Two little questions dor you folks out there...
If i buy the Fleet Avenger, do I get access to the raised nacelle variant or only the flat ones?
And, is it possible to have a good PvP damage dealer on the Fleet Avenger using DHC? Has anyone tried? it looks like a great ship, but the turn rate bugs me...
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
This is a pretty decent DHC avenger build, i used it with great success.
Edit: if you have the C store version you get both nacelles, fleet only the flat ones. It's a beast of a ship, I wouldn't let cosmetics deter me from buying it.
That aside, the current [fail] state of pvp is all about how much stuff you can spam onto the field, and wait for ppl to run into them, while being not worth killing. Spike escorts went out of style 2 years ago. You're better off with a beam boat. Shame, pvp was never balanced, but at least it used to be fun in the olden days...;)
That aside, the current [fail] state of pvp is all about how much stuff you can spam onto the field, and wait for ppl to run into them, while being not worth killing. Spike escorts went out of style 2 years ago. You're better off with a beam boat. Shame, pvp was never balanced, but at least it used to be fun in the olden days...;)
I have a PVP Spiker Andorian escort and... I love it. It's just pure pewpewpew. Will be hard to switch from 16 to 9 turn, but it's worth it I hope.
Sad Pandas PvP - Starfleet Dental Member - Lag Industries Leader
"What a time it was, with all the world against us, what a time it was... When all we did seemed wrong,
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
Two little questions dor you folks out there...
If i buy the Fleet Avenger, do I get access to the raised nacelle variant or only the flat ones?
And, is it possible to have a good PvP damage dealer on the Fleet Avenger using DHC? Has anyone tried? it looks like a great ship, but the turn rate bugs me...
I used to fly an Advanced Escort before I bought the the Fleet Avenger and I was getting very tired of being so squishy, especially in PvP. I wanted a ship that had better survivability, and still dealt decent damage. I too was concerned about the turning rate of the Avenger, but, after I geared out, and slotted in RCS consoes and Resist All +Turn, the turn rate was quite respectable.
The Fleet Avenger is a great DPS ship. However, for me, I found that even with RCS and Resist All +Turn Consoles, using DHC was still a little difficult to keep my weapons on my targets in PvP. In PvE, this was not a problem and the DHCs did great in ESTFs.
I switched to Beam Arrays, and did much better in PvP as I didn't have to work so hard to keep my weapons on my target. I keep my PvP build even in PvE and I do very well in ESTFs. I solo Borg Cubes in Conduit and Khitomer on Elite.
In my opinion, the Fleet Avenger is a great ship, having truly decent survivability and respectable DPS. It performs well in PvP and PvE. In my Fleet, when we do in fleet PvP, I went from being the lowest damage dealer because I couldn't last long enough to do any significant damage, to being one of the top damage dealers.
Its plenty easy to get damage with the avenger, and LOTS of it. Ditch the DHC's and put all beams on and spam FAW III. Best way to rack up damage points. DHC's on the avenger aren't bad, but they're not the best given the limited turning radius leaves some to be desired.
TheGrateLordeCheesus Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM Doesn't Owe AnyoneEC Kirks Prot
if i run dhc's on mine, i slot a fleet rcs allres and a copy of aux2dampers1 with doff. that combo pops your turn rate around 40 degrees/sec, and gives you excellent resists. with the helmsman trait and the maneuverability cruiser command, your turn rate pegs over 40...around 43-45. Which is quite useable with DHC's.
I tend to prefer my Tactical Odyssey, but I flew a Fleet Avenger for a while. A real beast.
It can be a cannon boat with enough RCS consoles and Hull Plating with +Turn, but I made a Beam boat with Beam Banks and Arrays. With the Cloak Console you can do a nasty Alpha Strike.
I have opted to take the long route and equip my Avenger with as much good gear as I can. I just started on this quest, but this is what I am trying for.
