Here's the thing - the one and only feature of the whole Loadout system I was looking for was the Tray Configuration save, as it's the only thing that was almost always a mess after switching a ship.
And guess what - it's still a mess...
So here's what I did:
- I went to system space and saved my loadout, pretty much like here -
- I went to the shipyard, discarded one of my ships I didn't care for
- I opened up the Dyson Science Destroyer box to take out the items it came with (i.e. I've got a new ship)
- I changed the name of the Science Destroyer, so it has changed its position on my shipyard ship list
- I went back to system space with my old ship to see this -
I've tried loading the loadout I've saved earlier, but it did nothing to the Tray whatsoever. I've even tried removing everything from the tray and loading the loadout again, but it only loaded the equipment, boffs and doffs, while the tray remained empty.
My shuttle's tray configuration was all messed up after this as well (been doing shuttle pvp), even though I've tried loading what I've saved earlier - this time it just placed some of my abilities to random positions, but not to where I've kept them originally.
My guess is the Tray Configuration saving feature works well as long as you don't interfere with your ship list (add, discard or rename ships). Once you change something, it's back to the messed up tray and spending 5 minutes sorting everything out...
Honestly, it's way easier to re-equip all the items and boffs than to re-organize the whole tray. As such, the whole feature is useless to me in its current state.
Yeah I have come to learn that any ship swapping, ship replacement/reassigning, change of boff's/doff's, and even gear sometimes will get you those results.
Praetor of the -RTS- Romulan Tal Shiar fleet!
The problem is, for some people, there is no "sometimes" . It is "always", unfortunately.
I have the same problem the load out system is pointless the presets don't load properly.
I personally just set up my ship and manually change what is needed such as my BOFFs and minor changes to the task bar when swapping ships. THIS works way better than the loadout system. IN MY OPINION it should be removed and sent back to the redshirt server for more testing if not removed completely from game
Yet again cryptic have released something that does not fully work and probably never will.
going by their past record of saying things are fixed.
It works fine as long as you stick to that ship, get another one involved and boom...
I you share items in loadouts on several ships or move an item manually you are screwed bigtime.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
If I stick to one shuttle, it holds together mostly.
For the glory of Tempus!
I am the hands of Shar!
Flames of Kossuth, protect me!
Oghma, grant me knowledge!
Lolth commands, and I obey!
Oh well, at least I won't bother with purchasing more loadout slots.
I had been naming my Loadouts PvE and PvP on all my ships, so I wondered if it was getting confused between them, kinda like it did if you had BOFF costume names the same for the load screen.
So I renamed the loadouts PVE-<ShipName>, PvP-<ShipName> and it seems to work OK anyone else want to try and when I swap ships it works, would someone else like to try and verify ?
It seems that for loadouts it is the same bug as before: If you change something that affects the order of ships in the list (add, rename or remove a ship) the tray configuration is no longer correct.
IMO the tray is not saved for the ships ID. It is saved for a ships position in the list and so it can't be reloaded when the position has changed.
This bug should be easy to fix. I do not understand why this is now a bug for years and why it's allready not fixed for the new loadout feature.
This bug should be easy to fix. I do not understand why this is now a bug for years and why it's allready not fixed for the new loadout feature.[/QUOTE]
U kidding right? i could tell you about 200 bugs that are "easy" to fix. But i dont understand y u guys complain about the same again and again. The "why" is , like always, cryptic does not have time to invest on fixing bugs, since they need all their resources to keep inventing new content and new ways to zenomize the customers. If you tell me, they dont fix bugs because they dont know how, then i tell you, where is all the money cryptic is "renting" from all their customers invested?? i dont get it, seriously. Even a monkey could be able to fix some bugs of the game that are broken since eons ago. But well, this is never going to change until the lifetime subscribers and the monthly ones wake up and stop giving cryptic reasons to keep doing nothing for the next 3 years, as well as the people who spent incredible high ammounts of zen every month (but i dont think the game will last more than 1 year if this keeps going this way).
This post is unnecessary and unhelpful.
I am a lifer that commonly purchases Zen, or did until I ran into THIS debacle. Every time I do any ground activity my tray scrambles like an angry egg now, and nothing I have tried has been able to allow the changes to my tray to stick. I've submitted several bugs and am submitting yet another bug with absolutely no response. I'm tired of being ignored. My only remaining option is to stop playing and stop paying them.
I like this game. I have friends here. Don't make giving it up my only option, Cryptic...
I need 4 devices and they keep and dropping off on my primary ships. I could work around them but they're used in case of emergency. Like break the glass type.
Hey hey now!
Seriously folks, if a thread hasn't been responded to in 30 days please don't bring it back up If you feel you need to continue the thread by all means make a new one! And not to mention this thread has a bug report already in the gameplay bugs report area.
/Closed ~Askray
Time will only tell!