway.
Thank you, Eradicator84.
My Foundry missions | My STO Wiki page | My Twitter home page
Been around since Dec 2010 on STO and bought LTS in Apr 2013 for STO.
This character is why I don't play my Romulan any more. Tovan Khev is NOT my BFF! Get him off my bridge!
PWE/Cryptic ... 0
Great job Eradicator When will PWE/Cryptic ever learn the meaning of "if it aint broke...don't fix it" ?
Translation in PWE speech: $$$$$"$$$$$$$$$$$$$$??????????????
Kids in the Hall