The cloak from the tactical retrofit. (Yes it is handy in missions),
A set of quad cannons,
An equipment set that will compliment those cannons
4 Dual Heavy cannons in the fore
1 Torpedo in the fore (Hargh'Peng, or Hyper Plasma?)
2 turrets in the rear
1 mine in the rear
- I happen to like to DOT from the Hargh'Peng, yes i have heard that the quantum torpedo is better but I disagree.
- It seems like there is no set for phasers yet; so I am trying to figure out if it is possible to equip the Romulan Quad Plasma Cannons, on the Federation Fleet Battle Cruiser.
- If the "Plasma Quad Cannons" work on the Fleet Avenger then the "Romulan Singularity Harness" would also be nice
- if I can do this I will switch all of my weapons to Plasma.
- I have used the cloak to circumnavigate enemy forces in missions and to gain a tactical advantage.
I like to use Mines as part of my strafing run on an enemy;
1 all guns on auto fire,
2 acquire target,
3 start off primary run from far away at high speed,
4 at 10.5 km engage cannon rapid fire and emergency power to weapons and 5 any other buffs,
6 at 10 km open fire with all cannons,
7 just as you overshoot the enemy, drop your mines and keep going
8 rear turrets keep up the damage as you fly away and so do the mines,
9 at 9km reduce speed to 1/4 impulse and or use evasive maneuvers
10 reverse course
11 increase speed and start second run
12 repeat from 4 until target ceases
You might need to use a few RCS consoles to really make this work for you. I use 2 of them, and 2 boosts to my weapons power although I hope to get rid of 1 of them once I get the Quad cannons since they drain from the engines.
Another winning strategy in PVP is to use the cloak for a devastating first strike.
1 Engage cloak
2 Fly to within 4.5 km of the enemy from behind
3 Buff with Cannon rapid fire and emergency power to weapons and any other tactical buff you want to use
4 Very quickly uncloak, jam sensors, and tractor beam the enemy
5 Open fire with all weapons
6 accelerate as soon as fire is consistently returned by the enemy or if your tractor beam wears off
7 begin strafing run at step 7
I cant help but wonder if i could squeeze a Tachyon Beam attack into step 4
but ya; I am trying to figure out if it is possible to equip the Romulan Quad Plasma Cannons, on the Federation Fleet Battle Cruiser. Since I am poor and need to be frugal, i was wondering if anyone else had done this.
I have opted to take the long route and equip my Avenger with as much good gear as I can. I just started on this quest, but this is what I am trying for. *snip*
No offense, but this sounds more like a roleplaying build than an optimal one. Here's eight tips:
1. Quad Cannons are widely regarded as suboptimal. They're more than adequate for most content, but if you are building your build around them then you should know that your build will not be the best it can be. Choose Mk XII Dual Heavy Cannons instead.
2. You cannot use the Quad Plasma Cannons on an Avenger because Romulan characters cannot fly an Avenger, and Quad Plasmas are bind-on-pickup, so you can't mail them to a Fed Alt.
3. Forget normal mines. The only mines you should bother with are either tractor mines, the Nukara Mines (for the set bonuses) or the ones that come out of the transphasic cluster torpedo. A mine on your butt is just a loss of DPS that you could've gained from a turret, and lost Tactical abilities that you could've used to keep your cannons as buffed as possible.
4. You shouldn't even be doing "strafing runs" in the first place because the vast majority of targets in the game outside of PVP rarely maneuver at all. Instead you should manage your speed to keep your cannons in-arc and on-target as much as possible, using evasive maneuvers or other movement-enhancing abilities to make it easier for you to stop, reverse and turn, rather than blow past a target just to drop some mines. In a less-maneuverable ship like a Cruiser (even one with many turn-enhancing items), you will have a harder time keeping track of a fast target. Don't make it harder for yourself with maneuvering behavior that's better suited to quick escorts or raiders.
5. The Har'Peng Torpedo is nice if you are having problems keeping up your weapon power, either because you're a tactical or don't have as much access to better gear. Once you start digging into the Reputation system you should replace it with something like the Dyson Torpedo or Romulan Hyper-plasma. Those torpedoes do vastly more overall damage than you'll ever get from the Harpeng's special effect and have set synergy with other pieces.
6. If you're willing to abandon the quad cannons and put some resources into the reputation systems, you can't go wrong with Romulan Plasma. They're probably the most useful non-fleet weapons in the game at the moment. If you can't afford those, the Plasma-Disruptor hybrid weapons are good overall disruptor-type. And if you're willing to abandon cannons entirely, the feature episodes are a great place to farm decent Antiproton Beam gear, as well as good Mk XII mission gear that you can use on any ship.
7. Consider putting a dual beam bank in the front (or use the Experimental Plasma Array from the Romulan Rep, or the Proton Weapon from the Dyson Rep), and using up a tactical slot for Beam Overload 1. That should do more to take down shield facings than any tachyon beam attack you can muster (since you are likely not specced for science powers), and it's more useful generally to do real damage once the shields are down.
8. Speccing for Decloaking Alpha strikes is fine, but once you start digging into the reputation and fleet systems you may end up better off replacing the cloak with something more generally useful. Cloaks are nice for completing missions without a hassle but you con't be doing much with it once the shooting actually starts. Your Avenger isn't fast enough to do Hit-and-run like a defiant, and why would you want to since you're in a beefy cruiser. The Avenger is great for hardcore slugging matches with an emphasis on high output.
I fly my Avenger differently than most, I think, in PvP.
I saw her potential as a PvP healboat right off the bat. Commander eng, and 2 lt sci is a healing dream. 5 front weapons, DHC, and ltcom+eng tac gives me plenty of burst damage. Being a sci, I already bring important debuffs to help spike for kills, and some survivability buffs so I can use my heals on others and still have some to fall back on (And they even help the team, to boot)
I run 1 DBB+4DHC, KCB and turrets in the rear, 2x tac team, CRF1, and BO3 doffed for shield penetration. When it's time for a target to die and the call goes out to burst them down, sub nuke+bo+crf+sensor scan on a 4 tac console beast is a crazy amount of destruction for a dedicated healer to be able to spit. I have extend3, a2sif2, 2xHE1 and TSS2. Can't ask for much more healing.
Oh, yeah... DHC's in PvP? Depends... I wouldn't use the Avenger as a damage dealer in PvP... I'd go for an escort. If I was going to try and dogfight in one, I would mix single cannons and DHC, so that I would at least have a cannon or 2 on you at all times, for when I couldn't get into front 45... Or maybe you run DHC better then me and don't need the crutch... Hard to say. I took the singles off my healboat, I have plenty enough turn to spike... I don't feel as tho I could dogfight... but I'm not built for it either...
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
I fly my Avenger differently than most, I think, in PvP.
I saw her potential as a PvP healboat right off the bat. Commander eng, and 2 lt sci is a healing dream. 5 front weapons, DHC, and ltcom+eng tac gives me plenty of burst damage. Being a sci, I already bring important debuffs to help spike for kills, and some survivability buffs so I can use my heals on others and still have some to fall back on (And they even help the team, to boot)
I run 1 DBB+4DHC, KCB and turrets in the rear, 2x tac team, CRF1, and BO3 doffed for shield penetration. When it's time for a target to die and the call goes out to burst them down, sub nuke+bo+crf+sensor scan on a 4 tac console beast is a crazy amount of destruction for a dedicated healer to be able to spit. I have extend3, a2sif2, 2xHE1 and TSS2. Can't ask for much more healing.
Oh, yeah... DHC's in PvP? Depends... I wouldn't use the Avenger as a damage dealer in PvP... I'd go for an escort. If I was going to try and dogfight in one, I would mix single cannons and DHC, so that I would at least have a cannon or 2 on you at all times, for when I couldn't get into front 45... Or maybe you run DHC better then me and don't need the crutch... Hard to say. I took the singles off my healboat, I have plenty enough turn to spike... I don't feel as tho I could dogfight... but I'm not built for it either...
Ya know, im pretty well known in my circle of friends as the guy that can take anything and make it work... but... an avenger healboat?
I think imma pass that torch now, thats... pretty out there. Not to say I dont like the concept, but... *stares blankly*
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
Ya know, im pretty well known in my circle of friends as the guy that can take anything and make it work... but... an avenger healboat?
I think imma pass that torch now, thats... pretty out there. Not to say I dont like the concept, but... *stares blankly*
It is like healing in an Ody that doesn't have to choose between using the ltcom as a tac or a sci... And can actually catch your fool team mates when they get out of range.
It's not crazy, its genius. Or maybe its so crazy its genius. Or so genius its crazy.
Edit: Or like healing in a high damage Ambassador.
I once again match my character. Behold the power of PINK!
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Two little questions dor you folks out there...
If i buy the Fleet Avenger, do I get access to the raised nacelle variant or only the flat ones?
And, is it possible to have a good PvP damage dealer on the Fleet Avenger using DHC? Has anyone tried? it looks like a great ship, but the turn rate bugs me...
yes you get avenger nacelle. and even avenger skin.
its a great ship
I use 3x damage control engineers for EptX cooldowns, 2x zemok jenro to reduce APB CD, and a matter antimatter specialist that boosts A2D's duration to 23 secs
Between EptE and A2D, with the maneuvering cruiser command, the thing moves very fast. Omega shields and Solanae engine both have turn rate boosting proc on getting hit, so they seemed like a fun combination for this build. You could also squeeze a lot more turning out of it with different consoles.
This is a pretty decent DHC avenger build, i used it with great success.
Edit: if you have the C store version you get both nacelles, fleet only the flat ones. It's a beast of a ship, I wouldn't let cosmetics deter me from buying it.
That aside, the current [fail] state of pvp is all about how much stuff you can spam onto the field, and wait for ppl to run into them, while being not worth killing. Spike escorts went out of style 2 years ago. You're better off with a beam boat. Shame, pvp was never balanced, but at least it used to be fun in the olden days...;)
we've broken all our bonds, but life kept going on, what a time, what a time it was..." - Clem Tholet
I used to fly an Advanced Escort before I bought the the Fleet Avenger and I was getting very tired of being so squishy, especially in PvP. I wanted a ship that had better survivability, and still dealt decent damage. I too was concerned about the turning rate of the Avenger, but, after I geared out, and slotted in RCS consoes and Resist All +Turn, the turn rate was quite respectable.
The Fleet Avenger is a great DPS ship. However, for me, I found that even with RCS and Resist All +Turn Consoles, using DHC was still a little difficult to keep my weapons on my targets in PvP. In PvE, this was not a problem and the DHCs did great in ESTFs.
I switched to Beam Arrays, and did much better in PvP as I didn't have to work so hard to keep my weapons on my target. I keep my PvP build even in PvE and I do very well in ESTFs. I solo Borg Cubes in Conduit and Khitomer on Elite.
In my opinion, the Fleet Avenger is a great ship, having truly decent survivability and respectable DPS. It performs well in PvP and PvE. In my Fleet, when we do in fleet PvP, I went from being the lowest damage dealer because I couldn't last long enough to do any significant damage, to being one of the top damage dealers.
Ship build coordinator for The Breakfast Club http://WWW.TBCSTO.COM
Doesn't Owe Anyone EC
Kirks Prot
Derrick - Fed Eng
It can be a cannon boat with enough RCS consoles and Hull Plating with +Turn, but I made a Beam boat with Beam Banks and Arrays. With the Cloak Console you can do a nasty Alpha Strike.
Anyway you go, just have fun.
The cloak from the tactical retrofit. (Yes it is handy in missions),
A set of quad cannons,
An equipment set that will compliment those cannons
4 Dual Heavy cannons in the fore
1 Torpedo in the fore (Hargh'Peng, or Hyper Plasma?)
2 turrets in the rear
1 mine in the rear
- I happen to like to DOT from the Hargh'Peng, yes i have heard that the quantum torpedo is better but I disagree.
- It seems like there is no set for phasers yet; so I am trying to figure out if it is possible to equip the Romulan Quad Plasma Cannons, on the Federation Fleet Battle Cruiser.
- If the "Plasma Quad Cannons" work on the Fleet Avenger then the "Romulan Singularity Harness" would also be nice
- if I can do this I will switch all of my weapons to Plasma.
- I have used the cloak to circumnavigate enemy forces in missions and to gain a tactical advantage.
I like to use Mines as part of my strafing run on an enemy;
1 all guns on auto fire,
2 acquire target,
3 start off primary run from far away at high speed,
4 at 10.5 km engage cannon rapid fire and emergency power to weapons and 5 any other buffs,
6 at 10 km open fire with all cannons,
7 just as you overshoot the enemy, drop your mines and keep going
8 rear turrets keep up the damage as you fly away and so do the mines,
9 at 9km reduce speed to 1/4 impulse and or use evasive maneuvers
10 reverse course
11 increase speed and start second run
12 repeat from 4 until target ceases
You might need to use a few RCS consoles to really make this work for you. I use 2 of them, and 2 boosts to my weapons power although I hope to get rid of 1 of them once I get the Quad cannons since they drain from the engines.
Another winning strategy in PVP is to use the cloak for a devastating first strike.
1 Engage cloak
2 Fly to within 4.5 km of the enemy from behind
3 Buff with Cannon rapid fire and emergency power to weapons and any other tactical buff you want to use
4 Very quickly uncloak, jam sensors, and tractor beam the enemy
5 Open fire with all weapons
6 accelerate as soon as fire is consistently returned by the enemy or if your tractor beam wears off
7 begin strafing run at step 7
I cant help but wonder if i could squeeze a Tachyon Beam attack into step 4
but ya; I am trying to figure out if it is possible to equip the Romulan Quad Plasma Cannons, on the Federation Fleet Battle Cruiser. Since I am poor and need to be frugal, i was wondering if anyone else had done this.
No offense, but this sounds more like a roleplaying build than an optimal one. Here's eight tips:
1. Quad Cannons are widely regarded as suboptimal. They're more than adequate for most content, but if you are building your build around them then you should know that your build will not be the best it can be. Choose Mk XII Dual Heavy Cannons instead.
2. You cannot use the Quad Plasma Cannons on an Avenger because Romulan characters cannot fly an Avenger, and Quad Plasmas are bind-on-pickup, so you can't mail them to a Fed Alt.
3. Forget normal mines. The only mines you should bother with are either tractor mines, the Nukara Mines (for the set bonuses) or the ones that come out of the transphasic cluster torpedo. A mine on your butt is just a loss of DPS that you could've gained from a turret, and lost Tactical abilities that you could've used to keep your cannons as buffed as possible.
4. You shouldn't even be doing "strafing runs" in the first place because the vast majority of targets in the game outside of PVP rarely maneuver at all. Instead you should manage your speed to keep your cannons in-arc and on-target as much as possible, using evasive maneuvers or other movement-enhancing abilities to make it easier for you to stop, reverse and turn, rather than blow past a target just to drop some mines. In a less-maneuverable ship like a Cruiser (even one with many turn-enhancing items), you will have a harder time keeping track of a fast target. Don't make it harder for yourself with maneuvering behavior that's better suited to quick escorts or raiders.
5. The Har'Peng Torpedo is nice if you are having problems keeping up your weapon power, either because you're a tactical or don't have as much access to better gear. Once you start digging into the Reputation system you should replace it with something like the Dyson Torpedo or Romulan Hyper-plasma. Those torpedoes do vastly more overall damage than you'll ever get from the Harpeng's special effect and have set synergy with other pieces.
6. If you're willing to abandon the quad cannons and put some resources into the reputation systems, you can't go wrong with Romulan Plasma. They're probably the most useful non-fleet weapons in the game at the moment. If you can't afford those, the Plasma-Disruptor hybrid weapons are good overall disruptor-type. And if you're willing to abandon cannons entirely, the feature episodes are a great place to farm decent Antiproton Beam gear, as well as good Mk XII mission gear that you can use on any ship.
7. Consider putting a dual beam bank in the front (or use the Experimental Plasma Array from the Romulan Rep, or the Proton Weapon from the Dyson Rep), and using up a tactical slot for Beam Overload 1. That should do more to take down shield facings than any tachyon beam attack you can muster (since you are likely not specced for science powers), and it's more useful generally to do real damage once the shields are down.
8. Speccing for Decloaking Alpha strikes is fine, but once you start digging into the reputation and fleet systems you may end up better off replacing the cloak with something more generally useful. Cloaks are nice for completing missions without a hassle but you con't be doing much with it once the shooting actually starts. Your Avenger isn't fast enough to do Hit-and-run like a defiant, and why would you want to since you're in a beefy cruiser. The Avenger is great for hardcore slugging matches with an emphasis on high output.
I saw her potential as a PvP healboat right off the bat. Commander eng, and 2 lt sci is a healing dream. 5 front weapons, DHC, and ltcom+eng tac gives me plenty of burst damage. Being a sci, I already bring important debuffs to help spike for kills, and some survivability buffs so I can use my heals on others and still have some to fall back on (And they even help the team, to boot)
I run 1 DBB+4DHC, KCB and turrets in the rear, 2x tac team, CRF1, and BO3 doffed for shield penetration. When it's time for a target to die and the call goes out to burst them down, sub nuke+bo+crf+sensor scan on a 4 tac console beast is a crazy amount of destruction for a dedicated healer to be able to spit. I have extend3, a2sif2, 2xHE1 and TSS2. Can't ask for much more healing.
Oh, yeah... DHC's in PvP? Depends... I wouldn't use the Avenger as a damage dealer in PvP... I'd go for an escort. If I was going to try and dogfight in one, I would mix single cannons and DHC, so that I would at least have a cannon or 2 on you at all times, for when I couldn't get into front 45... Or maybe you run DHC better then me and don't need the crutch... Hard to say. I took the singles off my healboat, I have plenty enough turn to spike... I don't feel as tho I could dogfight... but I'm not built for it either...
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
Ya know, im pretty well known in my circle of friends as the guy that can take anything and make it work... but... an avenger healboat?
I think imma pass that torch now, thats... pretty out there. Not to say I dont like the concept, but... *stares blankly*
Fleet Admiral Rylana - Fed Tac - U.S.S Wild Card - Tactical Miracle Worker Cruiser
Lifetime Subscriber since 2012 == 17,200 Accolades = RIP PvP and Vice Squad
Chief of Starfleet Intelligence Service == Praise Cheesus
It is like healing in an Ody that doesn't have to choose between using the ltcom as a tac or a sci... And can actually catch your fool team mates when they get out of range.
It's not crazy, its genius. Or maybe its so crazy its genius. Or so genius its crazy.
Edit: Or like healing in a high damage Ambassador.
Fleet Admiral Space Orphidian Possiblities Wizard
yes you get avenger nacelle. and even avenger skin.
its a great ship
Yeah, I was just going to post this. You get all the options for looks with the fleet avenger.
I use 3x damage control engineers for EptX cooldowns, 2x zemok jenro to reduce APB CD, and a matter antimatter specialist that boosts A2D's duration to 23 secs
Between EptE and A2D, with the maneuvering cruiser command, the thing moves very fast. Omega shields and Solanae engine both have turn rate boosting proc on getting hit, so they seemed like a fun combination for this build. You could also squeeze a lot more turning out of it with different consoles.